Lessons In Cybersecurity And Electromagnetic…

Nov 4, 2023

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In my medical practice, I see a lot of targeted Individuals.


Dr. Deborah - Nov 5, 2023 - Edited

Dr.’s Substack

I had contacted Arthur Firstenberg in Santa Fe New Mexico, a few years ago, author of "The Invisible Rainbow" (a must read on EMF).
We were discussing all of these different of EMF protective devices. Price ranges from 50 dollars to over 5000 dollars. I was considering the most expensive whole house device for 4700 dollars from Germany.
He told me that NONE were helpful, and they are money making scams. Mentioned personal grounding is most beneficial in addition to working on your whole-body aura (same as Sabrina Wallace) and decalcifying the pineal gland of fluoride.( I use borax ) Been taking nano-silver before the psy-op started and supplements with NO Graphene from a trusted chemist.
I have a flip phone / grounded on my desk-top with Ethernet . NO tablet or lap-top, NO cable or TV. My electric meter is not smart and placed 500 feet from my home.
Well...whoopdie- do for me :-)
My question is why you are not utilizing Aurthur Firstenberg's knowledge in any of your segments?
He was never referenced at your 5G symposium.
Buyer beware purchasing these so-called EMF protection devices, sometimes they can do more harm than good.
There is enough psychological virus warfare floating around.
Looking at slides with "monsters floating in them" etc. etc.
Enough to dissociate the mind.
As a former researcher in big-pharma we were told about the "virus " agenda years and years before they launched it. Was told the remedy was borax and nano silver.
This is about disconnecting AI "antennas" ...hint hint.
There you go .
Thats my 2 cents and one question.
Hug a tree and get out in nature.


Paul Vonharnish - Nov 10, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Hello Dr. Deborah: You nailed it right here: "Buyer beware purchasing these so-called EMF protection devices, sometimes they can do more harm than good."
The devices are less operative than snake oil in real world conditions. Buyers "marks" are generally uneducated, and looking for a quick solution to a problem they don't even bother to research. Dissociation of cognitive functions are one of the oft mentioned affects of electromagnetic poisoning. Thanks for posting.


Dr. Deborah - Nov 10, 2023

Dr.’s Substack

Hi Paul: That is an excellent point. Adding in the fear factor , many other physiological issues are induced as respiration rates increase along with increased levels of adrenalin and cortisol.
Thank you.
Are you aware of any information on EMF etc., with SAT phones?
Much appreciated.!


Paul Vonharnish - Nov 10, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Hello again. I have no specific studies regarding Satellite link access phone, but ALL electromagnetic broadcast is biologically harmful...
An oft neglected point, is that these emissions are actively and egregiously affecting frontal lobe processing functions in our military and executive classes... These declining skill levels are now being proven empirically after these same individuals failed to heed multiple warnings... Ah well...
Here's a page listing a number of research studies. >>> AMERICANS for RESPONSIBLE TECHNOLOGY >>> Independent Science on the Effects of Wireless Radiation on Human Health and the Environment >>>https://www.americansforresponsibletech.org/scientific-studies
Depending on your interest, you can click on the enumerated titles in the first list.


Dr. Deborah - Nov 11, 2023

Dr.’s Substack

Thank you, Paul.
Your link is a great resource of information.
Will be searching for any info. in reference to these SAT phones. Musk and co. appear to be hiding plenty of info. Agreed that ALL This stuff is dangerous.
Last, for now my other concern is these lithium battery generators out there for "survival" back up electricity . My husband is looking at some alternatives.
Dang, always something!


Unagnu - Nov 22, 2023


Go Borax Water! I do it about 3 out of 4 days in a week, every 3 weeks. I do the IVM too, same way. Figure it can't hurt. Turn off all my wifi's at night and to be double safe? I unplug. Then I put the phone (off) in a Faraday bag. I'm looking at the bed netting and the hat for extra safety. Its mitigation since I work in an EMF heavy kind of setting. Work may be sending me h ome with a lap top at some point. Can't escape it, but I can mitigate it.


Dr. Deborah - Nov 23, 2023

Dr.’s Substack

Smart moves. Mitigation is wise as you are so correct, "we can't escape it"
We can all learn something from each other.


Kathie - Dec 26, 2023


How much borax are you taking and any recommendations of kind?


Unagnu - Dec 27, 2023


1/8 of a teaspoon 1 liter of water daily for 3 to 4 days, the rest of the week no borax water, or 1 pinch of borax in 1 pint of water 3x a day, for 4 days rest of week off.


Kathie - Dec 27, 2023

Thank you πŸ’•


Dr. Deborah - Nov 11, 2023

Dr.’s Substack

Antenna / GO in Depth Analysis / How is this done ?
Continuing with the investigation of nanocommunication networks , whose hardware has been
identified in the blood samples of vaccinated people (Andersen, M. 2021a | 2021b | 2021c ), as
well as the simulation software for their communication TS-OOK, it has been discovered the
data packet routing system, whose name "CORONA" ( Co ordinate and Ro uting System for Na
nonetworks) should no longer be a surprise.


Stella - Nov 5, 2023

Dr.’s Substack

Thanks for your good info. Please explain if you use Borox taken internally, and how. I recently bought a box of Borox to use externally, but on the box it says to not take it internally.


Dr. Deborah - Nov 6, 2023

Dr.’s Substack

You are welcome.
I take a small "pinch" with my thumb and index finger in about 20oz (in my drinking bottle) of distilled water 3 times a day. Yes the box will say that but proceed anyway as it is totally safe/pure and burns through the body very rapidly. Boron (borax) is one of the most highly prescribed elemets by doctors. However, the pill form has added fillers in it and is not as bio-available, plus more expensive.
Lots of sites will give different dosages. The "pinch" works well for me over the last several years.
There is plenty of info. out there (so far its still up)
Nanofilament Replication Inhibitor:https://www.brighteon.com/12948cfd-4c05-4352-bbef-f21c6fa8ffa1
Hope this helps!


Stella - Nov 6, 2023

Dr.’s Substack

Thank you so much, this information is good to hear as I’ve heard people speak about it before, though I was still uncertain how much or how people were taking it.


Dr. Deborah - Nov 6, 2023

Dr.’s Substack

Welcome Stella
My best in health for you !


Kirsten - Nov 7, 2023

Soulbee3 Substack

Thanks a lot for sharing this information. I bought some of the silver and I will start with the pinch of borax again. A aligned homeopathy friend made fun of taking borax, and I stoppe using it. But I will begin again, it's easy and inexpensive.


Dr. Deborah - Nov 7, 2023

Dr.’s Substack

Wow , another case of anti-borax disorder :-)
It is amazing (maybe not) on the push against borax. Been observing it for the last 25 years.
Best to you on your journey!


Kirsten - Nov 10, 2023

Soulbee3 Substack

I didn't know it was a disorder! We will have to get some counseling for her. πŸ˜„
Thanks again, and best to you as well. πŸ’•


John H. - Nov 6, 2023

John H.

Does it have to be distilled water? What about using Burke water filtered H20? Where do you get nano-silver?


Dr. Deborah - Nov 7, 2023

Dr.’s Substack

I think Berkey water will be fine.
I get my nano-silver from Terral Croft
I was having it sent from Geneva . Then purchased some from Terral. Had it tested and the results were superior. He makes a concentrate and has a great price.


Lisa - Nov 7, 2023


thanks for your tips!


Light4Ima - Nov 8, 2023

Borax harms your kidneys. Don't do it.
Just because something works, it doesn’t mean it’s safe.


Rust - Nov 14, 2023

Dr.’s Substack

Could you please give me more info as to how to go about doing this:
"working on your whole-body aura".
I have watched many of Sabrina's videos but have not come across any specific information on this. Thank you!


Dr. Deborah - Nov 14, 2023

Dr.’s Substack

Hello Rust,
I have no idea how Sabrina is doing the "dance / shrug , etc.
Have watched . She appears to have some internal connection to a "source" of sorts that her mind is connecting to? I agree about the "skin" being our largest organ and how she gets it stimulated.
Perhaps, she has a group on her psinergy channel , or some education classes?
I do whole body grounding and spend a lot of time walking barefoot, hugging trees and also do sungazing. Drink distilled highly alkaline water ( John Ellis water). Eat raw foods.
Last, I have been taking borax for years to keep my pineal gland from calcifying so I can keep my body grounded and open up my bio-field.
Hope this helps.


Rust - Nov 15, 2023

Dr.’s Substack

Thanks for your response, Deborah. I can't tell you how nice it is to communicate with someone (anyone!) who is aware of and in tune with the information Sabrina is putting out there. I grok where she's coming from wrt shielding, how she can manipulate (for lack of a better word) her bioshield. I want to know more about that. I also think that she is much more on point with where she's coming from when it comes to the whole covid fiasco, 5G, and now the disclosure of wireless body area networks. I've come to realize that all of the focus in the substacks I read, on the spike protein and the attempts to mitigate the damage (including that from shedding) is much less important than the need to address the nanotech that has been found in not only the jabs but so many other substances that most of us have been exposed to in one way or another --- for years.
I've not found any other group in which I can get more info on her approach and methods, although I have seen snippets in the comments on her videos mentioning her telegram board but I have chosen not to join that particular social media.
I will look into borax; I've seen mention of it often but know very little about it and of course, I tend to think of my grandma using it in her washing and fall back on that to justify my hesitancy. I have recently began to gain an understanding of the importance of the pineal gland and the effects of its suppression, and how that ties into a suppressed/non-functioning biofield.
The curve is steep but I'm doing my best to keep up.


Dr. Deborah - Nov 15, 2023

Dr.’s Substack

The curve is deep indeed!
Sabrina does a great job on the body network interface.
Our pineal gland has been messed with for centuries.
That basically initiated this entire agenda. Without the gland properly functioning the bio-field connection is useless. They knew and know it. Just add in AI/nano/GO etc. etc.. and there is a real recipe for "attempted "human destruction.
Lots of other natural aliments assist in pineal detox along with the borax.
I also recall my g-ma and mom with the box of Borax :-)
The below link is a good resource, and she lists some incredible resource links at the end.
Amandha D Vollmer
Degree of Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine


Light4Ima - Nov 8, 2023 - Edited

Dr.’s Substack

Borax harms your kidneys. Don't do it.
Stop ingesting colloidal silver and using is as a homeopathic remedy too. Silver poisons the kidneys, becomes deposited in the brain, and creates a whole host of other problems within the body. Just because something works doesn't mean it's safe. You have to stay away from FADS if you want to THRIVE.


Dr. Deborah - Nov 9, 2023

Dr.’s Substack

Maybe you need to do some research on the difference between colloidal and nano silver?
Deposited in the brain? Then what... eats the brain tissue?
Stop spreading trash about borax.
The dis-info on borax has been going around since Walter Last.
Really? Borax with a 9.0 alkalinity is harmful for the kidneys.
Your entire post is laughable.


Stella - Nov 14, 2023 - Edited

Dr.’s Substack

About silver of any kind, don’t mean to be negative to those who like and believe in it, but I saw a video a while back that scared me off of ever taking it, said it stays in the body and is cumulative over time, and that cells next to it can thus become cancerous.


Light4Ima - Nov 18, 2023

Heavy metal toxicity and what that leads to. Metals don’t belong inside the human body.
A little bit here and there -it doesn’t matter. But when something is promoted as a supplement and is recommended to be taken daily and in huge dozes -that’s where we get into the dangerous levels, immune responses, we get to inflammation. It has been shown that people who consume it several times per week experienced low grade chronic ongoing inflammation which is, as you probably know, even more dangerous than a sudden inflammatory reaction in the body that you would immediately notice. Low grade inflammation has been linked to more than 100 diseases.


Dr. Deborah - Nov 14, 2023 - Edited

Dr.’s Substack

Hi Stella
Can totally understand your concern after watching that video. Just viewed one yesterday from a guy stating that silver will rot your brain...comparing what it does to a car battery?? Then he proceeded to sell 5300dollar EMF protector? We all must continue to decide what is best for us. I will copy and paste Terrals reply from his sub-stack. He appears to be the only one talking about the NS and SB protocol. I followed him over a decade ago when he had his research team . He has information well before Dr Ana. So, I respect his info. from HAARP/genocide/AI agenda. She also banned him from posting here?
I am not into his Black Star theory (find it interesting though) Nor do I get involved in anyone's "religious" take as he wrote the Mystery Explained.
I have worked with scientists that were tearing up these nano-particles by this internal protocol. In fear of their lives , no-one dared to mention it. Just my viewing
Enough said :-)


Unagnu - Dec 27, 2023


Sodium Citrate can also help get rid of the nano. Borax however was found to be very useful by Morgellon's suffers and so I put great stock in it. 1/8 of teaspoon in water drink it all day long, replish with a new pinch of Borax as needed... at least 3 pints. I'm thinking of trying both on and off to see if it helps. My pineal gland is likely calcified and so the borax can ONLY help with that.


Dr. Deborah - Dec 27, 2023

Dr.’s Substack

I have been following the reports on the S Citrate.
My concern is that most are taking a produced pharmaceutical substance.
Even making SC on your own requires produced "ingredients" which are most likely contaminated.?
Borax is natural.
Maybe you could post your feedback on the SC here or on Karls SS.


Dr. Deborah - Nov 14, 2023 - Edited

Dr.’s Substack

Terral Croft
Aug 27
Hi . First, we are writing about "Nano Silver" (5nm particle size) and not inferior Colloidal Silver:https://elementasilver.com/blog/colloidal-silver-vs-nano-silver/
Then, Nano Silver is highly reactive and burns through the body very quickly. That is why a 200-pound person like me takes 9 doses per day, according to the Weight Chart regimen. Your body uses up the Nano Silver faster than any detox treatments.
Let's do the math to gain some idea of how much Nano Silver is required for achieving maximum benefit. Producing 100 of the 2-ounce bottles of Nano Silver (500ppm) in the laboratory requires just 8.5 grams of Silver Nitrate, which amounts to about one teaspoon. Those 100 bottles at the 500ppm concentration produce 300 liters of Nano Silver at the 10ppm concentration for taking daily doses, or about 80 gallons, or more than 61,000 doses.
Silver Nanoparticle Webinar Presentation:https://youtu.be/IoxFckpUq44
I recommend that anyone with questions or concerns about using Nano Silver watch the webinar presentation. Next:
Dr. Ana and metals and 5G: Anyone issuing warnings about using the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate regimen is doing so to suit their ill-conceived agenda, IMHO. The entire 5G-bioweapon-activation narrative is manipulated by the lettered agencies and their fascist counterparts to control the sheeple. AI will activate the SARS bioweapons and bioweapon Vax components using the Digital Space-based HAARP Carrier Wave used to manipulate the nanobots in every human being and animal host on the planet simultaneously.
AI can utilize AM-FM radio frequency waves and 3-4-5-6G waves, and X-rays and every frequency along the entire electromagnetic spectrum for achieving optimum outcomes for protecting the Globalist-run Underground Ark City Program. The 5G propaganda is used to help AI and the lettered agency-fascists-etc. manipulate the many false narratives, while using keyword analysis for identifying potential threats. For example: your message to me was red flagged by AI because you mentioned 5G, and especially with Colloidal Silver and Nano Gold, etc. The bottom line is that Nano Silver stops the SARS bioweapon RNA-DNA replication and oxygen-enzyme activity, and works with the Sodium Borate as the best Nanofilament-replication inhibitor on the planet. Those opting to go off the Nano Silver-Sodium Borate regimen are doing so to their own peril, IMHO.
LIKE (1)


Stella - Nov 15, 2023

Dr.’s Substack

Can you share where to find that Dr. Ana Mihalcea quote to take nano silver and Boron?


Dr. Deborah - Nov 15, 2023

Dr.’s Substack

That quote was from Terral Croft's Substack


Stella - Nov 15, 2023 - Edited

Dr.’s Substack

Is that a Dr. Ana Mihalcea quote? I am skeptical about putting MORE metals in my body so will hold off on that for a while, hope it works for you, please let us know in a while later how it goes. As luck will have it, there’s a doctor near where I live who does live blood analysis and chelation and things somewhat along same lines as Dr. Ana from what I’ve heard, have a first appointment to see him soon. We’re all still in the experimenting stage it seems, seeing what develops to save humanity.


Dr. Deborah - Nov 15, 2023

Dr.’s Substack

As you are planning, do what you feel is best.
The mind is very powerful and if you have a concern about a particular protocol never do it as you will start coming down with all types of issues :-)
It continues to proceed very well for me and my family. We have LBA done every 2 months.
All of our blood is spotless and rich in oxygen.
I refuse to be placed any "experimenting stage".


Lisa - Nov 6, 2023


Do you mean that we are the AI "antennas"?


Dr. Deborah - Nov 6, 2023

Dr.’s Substack

One could look at it that way . Biologically we are made with our human antenna . Our whole body network with the biofields/aura/chakras and the pineal gland being the main transformer to initiate the process. However, in the case of AI attempting to destroy all that we see the work of Dr.Ana and others revealing these substances that contain all these "antenna"(sp). It makes sense to fight AI by dislodging the antenna connections.
This is what borax can do. The nano silver also stops the replication.
I have found the only person out there mentioning this for many years is Terral Croft.
He has a substack Terral03.
I am not too familiar with the Black Star he discusses but learning. His information on the nano silver and borax is right on.


Lisa - Nov 7, 2023


Thanks for your feedback. I'm familiar with Terral03 and I have boxes of borax for laundry and bath -- will add to my daily supplement routine. Is nano silver not accumulating in the tissues? thanks again!


Dr. Deborah - Nov 7, 2023

Dr.’s Substack

Thats great! I will also be stocking up on more Borax myself before they ban it here in the US as other countries have done.
No, the nano-silver will not accumulate in the tissue. It burns rapidly through the body. That is why the dosing per weight is spread out throughout the day. Once place under the tongue it rapidly dissolves. You are just left with distilled water in the mouth. Plus, the surface area of the "nano" is greater as opposed to regular colloidal silver.


Stella - Nov 14, 2023

About silver, I saw a video a while back that scared me off of ever taking it no matter which kind, said it stays in the body and is cumulative over time, and that cells next to it can thus become cancerous. Just for me, not sure I’d be willing to take a chance on one type only not staying/accumulating in the body.


Dr. Deborah - Nov 13, 2023

Dr.’s Substack

Antenna / GO in Depth Analysis / How is this done ?
Continuing with the investigation of nanocommunication networks , whose hardware has been
identified in the blood samples of vaccinated people (Andersen, M. 2021a | 2021b | 2021c ), as
well as the simulation software for their communication TS-OOK, it has been discovered the
data packet routing system, whose name "CORONA" ( Co ordinate and Ro uting System for Na
nonetworks) should no longer be a surprise.


koppykat - Nov 7, 2023


Hi there, can you define what you mean by "the nano silver also stops the replication" do you mean the replication of the nanotech in all it's forms? we are seeing more and more different characters in the blood samples, bots, crystals, stuctures, bubbles, hydra-like synth's, circuitry, fibres, ribbons, morg's. Do you know which of these features the replication refers to? thankyou


Dr. Deborah - Nov 7, 2023

Dr.’s Substack

Yes, all different types of critters. This is working on nano circuitry throughout. It is AI.
There is no device we can construct for stopping AI using the Digital Space-based HAARP Carrier Wave. All we can do is protect each individual cell of our body using the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate regimen. Yes, the treatments and devices can chase the bioweapons into hiding and provide evidence to support claims of a cure, which is the nature of the AI bioweapon beast. At some point, the bioweapons components are AI-electromagnetically activated (Prather/Callender and others). Everyone should do their research and decide what is best for them and their families.
The Nano Silver is the RNA-DNA-replication inhibitor that stops the bioweapon oxygen-enzyme activity, when the bioweapon microbe injects the RNA code into the cell. The Sodium Borate is the Nanofilament-replication Inhibitor that eats the appendages from the nanobots and other bioweapon Vax components, which stops AI-HAARP Carrier Wave-Electromagnetic Wave Frequency communications, so the body can remove the elements naturally.
Watch the lengthy Silver Nanoparticle Webinar posted athttps://www.terral03.com


Bruce Cain - Nov 5, 2023

Bruce’s Newsletter

5G and Smart Meters must be stopped along with the millimeter waves and the destruction of our Privacy and Freedom. We will not be guinea pigs in a global 5G radiation experiment. We will no longer allow the CIA-financed Big Tech Giants (Facebook, Google, Twitter etc.), the Telecoms or our Utilities to violate our 4th Amendment rights by tracking out movements and behavior like in some dystopian future that appears to be a combination of 1984 and Brave New World. We will no longer allow Rothschild's Crown Castle to move forward with either 5G or Smart Meters. It is time for every human on this planet to rise up and say "WE WILL NOT GUINEA PIGS IN THIS GLOBAL 5G LAB EXPERIMENT.
5G: An Existential threat to our Health, Privacy and Freedom (2019)


Clique777 - Nov 5, 2023


It's easy to feel and think that way, but until that translates into legally harming Woke corporate American, its just hot air. That's why I've been boycotting for 48 years. I started my boycott Everything Disney in 1995, and in the last 18 months enough Americans have boycotted Disney to cost it more than $200 billion in market cap according to one source. I know its more than $128 billion of my one calculations about a year ago.
And when something like the 79 million who reelected Trump in 2020 join boycotting, things will change almost immediately! BTW, I didn't vote for Trump in '16, '20 and won't be in '24. Why? You, we, cannot win legally by "Voting Alone". Its that simple. We all must start doing meaningful things like boycotting Woke corporations who want four year old little boys to have the right to cut their penises off.
Nobody has any other choice, its that simple.


Orli and the team - Nov 13, 2023

Orli’s Substack

I think it would be much easier to open the eyes to the technicians that stop them to be the executors of their master do to their forced ignorant in the matter, it comes to the same than Covid, no slaves no power from them! That is where we need to focus to spread knowledge among the general population including universities and schools


Clique777 - Nov 6, 2023


Comment removed.


Clique777 - Nov 10, 2023


That's why I haven't voted in more than 2 decades. I described it then as "Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil and which can only yield an Evil Crop!". Yes, I was saying that 20 years ago!!!!!
I also make fun of grown adults who think they can LEGALLY save their Republic by practicing a phrase I coined years ago, "Voting Alone".
Unfortunately, the basic formula of informing people does no good. Why? It seems God's judgment on their minds is so strong that people aren't willing to do what they need to do once they get informed.
Heck, Alex Jones is the "Great Informer", "Paul Revere" even, and he hasn't done one single utilitarian thing in 30 years to save our Republic. He was the guy that put up the $250,000 so the Capitol area could be used for the Jan 6th March. So, Alex is responsible for 1300 Americans visiting the DC Gulag and for several now sentenced to more than 15 years in Federal prison.
Information without the knowledge to know what do with it is simply the biggest waste of time. The best thing anybody can do right now is to confess their sins to Jesus, repent of them, ask for his forgiveness and serve him the rest of their lives.


Susan - Nov 5, 2023

Doug’s Substack

If you seriously want to do something


Doug - Nov 5, 2023

Doug’s Substack

correct link?


Doug - Nov 5, 2023

Doug’s Substack

great video watching it now


Paul Vonharnish - Nov 10, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Thank you Bruce Cain. There are ZERO studies proving no deleterious health consequences related to electromagnetic broadcast. That's right, folks: ZERO. You are all committing mass suicide and murdering the planet with these technologies. Have a nice eternity...


Roman S Shapoval - Nov 9, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

They're slowly surrounding us, aren't they? Best thing I've done for my sleep is cut the power at night. Dirty electricity caused by AC fields is something even more pernicious, that many don't consider:https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/acelectricfields


Orli and the team - Nov 13, 2023

Orli’s Substack

Yes, if those technicians în The low chain spectrum could understand what they are doing installing 5G and other technologies it would be more feasible to stop this, that is why the keep the general population ignorant.. Without executors nothing can be done against humanity... Would those technicians through atomic bombs in their cities to their neighbors? πŸ€”


Doug - Nov 5, 2023

Doug’s Substack

. 6Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. 7How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow


Frances Leader - Nov 5, 2023


Thanks for linking your video.


bastringue - Nov 4, 2023 - Edited

Curing Covid Related Diseases -…

What would you suggest to someone living in an apartment complex? I turn off my wifi, and don't use my cell phone... but I get like 15-20 wifi networks from my living room.. What should I do? Is it possible to install a faraday cage around a bed, or any other solution? My energy level is so low I am sure this is the problem. Whenever I am out of town for a couple of days, I feel better, but with gas prices so high... not convenient.


Christine - Nov 5, 2023 - Edited

Curing Covid Related Diseases -…

You raise a good point. I too live in a block of flats where I can pick up a range of my neighbour's strong WiFi signals, some of which may be 5G. In addition I live in a tourist town where the population increases massively over weekends bringing their 5G phones with them. I collapsed a few times on Friday evenings when the tourists start to arrive before I worked out that their phones constantly seeking the best 5G towers are zapping me. I don't have disposable income, so have been limited to shungite pendants and now a silver imbued grounding sheet for my bed. I am not sure if any of them are working. I cannot afford major lifestyle changes to get away from others' 5G equipment.


Clique777 - Nov 5, 2023


HaHaHaHaHaHa! "I am not sure if any of them are working." - I only laugh because I've spent a lot of money trying to mitigate EMF, and I often think the same thing you said.


Unagnu - Nov 9, 2023


Yes. Use the EMF paint to paint your walls and maybe the
eMF shirt/pants/underwear clothing to protect your head, neck and body. Or, get the bed nets to make the bed a faraday cage. If you can, curtains to block the cell towers... on the windows. That's the beginning of getting free of EMFs in an urban setting.


Kirsten - Nov 7, 2023 - Edited

Soulbee3 Substack

I can really relate to that. Being around a lot of cell phones would drive me nuts, and I couldn't go out to restaurants, movies etc. I did a heavy metal cleanse which helped, and I recently bought a portable Blue Shield device that I put in my pocket or bra if I'm out around cell phones. It's $200 and has made a big difference. It needs to be charged and sends out scalar waves to combat EMF waves. So it's an active device, not a passive one. I feel fortunate that I have some disposable income to spend on some of these things.


Susan - Nov 5, 2023 - Edited


Is your smart meter close by or attached to the outside of your apartment wall? They emit emf pulses. I've seen apartment buildings with one outside wall with at least 10 smart meters attached. Feel sorry for the person living in that apartment space. They're getting zapped to the nth degree.


kaal - Nov 5, 2023 - Edited


smart meter guard.


Susan - Nov 5, 2023

Soulbee3 Substack

Yes, that would be great if the apartment managers allowed it. Where I live, it would not be allowed.


Kirsten - Nov 7, 2023

Soulbee3 Substack

Quite a few years ago I bought a big sheet of aluminum to put against the wall. I don't recall where I got it. Some heavy duty aluminum foil might do the trick as well.


Clique777 - Nov 5, 2023 - Edited


You're in a pickle of EMF soup. Its simply a function of living in a city or an area where there are many residences so close together. Imagine being in a subdivision where 200 homes each have a Smart Meter and a router. Its really difficult to escape that level of EMF. Not to mention the several 5G devices in the area. I live in the country and still have to deal with every single electronic device I have being capable of emitting massive levels of EMF.
For instance, I bought a Midea portable A/C unit 3-4 months ago. It is designed to cool a maximum room size of 400 sq ft, and it puts off so much EMF I just can't believe it, and all day and night long 24/7. That's just one electronic device. Television monitors, some of them, are just as bad.
Bluetooth and wi-fi are your deadly enemies.


Kirsten - Nov 7, 2023

Soulbee3 Substack

Right. Add cordless phones in there too. πŸ₯΄ Fortunately I live on a farm with not many people around me. πŸ™


Doug - Nov 5, 2023

Doug’s Substack

yes turn it off ditch it. use USB or Ethernet Connection... I use a bunch of those magnets around my wires my electrical cords to cut some of the noise they produce. Get some EMF clothing...
I try as often as I can to leave the house. i feel better too when I do...


bastringue - Nov 6, 2023

Doug’s Substack

Problem is when I leave home is to go on highway with 5G everywhere, then at work with 5G... I need to live somewhere without all this. This is crazy. For until this is possible, if it is ever possible, I need to find a way to mitigate all this, a way that works in an apartment and is not too expensive.


Doug - Nov 6, 2023

Doug’s Substack

I use EMF protection cloths...
Aime Holem has links on her site for EMF protective stuff... Might try less EMF too...


Kirsten - Nov 7, 2023

Soulbee3 Substack

I can feel it driving around too, and I don't live in a big city but a few of our intersections have so many freaking cameras on them, and probably other devices. I wrote this above but I thought I'd repeat it here, because it's really helped me when I'm out and about.
I recently bought a portable Blue Shield device that I put in my pocket or bra if I'm out around cell phones or in public. It's $200 and has made a big difference. It needs to be charged and sends out scalar waves to combat EMF waves. So it's an active device, not a passive one. I feel fortunate that I have some disposable income to spend on some of these things.


Lisa - Nov 6, 2023


We moved. That was our mitigation strategy. You cannot undo 30+ wifi networks coming at you from all directions.


bastringue - Nov 7, 2023

Yeah, that's a good strategy when you can. But now... I don't know where you live but prices are insane now here... with the manufactured migration crisis, there is a severe shortage of shelter and it's really really expensive to move... I might have no choice, but still trying to find a solution.
Did your symptoms improve when you moved? What were your symptoms before you moved?


Marty - Nov 5, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

Shungite wearables ?


kaal - Nov 4, 2023 - Edited


jordan bronson on yt has diy


kaal - Nov 4, 2023 - Edited


faraday cage for bed and diy wonder bracelet to discharge radiation.


Seeking Truth - Nov 5, 2023

Seeking Truth

whats a wonder bracelet?


kaal - Nov 5, 2023


he did something w coper/ silver and coil diy bracelet discharge radiation from body. look it up.


Kirsten - Nov 7, 2023

Soulbee3 Substack

Doesn't copper transmit electrical energy though? When I wear a copper bracelet around anything electrical it lights me up, and I figured this is why.


bastringue - Nov 4, 2023 - Edited

Diane’s Substack

I read that it wouldn't work in an apartment because the radiation could come from below... But I don't know much about it.
I'll check... Thanks... Do you have some link to recommend? So far I have seen he recommends how to build a small Faraday cage, but I'd need something really big, around my bed... and it should protect from below as well.


Diane - Nov 5, 2023

Diane’s Substack

Check outhttps://www.blushield-ca.com/product-category/premium-series/I have ordered the big box as I live in an apartment bldg. It is suppose to work for about 295 feet all around


kaal - Nov 5, 2023


looks like over 1000 $ just remembered dr mercola has tent - kind of enclosed but much cheaper. if its possible to sleep in I SHOULD GET ONE!


bastringue - Nov 5, 2023

Thanks... But it seems pretty expensive for something which I can't be sure would work. I like the DIY way, but not sure how it could work in an apartment... With low energy and constant brain fog it's difficult to do research.


Clique777 - Nov 5, 2023


I have something similar to that. I bought it 5 or 6 years ago and tested it, and I concluded that for EMFs of low power it probably works, but as high as EMF power can get, it simply would not work. The one I bought ionizes the air within 6' of the unit, like at a desk. They sell one that covers an entire home for about $3,000. I wasn't convinced.


kaal - Nov 5, 2023


i think he covers ALL that but in different videos and for much cheaper. if your smart and handy.


kaal - Nov 5, 2023


he covers alot over different videos. he is/ was extreme sensitive- so he has ingenuity and is cost effective diy. im not handy wish i was.


Kirsten - Nov 7, 2023

Soulbee3 Substack

I bought the blue shield scalar wave to plug into my home. I don't have a lot of Wi-Fi coming into my home, but I don't know if that will change. I also bought a portable one that I put in my pocket when I'm around a lot of cell phones, and I feel a big difference. Being around cell phones used to that my energy and make me emotionally labile. These generate scalar waves to combat EMF waves, so it's not a passive device.


bastringue - Nov 7, 2023

Soulbee3 Substack

The science behind those devices isn't really convincing. I remember watching video about some guy who opened a device and there wasn't anything special in it. I wonder if it's not more of a placebo than anything else... Good if it works for you, but that's expensive for something that might or might not work.


Kirsten - Nov 10, 2023

Soulbee3 Substack

Well I've tried three different products over the years, and this has made the biggest difference. I found out a friend had one after I bought it, and she notices the same thing.


shelley zimm - Nov 5, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Necessary subject thankyou Dr Ana.
I got 'allergic' to smart phones when 3g came in years ago. Jabbed people using them within 10ft cause my nosebleeds. People wont change until they suffer acute radiation poisoning too, but even then some wont stop using these weapons.


Paul Vonharnish - Nov 10, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Yes. Exactly. Several years ago, citizens pissed and moaned about being "locked down" for a few months. Try being locked out of "society" for about 25+ years... That is: Travel is highly uncomfortable, as cellular towers line every freeway. Try enjoying a meal in a restaurant whilst you're being irradiated into seizures by IDIOTS with their cellular binkys. Hey! Go to a bar and pick up an out-to-lunch chick, staring at her cell phone... I won't mention the wonderful conveniences of grocery shopping, buying hardware items, getting fuel for my car, or visiting friends who refuse to shut their wi-fi and cell phone "services" down, because they're addicted to the stimulate...


Kyle Young - Nov 4, 2023 - Edited

the secular heretic

Wifi on laptops and other computers also needs to be turned off.


Margie Chism - Nov 4, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

My household β–  Unplugs and bags. M


Clive Bragdon - Nov 5, 2023 - Edited

Clive Bragdon

Excellent information Dr. Ana!! You are giving people a chance to survive in this hellhole Matrix but you aren't responsible for their weaknesses and if they would rather be ill constantly and shorten their lives significantly then good luck to them. I've been aware and awake to this 5th generation warfare for many years and I am glad to see people slowly coming out of the comas they have been in. It's quite tragic that so many in the health freedom movement cannot or will not look at what you and your colleagues have uncovered. They got caught flat footed in the beginning of Covid 19 and now they will be in the same predicament when they ultimately have to admit that your research has been right all along. That day WILL come if only because of the patent trails and the incredible paper trail left by the DOD. The Founders didn't want a standing army beyond a healthy local Militia because they knew two things. Standing Armies get nations into foreign entanglements and when there are no foreign entanglements left to engage in, they will turn inward just as ours has done! If you have yet to speak with Attorney Todd Callender, I think you could both benefit greatly from from each other and I would surely hope to be a fly on the wall for that meeting. God Bless you Dr. Mihalcea!!


Clique777 - Nov 5, 2023 - Edited


The problem is nobody can escape this unless they live really rurally and limit their electronic devices. Go try to buy any product, other than something like a mechanical lawnmower, that doesn't have Bluetooth or wi-fi.


Lisa - Nov 6, 2023


Rurally they are getting us by toxins in the air. Literally bringing the gas chamber to us. Blanket of thick, low clouds and underneath the worst, toxic air. We are all getting sick. My community behaves as if they are poisoned people.


Clique777 - Nov 6, 2023


What state are you in?
They've clearly started the program to murder and move everybody out of rural areas.


Lisa - Nov 7, 2023


That is precisely what it feels like. I'm in PA.


Clive Bragdon - Nov 5, 2023

Clive Bragdon

You are quite correct. It's very difficult to free ones self from the modern world but great strides can be taken in the proper direction. It's not easy but by the grace of God and determination over a decade, I have managed to limit my exposure to the minimum. Now, I battle daily to keep the outside world from encroaching. It never stops!


Clique777 - Nov 5, 2023


5 years ago I was doing the same thing. I bought a Safe and Sound I EMF meter. I was able to get the EMF baseline in the room where I sleep and work down to 0.552 mv/sm, almost nothing.
But that was during my sleeping hours because I basically turned everything off.
That's much harder to achieve now because of some devices I have, like the TV monitor I use with my camera surveillance system and its DVR, which both put off significant levels of EMF. I can't turn the DVR off without turning off all of my wired surveillance cameras. I turn off the monitor most of the time.
Not to mentioned the fact its very difficult to reduce EMF during the daytime when I'm working and a lot of electronic devices need to be on for me to work.


Clive Bragdon - Nov 5, 2023

Clive Bragdon

I understand COMPLETELY and I truly sympathize with you. I had most of the same issues but about 5yrs ago I reached retirement and was finally able to get free of many of the things you just described. Good luck!!


Clique777 - Nov 5, 2023


So you live on Mars now, or in some ET craft at Warpspeed 10 cruising thru the galaxy? You understand the speed limit in the Milky Way is only Warp Factor 5, right? If it wouldn't take my a month to get to Alpha Centauri, I'd get them to lock you up!


Clive Bragdon - Nov 5, 2023

Clive Bragdon

Ha, ha! No, not quite Mars but I live in America which afforded me and opportunity for a lifetime of hard work and I accepted the challenge. So as a result I have retired to enough land that can keep many things and people far enough away from home that I reduce my daily exposure greatly. It's slightly inconvenient sometimes but it's a choice I'm quite happy with. We'll see for how long the Communists currently in power stay the hell out of my way.


Unapologetically Me - Nov 4, 2023

Just Another Canadian Dissident.

How much did it cost for the cyber security person to work in your environment for 3 weeks to identify and disable all that?


EAMBDGC - Nov 5, 2023


How does one permanently destroy their iphone? With a hammer and safety glasses? Serious question.


Clique777 - Nov 5, 2023


How about a fishing trip in the Gulf of Mexico and when you get 50 or 80 miles offshore...


Paul Vonharnish - Nov 5, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

I wrote about how to rid oneself of electromagnetic surveillance over 15 years ago. Readers thought I was joking.
Any large blunt instrument will do, or simply place the device on the ground and stomp on it until its reduced to fragments. Be sure to send the device back to the manufacturer for proper disposal...


EAMBDGC - Nov 6, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

sorry Paul but i missed that 15 years ago. Sad to say that I only “woke up” w the covd vax. Yep, i was living the American Dream thinking our govt was looking out for all of us. All i wanted was the truth which led me to 3 years of researching everything i could get my hands on and wondering where all my fellow Americans were by being outraged. “Seek and ye shall find” is exactly what i did. This is not my world and i am angry at the past present and future sins of our govt officials and the USA. “God will have his vengeance”βš”οΈ. Tell me where i can find what you know and your postings and i will look at. Let those who have ears hear and those who have eyes see the truth.


Paul Vonharnish - Nov 7, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Hello EAMBDGC: I've read well over 150,000 pages regarding deleterious health effects due to electromagnetic exposures. My studies date back several decades... Here are several good places to find reliable information. >>> AMERICANS for RESPONSIBLE TECHNOLOGY >>> Independent Science on the Effects of Wireless Radiation on Human Health and the Environment >>>https://www.americansforresponsibletech.org/scientific-studies
136 Studies Showing Health Effects from WiFi Radio Frequency Radiation
My lists are endless. Thank you for your pleasant reply and welcome curiosity.


EAMBDGC - Nov 7, 2023

Thank you. I will look at what you sent.


Margie Chism - Nov 4, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

I sleep in a thick [w]ool hiking cap β–  I have heard that even a straw hat with a scarf to pack it, will block brain waves from being read/identified. Living one mile from a county airport runway, it is the Aviation VA State Police Headquarters; I have been told a few years the VA National Guard's Aviation has moved to my local county's airport. Fusion Center is about ten miles away. M


Clique777 - Nov 5, 2023 - Edited


They have an air force of light aircraft that are being used for tracking and stalking, and many military aircraft have the technology being used. I'm 50% convinced they can 3-D image anybody's body just like an MRI, down to microscopic detail, with these planes.
This is the photos of the very first airplane I was convinced was used in stalking me, tail # N65FM. That's a UC-12 version of a Super King Air 300/350, probably an S model, the newest model for what I consider illegal surveillance by the DHS. DHS owns this plane. It stalked me for several month. Does that look like a plane capable of stalking?
This plane is nearly impossible to locate on the normal aircraft traffic sites, including ADS-b


Amy Harlib - Nov 5, 2023

Amy Harlib

I have a landline and a wired laptop and a wired monitor screen, all the tech anyone should ever want or need. I never had and refuse to ever have one of those infernal mobile devices that are designed to enslave you.
THEY want you dead or a slave every which way from Sunday and AI, wireless gadgets and 5G/6G are major components in THEIR arsenal.
Apoplectic livid rage hardly describes the intensity of emotions I have had and am having over what these malignant parasites are perpetrating!
There is no noxious crime that the evildoers desiring to lord it over us won't commit to maintain their stranglehold on power. A groundswell critical mass resistance to their murderous enslavement plans is needed urgently!
THEY can't get rid of the 'useless eaters' fast enough! Mistakes were not made, it was always malice aforethought.
Too many 'sheeple' are brainwashed to blindly obey authority figures on the media or in daily life in corrupt system ruled by control freak psychopaths who use propaganda lies to enslave their subjects and they are dumbed down to be obedient by 'education' institutions. Fortunately I was raised to question everything. This transcends party lines. We need a system that punishes psychopaths and rewards compassion and sharing, we need a system that actually follows The Constitution in reality.
My loathing of AI and all things NANO and digital knows no bounds!
There is no noxious crime that the evildoers desiring to lord it over us won't commit to maintain their stranglehold on power. A groundswell critical mass resistance to their murderous enslavement plans is needed urgently!
Kudos to DR. ANA MIHALCEA's heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!
There is a fate worse than death - I would rather die than be a robotized slave of technocratic overlords! This is my hill to die on!
How I stick my thumb in the eyes of the grotesque billionaire bastards pushing their enslavement agenda and how I embrace being fully human.
Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!
Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!
As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (68) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!
I try and live and embody the creative performing artistic world and life I so fervently want existence to be about.
They can stick their f*cking damned NANO, Digital IDs, AI, jabs and chips up their asses where the sun don't shine!
All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.
Supporting this excellent post with a statement and useful links.https://virustruth.net
It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!
We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.
There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.
How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!
Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.
There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!
MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
Pam Popper:https://makeamericansfreeagain.com
Del Bigtree:https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire
Naomi Wolf:https://dailyclout.io


Clique777 - Nov 5, 2023


If you buy a really good EMF meter, you will learn that your computer monitor and nearly every electronic device in your home EMFs what I consider unacceptable levels of EMF. If your fridge or dryer is 15 years old, maybe not.
It's Bluetooth and wifi, and its nearly impossible to find a modern electronic that does not have one or both capabilities. Routers are a well known source of EMF, but almost all new devices are capable.
Of TV monitors the worst one I've seen is the Vizio I bought, atrocious levels of EMF. Same thing for the TCL I bought.


SoCalGal - Nov 5, 2023

The only thing I did for October 4th was turn off the alerts on my phone and tablet and put them in faraday bags. I never heard the alert, but my hairdresser said her phone went off even with the alerts turned off.
I do turn my phone and tablet off every night and leave them on the other side of the house.


Observer - Nov 4, 2023

Observer’s Substack

Many related topics @https://stop5g.cz/us/5g-great-risk-for-eu-u-s-and-international-health-compelling-evidence-for-eight-distinct-types-of-great-harm-caused-by-electromagnetic-field-emf-exposures-and-the-mechanism-that-causes-them/


koppykat - Nov 6, 2023


thankyou very good info in this site


David Merrill - Nov 5, 2023 - Edited

Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…

I like my EPHODS. Plus my Doped Carbon 60 Nanoparticle Pump. Transition nanofullerenes with elite shungite. Especially though - I love Power. The more the better! I transform the RF pollution into DNA coherent light. The Aires Tech is a good prop and the Life Wave X39 and X49 patches are wonderful for constant undifferentiated stem cells and clean demagnetized erythrocytes.
That is just the start of it. Potassium iodide since Fukushima seemed a turning point. A biphasic asymmetrical square wave generator in my shirt pocket before that. Every single day. When I operate drones I have to remember to switch it off though, or crash. That is a biggie! It functions as a jammer to any and all the weaponry you are talking about.
I am just getting started though. I have an expansive cerebral cortex surface area and these things are attracted to me. Including all the money I want to buy them. But at the end of the day I just sound more neurotic than you do Ana Maria!
I just ordered $250 worth of dipped uncut flowers thanks to you. Watch me try explaining that to people! LoL!!
You have to get melodramatic - this photo is taken from my dining room. This is where I eat.


Paul Vonharnish - Nov 10, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

“Inventing more technology to solve the problem of too much technology, seems pretty counter-intuitive” – Paul Vonharnish – (3/21/2015)


Clique777 - Nov 5, 2023


I would high recommend against Carbon 60. Do your research.


Carol Jean - Nov 5, 2023

Carol Jean

Personally, the Aires tech did not help me at all. I guess it is just a useless prop. Hate that I wasted my money on it.


John Vargo - Feb 10, 2024

John Vargo

Have aires tech cell and computer guard after reading this plus a lot more,https://airestech.com/pages/technology?fbclid=IwAR0xoUpuxpvu0i-rVHXurT3qt_x0xDE6Mrg9W-T_OxnBqsriG6tOzgjQjYE


Seeking Truth - Nov 5, 2023

Seeking Truth

what is this pocket generator?


Robert Westover - Nov 6, 2023

Voicu’s Substack

Hard to find any words to express feelings other than horrific. Thanks for info and discussion. 5 years 8 months HS target. I’m inclined to think it’s running on 5G because my I Phone 12 battery goes down in 6 hr light use. I phone 8 4 g lasted 3 days.


Ing. Dipl. Voicu Anton Albu πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ - Nov 12, 2023

Voicu’s Substack

I observed myself that energy weapons can deplete batteries. Not just the phone battery. Any battery that happens to be in the path. I observed this so many times, that I was planning to build a sensor device to alarm me and wake me up, based on this property.
— I am a TI of 10 years, now brain dead


Robert Westover - Nov 12, 2023

Voicu’s Substack

Anyone who responds to me either sanctioned by the bad guys or a bad guy bot. yeah I’m top shelf.


Ing. Dipl. Voicu Anton Albu πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ - Nov 13, 2023

Voicu’s Substack

I’m sorry but you’re a retarded idiot in this case. It means the criminals managed to remove your ability to differentiate between allies and enemies, and everyone is an enemy now.
Good luck pal.
“Top shelf”. You realize how stupid that sounds? It’s nothing to be proud of, that you are a preferred bitch of mental rapists.


Robert Westover - Dec 6, 2023

Voicu’s Substack

Top shelf don’t play! That’s the definition d It’s been determined by Jesus blood and my pursuit of unfit.


Ing. Dipl. Voicu Anton Albu πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ - Dec 6, 2023

Voicu’s Substack

Yes, your highness


cindym778 - Nov 5, 2023

I have this and it works great. Get the mat and the cage if you live on the second floor or higher. This is still an investment, but it is cheaper than most others out there and works great.https://faradaylabz.com/?ref=6c6P88fAICccPW


Proton Magic - Nov 5, 2023 - Edited

Proton Magic & Co.

Very good info Ana. You have said once -very fleetingly-Sars virus was not isolated, do you mean it might still exist? Emphasizing there is no virus would get to the people that don't believe nanotech is in the shots. Why do you rarely mention that in your writings or vids?


Clique777 - Nov 5, 2023


Neither was Covid-19, right? They never isolated it that I've ever heard, and I've heard several experts state it was never isolated.
Heck, nanotech is in everything now!!!! All sorts of foods and drinks. Heck, they aerially sprayed me up to 4 times with nanotech, that's my claim. They're vaccinated livestock and vegetables with mRNAs!
Dr Robert Malone, in his 70's I think, is the one whose been saying viruses do not exist for decades, and he seems to have proven some of his other claims.


Proton Magic - Nov 5, 2023

Proton Magic & Co.

Pls refer to this and make your own decisions


Dr. Deborah - Nov 6, 2023

Dr.’s Substack

This little proton always dropping some huge bombs :-)


Dr. Deborah - Nov 6, 2023

Dr.’s Substack

I came across something in reference to the "Queen of Complexity Diversion."
Maybe something connected. Not sure?
How can I get it to you off of SS.
I am not on social media or telegram.


Proton Magic - Nov 6, 2023

Proton Magic & Co.

He's 64


Clique777 - Nov 6, 2023


I made a mistake. I meant Robert O Young, not Malone.



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