Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Mar 30, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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World first, Spectroscopy of Nano Structures in the blood
In this interview with Maria Zeee, I explain the latest findings of experiments done on the blood that I have recently reported on.
This is a humble beginning to answer some big scientific questions. Hopefully the discussion will inspire other scientists to look at the blood in a more specific way.
We are asking and discussing:
What happened to humanities blood? How does that affect our treatment choices? What is really shedding? Are the ribbon like structures made of graphene or hydrogel?
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Mike Gollins, PE - Mar 30, 2023
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Kimberly Graciano - Mar 30, 2023
Kimberly’s Substack
So scary/interesting in your video!
I wonder though: Did the unvaccinated which had those filaments do PCR tests?
I also wonder if CANDIDA INFECTIONS could be a factor? Why do I ask? Because of what you said about the acidity causing LOWER electrical life force...
A whistleblower had said that we are being sort of given more likelihood of having Candida infections, and that it’s being done purposely, but I don’t remember if she knew why. But that it’s dragging us down, like shortening our lives, or something.
I also heard a ex Banker Whistleblower say that “they” are trying to “use people like batteries” and I have heard that, and seen that in post apocalyptic films they are making...
So, I decided to go back, watch a few movies or shows strictly for research to see if they are spilling the beans! So, if you have off time, here’s a few movies or shows if you want. See if you don’t notice what I have noticed...
Movie or Show List:
Colony (especially Season 3, (episode like 12 on, or where they get to Seattle) but I encourage watching the whole series if you can.
LOST (especially like Season 4 or 5 where they show the SMOKE MONSTER and focus on the EMF FENCE. I guess where it involves “the others” might also be important.
Captive State (there were creatures that reminded me of beings filled with Graphene or something where it grew when they wanted it to, but some other things going on in the movie reminded me of what we’re going through.)
Cell (too much reminders me of what is planned with Transhumanism.
Helix (a lot to think about what maybe planned.)
and for fun, maybe watch the newer series of V, and Season 2:1 has red rain. Do you remember when in like India they had “RED RAIN” and it appeared to have cells inside that were not living? Yeah...Wondering if that was an experiment, kind of like a Voinitch Manuscript type phenomenon. An isit real or not, kind of thing...
The evidence is very compelling in all your work, Doctor Ana, I think those who criticize are either part of the disinfo people, or they are in denial. I have even gotten ill at family Birthday events where like 30 mostly vaxxed people were there, and I went to bed with a sore throat and migraine, which 2 days of Quercetin, zinc, C, D3, NAC, no symptoms at home, though...Every time I’m around them, I feel unwell, even had a fever a day after, if I remember right. Treatment at home, all better within like 2-3 days. I know it’s not great treatment protocols like barometric pressure or something like that. Just like the Zelenko one. 😃
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