Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 14, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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This was a great discussion with Hrvoje Moric on TNT Radio.
We discussed Transhumanist Agenda, live blood findings, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology and synthetic biology in the C19 shots. Please click on this link or the image above to listen.
Hrvoje Morić is a Geneva School of Diplomacy graduate, former Professor of International Relations, proud Croatian-American-Mexican, and founder of The Geopolitics & Empire Podcast. With the assistance of experts from around the world, he seeks to critically analyze global affairs and is devoted to examination of the perilous truths of our time.
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Proton Magic - Sep 14, 2023
Proton Magic & Co.
Dear Ana, I’ve asked you before on my notes and on your comments. Myself and the few thousand persons who subscribe to my SS would like to know your position on if Sars-CoV-2 has been shown to exist as a particle virus or not, and if it does pls provide reference, and if not, why.
I’ve asked you 3 times and your non reply is hard to understand.
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Margie Chism - Sep 15, 2023
Margie Chism
Dr. David Martin at EU Parliament in Strasbourg:Expert Panel about WHO's power grab! Wed, Sept. 13th ■
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