Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 30, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Here is the link to this important video:
Breaking News: SHOCKING - Here is What Really is in the Vaccines
Different scientific groups around the world have been reporting on the self assembly structures found in C19 vials around the world. La Quinta Columna has been reporting on this for over 2 years. Please see this excellent video that explains all the different ways this technology is affecting humans.
It is of utmost urgency that the C19 shots are stopped and the injected are detoxified of this Transhumanist Artificial Intelligence Agenda. We most stop the wireless communication system 4G and 5G that is empowering the growth of this technology in peoples bodies.
Please share this information. Become involved. Speak up. Support the researchers around the world that are bringing this information forward. Stop the shots. Stop 5G. The survival of the human species is at stake.
Our work absolutely is in line with La Qunita Columna’s findings and discussion:
Please also see my interview with Maria Zeee explaining the implications for the human Mind and Spirit of this Artificial Intelligence Technology in altering humans.
Here is the link:
Dr. Ana - The Science EXPLAINED - Nanotech in Injections & Quantum Physics, Detoxing
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Marc Mullie - Oct 30, 2022
Great work Ana!
Simple question: where are the billions of mRNA molecules that were promised in each vial?
Oh let me guess: there aren't any!
If there is no mRNA there are no 'spike proteins' acting as the 'bioweapon'
Geez does that mean this is some sort of CHEMICAL poisoning! Who'da thunk!
Marc Mullie MD
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Sammy - Oct 30, 2022 - Edited
Thank you so much Dr. Ana. I loved your interview with Maria Zeee. You are truly brilliant! I sent the video to a lot of people.
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