Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Feb 20, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Image Courtesy: Dr. David Nixon, C19 Pfizer vial under Darkfield Microscope
My interview starts at 15 min in.
Metal Wetware Contamination, Nanotechnology in C19 Shots and Shedding
Tom Quinn has be back on the show to discuss some of the findings of metal wetware from geoengineering and vaccine shots, the possible adverse health effects and the underlying agenda. I explain the Hydrogel/ Graphene/ Metals synthetic biology in context of the transhumanist agenda.
We discuss the reality of shedding that is affecting all and possible solutions for these multifaceted problems.
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Apologetic Yankee - Feb 20, 2023
Apologetic Yankee
Stay strong Purebloods 💪
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Grant Wickham - Feb 20, 2023
Grant Wickham
I keep my distance from many now, I feel and look a whole lot better for it too with no lethargy and no strange little blood clots coming up from scratches, doing the gardening.
Exception is when I’m with my unjabbed acquaintances at meetings and such.
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