My Interview On TNT Radio On The Hrvoje Morić…

Sep 14, 2023

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This was a great discussion with Hrvoje Moric on TNT Radio.


Proton Magic - Sep 14, 2023 - Edited

Proton Magic & Co.

Dear Ana, I’ve asked you before on my notes and on your comments. Myself and the few thousand persons who subscribe to my SS would like to know your position on if Sars-CoV-2 has been shown to exist as a particle virus or not, and if it does pls provide reference, and if not, why.
I’ve asked you 3 times and your non reply is hard to understand.


michael janket - Sep 14, 2023 - Edited

michael janket

If you had based your academic career getting a PhD in "virology" and you had to face the onrushing terrain theory situation, how would any person feel and react? You were raised on germ theory and now somebody took away your mother and you feel berefted, lost, lonely, and maybe even angry. Today's dentists now know that fluoride applied to teeth with some being swallowed is not a good idea. I have not read the papers on this subject but how would said dentist feel if after taking care of said person who strangely seemed to be "losing it" a little bit at a time over a 20 year period? Starting with unknowns, doing peer reviewed research, and then presenting the conclusion to the world is a huge responsibility subjected to the possibility of being wrong-researchers know who's been naughty and who's been nice. No shame in being wrong if you followed the map correctly but botched the conclusion. That's the nature of research and Dr. Ana has NOTHING to be ashamed of anything she's done and will do. Imperfect beings do imperfect research but this is still deserving of credit for the efforts expended to reach point X. We all need to see the overall sterling character of Dr Ana's research and her devotion to better humanity. I wouldn't make an issue out of her being mum on the subject of her research. She can play on my team any day of the week. Bravo, I say.


Proton Magic - Sep 15, 2023 - Edited

Proton Magic & Co.

This is the major paper that virus was said to be found, and the PCR was base on:
It is not complex but unfortunately doesn't find and identify a particle. Anyone deep in the Covid space like Ana should be aware of the finding or non finding of the "virus" because that is what the entire "pandemic" and shots are based on. Since the virus is said to be infecting billions of persons with millions of variants it should be easy to state where a purified and identified particle was found.
If you can't clearly denote where/how it was found-which is Ana's current reply status- that means it has not been found which would be a profound conclusion. If I am mistaken and she has it found I would just like to see the paper and where it shows that in the methods. Not having this information is incongruent with her high-level medical and analytic skills, and taking up band-width from that crucial point. If everyone knew there was no virus that is more earth shaking.


Crosby Guy - Sep 18, 2023 - Edited

Proton Magic & Co.

She is aware, and has repeatedly mentioned that it has never been isolated, plus the swab used in the PCR test is covered with the same hydrogel causing the clots.


Proton Magic - Sep 19, 2023 - Edited

Proton Magic & Co.

What % of people do you think know that means the virus story is a fabrication from the word "isolation" and won't get a shot? Its quite low. Even genomicists I meet in the flesh say, "genetics tell us there is a virus as it is 99% related to prior coronaviruses, that's why I got all my shots". The complexity about nanotech after a short "no isolation" statement wont stop the believers.


Nemes - Sep 14, 2023

Proton Magic & Co.

She has a site where she answers the question.


Proton Magic - Sep 15, 2023

Proton Magic & Co.

Cant easily find that, pls show us if you know.


Nemes - Sep 15, 2023

Proton Magic & Co.


Proton Magic - Sep 15, 2023

Proton Magic & Co.

Thanks I got to analyze that in the interim:
She clearly says virus has not been isolated but only quickly and with no clarity of what that means. My concern is that one quick statement isn’t going to hit home for the masses, and the complexity about MAC addresses and D-dimer levels etc, the nano tech being able to communicate etc will just go right over the heads of the vast majority of our populations who will shrug, “well there’s still a dangerous virus and I don’t wanna get it”. This is what I hear over and over from dozens-hundreds of persons in my personal and professional life (not on-line people). Since we have been seeped deeply in this for a 3+ yrs we forget that the masses are medically and scientifically, illiterate (even doctors, nurses and PhD level people can’t get it), and politically unaware and indoctrinated into many falsehoods. The propaganda strategists are happy for Ana to talk 24-7 about nanotech that few people can understand or believe. The planners do not need everyone to be a sheep to take over, maybe only a majority of the population. I would be more favorable if Ana was vociferous about no virus, not just one word “isolation” that most people do not equate with “no virus has been found”.
"So it's not isolated but it's found inside there. I know it is, I saw the photo."


Seeking Truth - Sep 14, 2023

Seeking Truth

where is it?


Original Lisa - Sep 14, 2023

Pamela Raditsch

Interesting question. Should be easy enough to answer. On another note, I’m confused by the title on the video; “Listen Back to Me on TNT Radio”. What does that even mean?


Pamela Raditsch - Sep 14, 2023

Pamela Raditsch

Looks like a typo to me


Proton Magic - Sep 14, 2023 - Edited

Proton Magic & Co.

Comment removed.


Proton Magic - Sep 15, 2023 - Edited

Proton Magic & Co.

Do you mean the venom in the water story or the "virus" is venom?


Proton Magic - Sep 15, 2023 - Edited

Proton Magic & Co.

Comment removed.


Proton Magic - Sep 15, 2023 - Edited

Proton Magic & Co.

Well I dont disagree with you, but there is a war of thought going on and we need to look at who is doing what or you will lose out. The planners of this pandemic mess (biosecurity state) have made many detractors, distractors, and confusers). Like Ardis' venom in the water. Did you notice pets and kids getting envenomated (meaning sudden bleeding out). No-not to mention no one can make enough venom to poison the water not have it last, not poison you by drinking venoms which are peptides that are digested into nutrition for you. Venom in the water is NoNsEnSe, and adding to confuse you from the fact that there no Covid virus has been found. Once you get the propaganda the confusion in the world clears up for you.


Reply (1) - Sep 15, 2023 - Edited

Proton Magic & Co.

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Reply (1) - Sep 15, 2023

Proton Magic & Co.

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Margie Chism - Sep 15, 2023

Margie Chism

Dr. David Martin at EU Parliament in Strasbourg:Expert Panel about WHO's power grab! Wed, Sept. 13th β–


peter pankova - Sep 15, 2023 - Edited

Dr. Ana, please how to demagnetize a jabbed relative?
What protocol is good to demagnetize an injected person?


Nemes - Sep 15, 2023 - Edited



peter pankova - Sep 15, 2023 - Edited

Please, could you share protocol and sources? The person had Glutathione IV, summer 2022, but it did not work.


Nemes - Sep 15, 2023 - Edited

la quinta columna is the source. They say about glutation as an antidote for graphene oxide. They also recommend NAC, quercitin, vit D3, etc. How many glutation IV did he take?


peter pankova - Sep 16, 2023 - Edited

The person had 9-10 times IV in 2022. What was posted by La Quinta or Ricardo Delgado might have worked for some people in the beginning. If you don't know someone personally who demagnetized you rely on that video information, which is not helping many. That treatment is oral so it cannot be effective as IV. Some people looked to make money than to really help like Dr. Ariyana


Nemes - Sep 17, 2023 - Edited

I had today a talk with Ariana about glutation IV. She said is worthless and said best way is to determine our body to make it. It seems to be a good idea.


peter pankova - Sep 17, 2023 - Edited

She tried to sell out the expensive Redox molecule without mentioning great results for demagnetization, yet she is criticizing the other treatments. Just imagine how many human lives could have been healed by now if there was no critics. Sometimes you wonder if the truthers are really out there. Many doctors are just talk about what's going on, but they are not giving specific and affordable protocols to demagnetize people.


BlazeCloude3 - Sep 14, 2023 - Edited


Fighting the good fight and giving the Demons Wearing Human Being Suits
the hell they deserve.


j d - Sep 14, 2023

RAMTHA 16th april 1989 gave us the cure ..
AZURINE .. which today is called


peter pankova - Sep 19, 2023

It says nowhere that Copper is helpful to demagnetize jabbed people.


Rosalind McGill - Sep 14, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Looking forward to listening.


j d - Sep 14, 2023

It’s literally 2 min long


Crosby Guy - Sep 18, 2023

Thanks for your news letters, it's so helpful.


peter pankova - Sep 15, 2023

Dr. Ana, please how to demagnetize a jabbed relative?
What protocol is good to demagnetize an injected person?


j d - Sep 15, 2023

RAMTHA gave us the cure for all
April 16th 1989 ..AZURINE
now called
COLLOIDAL COPPER .. in this 2 min
video ..


Lisa - Sep 14, 2023


I cannot access via the link. I get "Forbidden".


BKBlair - Sep 14, 2023 - Edited


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BKBlair - Sep 14, 2023 - Edited


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BKBlair - Sep 14, 2023 - Edited


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BKBlair - Sep 14, 2023 - Edited


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BKBlair - Sep 14, 2023


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BKBlair - Sep 15, 2023


Have you located any paper work (records of descendant) in family papers?



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