My Interview With DeAnna Lorraine On Stew…

Aug 16, 2023

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“Quantum Dots” self-Assemble, Change Colors in Vaxed AND Un-Vaxed Blood!?


Rosalind McGill - Aug 16, 2023 - Edited

Rosalind McGill

Thanks for doing so much work & fighting for humanity with it. God bless you. Tuning in now!


Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Aug 16, 2023 - Edited

Thymus Cures Newsletter

Do you know if they have tested these for cadmium content? I'm concerned about the use of cadmium in QD. It would require silica (to chelate) and zinc (to displace cadmium and prevent cadmium toxicity) supplementation. I've been reading a lot today. It would appear they are metabolize, broken down, within 2 weeks which means we are being constantly exposed to them in order for them to be in everyone's blood.
Technology with these QD is growing. My information may not be the full story but only regarding QD injected into mice.


kaal - Aug 16, 2023 - Edited


read her past articles i think it said cadmium core. and the comments from past articles. and i dont think they broke down she said they have polymer coating. but i dont know science.


Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Aug 16, 2023 - Edited

Thymus Cures Newsletter

Thank you.πŸ™ It would appear they are more stable now and meant to live in us longer. Do you recall if she has tested them in animal blood? Are they in the environment? I remember something about meat and milk having them???
One article I was referring to saying they are metabolized in approx 2 weeks:
2010 - Degradation or excretion of quantum dots in mouse embryonic stem cells
These might not be the same structure, same coating


Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Aug 16, 2023 - Edited

Thymus Cures Newsletter

Comment removed.


Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Aug 16, 2023 - Edited

Thymus Cures Newsletter

Thank you. I rarely get to watch videos and have read only a portion of what you're talking about recently. I appreciate your insight and recommendations.


kaal - Aug 17, 2023


AGENDA 2030- TRACK and TRACE down to the cellular level and TRANSMIT data thru our DNA in real time to control NANO ROBOTICS inside of us. WBAN- wireless body area network. code 802.15.6 IEEE on rumble- nonvaxer420 on odysee- psinergy sabrina wallace This is the agenda- check sources they have this technology and use it- on targeted individuals TI's. It looks like its for your 'health" What is it really?


kaal - Aug 17, 2023


RUMBLE kept stopping this video on stew peters. Then Rumble blocked nonvaxer420. Now Rumble is blocked totally. not available.


bastringue - Aug 18, 2023


It works for me.


kaal - Aug 18, 2023




Reply (1) - Aug 16, 2023

Thymus Cures Newsletter

Comment removed.


Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Aug 16, 2023

Thymus Cures Newsletter

Rickroll Advertisement for "items that will fly off shelves in emergency and how to store them safely infomercial"


Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Aug 16, 2023 - Edited

Thymus Cures Newsletter

Incredible. Absolutely phenomenal work. Have you connected these to the studies done in mice controlling their brains with light? See medical studies below. Also they controlled mice in studies with conductive walls.
"This kind of direct mind control once belonged in science fiction. But with the new technology of optogenetics we can use light to turn on brain cells and activate specific neural “circuits,” allowing us to observe the effect on an animal’s biology or behavior.
Scientists remotely controlled the social behavior of mice with light. The new devices allow complex wireless control of mouse brain activity
"Human Mind Control of Rat Cyborg’s Continuous Locomotion with Wireless Brain-to-Brain Interfacerat implanted with microelectrodes realize human mind control of the rat’s continuous locomotion. The results showed that rat cyborgs could be smoothly and successfully navigated by the human mind to complete a navigation task in a complex" maze.
"Mind-control device lets people alter genes in mice through power of thought. Volunteers in experiment successfully send signal to implant in mouse through brainwaves picked up by wireless headset. A person wearing the device could alter how much protein was made from a gene in the mouse by changing his or her state of mind from concentrating to relaxed or vice-versa."
A Smart Prison Home.
This Conductive Paint Turns Walls Into Giant “SMART HOME." When applied to any wall, makes the surface interactive."
Smart cities with conductive concrete


Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Aug 16, 2023

Thymus Cures Newsletter

"Quantum dot light-emitting diodes as light sources in photomedicine: photodynamic therapy and photobiomodulation"
I have read in other medical articles this light is capable of activating stem cells or block cells from growing, depending on what color light is used.


Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Aug 16, 2023

Thymus Cures Newsletter

Comment removed.


Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Aug 16, 2023

Thymus Cures Newsletter

You're welcome. These might also interest you
Quantum Dots Deliver Vaccines and Invisibly Encode Vaccination History in Skin
How to get quantum dots to stop flashing light
"Quantum dots, discovered in the 1990s, have a wide range of applications and are perhaps best known for producing vivid colors in some high-end televisions. But for some potential uses, such as tracking biochemical pathways of a drug as it interacts with living cells, progress has been hampered by one seemingly uncontrollable characteristic: a tendency to blink off at random intervals."
Colloidal Quantum Dot Photovoltaics: Current Progress and Path to Gigawatt Scale Enabled by Smart Manufacturing
"Colloidal quantum dots (QDs) have lately been pursued with intense vigor for optoelectronic applications such as photovoltaics (PV), flexible electronics, displays, mid-infrared photodetectors, lasers, and single-photon emitters. These nanometer-sized semiconducting crystals can be suitably mass-produced and size-tuned via cost-effective solution-based synthetic routes to operate in the quantum size confinement regime, endowing them with a wide array of exotic optical and electronic properties. While the first potential market entry could be in displays and in niche applications such as “internet-of-things”, ultimately, the technology has the potential to influence large-scale terrestrial power generation, because it is amenable to high-throughput synthesis from Earth-abundant materials and large-area solution-based coating techniques and can be air-stable. In this Review, we chronicle the recent advances that have propelled QD PV toward commercialization and highlight potential areas for further progress. We present an account of the material compositions being explored as QDs and their various benefits, major chemical passivation and doping strategies that have been developed to allay QD surface traps, and advanced device designs deployed to maximize charge extraction. We also discuss pathways to >20% efficient QD PV and describe recent advances in high-precision and autonomous synthesis of such materials. With recent demonstrations of scalable synthesis of high-quality QDs, smart manufacturing of QDs and QD solids, and fabrication of stable solar cells under ambient conditions, we suggest that the technology is on the road to achieving maturity and technological relevance and that gigawatt per year distributed panel production sites may be within reach"


Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Aug 16, 2023

Thymus Cures Newsletter

Comment removed.


Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Aug 16, 2023

Thymus Cures Newsletter



Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Aug 16, 2023 - Edited

Thymus Cures Newsletter

Comment removed.


Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Aug 16, 2023 - Edited

Thymus Cures Newsletter

Please look at the title of this piece. Is this concerning or sensationalized science fear porn?
In practice, bessel beam vortex lasers CAN be used to entangle quantum entities such as photons, atoms, molecules, and quarks
Bessel beam vortex lasers can be found in Microelectronic devices, such as transistors, capacitors, and resistors


Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Aug 16, 2023 - Edited

Thymus Cures Newsletter

Very interesting. Thank you for sharing. Some of those studies were 2019 time. Technology moves fast. It would appear we have the television ones in our blood though, if that is what they are.


Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Aug 16, 2023 - Edited

Thymus Cures Newsletter

What are your thoughts on the article I linked above about turning these lights off temporary? I've been wondering if these lights disrupt imagine devices like ultrasound, cat scan, xray since they are visible light. I would say imaging devices might be equipped with the ability to temporarily shut these lights off but it seems unlikely.
Chelating them is our best for us but I wonder if 810nm+ red light therapy might deactivate them temporarily. If the lights are off, does this make them ineffective at damaging our bodies, gathering data, reactivating with wifi?


Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Aug 16, 2023 - Edited

Thymus Cures Newsletter

Comment removed.


Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Aug 16, 2023 - Edited

Thymus Cures Newsletter

So the article I just linked above titled Quantum Extinction isnt just fear porn? Are bessel beam vortex lasers capable of (I dont even know how to word this) shooting their beam outside of the devices they are in? What would be the conditions required?


Claudia - Aug 16, 2023


This conversation between Heidi and Just Another Opinion is so compelling! Thank you both for asking your questions and sharing your views.


Aug 16, 2023

Comment removed.


Ron - Aug 16, 2023 - Edited


Thank you for making this known. Most concerning of course. If left untreated, blood in the condition you are reporting does not appear survivable for any appreciable length of time.
Depopulation is one thing but if the perpetrators goals extend to creating controlled zombies and/or to redefine what it is to be a human, it make little sense to then have the victims die (as seems likely) from extensive clotting in the near term.
Is there any reason to think that the construction of rubbery like structures in the blood controllable? It does seem to be by design and if so, to what purpose?
BTW: have you tried to dissolve or prevent the clots from forming using DMSO as this dissolves PEG and is beneficial and well tolerated by the human organism at low concentrations.


Haden - Aug 16, 2023


In my opinion these rubbery clots are caused by massive chronic inflammation. Please see video evidence from Dr Robert O Young on Rumble showing the cells starting to spike creating this rubbery substance that binds together causing these clots. The Hydrogel is a solvent that's main and quite possibly only purpose is to help the body evade the toxins but once it fails problems begin. This would make sense given that some people that have had four jabs are still absolutely fine right now. If you plan to wipe out billions you need an incubator, a time realesing system in order to not give the game away.


Laura - Aug 16, 2023

Modern Healthcare

The hydrogel develops at its own pace in everyone, depending on many factors. People who are still asymptomatic won’t be for long. Eventually, the cyborg will take over the human and you’ll see a body but it’s a robot that’s taken over. A real zombie. It’s not transhumanism, that’s the lie they call it to make it sound nice. It’s dehumanizing. The robot kills the host and takes over. For some it’s a smooth transition, nobody notices but some die then the robot keeps growing until the command switch gets turned on, or maybe even exploded.


Marty - Aug 17, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

"in everyone" ? Have you understood how this tech is transmitted from the injected to the psyop survivors ?


Haden - Aug 16, 2023


Thanks for your reply Laura, but I do not subscribe to any of what you have said.


Laura - Aug 16, 2023

Modern Healthcare

Comment removed.


Laura - Aug 16, 2023

Modern Healthcare

adrenaline, catecholamines increase the biofield and connect to the cloud until disconnection, by way of K+ channels. CBD & borax daily is the key oral method. IV EDTA, C, is there IV CBD?


John H. - Aug 16, 2023

John H.

Do you take oral Borax?


Laura - Aug 16, 2023

Modern Healthcare

There are many articles, when searched through brave browser, on it being an essential mineral for all body organs. I recommend brushing the teeth with it, it helps it absorb to nerves then the brain and keeps teeth strong.


John H. - Aug 16, 2023

John H.

It also seems to kill people who have already been damaged by it (sudden death in people with myocarditis from it for example).


Laura - Aug 16, 2023

Modern Healthcare

that's pretty much just an allergic reaction. Add benadryl to above.


bastringue - Aug 19, 2023

That's a guess. The truth is we don't know.


bastringue - Aug 19, 2023

Seems like a good hypothesis. The question is: how do we dissolve those rubbery clots? What are they made of exactly? Everyone is looking at blood right now but it's not blood that is killing people right now; it's those rubbery clots. We need a protocol ASAP not only to purify the blood (which will prevent future clots) but to get rid of the clots that are already there!


Marty - Aug 17, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

I doubt that the clotting is by design, it seems to be an uncontrollable process. Not all who are injected with this crap have clotting issues. What's by design for sure is the self-assembly triggered by EMF.


Ron - Aug 17, 2023

If as Dr. David Nixon found, the "self assembly" is triggered by EMF, then this in itself becomes a control mechanism.


bastringue - Aug 19, 2023

I am interested in DMSO and how it could dissolve those clots. BTW I am confused: is DMSO the same as DMSA?
IMO the real agenda is control and they simply know that 90% of the population won't tolerate the nanotech that they want to inject. People can tolerate some level of foreign stuff but most can't tolerate too much. The first that die or show symptoms are those who don't tolerate the stuff well.


Ron - Aug 19, 2023

No, they are two quite different compounds. I suggested DMSO as an option to be investigated. As yet, there is no proof that it will dissolve the rubbery clots that I am aware of. There are other approaches that you can find online that may yield positive results. These include proteolytic enzymes, chlorine dioxide and ozone.
Take a look at:


bastringue - Aug 21, 2023

I'm not sure I understand the difference between DMSO and DMSA. From what I read, DMSO comes from wood and simply makes whatever you take more powerful.
Is there anything we can think of that really dissolve those rubber clots? I mean... You are right that there are some treatment that seem to protect from future clotting... but what about the damage that's already been done?


Ron - Aug 21, 2023

The researchers are doing there best to find means to dissolve the clots which hopefully will also prevent future clotting but there are still many more questions than we have answer for. Maybe you will find this link useful:


bastringue - Aug 21, 2023

Yeah, the Peter McCullough protocol. However I am not even sure there is a "spike protein" at this point. We need to actually see those rubber clots dissolve. Thanks for the link. I'll take a look at bromelain.


John H. - Aug 16, 2023

John H.

It does seem counterintuitive to force people into taking a substance that kills/disables them and seems to alter them in the direction of trans (fake) humanism/cyborgization for lack of a better word. One wonders if so much death/disability is ongoing, how the transhumanism project is to proceed. This has bothered me for almost 3 years.


Ron - Aug 16, 2023

John H.

Agreed. Dr. Ana's findings indicate that humankind is now rapidly self infecting in a way that will naturally lead to the extinction of nearly all the human race, the more so if other brave researchers in other geographical locations come forward to verify her discoveries.
Assuming that the elite intend to pause the process when a net half billion surviving slaves has been arrived at, it raises the question whether aware researchers should also be looking for a built in control mechanism that can be turned on to halt the clotting, Dr. Nixon’s observation that the structures degrade when placed inside a Faraday cage suggests an initial line of enquiry but that said, we really still don’t know enough about what we are dealing with.
So while I can’t believe I am writing this, one has to presume that the perpetrators are either terminally suicidal or unreservedly believe that they can upload their conscious "beings" to the cloud and happily survive therein.... good luck with that. In the meantime, it seems the human race is undergoing a vast dose ranging experiment from which the transhumanists hope to gain the remaining working knowledge needed to achieve their objectives.
They have had decades to formulate and agree upon their plans while the rest of humanity remains mostly unaware or is playing desperate catch up as to what is being done to them.
While brave independent researchers are absolutely needed and to be supported and encouraged, they too are subject to the frailties of human nature and so unless and until they come together to speak with a unified, coherent, voice, the average “aware” citizen, will have nothing to unite behind to then generate a wave of effective pushback. Unless this is overcome, the camp of the red pilled will continue to be fractured and impotent until it is too late.


bastringue - Aug 19, 2023

"So while I can’t believe I am writing this, one has to presume that the perpetrators are either terminally suicidal or unreservedly believe that they can upload their conscious "beings" to the cloud and happily survive therein"
You forgot another hypothesis. The perpetrators are NOT humans. I know it sounds crazy, but after looking at all the facts, that's where the trail leads. Humanity is attacked, so, we have to consider this option. IMO David Icke is really close to the truth.


Ron - Aug 19, 2023

Yes, no doubt there are other considerations to be taken into account but when under mortal attack whether by beast or by man, the outcome is decided by addressing the fundamentals and not the peripherals. Rightly or wrongly, the latter may only serve to alienate the undecided and weaken the overall response.


John H. - Aug 17, 2023

John H.

Excellent comments/analysis in my view Ron.
I suppose it's possible the perps have an antidote that they are making use of while humanity is being progressively poisoned/turned into cyborgs. Maybe they see it as a huge empirical exercise in which they are carefully recording results of various approaches simultaneously. Whether they think they can upload their minds into the cloud, into some other kind of physical (even non-organic) entity or simply allow it to persist in a progressively cyborgized body is unclear to me. I believe for many reasons which could be discussed much further that the totality of human nature/being is not entirely physical and therefore, death of the actual person would eventually occur with any of these alterations/machinations. We are more than our bodies, including more than our brains.
I agree with Dr. Ana that this is a potentially ELE in the making, whether the perps realize it or not. They are playing with fire. I'm going to add this for those who want to consider all relevant evidence that relates to our current circumstances:
"For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. And if those days had not been shortened, no human being would be saved (some renderings say no flesh would survive): but for the sake of the elect, those days will be shortened", (Matthew 24:21-22. Mark 13:19-20). We have been assured that God will put a stop to it before all life is extinguished but in the interim, billions will likely succumb.
The psychopathic globalist sponsored war on humanity is relentless and pervasive/universal. There has never been anything like it in recorded history which is very reminiscent of, "…there shall be a fourth kingdom on earth, which shall be different from all the kingdoms, (exceedingly terrible), and it shall devour the whole earth, trample it down and break it to pieces", Daniel 7:23. We are seeing this being fulfilled in our lifetimes, IMHO.


Ron - Aug 18, 2023

Again I can only agree with all you have said John. Thank you.
The rudiments of our educational system remains beholden to Newtonian physics (and Darwinism) which severely limits our horizons and provides few of the tools we need to understand or define what life consists of.
Put very simply, I consider, rightly or wrongly, that our brains are “just” the most remarkable interface by which we as conscious beings are able to relate to and operate/survive in the physical realm. Backing up electrical brain activity/patterns/data to the cloud is but a fool’s errand because physical death changes our dwelling place.
The Biblical Scriptures you have quoted certainly feature highly amongst the key descriptions that its 40 authors told us would be present on earth when humanity reaches what many refer to as the “End Times”. Past generations have tried to relate such verses to their times and circumstances and were thus mistaken in their conclusions because with the wisdom of hindsight, we can say they were either premature and failed to factor in all of the predictions, or that some of the contributions to the Bible’s text were in error.
Dr. Ana’s work is therefore not only of vital importance to the survival of humanity, but if as it seems, we are facing the ultimate extinction level event, then by definition, ALL of the End Time prophecies must now be in play or Christianity will be left not knowing which Bible text, or in fact whether any Biblical text can be relied upon.
An objective survey and evaluation of all the key End Time prophecies to determine whether they are in process of fulfilment will certainly assure all those who have placed their hope and faith in such, and show that they have not been mistaken.
Against all odds, Abraham’s descendants, who were driven from the Land of Israel by the Roman’s and exiled amongst the nations, have now re-established themselves in their ancestral homeland. A feat that no other nation has ever achieved, not even close.
Russia, referred to in the Book of Daniel as the King of the North, is coming to its zenith in order to fulfil its final role predicted in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39.
At the same time, the Kings of the East (and China in particular) are building road/rail networks (the Belt and Road initiative) that will enable them to cross the “great river Euphrates” (Revelation 16:12) to advance on Jerusalem as also predicted. Note too that the Euphrates is drying up, as this latter passage requires.
In Luke 21:29-33, these things were collectively referred to nearly 2000 years ago. In these verses, the word “trees” refers to nations, and the “fig tree” to Israel in particular.
29 And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree, and all the trees;
30 When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand.
31 So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand.
32 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.
33 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away
And readers of this substack ought to be aware that the plagues reported by your name sake John in Revelation are now breaking forth.
Of course there are but the tip of the iceberg so to speak, of what will be taking place just before Christ returns, but sadly most Christians are unaware, because such materials are not covered by the MSM.
28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. Luke 21.


John - Aug 16, 2023


They don't need 8 Billion zombies. They want to total population to be half a million.


John H. - Aug 16, 2023

John H.

Half a billion.


Robert - Aug 16, 2023 - Edited

Robert’s Substack

Thanks but where is proof please or SourCe inFo


Ron - Aug 16, 2023 - Edited
Also see Dr. Stanley Jacob -
Hope that helps.


bastringue - Aug 19, 2023 - Edited

I am sorry for this question, but is DMSO the same as DMSA? And do you know where one can buy DMSO and how to take it? Does it work orally? At what dosage? Do we know if it can dissolve the rubbery clots, like those massives ones we saw in the "Died Suddenly" movie?
We need more facts. We don't know for sure what those massive clots are made of, so how can we know how to dissolve them into a live human?


Okisuke - Aug 16, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

Oral EDTA is mostly absorbed in the gut and therefore most of the metals in the gut will be complexed. EDTA applied on your skin is poorly resorbed, therefore IV EDTA is the method to go as mentioned by Dr. Ana several times.
According to the literature and my chelation practitioner, Na2EDTA is specifically used for hypercalcemia or digitalis induced arrhytmia.
"Use of a Calcium Chelating Agent (NaEDTA)in Cardiac Arrhythmias"
CaNa2EDTA has the best safety profile and you usually only infuse 1 g of CaNa2EDTA per hour.
So for my 2g it took me at least 2 hours.


Haden - Aug 16, 2023


Thanks for the information however, the average Joe can't afford EDTA Choletion that you recommend.


Okisuke - Aug 16, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

In this case medical tourism might be an option. Bangkok hospitals are top notch. The staff speaks English and is well educated. Numerous clinics offer chelation with EDTA, some of them with even free online consultation to gather info about the treatment and costs.


John - Aug 16, 2023


That's good info for some folks, but still beyond many peoples means.
How much is roundtrip airfare to Bangkok?


Okisuke - Aug 16, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

Depends on where you live. Worst case scenario. You live in New York. Outbound flight on Nov. 5 (22hrs), return flight on Nov. 19. (22 hrs) Total cost of roundtrip with Asiana airlines would be only 1089 $.


John - Aug 16, 2023


Oh, just a few hundred more than my gross monthly income!
And then how much more for the procedure?


Okisuke - Aug 16, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

Around 500 $ for 5 EDTA chelation sessions. That's still 30 % cheaper than in Europe. If you can't afford any form of treatment, then you have to find a solution by yourself.


Haden - Aug 16, 2023


I suspect he was being sarcastic, John, hence my similar response.


Haden - Aug 16, 2023


Sounds great, I'll just fly 6,000 miles to get my blood cleaned, brilliant idea, thanks


Okisuke - Aug 16, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

I did medical tourism in 2022 to get an ozone treatment and was still able to do some sightseeing. It also depends on the severity of your symptoms. Maybe in your case you don't need any treatment at all. And Thailand was only an example. There's Brazil, Mexico, Czech Republic and Malaysia as well.


John H. - Aug 16, 2023

John H.

There is also the problem of how to know if the practitioner in question is properly trained for this application.


Okisuke - Aug 16, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

Common sense. Check his/her certificates. Read customer reviews. Request a free consultation with some prepared questions.


bastringue - Aug 18, 2023

Oral, skin, IV... You forgot one: rectal! I think it should work.
As for oral, some people had good results with it.


kaal - Aug 16, 2023


Someone found blood treated with cbd DID NOT develop hydrogel. He posted in last article. comment section !!!


Robert - Aug 16, 2023

Robert’s Substack

Thanks but need more proof pls


kaal - Aug 16, 2023


i suggested below his comment that others test themself/ try to replicate. comment was by agent freak nasty [lol i think} on previous article by dr ana


Theara - Aug 16, 2023 - Edited

Theara’s Newsletter

Karen Kingston revealed all of that , all the Qdots, luciferase, the fake spike, the PEG and hydrogels and Graphene in the Patents and revealed to the world all the nano technology they inject to us, with thousands of evidences and patents from the perpetrators themselves , and now she is chased by " someone," big that wants to kill her . Did you see her video, in Mexique, guys? please talk about her and give us new from Karen Dr Ana ! Can you join her? Thank you


John - Aug 16, 2023


Did you see the email from the guy claiming to be her brother and saying this is a private family matter and neither her nor her son are missing and she has Malaria and is in need of treatment?
He goes on very strangely tells us to stop speculating and stop praying for her.
He is operating his own Substack, but I can't recall the name of it.
I will have to look for the site name and post again.
So weird, what sort of brother would demand people stop praying for his sister?!!


Theara - Aug 18, 2023

Theara’s Newsletter


Theara - Aug 18, 2023

Theara’s Newsletter

oui je lai lu..
il na pas dit d'arreter de prier , ceci dit. il dit d' arreter de 'politiser l'affaire
Malone a fait un grand post sur substack ou il met 4 pages de déclarations de ce que il n'a pas fait, pas dit et ce que il a dit au frere, etc..
comment savoir? j'en sais rien
mais pourquoi aucune nouvelle de Karen depuis le 6 aout??
, elle n'est pas 'revenue aux Etats Unis?


Seeking Truth - Aug 28, 2023

Seeking Truth

So there is no spike protein? The frontline Drs are all saying there is. Is this a lie or are they misinformed? What about those with long covid?


Robert - Aug 17, 2023

Robert’s Substack

People we needmore cures


bastringue - Aug 19, 2023

Yes yes yes. We need to stop guessing and find cures that work.


Robert - Aug 17, 2023

Robert’s Substack

People we news more cures


Robert - Aug 17, 2023

Robert’s Substack

PEOPLE WAKE UP please. How about some scientific method read tested and REPEATABLE CURES. For QD.HydrogelPEG/CDM. and magnetic rGO. As per Dr As findings in the live blood draw vials. VitConly removes GO NOT PEG or QD. Keep researching Heidi and all . TY


bastringue - Aug 19, 2023

Yes, yes, yes! That's exactly what we need.
Dr Ana, if you are reading this: you can help thousands of people at your clinic with IV EDTA, but you could help billions with good double-blind studies that test some cures and watch what happen in the blood with those. We need to know how much oral EDTA can help, how much DMSO can help, how much whatever else can help. We need it now! People are dying...


Theara - Aug 16, 2023

Theara’s Newsletter

Dr Ana, do you have news of Karen Kingston who made a terrible video in Mexique telling she was on a death list ? Shewas obviously sincere and very scared
Why is no body is speaking FOR her or about her except Mike Adams and some channels on Bitchute?
Is she safe? can you join her?
Thank you


Apologetic Yankee - Aug 16, 2023 - Edited

Apologetic Yankee

Absolutely it would be fantastic if (s)elected Puppets We look towards to defend & protect would actually do the job they're sworn to do > however far too often what We see is when becomming proactively involved to such degree only yields targeting > thus another plausible narrative addressing the persistent apathy.
I had no idea lobbying in Sacramento several years ago for the Rosalind Peterson (RIPπŸ™) Agricultural Defense Coalition/ZeroGeoEngineering anti Climate Engineering Language (sponsored by R.I. the 1 & only State to my knowledge) would be the primary catylst in changing my life as it has > most certainly not in ways for which have been welcomed.


Juli Mination - Aug 16, 2023

Juli’s Substack

Of course it’s horrible and has nothing to do with Health or care...
Microsoft File for a Patent for a Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity with a Publication Number WO-2020-060606
PATENT: US-9539210-B2 – READ – Vaccine Nanotechnology – Why Was Vaccine Nanotechnology Developed? What Does Section 9 of This Patent Read? “In some embodiments, the small molecule is a toxin. In some embodiments, the toxin is from a chemical weapon, an agent of biowarfare or a hazardous environmental agent.”
PATENT: CN112220919A – READ – Nano Coronavirus Recombinant Vaccine Taking Graphene Oxide as Carrier –
PATENT: US-9539210-B2 – READ – Methods and Systems of Prioritizing Treatments, Vaccination, Testing and / or Activities While Protecting the Privacy of Individuals – Why Was This Technology Developed?
PATENT: WO-2020-060606 – READ – WO2020060606 – Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data – Why Was This Technology Developed by Microsoft?
Why Did MIT Develop Quantum Dots Capable of Storing Your Medical And Financial Information Under Your Skin? – READ –
Why Did MIT Develop Central Bank Digital Currencies Designed to Work withwww.Quant.NetworkTechnology? – READ –
PATENT: WO-2015-199784A2 – Systems and Methods for Injectable Devices – Why Did Harvard’s (now convicted) Charles M. Lieber Create a U.S. Patent for Using 5G Radiation to Vibrate Corona Virus Particles from Preset Nanotubule Containers?
What Are Luciferase-Based Biosensors in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic? – READ –
PATENT: US-9828416B2 – READ – Modified Polynucleotides for the Production of Secreted Proteins –
What Are Graphene-Based Sensors for Human Health Monitoring? – READ –
PATENT: US-2012-0250948A1 – READ – System and Method for Biometric Identification using Ultraviolet (UV) Image Data –
PATENT: WO-2015-199784A2 – READ – Systems and Methods for Injectable Devices –
PATENT – WO-2020-160397 – READ – Methods of Preparing Lip Nanoparticles –
PATENT – US-2013-0251618 A1 – READ – Method for Making Semiconducting Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes –
PATENT – US-2012-0228565 A1 – READ – Method for Preparing Surface-Modified Semiconducting And Metallic Nanoparticles Having Enhanced Dispersibility In Aqueous Media –
PATENT – US-2010-0216804 A1 – READ – Long Circulating Nanoparticles for Sustained Release of Therapeutic Agents –
PATENT – US-2012/0265001A1 – READ – Composite Magnetic Nanoparticle Drug Delivery System –
PATENT: US-6506148B2 | Why Does A Patent for Nervous System Manipulation By Electromagnetic Fields from Monitors Exist? –
Asset 5@3xThe mRNA-modifying vaccines are the entry point to transhumanism.
– Dr. Robert Malone
The original “inventor” of mRNA and DNA vaccines


Claudia - Aug 16, 2023


Wow. Thank you for researching and sharing these.


Sky - Aug 20, 2023

Dr Mihalcea, I have a question and I need answers. Has anyone done studies on an unvaxed female having unprotected sex with a vaxed male? Does the sperm carry the nanotechnology? Can an unvaxed person be poisoned with nanotechnology thru sexual intercourse? What about the blood of babies born to one or both vaxed parents? What are the genetic implications? Is the baby 'normal'? What is the lifespan of that baby?


Ron - Aug 19, 2023

Yes, no doubt there are other considerations to be taken into account but when under mortal attack whether by beast or by man, the outcome is decided by addressing the fundamentals and not the peripherals. Rightly or wrongly, the latter may only serve to alienate the undecided and weaken the overall response.


Anita Söderman - Aug 19, 2023

Anita’s Substack

Bravissima Ana and thank you ever so much for your groundbreaking and decisive findings.Humanity will owe you a lot in the end!


Paul F. - Aug 18, 2023


Doctor, here is a solution. Video proof of the removal of graphene? Maybe? 26 minutes.


kaal - Aug 18, 2023


debunked i heard.



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