all the usual suspects > aluminum, cadmium, lead, mercury > also ck for sulphurs...& evidently mtbe has being seen at excessive levels globally over the last few yrs.
From what I've learned, mtbe is next to impossible to detox from.
Curious if Dr. Ana has suggs addressing mtbe?
I keep my distance from many now, I feel and look a whole lot better for it too with no lethargy and no strange little blood clots coming up from scratches, doing the gardening.
Exception is when I’m with my unjabbed acquaintances at meetings and such.
First they’re acquaintances so no close contact and the same people at the freedom/action meetings I attend are as aware as I am to keep well away from jabbed folk. For the rest of the week, I shoot alone at my club, no more crowded Saturdays and being an old timer I like to do a bit of renovation and gardening around my home. I’m becoming a bit of a hermit the last couple of years actually.
I’m a first aider but I won’t be giving anymore CPR but will use a defibrillator as contact is minimal and if they need a defibrillator, nothing is happening, to my mind. One old Fella collapsed a few months back. Just dislocations, broken fingers and lots of lost bark, so lucky he was lucid and breathing.
Thanks for asking the question because it gave me an opportunity to reflect and possibly fine tune.
"While it’s safe for humans to ingest this chemical, it has been previously linked with cancer growth in cells from breast tumors."
Gosh, I wonder if there are studies that absolved this stuff from growing breast cancer tumors...or is it kind of like vaccines, they say it's safe, so it's "true". 🤷♀️
If you are talking about sucrose octasulfate, it is in a medicine that treats ulcers called Sucralfate:
I do not know how much is absorbed into the body when taking this medicine, as the sucrose octasulfate is bound to aluminium hydroxide and they dissociate from each other in the stomach. I also do not know the safety record of this drug. However it seems that many people do take it, at least in the short term.
*this is not medical advice
On video someone boiled that "monster" drink in can w all the occult anti-christ symbolism- it turned into a black sticky clump. wondering if its black goo/ graphene ?
Great information as always!
What do you think of this latest news about Havana syndrome, Dr. Len Ber and the non-investigative subjects watchlist?
Also do you have any information about where patients can find somewhere to be screened for Havana syndrome? So far all I can find is Dr. Hoffer in Miami.
Thank you, Dr. Ana for your work - however I am confused. You say to stay away from injectibles - but you recommend EDTA IV chelation for detox. If you are familiar with La Quinta Columna - who I have been following closely throughout this genocide, they have a Telegram page dedicated to identifying graphene in just about everything you can think of. this is their channel on Telegram...
Mira al microscopio
and here is a link to get you there.
I've spent hours going back and forth translating their's in Spanish, so most are not bothering to look, but their findings are incredible, truly hideous, it helps that I do know a bit of Spanish...but it is horrifying where it is showing is literally in everything...and found in many, many supplements that we are using to detox...very clever ghoulz - it is everywhere.
Their work is extensive...if you scroll you will see some astonishing research...they have looked everywhere for the graphene and found an example, they tested from unvaxxed sperm to novacaine, hep B's, supplements, found in NAC, fish oils, de-wormer topicals for cats et al. Remember magnetic meat...? I've found many food products to be magnetic...I check everything...It will shock you how the murderous ghoulz have thought of every way possible to get these nanos in our bodies...and they are ramping it up now, "new and improved chemtrails, etc.
Anyway, their website is great too - you can find La Quinta Columna online...just amazing research. And it was Dr. Campra, from the La Quinta team who reached out to Dr. Andreas Noack - the Austrian. world-renowned carbon expert - who identified the graphene HYDROXIDE RAZORS, SUB-ATOMIC SIZED AND the vials.
Dr Noack was literally dragged out of his presentation by the police and mysteriously murdered that very same night. I pay attention when someone is so obviously and brutally silenced. And no one has followed up on Noack's research since...out of fear? I would bet, but again not many have the equipment to even see these razors, but I think this is what we are missing here - doctors can't test for the nano razors, and haven't a clue, because as you say it is a hardware military weapon, but the nano razors are literally slicing the epithelial layers of our blood vessels - and dicing anywhere else that they can get to in the body...and it will NEVER show up in an autopsy.
Here's a Noack vid:
I think this element is a missing component of what we are looking for and dealing with...and few will ever see it.
It would be great if someone as savvy as you could set their eyeballs on this...I think it is something a bombshell/smoking gun. It has haunted me since the day I saw his interview.
And few more vids - yes, I've been obsessed with researching graphene since this horror show started.
Ricardo Delgado is amazing...head of La Quinta
Francis Boyle
Honestly, I am in doubt about any injectables at this point - even IV chelation...they want me to have a Cat scan...that answer is no...injections for my macular degen...pupil slicing? that answer is also no...I know they have poisoned EVERYTHING!!! AND THEY KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THE SOMEWHAT-INFORMED ARE DOING TO MITIGATE THIS HIDEOUS EXTINCTION EVENT...AND THEY ARE SERIOUSLY OUT TO GET THE SENIORS...
In fact, check your zeolite...AND we need to crush and tear apart all supps and stock up...zeolite will not be safe for much longer, if it is NOW...they know exactly what we are trying to counter this kill with and they have captured THOSE MANUFACTURERS as well...
and again, remember that the nano, sub-atomic graphene hydroxide will not be perceptible in testing with magnets, they are the size of an atom...
Thank you again for all you do...and again,
It would be great if someone with your knowledge could set their eyeballs on this...I think it is very significant...perhaps something we've been missing. I do know that it haunts me...wondering if the razors - graphene hydroxide - those atom-sized nano slicing razors are in everything as well...this research keeps me up at night.
Dr. Ana. I would like to report something quite unusual relative to a skin rash and what I observed super-imposed upon it. I am in a 100% vaccinated nursing home frequently to care for my mother, so I have a high probability of exposure transference. Please let me know how I can contact you. Or, I can leave an email alias address here that you can respond to and then delete this thread. Thank you.
(Dec 13 2018) Derek Lovely of University of Massachusetts-Amherst; Hosted by Rice University: "BIOELECTRONICS- Our Bioelectronic Future: Smaller, Smarter, Connected-- Protein Nanowires-- Applications in Sensing, Energy-Harvesting and Wiring Cells to Electronics":
Apologetic Yankee - Feb 20, 2023 - Edited
Apologetic Yankee
Stay strong Purebloods 💪
John Biggins - Feb 20, 2023 - Edited
Apologetic Yankee
I'm unxx ...But wouldn't be surprised if I've some contamination from sources.....must get aa blood test
Apologetic Yankee - Feb 20, 2023
Apologetic Yankee
all the usual suspects > aluminum, cadmium, lead, mercury > also ck for sulphurs...& evidently mtbe has being seen at excessive levels globally over the last few yrs.
From what I've learned, mtbe is next to impossible to detox from.
Curious if Dr. Ana has suggs addressing mtbe?
Grant Wickham - Feb 20, 2023
Grant Wickham
I keep my distance from many now, I feel and look a whole lot better for it too with no lethargy and no strange little blood clots coming up from scratches, doing the gardening.
Exception is when I’m with my unjabbed acquaintances at meetings and such.
Sir Leslie - Feb 21, 2023
Grant Wickham
How do you know your unjabbed friends are not contaminated and shedding as well?
Grant Wickham - Feb 21, 2023
Grant Wickham
First they’re acquaintances so no close contact and the same people at the freedom/action meetings I attend are as aware as I am to keep well away from jabbed folk. For the rest of the week, I shoot alone at my club, no more crowded Saturdays and being an old timer I like to do a bit of renovation and gardening around my home. I’m becoming a bit of a hermit the last couple of years actually.
I’m a first aider but I won’t be giving anymore CPR but will use a defibrillator as contact is minimal and if they need a defibrillator, nothing is happening, to my mind. One old Fella collapsed a few months back. Just dislocations, broken fingers and lots of lost bark, so lucky he was lucid and breathing.
Thanks for asking the question because it gave me an opportunity to reflect and possibly fine tune.
jacquelyn sauriol - Feb 20, 2023
to have my son back to know what HIS dreams are....
jacquelyn sauriol - Feb 20, 2023
i did not make this comment it is borg ok
jacquelyn sauriol - Feb 20, 2023
and this is me
Sparky Sky - Feb 20, 2023
Floating Towards Antarctica
ConcernedGrammy - Feb 22, 2023
Floating Towards Antarctica
"While it’s safe for humans to ingest this chemical, it has been previously linked with cancer growth in cells from breast tumors."
Gosh, I wonder if there are studies that absolved this stuff from growing breast cancer tumors...or is it kind of like vaccines, they say it's safe, so it's "true". 🤷♀️
Sparky Sky - Feb 22, 2023
Floating Towards Antarctica
If you are talking about sucrose octasulfate, it is in a medicine that treats ulcers called Sucralfate:
I do not know how much is absorbed into the body when taking this medicine, as the sucrose octasulfate is bound to aluminium hydroxide and they dissociate from each other in the stomach. I also do not know the safety record of this drug. However it seems that many people do take it, at least in the short term.
*this is not medical advice
Sparky Sky - Feb 22, 2023
Floating Towards Antarctica
Oh you probably mean graphene. From what I understand there are studies showing its toxicity to human cells.
kaal - Feb 20, 2023
On video someone boiled that "monster" drink in can w all the occult anti-christ symbolism- it turned into a black sticky clump. wondering if its black goo/ graphene ?
Brian Moonan - Feb 21, 2023
The logo is Hebrew symbols for 666.
-|- •=• |> |> - Mar 23, 2023
Great information as always!
What do you think of this latest news about Havana syndrome, Dr. Len Ber and the non-investigative subjects watchlist?
Also do you have any information about where patients can find somewhere to be screened for Havana syndrome? So far all I can find is Dr. Hoffer in Miami.
Pasheen Stonebrooke - Mar 1, 2023
Diva Drops
Thank you, Dr. Ana for your work - however I am confused. You say to stay away from injectibles - but you recommend EDTA IV chelation for detox. If you are familiar with La Quinta Columna - who I have been following closely throughout this genocide, they have a Telegram page dedicated to identifying graphene in just about everything you can think of. this is their channel on Telegram...
Mira al microscopio
and here is a link to get you there.
I've spent hours going back and forth translating their's in Spanish, so most are not bothering to look, but their findings are incredible, truly hideous, it helps that I do know a bit of Spanish...but it is horrifying where it is showing is literally in everything...and found in many, many supplements that we are using to detox...very clever ghoulz - it is everywhere.
Their work is extensive...if you scroll you will see some astonishing research...they have looked everywhere for the graphene and found an example, they tested from unvaxxed sperm to novacaine, hep B's, supplements, found in NAC, fish oils, de-wormer topicals for cats et al. Remember magnetic meat...? I've found many food products to be magnetic...I check everything...It will shock you how the murderous ghoulz have thought of every way possible to get these nanos in our bodies...and they are ramping it up now, "new and improved chemtrails, etc.
Anyway, their website is great too - you can find La Quinta Columna online...just amazing research. And it was Dr. Campra, from the La Quinta team who reached out to Dr. Andreas Noack - the Austrian. world-renowned carbon expert - who identified the graphene HYDROXIDE RAZORS, SUB-ATOMIC SIZED AND the vials.
Dr Noack was literally dragged out of his presentation by the police and mysteriously murdered that very same night. I pay attention when someone is so obviously and brutally silenced. And no one has followed up on Noack's research since...out of fear? I would bet, but again not many have the equipment to even see these razors, but I think this is what we are missing here - doctors can't test for the nano razors, and haven't a clue, because as you say it is a hardware military weapon, but the nano razors are literally slicing the epithelial layers of our blood vessels - and dicing anywhere else that they can get to in the body...and it will NEVER show up in an autopsy.
Here's a Noack vid:
I think this element is a missing component of what we are looking for and dealing with...and few will ever see it.
It would be great if someone as savvy as you could set their eyeballs on this...I think it is something a bombshell/smoking gun. It has haunted me since the day I saw his interview.
And few more vids - yes, I've been obsessed with researching graphene since this horror show started.
Ricardo Delgado is amazing...head of La Quinta
Francis Boyle
Honestly, I am in doubt about any injectables at this point - even IV chelation...they want me to have a Cat scan...that answer is no...injections for my macular degen...pupil slicing? that answer is also no...I know they have poisoned EVERYTHING!!! AND THEY KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THE SOMEWHAT-INFORMED ARE DOING TO MITIGATE THIS HIDEOUS EXTINCTION EVENT...AND THEY ARE SERIOUSLY OUT TO GET THE SENIORS...
In fact, check your zeolite...AND we need to crush and tear apart all supps and stock up...zeolite will not be safe for much longer, if it is NOW...they know exactly what we are trying to counter this kill with and they have captured THOSE MANUFACTURERS as well...
and again, remember that the nano, sub-atomic graphene hydroxide will not be perceptible in testing with magnets, they are the size of an atom...
Thank you again for all you do...and again,
It would be great if someone with your knowledge could set their eyeballs on this...I think it is very significant...perhaps something we've been missing. I do know that it haunts me...wondering if the razors - graphene hydroxide - those atom-sized nano slicing razors are in everything as well...this research keeps me up at night.
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Mar 1, 2023
I agree La Quinta Columna is wonderful research. Yes it is in everything including being sprayed on us.
Astrapto - Feb 23, 2023
As per this interview the US EPA only measures down to 2 micron nothing smaller. 40,000,000 tonnes of nano particulates are dispersed globally annually -
RJ - Feb 21, 2023
Dr. Ana. I would like to report something quite unusual relative to a skin rash and what I observed super-imposed upon it. I am in a 100% vaccinated nursing home frequently to care for my mother, so I have a high probability of exposure transference. Please let me know how I can contact you. Or, I can leave an email alias address here that you can respond to and then delete this thread. Thank you.
Rabbitgurl formerly SL - Feb 20, 2023
(Dec 13 2018) Derek Lovely of University of Massachusetts-Amherst; Hosted by Rice University: "BIOELECTRONICS- Our Bioelectronic Future: Smaller, Smarter, Connected-- Protein Nanowires-- Applications in Sensing, Energy-Harvesting and Wiring Cells to Electronics":
ConcernedGrammy - Feb 22, 2023
Some of the Davos videos are creepy frightening, too.
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