Why the hell would anyone let anybody inject anything into their bodies?
There isn’t now, nor has there ever been, and there shall never be anything that’s safe and effective that’s jabbed into your body. Nothing. None. Nil.
Read and learn the history of the criminal and barbaric act they affectionately call vaccination
Well if u have a massive tooth issue even tho u take good care of yourself with non toxic toothpaste like botanical clay and stuff …u go to the dentist to remove the tooth and they inject u so u won’t feel the pain..well your injected
There are homeopathic protocols that can fix dental issues. You can take symphytum 12c or 12x, and Calc Phos 3x, and if you still need to have the tooth pulled you can take arnica before and after the procedure with something like hypericum for the pain. Homeopathy works!
yep! That’s the problem.
A root infection will make you run to the dentist believe me, or you’ll have to grab the pliers and take care of business at home like the good old days.
There are "dentists" and there are dentists. Suffering from serious dental issues myself, I am hopeful I can make it to a dentist that is part of the "International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology" (iaomt.org). They can refer you to biological dentists close to your location.
The difference might simply be, that one injection is for something that you are already suffering with - you will agree, because you don't want the pain. The other injection is based on a possibility that does not exist at the time of the injection. The problem is the pre-emptive one. You get something you don't know of what it is - for something you don't know if you will ever get it. However, one can never know what is in whatever injection. That is practically impossible.
That sucks because I already got injected at the dental..I don’t think it’s the same as the vaccines or they would simply never ask u to get injected…but probably poison with micro bots
I share Your thoughts. While I urge people now to only visit dentistst that do "biological dentistry", it could be alleged that the worst stuff is first done to patients that have to visit dental buses, or dental clinics for medicaid recipients. If You had dental work done by a decent dentist, chances are that You are okay. But time works against us on this one.
i guess we could get our blood tested for mrna because there is no way of telling if we are now vaccinated...i think these nanobots were the main objective to get it in everyones blood stream but those who got injected were 100 times more powerfull then these dentist anesthesia...yes i got mine done at a known dental clinic but still...i hope for the worse on these goons
Did You sign an indemnity agreement prior to treatment? This is where people need to get active and demand an end to that practice. Only when healthcare professionals are made liable for their actions, there is a chance that they won't use anything on you that could cause a backlash to them. Without liability, they can care less what will happen to you based on substances they inject you with.
I had time to read SOME of this, and was horrified, just how far back these charlatans went and were lauded and
And very hard to pierce now, having gained such momentum.
The bible talks about 'a ready answer' but is referring to faith, but we need that 'ready answer' to whenever this
topic comes up where we might say something. It has to be 'short' and 'sweet', ie. to the point, yet as
understanding and non-offensive as possible.
We have power sometimes, but I've seen people abuse or throw it away.
And then there's NASA, another arm of this.
Problem is IF you need surgery - what do you do?
It’s not like you can be awake without pain relief…it’s a real issue.
Wish the “good” doctors ran hospitals we could go to.
They make a lot of money for the vaxes they peddle.
Just search for Blue Cross vaccination fee schedule for providers.
They even incentivize them with bonuses.
It’s a revenue stream.
Allopathic medicine is mostly All Pathetic!
Drug peddlers - not curative.
Unfiltered water must be contaminated. (don't know what kind of filter eliminates it). It's in rainwater (presumably from geoengineering). It's been found in meat. Shouldn't we assume it's now ubiquitous? It must be in everything (after a certain date).
Not to get too paranoid (although given DOD/DARPA it is impossible to be too paranoid) but how do you know that the CIA isn't sneeking you bioweaponized samples or intercepting your data streams to make everything look bioweaponized?
I am assuming that its in everything. It’s self replicating and obviously out of control. I think of the movie annihilation... it’s trying to impersonate our different cells and dna and turn us into some synthetic soulless chimera.
I started with a half teaspoon to a teaspoon and a half of castor oil daily. A teaspoon a day is the highest recommended dose drink lots of water. It will clean out the intestines and clear up joint pain and inflammation.
I do regular cleanses with gum spirits of turpentine. It is the only thing that fully eradicates the side effects of brain fog and inflammation. It has taken away all my joint and muscle pain alpI take a lot of supplements along with iodine supplement and have recovered from near death. I never got the shot just covid, but had been on pharmaceuticals for years before that which I am sure contributed to my toxicity and slow immune system.
I started with half a teaspoon T to a tablespoon castor oil. I worked my way up to a teaspoon of T with a tablespoon castor oil. I take it at least bi monthly for the 5 days of the new and full moon cycles g2days the day of and 2 days after). At my most toxic I took it daily with zero adverse effects. I’ve been using it for 2 years now. I no longer get sick and all my joint pain has disappeared. I no longer have ADD or asthma symptoms and way more energy. I believe it is a miracle.
Yes, I think NAC is also one of the God-given "helps" we have. Anybody ever check out DMSO (the one that is therapeutic from wood) to dissolve the polymers? and also bentonite clay to pull out (internally) the heavy toxic metals and chemicals .....with a high cation (pulling power of the clay) it can do wonders to pull out toxins.....as long as pushing it through the body with plenty of water and a natural laxative? Lau'ana L.
Yes, I have read, heard all these suggestions. I own all these helps. I just haven't figured exactly how, how much, to use them all. I take NAC, did a three week of chlorine dioxide. I have but don't know how to use DMSO. It seems nobody ever shares "exactly" how to use everything!
Hi Joel,
No Paranoia, I am 100% certain that's not the case as we are all finding the same blue fibres globally.
I have been challenging people to do simple skin tests for quite a while now and its been a 100% positive strike rate for months now. Simple and cheap and no excuse for anyone willing to look for themselves to quash any doubts they may have as to the veracity of these claims.
Just hoping to find someone uncontaminated these days, however forlorn that hope may be.
The puzzlement must be for many who watch csi etc , how come the global criminal fibre database operators of Interpol and the likes haven't bought this to everyone's attention as these are now environmental and being shed in general by humanity therefor must be at every crime scene?
What skin test? And u prob can’t avoid it until they stop doing it..looks like edta and vitamin C are the only options to protect your self and become uncontaminated …as Dr Ana stated…and take colloidal gold daily to kill the nano bots
Yes, Joe....agree with you that EDTA and Vitamin C is also very good to take nowadays. I have been using colloidal silver also as it is easier available to obtained for me. Detox is the name of the game and research and helping one another. Lau'ana L.
U don’t all u can do is clear your blood from it with edta cream or iV and take iV vitamin C 12,000IU per week to avoid blood clots and take curcumin or nac or taurine for inflammation to prevent myocarditis ..that’s all u can do…my though is for the next 3years they will keep trying to kill as many as they can and then stop…
Are we to think that all new vaccines or injections will have nanotechnology in them? It looks like the best course of action is to stay away from the doctor's office or hosltal as much as possible. Patients also need to advocate for themselves.
I already warned some of my colleagues last year about their annual flu vax. Fortunately 2 of them really stopped taking them. Thank you Dr. Ana and also La Quinta Columna who were one of the first to discover that a lot of the injectables are already "contaminated". Recently they also started to reference to you Dr. Ana. I hope to see some collab in the future.
No injectables should be considered free of NT now. Even if they are today, they probably won't be tomorrow. WIthout a universal, cheap, readily available antidote, the future looks grim. Where am I wrong?
How can this be so ubiquitous in examined injectables now? When do you think this started? How long have we been being injected with nanotechnology without our knowledge or consent?
Helps delivery ■ of meds and nutrition; I believe this is what I have read since 2018ish; it is proving to be a [s]tupid practice, "what type of person would put metal dust into another? An idiot or a murder perhaps a combination of both; this practice has failed and the seed of the 'serpent' is an inferior end result.
I got sick 2 days after Lidocaine injections on three separate occasions for two teeth.
It has been shown in this. Wonder if there is a connection. Definitely had to hav3 the Lidocaine. Mad3 me think of hospital iv drips also.
GOD bless you Dr. Ana for ALL the work you share - deeply appreciated. Love - "People are always worried about being labelled “anti vaxxers.” I am so beyond that silly psy op label. I am anti poison. I am anti genocide. I am anti making people sick so Big Pharma can profit off of you." I am too - I've been aware of the toxic vaxx ingredients for over 30 years. mRNA has taken us to a whole new level of bioweapon warfare. I am PRO-informed, a Truth Warrior & will never stop speaking TRUTH to medical tyranny ...
That is really sneaky, perfidious, inhuman. I had a co-worker who, by her own admission, sometimes had epileptic seizures due to meningitis, which I really wouldn't wish on anyone. Giving these poor people a shot that can cause blood clots just goes to show what cynical, unscrupulous, diabolical bastards we're dealing with here.
Dr Ana,
Anyway you could get your hands on liquid concentrate methadone & test that? I stumbled into some interesting yet deeply disturbing information about it back in 2015 and I believe many people who are in the taxpayer funded methadone maintenance clinics are being not only poisoned but tracked without their informed consent. I have a feeling the methadone clinics were a sort of test run for some of what we are seeing today.
People in recovery who are dependent upon receiving a daily dose of methadone from a clinic are a population of people who are easily tracked, constantly sent for blood work, most have urine analysis done between weekly and twice a month and I’ve personally seen some rather distressing things at these clinics.
Not to mention Rockefeller was involved in bringing methadone over from corrupt I G Farben in Naz1 Germany. I’d sure appreciate your analysis so we can get some answers. Thank you for your work.
How did they get there and what are they made of? I can't understand Sabrina. I'm looking for a cogent summary on this topic in language a non-expert can understand.
They got there from the stuff they have been spraying in the skies. They are self assembling activated through the use of scalar waves and ELF from HARP. I personally believe in the power of pyramids. I have one around my wifi router and have others scattered around the house. There are lot's of vendors on etsy who have made connectors using 3D modeling so you can easily build your own and the angles are precise. Here are a couple,https://www.etsy.com/listing/559478568/cardboard-pyramid-the-open-nubian-fold?ref=yr_purchases,https://www.etsy.com/shop/BafStore?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1460536341
My husband has T2 diabetes and injects himself once a week with Trulicity. My guess is that product also has the nanotechnology in it. I've warned him, but he's still taking it because he's afraid not to. His blood sugar is really high.
I think I remember Dr Ana said she does not like the oral EDTA because it also binds to minerals. She recommended the topical EDTA which I believe she has on the bottom of her Substacks.
If I am mistaken I hope someone can correct me. I feel like we are overloaded with info these days so it is hard to keep track.
I had success with dermal EDTA, but not for nanotechnology. A painful swollen lymph gland on the side of my face and down the neck, close to a skin cancer excision 5-6 years ago. The EDTA cleared it up in a few days. There are other uses for this medication.
It seems everything is now adulterated/contaminated with nanotech. Why shouldn't we assume IV EDTA is as well? Other ss's have presented tests on Vitamins C, D that showed nanotech presence. NAC is being questioned by some doing tests on it. I don't believe Dr Ana has published any tests on the EDTA she uses.
MusicMan - Aug 30, 2023 - Edited
Why the hell would anyone let anybody inject anything into their bodies?
There isn’t now, nor has there ever been, and there shall never be anything that’s safe and effective that’s jabbed into your body. Nothing. None. Nil.
Read and learn the history of the criminal and barbaric act they affectionately call vaccination
Joe - Aug 30, 2023 - Edited
Joe’s Substack
Well if u have a massive tooth issue even tho u take good care of yourself with non toxic toothpaste like botanical clay and stuff …u go to the dentist to remove the tooth and they inject u so u won’t feel the pain..well your injected
Margaritas at the Mall - Aug 31, 2023
Margaritas at the Mall
And those injections(lidocaine specifically) has been found to have graphene, going back 5 years now
Tami Berman - Aug 31, 2023
Tami’s Substack
There are homeopathic protocols that can fix dental issues. You can take symphytum 12c or 12x, and Calc Phos 3x, and if you still need to have the tooth pulled you can take arnica before and after the procedure with something like hypericum for the pain. Homeopathy works!
TheNarrowPathway - Sep 1, 2023 - Edited
HeavensNarrowRoad Substack
yep! That’s the problem.
A root infection will make you run to the dentist believe me, or you’ll have to grab the pliers and take care of business at home like the good old days.
Kim - Oct 8, 2023
I have relieved several abseses with colloidal silver, clove oil and garlic
Wolfgang Exel Watson - Sep 5, 2023
W. E. Watson's Substack
There are "dentists" and there are dentists. Suffering from serious dental issues myself, I am hopeful I can make it to a dentist that is part of the "International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology" (iaomt.org). They can refer you to biological dentists close to your location.
Wolfgang Exel Watson - Sep 5, 2023
W. E. Watson's Substack
The difference might simply be, that one injection is for something that you are already suffering with - you will agree, because you don't want the pain. The other injection is based on a possibility that does not exist at the time of the injection. The problem is the pre-emptive one. You get something you don't know of what it is - for something you don't know if you will ever get it. However, one can never know what is in whatever injection. That is practically impossible.
Joe - Sep 6, 2023
Joe’s Substack
That sucks because I already got injected at the dental..I don’t think it’s the same as the vaccines or they would simply never ask u to get injected…but probably poison with micro bots
Wolfgang Exel Watson - Sep 6, 2023
W. E. Watson's Substack
I share Your thoughts. While I urge people now to only visit dentistst that do "biological dentistry", it could be alleged that the worst stuff is first done to patients that have to visit dental buses, or dental clinics for medicaid recipients. If You had dental work done by a decent dentist, chances are that You are okay. But time works against us on this one.
Joe - Sep 6, 2023
Joe’s Substack
i guess we could get our blood tested for mrna because there is no way of telling if we are now vaccinated...i think these nanobots were the main objective to get it in everyones blood stream but those who got injected were 100 times more powerfull then these dentist anesthesia...yes i got mine done at a known dental clinic but still...i hope for the worse on these goons
TheNarrowPathway - Sep 6, 2023
HeavensNarrowRoad Substack
Maybe I should take my microscope in and ask for a sample, before allowing anything to be injected! if only!😆
Look out for glowing nano bots.
Wolfgang Exel Watson - Sep 6, 2023
W. E. Watson's Substack
I recommend to carry a Teskooano with you at all times.
Joe - Sep 6, 2023
Joe’s Substack
Well I gues 90% of us are not screwed and will die as even the unvaccinated got injected at the dentist
Wolfgang Exel Watson - Sep 6, 2023
W. E. Watson's Substack
Did You sign an indemnity agreement prior to treatment? This is where people need to get active and demand an end to that practice. Only when healthcare professionals are made liable for their actions, there is a chance that they won't use anything on you that could cause a backlash to them. Without liability, they can care less what will happen to you based on substances they inject you with.
2FollowHim - Sep 5, 2023
2FollowHim related topics
I had time to read SOME of this, and was horrified, just how far back these charlatans went and were lauded and
And very hard to pierce now, having gained such momentum.
The bible talks about 'a ready answer' but is referring to faith, but we need that 'ready answer' to whenever this
topic comes up where we might say something. It has to be 'short' and 'sweet', ie. to the point, yet as
understanding and non-offensive as possible.
We have power sometimes, but I've seen people abuse or throw it away.
And then there's NASA, another arm of this.
MusicMan - Sep 5, 2023
Margie Chism - Aug 30, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
MusicMan ■ English Country Dances - 17th Century Music
TheNarrowPathway - Sep 1, 2023 - Edited
HeavensNarrowRoad Substack
Problem is IF you need surgery - what do you do?
It’s not like you can be awake without pain relief…it’s a real issue.
Wish the “good” doctors ran hospitals we could go to.
Wolfgang Exel Watson - Sep 5, 2023
W. E. Watson's Substack
Wish granted.
Joe - Sep 6, 2023
Joe’s Substack
Link to tskooano
Elena Alexander - Aug 31, 2023
Elena’s Substack
Well worth the read. Thanks. We're watching the worst of mankind repeat themselves. No different than what gates and the psychopaths are doing.
TheNarrowPathway - Aug 30, 2023 - Edited
HeavensNarrowRoad Substack
Comment removed.
TheNarrowPathway - Sep 1, 2023 - Edited
HeavensNarrowRoad Substack
They make a lot of money for the vaxes they peddle.
Just search for Blue Cross vaccination fee schedule for providers.
They even incentivize them with bonuses.
It’s a revenue stream.
Allopathic medicine is mostly All Pathetic!
Drug peddlers - not curative.
Joel W. Hay, PhD - Aug 30, 2023 - Edited
Joel’s Newsletter
Is there anything that doesn't show bioweapon nanoparticles? bread? water? salt?
John H. - Aug 30, 2023
John H.
Unfiltered water must be contaminated. (don't know what kind of filter eliminates it). It's in rainwater (presumably from geoengineering). It's been found in meat. Shouldn't we assume it's now ubiquitous? It must be in everything (after a certain date).
Joe - Aug 30, 2023
Joe’s Substack
It is in everything even the air ..detox is the only thing
Margie Chism - Aug 30, 2023
Margie Chism
Handwashing and handwashing dishes through out the day ■ bothers/concerns me.
Michael Folks - Aug 30, 2023
Michael’s Substack
Dairy products, are easy to add Nano particles to.
Joel W. Hay, PhD - Aug 30, 2023 - Edited
Joel’s Newsletter
Not to get too paranoid (although given DOD/DARPA it is impossible to be too paranoid) but how do you know that the CIA isn't sneeking you bioweaponized samples or intercepting your data streams to make everything look bioweaponized?
AncientLoveLover - Aug 30, 2023 - Edited
AncientLoveLover’s Substack
I am assuming that its in everything. It’s self replicating and obviously out of control. I think of the movie annihilation... it’s trying to impersonate our different cells and dna and turn us into some synthetic soulless chimera.
AncientLoveLover - Sep 1, 2023
AncientLoveLover’s Substack
I started with a half teaspoon to a teaspoon and a half of castor oil daily. A teaspoon a day is the highest recommended dose drink lots of water. It will clean out the intestines and clear up joint pain and inflammation.
Kim - Oct 8, 2023
Caster oil? Didnt think you could use that internally?
AncientLoveLover - Aug 31, 2023 - Edited
AncientLoveLover’s Substack
Comment removed.
AncientLoveLover - Aug 31, 2023
AncientLoveLover’s Substack
I do regular cleanses with gum spirits of turpentine. It is the only thing that fully eradicates the side effects of brain fog and inflammation. It has taken away all my joint and muscle pain alpI take a lot of supplements along with iodine supplement and have recovered from near death. I never got the shot just covid, but had been on pharmaceuticals for years before that which I am sure contributed to my toxicity and slow immune system.
Kim - Sep 1, 2023
AncientLoveLover’s Substack
Ive heard of people using gum turpentine for detoxing bfor. What is the dosage? Thanks
AncientLoveLover - Sep 2, 2023
AncientLoveLover’s Substack
Correction (2days before the day of and 2days after )** moon cycle
AncientLoveLover - Sep 2, 2023
AncientLoveLover’s Substack
I started with half a teaspoon T to a tablespoon castor oil. I worked my way up to a teaspoon of T with a tablespoon castor oil. I take it at least bi monthly for the 5 days of the new and full moon cycles g2days the day of and 2 days after). At my most toxic I took it daily with zero adverse effects. I’ve been using it for 2 years now. I no longer get sick and all my joint pain has disappeared. I no longer have ADD or asthma symptoms and way more energy. I believe it is a miracle.
Lauana Leist - Aug 31, 2023
Lauana’s Substack
Yes, I think NAC is also one of the God-given "helps" we have. Anybody ever check out DMSO (the one that is therapeutic from wood) to dissolve the polymers? and also bentonite clay to pull out (internally) the heavy toxic metals and chemicals .....with a high cation (pulling power of the clay) it can do wonders to pull out toxins.....as long as pushing it through the body with plenty of water and a natural laxative? Lau'ana L.
teagangirl - Sep 1, 2023
Yes, I have read, heard all these suggestions. I own all these helps. I just haven't figured exactly how, how much, to use them all. I take NAC, did a three week of chlorine dioxide. I have but don't know how to use DMSO. It seems nobody ever shares "exactly" how to use everything!
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 30, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Hi Joel,
No Paranoia, I am 100% certain that's not the case as we are all finding the same blue fibres globally.
I have been challenging people to do simple skin tests for quite a while now and its been a 100% positive strike rate for months now. Simple and cheap and no excuse for anyone willing to look for themselves to quash any doubts they may have as to the veracity of these claims.
Just hoping to find someone uncontaminated these days, however forlorn that hope may be.
The puzzlement must be for many who watch csi etc , how come the global criminal fibre database operators of Interpol and the likes haven't bought this to everyone's attention as these are now environmental and being shed in general by humanity therefor must be at every crime scene?
BBB - Aug 30, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Can you elaborate on the skin tests?
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 30, 2023
matt’s microscopy
All details on my sub, start at first post to see what this tech can create and what you will find at home. Thanks, matt.
Joe - Aug 30, 2023
Joe’s Substack
What skin test? And u prob can’t avoid it until they stop doing it..looks like edta and vitamin C are the only options to protect your self and become uncontaminated …as Dr Ana stated…and take colloidal gold daily to kill the nano bots
Lauana Leist - Aug 31, 2023
Lauana’s Substack
Yes, Joe....agree with you that EDTA and Vitamin C is also very good to take nowadays. I have been using colloidal silver also as it is easier available to obtained for me. Detox is the name of the game and research and helping one another. Lau'ana L.
JMarie.58 - Aug 31, 2023
JMarie.58’s Substack
That's what I thought...here's how wrong I was:
Joe - Sep 1, 2023
Joe’s Substack
Comment removed.
Joe - Sep 3, 2023
Joe’s Substack
no idea, i follow what a doctor/scientist tested on colloidal gold and it killed graphene and nanobots
AncientLoveLover - Aug 31, 2023
AncientLoveLover’s Substack
I just posted this link to a pic of a scene in the 2018 movie Annihilation. A still shot where the protagonist evaluated her blood under the microscope. Wow
Joe - Aug 30, 2023
Joe’s Substack
U don’t all u can do is clear your blood from it with edta cream or iV and take iV vitamin C 12,000IU per week to avoid blood clots and take curcumin or nac or taurine for inflammation to prevent myocarditis ..that’s all u can do…my though is for the next 3years they will keep trying to kill as many as they can and then stop…
Victoria Ferrara - Aug 30, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel - Aug 31, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
This just in, warning graphic.
Looks like Graphene Oxide plus parasites.
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 30, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Yes , some, about 50%.
Lisa Novakowski - Aug 30, 2023 - Edited
Lisa’s Substack
Are we to think that all new vaccines or injections will have nanotechnology in them? It looks like the best course of action is to stay away from the doctor's office or hosltal as much as possible. Patients also need to advocate for themselves.
Okisuke - Aug 30, 2023
Okisuke’s Substack
I already warned some of my colleagues last year about their annual flu vax. Fortunately 2 of them really stopped taking them. Thank you Dr. Ana and also La Quinta Columna who were one of the first to discover that a lot of the injectables are already "contaminated". Recently they also started to reference to you Dr. Ana. I hope to see some collab in the future.
John H. - Aug 30, 2023
John H.
No injectables should be considered free of NT now. Even if they are today, they probably won't be tomorrow. WIthout a universal, cheap, readily available antidote, the future looks grim. Where am I wrong?
Lioness3* - Aug 30, 2023 - Edited
How can this be so ubiquitous in examined injectables now? When do you think this started? How long have we been being injected with nanotechnology without our knowledge or consent?
John H. - Aug 30, 2023 - Edited
John H.
Maybe relatively recently since when people look at older products, they don't find the NT. I would guess within the last year or so.
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 30, 2023 - Edited
matt’s microscopy
I have looked at saline from as far back as 2005, and I am not sure about that either.
Robert - Aug 30, 2023 - Edited
Robert’s Substack
MATT put a few legible questions to your ss. When u have time please check thanks
BBB - Aug 30, 2023
matt’s microscopy
You saw those filaments already in 2005?
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 30, 2023
matt’s microscopy
No I dug up some old meds from 2005. But look up medicineman420 on sub. Aus army seeing same filliments way back. Or Carnicom institute.
Margie Chism - Aug 30, 2023
Margie Chism
Helps delivery ■ of meds and nutrition; I believe this is what I have read since 2018ish; it is proving to be a [s]tupid practice, "what type of person would put metal dust into another? An idiot or a murder perhaps a combination of both; this practice has failed and the seed of the 'serpent' is an inferior end result.
Seeking Truth - Aug 30, 2023
Seeking Truth
Have we looked at Anesthesia or IV drips everyone who goes into the hospital gets?
Tracy Jo - Aug 30, 2023
I have also worried about this same thing. We can no longer trust anything or any healthcare system!
Hazel - Aug 30, 2023
I’m concerned about that too.
Nancy - Aug 30, 2023
I got sick 2 days after Lidocaine injections on three separate occasions for two teeth.
It has been shown in this. Wonder if there is a connection. Definitely had to hav3 the Lidocaine. Mad3 me think of hospital iv drips also.
Susan P ... - Aug 30, 2023
Susan P ...
GOD bless you Dr. Ana for ALL the work you share - deeply appreciated. Love - "People are always worried about being labelled “anti vaxxers.” I am so beyond that silly psy op label. I am anti poison. I am anti genocide. I am anti making people sick so Big Pharma can profit off of you." I am too - I've been aware of the toxic vaxx ingredients for over 30 years. mRNA has taken us to a whole new level of bioweapon warfare. I am PRO-informed, a Truth Warrior & will never stop speaking TRUTH to medical tyranny ...
http://coronistan.blogspot.com - Aug 30, 2023
That is really sneaky, perfidious, inhuman. I had a co-worker who, by her own admission, sometimes had epileptic seizures due to meningitis, which I really wouldn't wish on anyone. Giving these poor people a shot that can cause blood clots just goes to show what cynical, unscrupulous, diabolical bastards we're dealing with here.
Raccoon Nation - Aug 30, 2023
AmeriCoon’s Newsletter
Dr Ana,
Anyway you could get your hands on liquid concentrate methadone & test that? I stumbled into some interesting yet deeply disturbing information about it back in 2015 and I believe many people who are in the taxpayer funded methadone maintenance clinics are being not only poisoned but tracked without their informed consent. I have a feeling the methadone clinics were a sort of test run for some of what we are seeing today.
People in recovery who are dependent upon receiving a daily dose of methadone from a clinic are a population of people who are easily tracked, constantly sent for blood work, most have urine analysis done between weekly and twice a month and I’ve personally seen some rather distressing things at these clinics.
Not to mention Rockefeller was involved in bringing methadone over from corrupt I G Farben in Naz1 Germany. I’d sure appreciate your analysis so we can get some answers. Thank you for your work.
Tami Berman - Aug 30, 2023
Tami’s Substack
According to Sabrina Wallace, our biofields' have already been hacked. We have bio-sensors inside us. They have been there a very long time.https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.78CDC90D-1E8C-47EC-B0B2-267BE9F13BE9:2
John H. - Aug 31, 2023
John H.
How did they get there and what are they made of? I can't understand Sabrina. I'm looking for a cogent summary on this topic in language a non-expert can understand.
Tami Berman - Aug 31, 2023
Tami’s Substack
They got there from the stuff they have been spraying in the skies. They are self assembling activated through the use of scalar waves and ELF from HARP. I personally believe in the power of pyramids. I have one around my wifi router and have others scattered around the house. There are lot's of vendors on etsy who have made connectors using 3D modeling so you can easily build your own and the angles are precise. Here are a couple,https://www.etsy.com/listing/559478568/cardboard-pyramid-the-open-nubian-fold?ref=yr_purchases,https://www.etsy.com/shop/BafStore?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1460536341
Margaritas at the Mall - Aug 31, 2023
Margaritas at the Mall
And they were not implanted. The “device” is our tissue
Charlene Jones - Aug 30, 2023
JMarie.58’s Substack
My husband has T2 diabetes and injects himself once a week with Trulicity. My guess is that product also has the nanotechnology in it. I've warned him, but he's still taking it because he's afraid not to. His blood sugar is really high.
JMarie.58 - Aug 30, 2023
JMarie.58’s Substack
I’m so sorry. Protecting our loved ones is a challenge 🙏🏼
CB - Aug 30, 2023
Writing from the Heart Jewel
Will EDTA in the pill/supplement form work (if you're not able to get the EDTA IV chelation)? If so how much should someone take?
AnnekeB - Aug 30, 2023
Writing from the Heart Jewel
I think I remember Dr Ana said she does not like the oral EDTA because it also binds to minerals. She recommended the topical EDTA which I believe she has on the bottom of her Substacks.
If I am mistaken I hope someone can correct me. I feel like we are overloaded with info these days so it is hard to keep track.
Julie Stander - Aug 30, 2023
Writing from the Heart Jewel
I had success with dermal EDTA, but not for nanotechnology. A painful swollen lymph gland on the side of my face and down the neck, close to a skin cancer excision 5-6 years ago. The EDTA cleared it up in a few days. There are other uses for this medication.
CB - Aug 30, 2023
kaal - Aug 30, 2023 - Edited
Ed Dowd on brighteon- america is too far gone to save- brace for impact.
JMarie.58 - Aug 30, 2023
JMarie.58’s Substack
100%, said it a year ago.
kaal - Aug 30, 2023 - Edited
his words.
JMarie.58 - Aug 30, 2023 - Edited
JMarie.58’s Substack
Do us all a favor and prove him wrong...
kaal - Aug 30, 2023 - Edited
USA is MB from bible.
JMarie.58 - Aug 31, 2023 - Edited
JMarie.58’s Substack
I agree with you on that, Maranatha!
Hazel - Aug 30, 2023
Is the edta IV chelation safe??
JMarie.58 - Aug 30, 2023
JMarie.58’s Substack
If you have kidney issues probably not. I had it with Dr Ana, it worked but temporarily. Here’s my takeaway…
John H. - Aug 30, 2023
John H.
It seems everything is now adulterated/contaminated with nanotech. Why shouldn't we assume IV EDTA is as well? Other ss's have presented tests on Vitamins C, D that showed nanotech presence. NAC is being questioned by some doing tests on it. I don't believe Dr Ana has published any tests on the EDTA she uses.
Hazel - Sep 5, 2023
Are there any trusted supplement suppliers? This is so disheartening
AnnekeB - Aug 30, 2023
What is the oldest medication that you have looked at? Has this nanotech been around in medication a lot longer than we realize?
John H. - Aug 30, 2023
John H.
Now seems like it's easier to list the things not contaminated at the time of testing. The list appears to be getting vanishingly small.
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