To respond to Abigail, we are continuously bombarded by deadly assaults, mostly man-made, but some nature made as well. Have confidence in God’s brilliant design, and keep fear out of your heart. Fear weakens your defenses. God has given us all we need to withstand this continuous assault. Having the vigilance to avoid most of the crossfire helps. Situational awareness must be present even in our subconscious, because we must sleep well to stay strong. Radiate love, radiate compassion, radiate confidence. Thank you Dr. Ana for adding your insights. We always need a bigger kitchen sink of knowledge and remedy!
Good afternoon Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea. I have been reading your scientific articles for a long time. You are not a controlled opposition like American Frontline Doctors. And your detections are completely true and real. Nobody can deny them.
I studied International Relations at the university and lost all my career because of my academic researches & investigations.
Here I want to say that "Coronavirus PLANdemic is NOT a simple and coincidental event. It is a PLANned act. And this plan is not new. It is thousands years old."
World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, United Nations, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, American Government, Russian Government, Chinese Government, UKrainian Government, European Union, Pfizer, Moderna, Gamelaya, Johnson, Sinophar and more.... are all involved in this sinister plan.
Just last week this sinister cabal met in Switzerland - Davos to consider about HOW TO TAKE OVER planet.
I am 42 years old and I lost 17 years of my life because of my researches & investigations about Today's Crisis. And I have a 5.000 pages of archive from 9/11 terror attacks to burning egg farms in the USA. All of them are parts of the same plan.
There are some brave and intelligent experts around the world; some of them are medical doctors like you, some of journalist, some of academician, some lawyer. A lot of people are trying to warn public and writing valuable articles on their blogs and websites. Some of them are organizing conferences - a few days ago there was one in Sweden.
We must file a lawsuit at International Crime Court!
A lot of medical doctors, medical staff, journalist, academician, lawyer, researcher..... will support us. And the most important one is PUBLIC will support us.
Nobody knows the exact number but I am sure more than 50 million people were killed by mRNA shots, intentional wrong hospital treatments & medicines and Synthetic Virus itself.
Now hundeds of millions of people are waiting for a spark (International Crime Court Lawsuit).
They will support us until the end.
We have no third option.
1. This sinister cabal will CULL all of us.
2. We will stop them forever.
We have enough evidence. For example Thailand Princess were destroyed by Pfizer mRNA shots. In the first shot she lost her health. In the second shot she entered comma. Now Thai King can very well understand us.
A lot of people are writing on their blogs but we need SOLID and REAL solutions. Trying to awake masses is good but time is running and we have to move now.
We must do domething.
We need to gather medical doctors, lawyers, academicians, politicians, journalists and file a lawsuit at International Crime Court. This is our only chance. Organizing protesets will not stop them.
"Here I want to say that "Coronavirus PLANdemic is NOT a simple and coincidental event. It is a PLANned act. And this plan is not new. It is thousands years old."
You are absolutely correct. It is about 7000 years old.
The place to start learning about the history is here:
Dr David Martin is working w/ lawyers, docs and bringing suit I believe.
Scroll down to see some cases:
And just to add the emphasis on radiation in the metals deluge, I just happened to notice that the next G7 will be held May19-21 this year in Hiroshima. That's no accident. More predictive programming, in our collective faces.
Is very good that you recomand people to go to a chelation practitioner, so people need to understand they need some tests before treatment and doctors should take this problem more seriously because metals are everywhere, we get sick and we don't know why. Everyone can make a simple experiment, take some fine dust from outside, from windows or something elese, put it in a glass with a bit of water, let it few minutes, then play with a good magnet on the outside of the glass. You will see what you are breathing every day without a microscope.
I’m a bit taken aback by these newer warnings & recommendations as I had invested in three jars of transdermal EDTA, based on your previous endorsement. I do feel encouraged as I have noticed some favorable results in my first 6 weeks on this EDTA cream.
Few people I know and love will have access to IV chelation, either due to lack of clinics and practitioners, as well as cost.
hello! thanks for your work! is it true that a 5g phone is not dangerous if you keep it on 4g reception?
can they change it on 5g at distance ? thank you
Mark Steele is recommending that you get rid of the smart devices, especially the smart meters. If you cannot do this, you need to at least get an EMF bag and store the phone in that at night while you are asleep (off and in airplane mode). One way to mediate exposure to radiation during the day is to have the phone in airplane mode and off except during specified times where you receive and make phone calls. Do not hold the phone close to your head ever; instead, use earpiece/mic combo that is wired and keep the phone away from you during the calls. The phone does not need wifi mode in order to communicate with cell towers, so turn that off; this will eliminate extra 5g and 2g transmission. Be aware that the smartphone will cut 5g and 2g wifi on by itself, so you need to watch the status.
Snarky, it's the first time that I am asking this but I admit I always start to worry about it when hearing Mark Steele! I got a cervical surgery about 12 years ago and they put "metal" (titanium or something alike?) in my neck (I always say "I have screws in my neck") ... do I have to worry about THAT?? If you have any idea... or anyone else.. please let me know! (I am open to any or whatever truth about it). And no, I will never get rid of it, it will stay there for as long as I live..
I had a benign breast lump removed 16 years ago and as a marker they placed a seed bead sized piece of titanium inside where the mass was for future easy mammogram monitoring of area. I also wonder how heavy metal chelation would affect this? I cant afford a medical procedure to have it removed.
We are globally in the same boat... I am worried as hell about these metal screws in my body now. Shall we ask Mark Steele whether we still have an advantage compared to the vaxxed? Aawwww... I wanne know the ins 'n outs! :(
Good video of Mark Steele, I've been following his videos for. couple of years now and it makes a lot of sense. Just using common sense alone and knowing electrical fundamentals is enough to raise suspicion about the size of some of these large antenna structures sprouting up everywhere. They are often mounted on high tension towers with huge conduits for massive amounts of current.
Has EDTA cured vaccinated people with Arrhythmias? I know someone with vaccine regrets... I found an EDTA clinic but I don't want to send the information unless there is evidence that removing the metals will solve the problem.
I can't see why they wouldn't given the fact they are cationic, but it would be nice to have affirmation.
forward to Dr Mihalceaπππ
Patriots of the world, lets have a collective sharing of ideas that can reverse the effect of vacc
i also studied n stratified data and noticed the severe adverse & death is high for cold countries like US Canada etc. But very less on hot climate countries like philippines.
hydrogel can be positively or negatively thermo plastic sensitive. at NEGATIVE or high temp , hydrogel does not swell or grow , it shrinks . Hence reduced possible clotting of long fibers. then perhaps at this size we can detoxify thru natural supplements..
:if hydro is positively thermo sensitive at low temp hydrogel grows swells forming long lipids which clots your vessels. perhaps this comparative analysis helps. kindly share to Peter stew. dr mccullough dr asseem dr mahalcea. pls do consider late dr Buttar on tech of 5G 16-18hz . hydrogel are sensitive too on radio signals sir. avoiding or jamming 5g will be preventive sirπππ
forward to Dr Mihalceaπππ
Patriots of the world, lets have a collective sharing of ideas that can reverse the effect of vacc
i also studied n stratified data and noticed the severe adverse & death is high for cold countries like US Canada etc. But very less on hot climate countries like philippines.
hydrogel can be positively or negatively thermo plastic sensitive. at NEGATIVE or high temp , hydrogel does not swell or grow , it shrinks . Hence reduced possible clotting of long fibers. then perhaps at this size we can detoxify thru natural supplements..
:if hydro is positively thermo sensitive at low temp hydrogel grows swells forming long lipids which clots your vessels. perhaps this comparative analysis helps. kindly share to Peter stew. dr mccullough dr asseem dr mahalcea. pls do consider late dr Buttar on tech of 5G 16-18hz . hydrogel are sensitive too on radio signals sir. avoiding or jamming 5g will be preventive sirπππ
forward to Dr Mihalceaπππ
Patriots of the world, lets have a collective sharing of ideas that can reverse the effect of vacc
i also studied n stratified data and noticed the severe adverse & death is high for cold countries like US Canada etc. But very less on hot climate countries like philippines.
hydrogel can be positively or negatively thermo plastic sensitive. at NEGATIVE or high temp , hydrogel does not swell or grow , it shrinks . Hence reduced possible clotting of long fibers. then perhaps at this size we can detoxify thru natural supplements..
:if hydro is positively thermo sensitive at low temp hydrogel grows swells forming long lipids which clots your vessels. perhaps this comparative analysis helps. kindly share to Peter stew. dr mccullough dr asseem dr mahalcea. pls do consider late dr Buttar on tech of 5G 16-18hz . hydrogel are sensitive too on radio signals sir. avoiding or jamming 5g will be preventive sirπππ
Dr Obvious (DoctorObvious) - Feb 5, 2023
Dr’s Substack
To respond to Abigail, we are continuously bombarded by deadly assaults, mostly man-made, but some nature made as well. Have confidence in God’s brilliant design, and keep fear out of your heart. Fear weakens your defenses. God has given us all we need to withstand this continuous assault. Having the vigilance to avoid most of the crossfire helps. Situational awareness must be present even in our subconscious, because we must sleep well to stay strong. Radiate love, radiate compassion, radiate confidence. Thank you Dr. Ana for adding your insights. We always need a bigger kitchen sink of knowledge and remedy!
Minik - Feb 5, 2023
Abigail Starke
Good afternoon Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea. I have been reading your scientific articles for a long time. You are not a controlled opposition like American Frontline Doctors. And your detections are completely true and real. Nobody can deny them.
I studied International Relations at the university and lost all my career because of my academic researches & investigations.
Here I want to say that "Coronavirus PLANdemic is NOT a simple and coincidental event. It is a PLANned act. And this plan is not new. It is thousands years old."
World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, United Nations, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, American Government, Russian Government, Chinese Government, UKrainian Government, European Union, Pfizer, Moderna, Gamelaya, Johnson, Sinophar and more.... are all involved in this sinister plan.
Just last week this sinister cabal met in Switzerland - Davos to consider about HOW TO TAKE OVER planet.
I am 42 years old and I lost 17 years of my life because of my researches & investigations about Today's Crisis. And I have a 5.000 pages of archive from 9/11 terror attacks to burning egg farms in the USA. All of them are parts of the same plan.
There are some brave and intelligent experts around the world; some of them are medical doctors like you, some of journalist, some of academician, some lawyer. A lot of people are trying to warn public and writing valuable articles on their blogs and websites. Some of them are organizing conferences - a few days ago there was one in Sweden.
We must file a lawsuit at International Crime Court!
A lot of medical doctors, medical staff, journalist, academician, lawyer, researcher..... will support us. And the most important one is PUBLIC will support us.
Nobody knows the exact number but I am sure more than 50 million people were killed by mRNA shots, intentional wrong hospital treatments & medicines and Synthetic Virus itself.
Now hundeds of millions of people are waiting for a spark (International Crime Court Lawsuit).
They will support us until the end.
We have no third option.
1. This sinister cabal will CULL all of us.
2. We will stop them forever.
We have enough evidence. For example Thailand Princess were destroyed by Pfizer mRNA shots. In the first shot she lost her health. In the second shot she entered comma. Now Thai King can very well understand us.
A lot of people are writing on their blogs but we need SOLID and REAL solutions. Trying to awake masses is good but time is running and we have to move now.
We must do domething.
We need to gather medical doctors, lawyers, academicians, politicians, journalists and file a lawsuit at International Crime Court. This is our only chance. Organizing protesets will not stop them.
Abigail Starke - Feb 5, 2023
Abigail Starke
I hope for justice!!
Abigail Starke - Feb 5, 2023
Abigail Starke
My husband passed away from the Pfizer!π‘π€―ππ
David - Apr 12, 2023
"Here I want to say that "Coronavirus PLANdemic is NOT a simple and coincidental event. It is a PLANned act. And this plan is not new. It is thousands years old."
You are absolutely correct. It is about 7000 years old.
The place to start learning about the history is here:
Deanna Kline - Feb 6, 2023
Dr David Martin is working w/ lawyers, docs and bringing suit I believe.
Scroll down to see some cases:
Susannah - Feb 5, 2023
And just to add the emphasis on radiation in the metals deluge, I just happened to notice that the next G7 will be held May19-21 this year in Hiroshima. That's no accident. More predictive programming, in our collective faces.
Eris - Feb 5, 2023
Is very good that you recomand people to go to a chelation practitioner, so people need to understand they need some tests before treatment and doctors should take this problem more seriously because metals are everywhere, we get sick and we don't know why. Everyone can make a simple experiment, take some fine dust from outside, from windows or something elese, put it in a glass with a bit of water, let it few minutes, then play with a good magnet on the outside of the glass. You will see what you are breathing every day without a microscope.
xamo - Feb 7, 2023
Manuela - Feb 6, 2023
TheLastCaucasian - Feb 5, 2023
And you officially entered kookville with this one.
Stephen Wallace - Feb 5, 2023
This explains the SF movies where we see people just drop dead enmass.
Paula Starshifter - Feb 5, 2023
Paula Starshifter
I’m a bit taken aback by these newer warnings & recommendations as I had invested in three jars of transdermal EDTA, based on your previous endorsement. I do feel encouraged as I have noticed some favorable results in my first 6 weeks on this EDTA cream.
Few people I know and love will have access to IV chelation, either due to lack of clinics and practitioners, as well as cost.
Yvon Rainville - Mar 19, 2023
Jacalyn Pillion - Feb 5, 2023
Where did you obtain your EDTA topical?
Lone Star - Feb 5, 2023
Lone Star
How do you use it?
Dr. Gregory Pernoud - Feb 5, 2023
Dr. Gregory Pernoud
I’m getting chelated! Soon thanks Ana
Yvon Rainville - Feb 5, 2023 - Edited
hello! thanks for your work! is it true that a 5g phone is not dangerous if you keep it on 4g reception?
can they change it on 5g at distance ? thank you
David - Apr 12, 2023
Mark Steele is recommending that you get rid of the smart devices, especially the smart meters. If you cannot do this, you need to at least get an EMF bag and store the phone in that at night while you are asleep (off and in airplane mode). One way to mediate exposure to radiation during the day is to have the phone in airplane mode and off except during specified times where you receive and make phone calls. Do not hold the phone close to your head ever; instead, use earpiece/mic combo that is wired and keep the phone away from you during the calls. The phone does not need wifi mode in order to communicate with cell towers, so turn that off; this will eliminate extra 5g and 2g transmission. Be aware that the smartphone will cut 5g and 2g wifi on by itself, so you need to watch the status.
Marty - Feb 12, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
4g or 5g ... both harmful
Reply (1) - Feb 5, 2023 - Edited
Snarky Snacks
Comment removed.
Mir - Feb 5, 2023 - Edited
Snarky, it's the first time that I am asking this but I admit I always start to worry about it when hearing Mark Steele! I got a cervical surgery about 12 years ago and they put "metal" (titanium or something alike?) in my neck (I always say "I have screws in my neck") ... do I have to worry about THAT?? If you have any idea... or anyone else.. please let me know! (I am open to any or whatever truth about it). And no, I will never get rid of it, it will stay there for as long as I live..
Michelle - Feb 5, 2023 - Edited
I had a benign breast lump removed 16 years ago and as a marker they placed a seed bead sized piece of titanium inside where the mass was for future easy mammogram monitoring of area. I also wonder how heavy metal chelation would affect this? I cant afford a medical procedure to have it removed.
Mir - Feb 5, 2023 - Edited
We are globally in the same boat... I am worried as hell about these metal screws in my body now. Shall we ask Mark Steele whether we still have an advantage compared to the vaxxed? Aawwww... I wanne know the ins 'n outs! :(
Yvon Rainville - Mar 19, 2023
Lone Star
ET moi, j'ai des implants au titane ( 6) dans le maxilaire supérieur!
moi aussi, avec ce que j'ai enduré, je les garde et que Dieu me protège!
Lone Star - Mar 20, 2023
Lone Star
My neck surgeon assured me that titanium is completely inert and non-magnetic. I hope he is correct.
Shawn Paul Melville - Oct 4, 2023
Shawn Paul Melville’s Substack
Are you confused, or are you lying? No, there is no cesium in the vaccines, along with any more of your "metal contaminant" claims. Your mischaracterization is misleading your audience from the truth.
Matt - Sep 23, 2023
Good video of Mark Steele, I've been following his videos for. couple of years now and it makes a lot of sense. Just using common sense alone and knowing electrical fundamentals is enough to raise suspicion about the size of some of these large antenna structures sprouting up everywhere. They are often mounted on high tension towers with huge conduits for massive amounts of current.
Matt - Sep 23, 2023
Has EDTA cured vaccinated people with Arrhythmias? I know someone with vaccine regrets... I found an EDTA clinic but I don't want to send the information unless there is evidence that removing the metals will solve the problem.
I can't see why they wouldn't given the fact they are cationic, but it would be nice to have affirmation.
R Revelar - Jun 7, 2023
forward to Dr Mihalceaπππ
Patriots of the world, lets have a collective sharing of ideas that can reverse the effect of vacc
i also studied n stratified data and noticed the severe adverse & death is high for cold countries like US Canada etc. But very less on hot climate countries like philippines.
hydrogel can be positively or negatively thermo plastic sensitive. at NEGATIVE or high temp , hydrogel does not swell or grow , it shrinks . Hence reduced possible clotting of long fibers. then perhaps at this size we can detoxify thru natural supplements..
:if hydro is positively thermo sensitive at low temp hydrogel grows swells forming long lipids which clots your vessels. perhaps this comparative analysis helps. kindly share to Peter stew. dr mccullough dr asseem dr mahalcea. pls do consider late dr Buttar on tech of 5G 16-18hz . hydrogel are sensitive too on radio signals sir. avoiding or jamming 5g will be preventive sirπππ
R Revelar - Jun 7, 2023
forward to Dr Mihalceaπππ
Patriots of the world, lets have a collective sharing of ideas that can reverse the effect of vacc
i also studied n stratified data and noticed the severe adverse & death is high for cold countries like US Canada etc. But very less on hot climate countries like philippines.
hydrogel can be positively or negatively thermo plastic sensitive. at NEGATIVE or high temp , hydrogel does not swell or grow , it shrinks . Hence reduced possible clotting of long fibers. then perhaps at this size we can detoxify thru natural supplements..
:if hydro is positively thermo sensitive at low temp hydrogel grows swells forming long lipids which clots your vessels. perhaps this comparative analysis helps. kindly share to Peter stew. dr mccullough dr asseem dr mahalcea. pls do consider late dr Buttar on tech of 5G 16-18hz . hydrogel are sensitive too on radio signals sir. avoiding or jamming 5g will be preventive sirπππ
R Revelar - Jun 7, 2023
forward to Dr Mihalceaπππ
Patriots of the world, lets have a collective sharing of ideas that can reverse the effect of vacc
i also studied n stratified data and noticed the severe adverse & death is high for cold countries like US Canada etc. But very less on hot climate countries like philippines.
hydrogel can be positively or negatively thermo plastic sensitive. at NEGATIVE or high temp , hydrogel does not swell or grow , it shrinks . Hence reduced possible clotting of long fibers. then perhaps at this size we can detoxify thru natural supplements..
:if hydro is positively thermo sensitive at low temp hydrogel grows swells forming long lipids which clots your vessels. perhaps this comparative analysis helps. kindly share to Peter stew. dr mccullough dr asseem dr mahalcea. pls do consider late dr Buttar on tech of 5G 16-18hz . hydrogel are sensitive too on radio signals sir. avoiding or jamming 5g will be preventive sirπππ
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