Light Medicine, The New Paradigm In Healing - My Interview With James Grundvig on AMP News

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jun 16, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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In this interview I was asked about my book Light Medicine. I am the founder and developer of the Tru Blu Medical Wellness Wraps and James asked me about this. We discussed Light Healing methods and touched upon my Nanotechnology and Synthetic biology research and solutions based on the Light Medicine model.

You can find the interview here:




You can find out more about my book Light Medicine here.

Light Medicine - A New Paradigm - The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity

In this book, I explain my journey as a doctor and a healer, studying many modalities around the world including my training as a clairvoyant psychic, as a Curandero psychic surgeon, studying acupuncture and Chi Gong in China. Eventually I ended up studying at Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment and healing myself from cancer, facing my mortality in my near death experience and seeing my future years in advance initially, and then later millions of years in advance. I worked with the Blu Room Technology, which inspired me on a never ending quest to find the new and suppressed known science of healing, age reversal and longevity. This rich, to many unbelievable journey, has allowed me to understand the warfare happening today.

I discuss that Artificial Intelligence is not the greatest future for humanity, but evolving our divine potential is. For this we must rid ourselves of the false paradigms of the Rockefeller medical deception and integrate the science of our divine spiritual being and consciousness in our understanding of health and healing.

I also describe a new paradigm of medicine, based on enhancing the light or electricity in the human body and explaining how to use molecules of healing based on their electron donor capacity and light spectra. I explain my studies in biophysics, quantum physics and gene wave model. The book won the Global Book Award Silver Medal as well.

The Tru Blu Medical wraps I was asked about can be found here:

Tru Blu Medical

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Sandy K - Jun 16, 2023

Sandy K

Dr Ana, I have your a non-materialist scientist I am 100% behind your work! We all need to remember that the music we listen to is also sound/frequency, as is our own voice! Sing, hum, chant, pray aloud! Do your best to cancel out the sounds that cause you harm. I know it is an increasingly challenging thing to do nowadays, but everything you do to mitigate the damage is a step in the right direction for your health and healing.

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Dog - Jun 16, 2023


If you can see millions of years into the future, how does this all work out?

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