Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 04, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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In my medical practice, I see a lot of targeted Individuals. We are jointly researching how exactly the attacks happen, what makes them worse and what can help to alleviate the problem. Every individual is unique and they have different coping strategies and I provide supportive and regenerative therapies where I can, given the extremely complex circumstances of the individuals. Of course, I can do nothing to stop the targeting.
Many people laughed about our warnings about October 4th, alerting people that cellular devices might be used to frequency affect people in adverse ways.
They criticized, even though we were right - and the day of the FEMA Emergency broadcast test, people have recorded the pulsed frequencies that happened from 2:00 pm to 2:41pm, in addition to many individuals who had symptoms of dizziness, brainfog and general malaise. Oh, but we are just conspiracy theorists!
On October 3rd in the afternoon, I was hit and had Havana like symptoms - it started while sitting in front of my laptop. High pitched extreme ringing in my ears in multiple distinct frequencies, brain fog to the degree that thinking hurt, extreme pain pinpointed at the end of my ear canal in my head that lasted for days, falling to the side when standing up, inability to keep my balance and overall difficulty functioning. I had to take some days off to improve and fortunately got better rapidly with Methylene Blue infusions and capsules, EDTA and Plaquex infusions and brain peptides, while taking high doses of Boron, Selenium, activated charcoal, Iodine on top of all my other nutritional supplements. All symptoms resolved in 1 week on this protocol.
I am extremely careful, have my cell phone in Faraday cages and do not really use it. I have Ethernet at home, WiFi deactivated, no smart meter or other harmful devices and use a Faraday labs EMF shield for my sleeping area. Since being targeted in 2021, I have developed extreme EMF sensitivity and cannot stand being around cell phones.
After that incident on October 3rd, I hired a cybersecurity intelligence expert to help me lock down and secure my environment. I wanted to know about all possible local weapons systems that could be used against me. He spent almost 3 weeks with me in my office and home. What I learned and what it took to mitigate, was sobering to me. I am sharing some of the information so you may be aware and maybe take a closer look at your own environment. People ask me if I do not care that so many people do not believe in the nanotechnology and what I am researching. I say, people make their choices, but that does not detract from the truth I and others have been uncovering. If even the sudden deaths and turbo cancers in their communities do not make them wake up, there is nothing anyone can do to help. Truth is never popular. It applies to this subject of technology use as well.
Learning about Targeted Individuals who have been tortured for decades teaches us about the warfare that is going on against everyone, because the methods are similar, while less severe. A great resource is Targeted Justice, whom I have joined as an Advisor. Targeting of civilians is not a conspiracy either, just look at the FBI testimonies of whistleblowers on what your government is doing to innocent people funded by your taxpayer money. The evidence is shocking. Targeted Justice has filed a 1.3 Billion Dollar Lawsuit against DOJ, FBI and DHS in Texas.
As always, I speak to those who can hear me and want knowledge. We are in a technological war. Here is a list of problematic weapons systems that can adversely affect health and were found:
The upper strip of the laptop has multiple LIDAR cameras. It does not matter the brand, they all have it. One opening was for the camera but there were 4 other hidden ones. This was found by scanning a UV light and seeing infrared emissions. LIDAR means Light Detection and Ranging - Remote Sensing . LIDAR is used by militaries and armed forces for a broad range of defense applications, such as battlefield mapping, determining line of sight, aiding in mine countermeasures and the autonomous navigation of military vehicles. It is a celebrated technology in smart phones. In this day and age, we always must consider dual use application, meaning it is sold to you for comfort, and used against you as a weapon. It also uses Laser spectrum in form of a pulsed laser for augmented reality and pulsed lasers have also been used for Mind Control, for example through the MK Ultra CIA program. In 2009, laser controlled humans were already discussed via technology developed by MIT.
Lasers also record brain function and that is an emerging technology. A Caltech professor, in collaboration with researchers at the University of Southern California, has demonstrated for the first time a new technology for imaging the human brain using laser light and ultrasonic sound waves.
We know about WBAN and that illness, including Corona, can be induced via photon light pulsations to the retina. Scientific Study- Corona Is Technology And Frequency Induced! Effect of Coronavirus Worldwide through Misusing of Wireless Sensor Networks .
Smart I Phone
In a full spectrum sweep, I got to see that the I Phone continues to emit radiation even in the off position. Any device with built in Lithium batteries continues to emit data and can be accessed by law enforcement in the off position to record conversations. Of course the same person facing LIDAR technology is present on both sides of the camera opening of the phone. We do not get any safety disclosures on having pulsed remote sensing light detection network facing us when we look at our cell phones. Please note that Apple’s I phone also records your sleep patterns, and if you have a apple watch you have given it permission to record your biometric data. Apple states the I phone can tell when you are sleeping via a gyroscope that is a motion sensor. But that does not make sense, since most people do not sleep with their I phone strapped to their body but the phone records how much time you spent in REM sleep. How would it know how much time you spent in REM sleep and can detect that in the off position inless it can monitor your brainwaves? The gyroscope story does not add up. Note to all - if you allow technology to monitor any of your body functions, all the sensors are bidirectional, meaning you have given permission to alter you via frequency input as well, while your phone is off. Just a thought to consider, to all those who sleep in the same room with their devices. I now have discarded my I phone. You cannot sell it, because you can never erase data of your phone. It is deleted information that any hacker can retrieve. It has to be permanently destroyed. A cell phone with a removable lithium battery is safest, and no smart features, only 4 G enabled. Turn off Blue tooth. A simple Nokia 2760 will do. Yes, a flip phone. Of course you can laugh and keep handling your weapons system.
The Comcast Business story
I had a full spectrum sweep done in my office. I had been in contact with Comcast for months in order to get everything switched to Ethernet with wireless off. They would not do it. I got Faraday cage protection for the modem on 2.4 G while exploring other alternatives. In June we needed another phone line, which they came to install. At every visit of the Comcast technicians, I talked to them that I wanted to make the office as EMF safe as possible. The spectrum sweep results by my expert were shocking.
Comcast placed a device behind the modem without telling me that was a 4 G wireless tower. In the spectrum sweep it was emitting unbelievable radiation. This device was installed without my consent. I called Comcast livid - and the customer service agent said I signed for this. I said how? Nobody ever told me - apparently in the contract there was a clause that stated a backup system would be installed in case internet goes out - and they put it there when we installed the additional phone line. It says nothing about 4 G tower in the contract. My cybersecurity expert looked at this device for me. Not only was literally a 4G wireless cell tower, but it had SIM cards of AT&T and Verizon in it. In my county there was a court case that prohibited AT&T and Verizon to put up cell towers. Apparently they made a backdoor deal with Comcast to install 4 G wireless towers into businesses without the customer knowing! There were 2 wireless systems and 2 antenna inputs LTE/CDMA 4G but also GSM - which is a wireless system used in Europe. My expert uninstalled it. Comcast would not take this thing back because they said there was a 6 month contract. This device is a weapons system. The sickening radiation from a wireless tower right beside you can cause huge symptoms and illness! Targeted Justice wrote a great piece on how to de- weaponize cell towers. We all need to fight for that including the hidden ones!
Dirty electricity
The other spectrum sweep surprise were a couple LED office lights. They were emitting extreme radiation. That was also mitigated.
Sonos Sound System
We had a sound system in our office for music. The spectrum sweep again showed unbelievable radiation pollution from it and apparently those devices are just like Alexa, used for surveillance and voice recordings without the customer knowing. That system went straight to the trash.
There is more that happened to make every computer device secure and deactivate all internally installed radio antennas. I feel so much better, it is amazing - and I am so grateful to now have a completely safe space that is spectrum neutral. I learned that big tech companies like Apple, Comcast, all Computer manufacturers just are out to make money and they are part of the technological system that enslaves us and is weaponized against us. People ask me for advice on what they should do to feel better - I always tell them about EMF mitigation, but just turning off WiFi is too much for most people. Well, I just told you what I did and for those of you suffering out there, maybe this was helpful to know where to look. I changed everything and had every device in my environment assessed and secured with a microscopic view. And yes, you can survive with just a flip phone!
For more information about adverse health effects of EMF radiation:
Electromagnetic field induced biological effects in humans
Exposure to artificial radio frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) has increased significantly in recent decades. Therefore, there is a growing scientific and social interest in its influence on health, even upon exposure significantly below the applicable standards. The intensity of electromagnetic radiation in human environment is increasing and currently reaches astronomical levels that had never before experienced on our planet.
The most influential process of EMF impact on living organisms, is its direct tissue penetration. The current established standards of exposure to EMFs in Poland and in the rest of the world are based on the thermal effect. I t is well known that weak EMF could cause all sorts of dramatic non-thermal effects in body cells, tissues and organs. The observed symptoms are hardly to assign to other environmental factors occurring simultaneously in the human environment. Although, there are still ongoing discussions on non-thermal effects of EMF influence, on May 31, 2011--International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)--Agenda of World Health Organization (WHO) has classified radio electromagnetic fields, to a category 2B as potentially carcinogenic. Electromagnetic fields can be dangerous not only because of the risk of cancer, but also other health problems, including electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS). Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) is a phenomenon characterized by the appearance of symptoms after exposure of people to electromagnetic fields, generated by EHS is characterized as a syndrome with a broad spectrum of non-specific multiple organ symptoms including both acute and chronic inflammatory processes located mainly in the skin and nervous systems, as well as in respiratory, cardiovascular systems, and musculoskeletal system. WHO does not consider the EHS as a disease-- defined on the basis of medical diagnosis and symptoms associated with any known syndrome. The symptoms may be associated with a single source of EMF or be derived from a combination of many sources. Reported symptoms associated with electromagnetic fields are characterized by the overlapping effect with other individuals with these symptoms exhibited a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations, related to exposure to a single or multiple sources of EMF. The phenomenon of electromagnetic hypersensitivity in the form of dermatological disease is associated with mastocytosis. The biopsies taken from skin lesions of patients with EHS indicated on infiltration of the skin layers of the epidermis with mastocytes and their degranulation, as well as on release anaphylactic reaction mediators such as histamine, chymase and tryptase. The number of people suffering from EHS in the world is growing describing themselves as severely dysfunctional, showing multi organ non-specific symptoms upon exposure to low doses of electromagnetic radiation, often associated with hypersensitivity to many chemical agents (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity-MCS) and/or other environmental intolerances
Symptoms of EHS have overlap with what people call “Long Covid”:
The symptoms most commonly experienced include dermatological symptoms (redness, tingling, and burning sensations) as well as neurasthenic and vegetative symptoms (fatigue, tiredness, concentration difficulties, dizziness, nausea, heart palpitation, and digestive disturbances).
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Dr. Deborah - Nov 5, 2023
Dr.’s Substack
I had contacted Arthur Firstenberg in Santa Fe New Mexico, a few years ago, author of "The Invisible Rainbow" (a must read on EMF).
We were discussing all of these different of EMF protective devices. Price ranges from 50 dollars to over 5000 dollars. I was considering the most expensive whole house device for 4700 dollars from Germany.
He told me that NONE were helpful, and they are money making scams. Mentioned personal grounding is most beneficial in addition to working on your whole-body aura (same as Sabrina Wallace) and decalcifying the pineal gland of fluoride.( I use borax ) Been taking nano-silver before the psy-op started and supplements with NO Graphene from a trusted chemist.
I have a flip phone / grounded on my desk-top with Ethernet . NO tablet or lap-top, NO cable or TV. My electric meter is not smart and placed 500 feet from my home.
Well...whoopdie- do for me :-)
My question is why you are not utilizing Aurthur Firstenberg's knowledge in any of your segments?
He was never referenced at your 5G symposium.
Buyer beware purchasing these so-called EMF protection devices, sometimes they can do more harm than good.
There is enough psychological virus warfare floating around.
Looking at slides with "monsters floating in them" etc. etc.
Enough to dissociate the mind.
As a former researcher in big-pharma we were told about the "virus " agenda years and years before they launched it. Was told the remedy was borax and nano silver.
This is about disconnecting AI "antennas" ...hint hint.
There you go .
Thats my 2 cents and one question.
Hug a tree and get out in nature.
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Bruce Cain - Nov 5, 2023
Bruce’s Newsletter
5G and Smart Meters must be stopped along with the millimeter waves and the destruction of our Privacy and Freedom. We will not be guinea pigs in a global 5G radiation experiment. We will no longer allow the CIA-financed Big Tech Giants (Facebook, Google, Twitter etc.), the Telecoms or our Utilities to violate our 4th Amendment rights by tracking out movements and behavior like in some dystopian future that appears to be a combination of 1984 and Brave New World. We will no longer allow Rothschild's Crown Castle to move forward with either 5G or Smart Meters. It is time for every human on this planet to rise up and say "WE WILL NOT GUINEA PIGS IN THIS GLOBAL 5G LAB EXPERIMENT.
5G: An Existential threat to our Health, Privacy and Freedom (2019)
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