Mark Steele on 5G, Nanotechnology Weapons in C19 Shots, Use of Heavy Metals as Weapons Systems - ABSOLUTELY MUST WATCH

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Feb 05, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Watch this important video here:


I believe that corroborating information amongst many disciplines is important to gain deeper understanding of this war. In this excellent interview Mark Steele, weapons expert, explains how the metals and nanotechnology in the C19 shots are used as a weapon in conjunction with 5G.

He explains that the more metals a person has in them, they become radio traceable from space for directed energy weapons kill missions. He explains that he has intelligence documents that speak of the plan of killing 200 Million Americans by 2025. He advises to get out of the cities which are 5 G radiation hotspots. 5G is used to target areas to create “ viral outbreak centers”.

If you do not believe that, remember the retracted paper that 5G can create the Coronavirus in skin cells:

He explains how this weapons deployment was tested in South Korea. The vaccines are to be able to kill people with less 5 G radiation due to the metals that people have in them. He speaks about Tungsten, which is a particular metals used in weapons systems and mentions that the only reason to use Tungsten is to kill you.

He also discusses Aluminum and other metals that we know are in the shots as well as sprayed on us via geoengineering. People ask me a lot why I recommend so adamantly the EDTA Intravenous Chelation. That is because there is no other way that is more effective to get these metals out of the body fast. See below a metals test after one intravenous chelation with 1500mg EDTA. Look at what came out of that person who lives cleanly, eats only organic foods and lives in the country. How much radioactive Uranium and Cesium to contribute the the radiation. How much toxic Aluminum and Barium. Look at the Tungsten that Mark Steele mentions. This person is NOT vaccinated. My personal view is, if you want to be amongst the 1/3 of Americans who survive this war by 2025, find a Chelation practitioner. You can search for them online. Other forms of EDTA ( Oral, transdermal, rectal) are not able to pull this massive amount of metals out fast enough because the dosing is too small. Everyone has this in them. It is the metals that will increase vulnerability to 5G radiation and be killed when 5 G is turned on. You can use other metal detox, but if you have metals in your organ system at this high level, how long will this take to pull out?

EDTA has been used to treat radiation poisoning and its neurotoxicity as well.

I agree with Mark Steele 100%. I highly recommend this video. Please share and help save a life. This is the real warfare we are facing and this weapon has a kill switch.

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Dr Obvious (DoctorObvious) - Feb 5, 2023

Dr’s Substack

To respond to Abigail, we are continuously bombarded by deadly assaults, mostly man-made, but some nature made as well. Have confidence in God’s brilliant design, and keep fear out of your heart. Fear weakens your defenses. God has given us all we need to withstand this continuous assault. Having the vigilance to avoid most of the crossfire helps. Situational awareness must be present even in our subconscious, because we must sleep well to stay strong. Radiate love, radiate compassion, radiate confidence. Thank you Dr. Ana for adding your insights. We always need a bigger kitchen sink of knowledge and remedy!

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Minik - Feb 5, 2023

Good afternoon Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea. I have been reading your scientific articles for a long time. You are not a controlled opposition like American Frontline Doctors. And your detections are completely true and real. Nobody can deny them.
I studied International Relations at the university and lost all my career because of my academic researches & investigations.
Here I want to say that "Coronavirus PLANdemic is NOT a simple and coincidental event. It is a PLANned act. And this plan is not new. It is thousands years old."
World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, United Nations, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, American Government, Russian Government, Chinese Government, UKrainian Government, European Union, Pfizer, Moderna, Gamelaya, Johnson, Sinophar and more.... are all involved in this sinister plan.
Just last week this sinister cabal met in Switzerland - Davos to consider about HOW TO TAKE OVER planet.
I am 42 years old and I lost 17 years of my life because of my researches & investigations about Today's Crisis. And I have a 5.000 pages of archive from 9/11 terror attacks to burning egg farms in the USA. All of them are parts of the same plan.
There are some brave and intelligent experts around the world; some of them are medical doctors like you, some of journalist, some of academician, some lawyer. A lot of people are trying to warn public and writing valuable articles on their blogs and websites. Some of them are organizing conferences - a few days ago there was one in Sweden.
We must file a lawsuit at International Crime Court!
A lot of medical doctors, medical staff, journalist, academician, lawyer, researcher..... will support us. And the most important one is PUBLIC will support us.
Nobody knows the exact number but I am sure more than 50 million people were killed by mRNA shots, intentional wrong hospital treatments & medicines and Synthetic Virus itself.
Now hundeds of millions of people are waiting for a spark (International Crime Court Lawsuit).
They will support us until the end.
We have no third option.
1. This sinister cabal will CULL all of us.
2. We will stop them forever.
We have enough evidence. For example Thailand Princess were destroyed by Pfizer mRNA shots. In the first shot she lost her health. In the second shot she entered comma. Now Thai King can very well understand us.
A lot of people are writing on their blogs but we need SOLID and REAL solutions. Trying to awake masses is good but time is running and we have to move now.
We must do domething.
We need to gather medical doctors, lawyers, academicians, politicians, journalists and file a lawsuit at International Crime Court. This is our only chance. Organizing protesets will not stop them.

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