Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 16, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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“Quantum Dots” self-Assemble, Change Colors in Vaxed AND Un-Vaxed Blood!? Dr Mihalcea bombshells!
Great to be invited back with DeAnna Lorraine. It gives me great hope that people like DeAnna are interested in this topic of nanotechnology and dare to cover it. Remember, DeAnna Lorraine is a Conservative Republican, “anti-establishment” Congressional Candidate who ran against political Goliath Nancy Pelosi in California’s 12th Congressional District (San Francisco) in 2020…
Wouldn’t it be great if our elected politicians cared about this topic too and discussed it? It is the biggest undiscussed elephant in the room …
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Rosalind McGill - Aug 16, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Thanks for doing so much work & fighting for humanity with it. God bless you. Tuning in now!
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Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Aug 16, 2023
Thymus Cures Newsletter
Incredible. Absolutely phenomenal work. Have you connected these to the studies done in mice controlling their brains with light? See medical studies below. Also they controlled mice in studies with conductive walls.
"This kind of direct mind control once belonged in science fiction. But with the new technology of optogenetics we can use light to turn on brain cells and activate specific neural “circuits,” allowing us to observe the effect on an animal’s biology or behavior.
Scientists remotely controlled the social behavior of mice with light. The new devices allow complex wireless control of mouse brain activity
"Human Mind Control of Rat Cyborg’s Continuous Locomotion with Wireless Brain-to-Brain Interfacerat implanted with microelectrodes realize human mind control of the rat’s continuous locomotion. The results showed that rat cyborgs could be smoothly and successfully navigated by the human mind to complete a navigation task in a complex" maze.
"Mind-control device lets people alter genes in mice through power of thought. Volunteers in experiment successfully send signal to implant in mouse through brainwaves picked up by wireless headset. A person wearing the device could alter how much protein was made from a gene in the mouse by changing his or her state of mind from concentrating to relaxed or vice-versa."
A Smart Prison Home.
This Conductive Paint Turns Walls Into Giant “SMART HOME." When applied to any wall, makes the surface interactive."
Smart cities with conductive concrete
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