La Quinta Columna Breaking News: Excellent…

Oct 30, 2022

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Marc Mullie - Oct 30, 2022 - Edited

Sandy K

Great work Ana!
Simple question: where are the billions of mRNA molecules that were promised in each vial?
Oh let me guess: there aren't any!
If there is no mRNA there are no 'spike proteins' acting as the 'bioweapon'
Geez does that mean this is some sort of CHEMICAL poisoning! Who'da thunk!
Marc Mullie MD


Sandy K - Oct 30, 2022

Sandy K

Dr Bryan Ardis is bringing the facts of envenomization more and more to light, and like Drs. Campra, Delgado, and Rose, he has been trying to warn humanity to wake up since his father-in-law was murdered by the medical cartel. Ardis' latest interview with Dr Jane Ruby is very good & I verified the published papers he mentioned. BMJ Global Health, for example. They've been working on this depopulation agenda for a long time....His last slide was the cover of the 1999 Time magazine depicting a 'DNA' strand that turns into a much more graphic does it need to be?!


sojourner - Oct 30, 2022

Dr. Lee Merritt in a recent interview I watched yesterday (Bitchute) is also speculating that there is no mRNA in the vaccines. In her research, she mentioned a paper from 2018, that was about mRNA successfully being used related to a vision problem, but that the treatment was outrageously (i.e. prohibitively) expensive. So she reasoned that mRNA in the vaccines was highly unlikely. She is now researching and speaking about parasites, being very likely.


The Word Herder - Oct 31, 2022 - Edited


I heard something about this a while back, Tom Cowan questioning the mRNA thing. There's just sooooo much distraction and misinformation going on... keeping us trying to figure out how to mitigate... and generally cause confusion. And there's no reason to think there's only ONE kind of jab... Seems a good idea for them to have different ones so it can't look like "the jab," but a lot of problems that are not related to "Covid" -- my theory so far.
It seems to me these people don't really have a handle on anything with mRNA. The contents of these inoculations were MANUFACTURED by the vaccine makers, but the stuff in them comes from DARPA... the DOD. And those guys are all about killing in very high-tech and devious ways... And they DO appear to have a pretty good idea about heavy metals, and how to really do some nasty stuff with that and radiation... La Quinta Columna were the first lab to come out with what was in these jabs... I think they're pretty respectable.


salialioli - Oct 31, 2022 - Edited


I can vouch for them, I live here. They are getting a ton of bad press and are risking their necks for all. Back in Sept, Oct 21 when they were verifying the 5G radiation connection to the self-assembling nano-particles under their microscopes, Dr Sevillano was getting quite upset predicting that by this time, NOW, we would be seeing widespread unexpected and sudden deaths all around. And look in front of you: the truth worldwide. This spells THE END of humanity. The sterilization of first-world country populations due to the high efficiency of bureaucratic systems and the TRUST the people have in their governments.
Somehow we must find the cure. According to Spartacus (the ICENI Bulletin on substack) it is called DRACO. 'They' were sure to make themselves a cure before they rolled it out, he says.
“On July 27th, 2011, a paper was published in PLOS ONE describing a novel protein biologic antiviral. It was called DRACO, an acronym for Double-stranded RNA Activated Caspase Oligomerizer.”
"DRACO DOWN THE MEMORY HOLE: They had a cure over a decade ago, but not for you"


The Word Herder - Oct 31, 2022 - Edited


Okay, first off, there's some serious doubts as to whether there is actually anything about mRNA in this inoculation at all.
The findings of La Quinta Columna have nothing to do with mRNA, it's to do with graphene oxide and EMF's. The "self-assembling particles" are graphene oxide, as I understand it, not mRNA anything. They assemble when exposed to EMF's, as I understand it.
That these jabs are going to be effective on the ENTIRE human race is pretty unbelievable, since we've seen that many people are NOT dying after this jab... Yes, it could take time, but graphene is know to be chelated by the body in a relatively short time period. There are pro-active ways to chelate graphene, as well.
Don't believe EVERYTHING you read. I don't know who Spartacus is, but I do have a lot of faith in LQC.
If I'm wrong about this, then I'm sure someone will say so and give evidence to support what they say... I have no problem being proved wrong, and while I am also susceptible to freaking out sometimes, this is something I believe I understand.


salialioli - Nov 5, 2022 - Edited


"Don't believe EVERYTHING you read." Pretty pompous statement that!! LOL!
Perhaps I should make one of my own: read carefully, digest the information before you speak. Well, think about the following.
Q What would be the point of a poison vaccine? A To kill people Purpose? Depopulation
Q What would be the point of introducing nano-technology (that depends on graphene) into the vaccine? A To control people. Purpose? Convert the population into robotic serfs
Q Would you introduce nano-technology into a person you merely wanted to exterminate? A Er .... Only if they might not die on receiving inoculation.
I personally don't lay much store by mRNA. Is the mRNA spike protein just a red herring to keep doctors running around in circles and diverting them from the truth? IMHO quite probably. The Deception underlying a major false flag often has many layers of deception, not just one.


The Word Herder - Nov 5, 2022 - Edited


Well, sorry if it was pompous, maybe it was. Sorry.
Yes, I do believe the purpose is Depopulation. Probably not nano tech but yes, heavy metals, like graphene, aluminum, mercury... It's been well-established for years that there are these adjuvants in vaccines, and the vaccines, generally, are full of these toxic metals.
I don't hold much store in the mRNA thing, either. It seems clear now that while the vaccine companies such as Pfizer and Moderna, et al, manufactured these inoculations, the actual product was developed by DARPA... You know, the agency in the Pentagon, purpose for existence being that they develop new and more efficient ways of killing people.
You don't have to believe me. I'm used to not being believed, after three years of it.
But you'll find plenty of other people who say what I say.
Again, I have my moments of "pomposity" if you want to call it that... I call it exasperation and resentment, but I didn't necessarily mean to direct that at YOU personally, so apologies.


salialioli - Nov 9, 2022

No problem. All good. We are most certainly on the same page. I just happen to believe that La Quinta are right with the nano tech as that seems the quickest way to fulfilling Yuval Harari's wildest dreams of cyborg "Epsalon" slaves! It also squares with DARPA being really evil ...!


Sally Gould - Oct 31, 2022

Sally’s Newsletter

I think, Dr. Mullie, that you have posed a NACREOUS QUERY!


Sammy - Oct 30, 2022 - Edited


Thank you so much Dr. Ana. I loved your interview with Maria Zeee. You are truly brilliant! I sent the video to a lot of people.


Cindy Weidner - Oct 30, 2022



KW NORTON - Oct 30, 2022

KW Norton Borders

Yes, I've been following this information since soon after the vaccines were released. These researchers have bravely stood against the madness for years. This kind of bravery is what we need going forward. There are in reality millions of people who are dedicated to standing against this. Most simply do not have a clue as to how to protect themselves and their children other than to refuse medical care of any sort now and in the future. Since there is much more to this than medical care. The totality of this envelops our entire planet with a shuddering evil - politics, law, economics, commerce, science, health, food, water, energy, and education. At this point unless we all rise the planet is lost to the modern planetary fascist state. Any and all ideas for bringing this to an end are needed.


Ernie Rockwell - Oct 30, 2022

Ernie Rockwell

This is, I believe, a LQC video from 2021, but with the English subtitles being read aloud, which is nice. I feel strongly that there is a lot of validity to what they are saying.


salialioli - Oct 31, 2022

The information dates back but the video by Delgado is recent, Oct 2 or 24, a hash-up of all the vital points covered in this summary.
Look up Orwell DOT City Archive section for a full English translated list of other videos and interviews on the various subjects dating back to June, 2021. Some of this is only now finding traction. See the latest from Karen Kingston's interviews. Her latest with Greg Hunter is really the case in question. She has the documents.


Nathan - Nov 1, 2022

I can confirm I scan loads of bluetooth MAC codes on my android phone (xiaomi Mi9T)
These codes are unknown and shouldnt exist as they have no manufacturer ID.
The more people around, the more codes I scan.
This video is spot on with the unspeakable evil happening right now!


Trial N. Error - Nov 2, 2022

Columna vids show their diy spark gap emp pulser from a fly swatter killing the blu teeth 100%.


Trial N. Error - Nov 2, 2022

Tons of diy plans on vids from fly swatters and old camera flash guns.


Aliss Terpstra - Oct 31, 2022

Aliss Terpstra

Does anyone know why Dr. Ryan Cole keeps publicly denying that the vaccines contain these self-assembling graphene routers and transmitters despite the irrefutable evidence that they transmit MAC addresses to BlueTooth receivers? He insists that they are merely manufacturing contaminants from the hasty rollout and lack of quality control during manufacture.


Marc Mullie - Oct 31, 2022

What's in the jabs? Potential scenarios
1. mRNA? - the 'official' story: very little evidence
2. spike proteins encapsulated in LNPs?
3. peptides (eg snake venoms) in LNPs?
4. heavy metals and graphene?
5. synthetic self-assembling 'parasites'?
6. nanostructures that respond to ionizing radiation?
Any other suggestions anyone?


Trial N. Error - Nov 2, 2022

The ANTIDOTES are akready on vid sites .. Proven to work by INSTRUMENTED results not ysk yak yak


clarkzkent - Nov 10, 2022

This is not breaking news Ana, I have had this on FreedomTube for about 10 months, however is accurate need to know information for all.


Belle on the Lake - Nov 1, 2022

Belle’s Substack

Interesting tidbit at the end of the video referencing AI and Elon. Beware the popular and new champion of free speech and truth?
And, where does this leave "shedding"? No mRNA means no spike protein? So the Vaxxd are shedding Graphene Oxide or assembled structures? Apologies if I'm behind the curve........these topics have velocity.
Lastly, I've been wanting to ditch my smartphone for years when I realized that I seemed to be in a more relaxed frame of mind more often when I lived without one, despite the lack of all the "conveniences" like locating the closest Starbuck's. I'm thinking there are better reasons to ditch it now.


Glenn Lawn Girl - Oct 31, 2022

This is very sobering information. I watched the Karen Kingston/Maria Zeee interview you recommended. All of it makes sense to me. It’s all in the patents. Most of the people on “our side” aren’t talking about covid being an AI nano bot bio weapon. I hope they come around but it’s going to take a lot to make that happen. The devil is attacking at the quantum level. Pray.


Dr. Joseph Sansone - Oct 31, 2022

Mind Matters and Everything Els…

Thank you for sharing this and continuing to tell the truth!


The Word Herder - Oct 31, 2022


Very compelling post, thank you!


Free Human - Oct 30, 2022

Free Human

Another take on the Maria Zee video - 180 degrees.
It would be ideal if a 'round table' of the several differing medical/technology opinions here in Substack land could convene (without ego mania taking hold & derailing the process), and apply a rigorously traditional 'scientific method' to thoroughly examining some purloined vials of vaccine under clean lab conditions. There seems to be quite a few different theories out there, and the different factions seem to be stuck squaring off to battle each other over who is right, instead of all of us jointly battling the real enemy - the Technocrats at WEF and their minions at Pfizer and Moderna, et. al.



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