Light Medicine, The New Paradigm In Healing …

Jun 16, 2023

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In this interview I was asked about my book Light Medicine.


Sandy K - Jun 16, 2023

Sandy K

Dr Ana, I have your a non-materialist scientist I am 100% behind your work! We all need to remember that the music we listen to is also sound/frequency, as is our own voice! Sing, hum, chant, pray aloud! Do your best to cancel out the sounds that cause you harm. I know it is an increasingly challenging thing to do nowadays, but everything you do to mitigate the damage is a step in the right direction for your health and healing.


Dog - Jun 16, 2023


If you can see millions of years into the future, how does this all work out?


Noren O Drisc - Jun 16, 2023

I did read about some people who (under hypnosis probably) did look at the future and one saud thst tgere wetr no animals left but some humans .....who were happy! ( seems Schwab ish( Another said that we live under complete and utter control of the 'elite' ie v rich and powerful. I just wish we could stop them now ie get rid if Gates, Fauci, Rickefellers, Royaks ( especiall v evil UK ones who secrey still rule the world with USA help) The agrnda us radical Drpopulation with our bodues co trolled by nanobots etc ie robots smaller
than DNA which apparentky have bern detected in thr 'vaccines' and blood of both injected snd non injected. ( Ana etc microscopes anda few other)


Noren O Drisc - Jun 16, 2023

Pardon typos:))


Phil Davis - Jun 16, 2023

Vintage American Images

Light and sound... it's all about frequency.
At this moment, I have two spaghetti-size flexible wires up my spinal cord to block pain that has been uncontrollable for over ten years. I have a remote control, just like a TV, in my pocket to adjust the intensity of the several programs and frequencies used to block pain and calm the nerves. Too much input, and it's a wild surge of power vibrating various body parts. It seems to work, at least in one area where I was hit by a clueless driver in an SUV while riding my bike. I hope to get off, or at least significantly reduce, the amount of pain meds I take daily. Yeah, I'm Doctor House, only on the harder stuff. I receive the max allowed, and after that, it's fentanyl patches. Not a good option; one small mistake, and you're fertilizing daisies.
The point is I'm using an electric frequency to influence nerves and maybe increase my quality of life instead of being somewhat stoned all day. I'm well used to the drugs; they really do little now but make me less grumpy and very chatty, even in Stack. 😂 My wife loves it when she wants to talk, which is all the time, and if I'm not personable enough, she demands, "Go take a pill."
So it looks like this may be a partial answer for me. And I mention it to confirm your article on light frequencies. My wife will need to find more female friends for conversations, 'thank god. I'm out of ideas. 😜😅


Domcrin - Jun 16, 2023

Triumph Over Absurdity

What a fascinating background! I keen to know if you've had success treating hydrogel in the blood with frequencies?


John Turmel - Jun 16, 2023


Who remembers when Trump talked about using light to disinfect the virus? The MSM prestitute smear machine accused him of urging people to drink bleach.


solutions - Jun 16, 2023

solutions’s Substack

ultraviolet light makes dna damage


Katie W - Jun 16, 2023

How does this align with LED and blue light being harmful to mitochondria? A good thread on this from Mercola, studies on Harvard Health. The body cannot be fooled by tinted yellow LED.
As a person interested in biosafetech I would only use non-LED Infrared light which has a healing impact on the body and mitochondria. Martin Pall's work suggests the huge amounts of EMF exposure we accumulate in our bodies daily is already having an impact on nitric oxide. How would using this layer over the individual day to day exposures? Incidental blue light from screens, phones, TV, LED lighting everywhere is contributing.
I know of an alternative Dr who used directed light to heal oral/throat cancers in 2010. They shut him down for 10 years and confiscated his equipment. So sad.


Joanna Gear - Jun 16, 2023

Joanna’s Newsletter

Dr. Ana: “Blu” reminds me to tell you as an aside, that I use Methylene Blue, both externally and internally, and I have yet to meet a skin condition, or something funny that appeared on my skin, or some rough patchy squares that I KNEW were pre-cancerous (under breasts, explain if you want), or sudden itchy or red or irritated spots or bumps — that did not dry up or disappear nearly overnight after swabbing with Methylene Blue (that that angel Dr Mercia told me about)


Joanna Gear - Jun 16, 2023

Joanna’s Newsletter

Sorry, Dr. Mercola, not Mercia


solutions - Jun 16, 2023

solutions’s Substack

Ana, with the luciferase and graphene in several bodies, this old light interaction has changed. Look about the latest conference of LQC in Spain, where they were exposing that the recent deployment of blue light in street lights will interact the same way as 5G by optoelectronics.


Veronica Evans - Jun 20, 2023

Here’s a link below which is a great presentation. Atty Todd Callender with Vax Choice interviews Dr. Bruce Bryan who helped to develop Luciferase. They speak about nanotechnology, 5G, frequencies, & effects on DNA. Dr. Bryan made known that Nattokinase not only breaks down the Spike protein but also Luciferase.


Susan Colosimo - Jun 16, 2023

Susan Colosimo

Ana, I'm so excited. I just received your new book "Light Medicine". Thank you for all that you are and all that you do and we Love You❤🙏💪


Thomas Lewis - Jun 16, 2023

Useless Liberal

Ralph Baric Said That "Gain Of Function"
Was "Poised" For Human Emergence. Seriously? Okay:
As I Stand, I Bend My Knees, And I Point To The Sky.
I Am "Poised" To Go To Mars .
-You Can Bet Your Ass I'll Get There Before Baric's
Gain Of Function Can Be Viably Sustained In Our Air.
There Is No Gain Of Function Pathogen In The Air.
That's The Hoax - And A Good One.


Joanna Gear - Jun 16, 2023

Joanna’s Newsletter

So looking forward to your book — not here yet — will surely treasure every word


Reply (2) - Jun 16, 2023

Comment removed.


Noren O Drisc - Jun 16, 2023

V long ad for book


Bill - Jun 16, 2023

Finally people are opening their eyes.



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