Excellent presentation! My late father was a trauma surgeon & my mother did natural healing & supplements used most of the modalities you mentioned in your video interview. She had may stage 4 cancer patients sent home to die, that would use her protocols & live blood analysis and improve so much that when they returned to their oncologist, the Doctor saw these improvements and then recommended more chemotherapy or radiation. At this point, these treatments cascaded these patients backwards and the cancers returned and killed these patients. It happened so many times that mom would get very upset because about 90 % of the patients trusted the doctors advice over their own common sense! Having a foot in both of these camps growing up watching as President of the Pure Water Committee of Western Maryland fighting water fluoridation since 1960 with the late Virginia Rosenbaum, I know first hand the sham of a joke that is the state of our public health agencies. The references to blood in the Bible and what is transpiring today with these clot shots has become a deeply disturbing reminder that evil wants to contaminate our life giving blood from our creator Lord God the Father!
They teach the dentists in Dental School that fluoridation is 'safe and effective'.
They teach the doctors in Medical School that vaccines are 'safe and effective.'
This agenda to disconnect us from God/Source has been going on a long time, but is on steroids now.
Thank you for posting this. My hope is that we can get more investigation into CDS Chlorine Dioxide Solution. Please see 23:54 of this video.https://www.bitchute.com/video/M6b1yFUq4bTj/I have tried to request that Dr. Nixon and others look at CDS and its action under the microscope but, no reply. My post to Dr. Nixon appears here.https://drdavidnixon.com/1/en/topic/david-mat-taylor-221216The could save countless lives. How is it possible that CDS is not being discussed here? Solutions require constructive communication and dialogue. Where is the dialogue? The enemy knows how to use dialogue. So do engineering and AI optimization think tanks, I have participated in many. That kind of dialogue is very different to what I see about possible solutions here on the internet. We either observe, adapt, and go forward in the best possible ways or the trends will probably continue? Let's see what happens with this comment... Any meaningful reply would be a very pleasant surprise.
Hi Larry, we have worked with Dr Andreas Kalcker. The CDS dissolves the rouleaux. We worked to dissolve the ribbons and it took 6 months in an incubator. EDTA 30 minutes according to patents and I have seen EDTA clear blood within 1 day after infusion. I don't know if Comusav has done more studies on this, but for our group it did not dissolve the ribbons from vaxxed people fast enough.
Thank you so much Dr. Ana. It is useful information for injection victims, and loved ones. It is extremely challenging to find this kind of information on the internet, even at Dr. Kalcker's website, his forum, and COMUSAV itself. But, with the now apparently ubiquitous quantum dots being purportedly found everywhere, would CDS inhibit the ability for these things to grow into structures like what Dr. Nixon observes? I am an engineer and bio chemistry is not my area, but if CDS is indeed attracted to positive charges (and low pH) and the areas of assembly are of low pH, maybe the CDS will essentially seek out and react with the quantum dots at the time they interact to start forming the structures? In other words, can CDS or other things be used in a preventative capacity? Dr. Nixon or others could investigate this quite easily. It might save many lives. Many who have not got the injections are guessing right now and disclosure of what you and others know would be very helpful. Thanks again.
Larry, I was so surprises what does and does not inhibit these things. Nanoparticle gold of miniscule size inhibits, wine makes it grow. At least that is in a petri dish. With all we are doing we cannot see in nano size. I get what you are saying about charges, but these ribbons grow microchips frequency dependent ( Wifi), Light, UV, DC and AC current. Some say they feed on biophotons. I will be interviewing some interesting people in the next couple weeks talking about this...stay tuned.
With the wireless contribution to growth, avoidance of EMFs and even wearable Faraday cage silver fabric clothing might be good ideas. I will continue to plan how to set up real dialogues to analyze the entire spectrum of root causes for all of this and the entire spectrum of all possible real physical solutions. It is noteworthy that I cannot find anything like this on the internet. There are some who purport to be experts and they claim to know now to solve it, but none of the think tank brainstorming modeling and simulation sessions like what we did in engineering optimization and planning meetings. The enemy does this, guaranteed. Everything that has happened since January 2020, and the decades earlier, with meticulous planning where every contingency is carefully analyzed. Edward Snowden predicted that people would soon lack the courage to do this kind of thing and, unfortunately, it appears he was correct. But this can be done legally and peacefully if one is careful. Decartes may have done something somewhat similar in the 1600's when he published his Meditations. Full spectrum analysis of all possible root causes and all possible solutions is required, the enemy does this. If one limits their analysis of the future when playing chess and the opponent looks at all possibilities, who has the advantage?
I just want to know where to buy truly effective items to block the emf in the home and coming from cell phones, smart homes, tvs, etc. I'm not sure who or what company I can actually trust. Too many promises but no true proof, results.
Do the pendants, EMF stones, nice looking EMF cell phone stickers, quantum EMF protection devices, etc. actually work to prevent EMF harm? EMF experts Dr. Mercola and Dr. Klinghardt do not think these things work, please see the video below (55:06 for a specific discussion of these kinds of things). I have seen a wide array of people buy and use these nice looking, convenient, and relatively inexpensive pendants and other things like QUANTUM EMF PROTECTION SYSTEMS. My analysis of this is simple and easy. Measure with a meter. I, and others, have measured, and these things do not effect the EMF levels except a small (insignificant for health protection) EMF reduction directly behind them relative to the EMF source. Do cell phones still work near these devices? Yes, the cell phones still work perfectly. Then review Dr. Pall's summary of peer reviewed EMF science, or the science of others. My conclusion is that the real science proves that the dangerous EMF levels and types of severe modulations required to make cell phones work guarantee EMF damage. These wonderful looking stones, pendants, and quantum devices cannot possibly work. The best video I know of on this topic was taken off YouTube a few years ago. I found it on Dr. Mercola's Bitchute channel, downloaded it, and posted it on my Bitchute site. Right now my site is PROCESSING it, it is not yet available there, but should be soon. The following gives choices for you to access this video.
Dr. Mercola's site:
My site.
Video download (133.7 mB on my computer) in case Bitchute goes down (right click on the video and and select Download Video from the pop up dialogue box):
This is a complex and controversial topic. I will briefly share what I believe. A measurement meter is critical. There are at least 3 different types of EMFs that need to be minimized for general health (the nano particle Faraday cage situation might be different). A meter like this can help you to understand your particular situation and optimize your remedial actions.https://stopsmartmeters.org/2016/03/09/new-cornet-ed88t-tri-mode-electrosmog-meter-available-in-stop-smart-meters-store/Here is a Building Biologist Engineer discussing how to use the meter.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oggnOVI3Q_8&t=144sI have had success buying protective clothing and materials from this company, but have not bought anything from them for a few years.https://lessemf.com/product-category/emf-shielding/clothing-emf-shielding/Because the clothing is expensive, I learned how to sew, and now buy more cost effective fabrics from the same company, and other companies. One can make their own effective Faraday cages from these conductive materials.https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B018VI77QW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07WPTRZFC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1
There are many things like pendants, and they may help in some ways, but many do not trust them for EMF issues. Dr. Martin Pall showed that the modulations required for cell phones are harmful. My meter shows that the pendants do not block the radiation and the cell phones near them still work.
Sorry, I wish it was easier.
Good point. I tried several things, some of which are in your list, and others, but only shielding or avoidance of EMFs along with strategic consumption of CDS worked for me. Several supplements help when consumed with the CDS as follows. The CDS is stopped during a 4-6 hour period during which all daily food and supplements are consumed.. I do better if this period is lowered to 3 hours per day or less. Others have tried this with great results, but every situation is different. Sharing experiences is also helpful. I have looked, but have not found much of this kind of sharing on today's internet.
Thanks for sharing. I have found cd to be helpful as well, though I wasn't aware of the testing done on it. I'm glad to hear that it helps with the rouleaux formation.
Dr. Ana, thank you for all the info on EDTA. I've setup an appt with my functional medicine doc to do the infusions thanks to you. I'm spreading the word as I can.
I'm going to do an LBA first to see what I've got going on in my blood first, to see the before and after as you have done with clients. I did do a stint in the hospital with covid last year and nearly died from it. I still can't smell right. And they gave me the PCR test, so who knows what that test planted in my body.
Also, I'm unsure if any of your commenters have mentioned this below.
Tony Pantalleresco who suffered from Morgellon's for years developed some pulsed omni directional magentic devices and has been deep into this much longer than the rest of us on nano issues, like fourteen years in all.
He says the multi directions of the magnetic field are key to killing off the nano. The devices are intended mostly to stop/kill the operating system of the nano, and then to chelate in whatever method one chooses.
Below is the video of numerous types of nano that people have gotten out of their bodies using his devices. Pretty creepy, and one even has a blinking light, like Dr. Nixon, etc., have seen.
Assembled Nano Particles Removed From The Body After Using Antinano devices
EMF is fairly easy to block it appears - a sheet of kitchen aluminium wrapped around a room ( or person ) will block radio frequencies ( 5G, 4G, wifi, tv, radio etc ) as it forms a solid metal barrier to the radio frequencies used. This is a faraday cage and a well known technology.
If you had a smart meter on your home, hypothetically someone could put strips of kitchen aluminium foil on the wall ( well away from any 110v/240v electrical outlets ) so it could theoretically form a radio wave barrier between the smart meter and the interior of the house.
In effect, what youre doing is creating a reflector to stop the RF from coming through the wall into the house, and sending the RF away from the house.
Thank you so much for sharing this. It is so enlightening. I am in front of a life dilemma and I have a question : Should one deliberately "seclude" himself for a time in order to preserve his humanity and know more (I am really fortunate to have the opportunity to leave in a remote place and work from
home) or fulfill my dreams of travelling (aiplane involved) while detoxifying with EDTA and keeping my vibration high. I have not experience any symptoms since the beginning and I feel great. I would love to hear Ana or others tell me what they feel. It is a kind of a scream from my heart who is stuck in dilemna. With much love, Sandra
Bernie_miltenberger - Dec 22, 2022
The Pure Water Committee of Wes…
Excellent presentation! My late father was a trauma surgeon & my mother did natural healing & supplements used most of the modalities you mentioned in your video interview. She had may stage 4 cancer patients sent home to die, that would use her protocols & live blood analysis and improve so much that when they returned to their oncologist, the Doctor saw these improvements and then recommended more chemotherapy or radiation. At this point, these treatments cascaded these patients backwards and the cancers returned and killed these patients. It happened so many times that mom would get very upset because about 90 % of the patients trusted the doctors advice over their own common sense! Having a foot in both of these camps growing up watching as President of the Pure Water Committee of Western Maryland fighting water fluoridation since 1960 with the late Virginia Rosenbaum, I know first hand the sham of a joke that is the state of our public health agencies. The references to blood in the Bible and what is transpiring today with these clot shots has become a deeply disturbing reminder that evil wants to contaminate our life giving blood from our creator Lord God the Father!
Bodhimom - Dec 22, 2022
2FollowHim related topics
They teach the dentists in Dental School that fluoridation is 'safe and effective'.
They teach the doctors in Medical School that vaccines are 'safe and effective.'
This agenda to disconnect us from God/Source has been going on a long time, but is on steroids now.
2FollowHim - Dec 22, 2022
2FollowHim related topics
BODHIMOM, exactly, and if you don't agree?
2FollowHim - Dec 22, 2022
2FollowHim related topics
Bernie...good points made. And new to me. But of COURSE you're right. And notice who IS, and IS NOT dying. Quite OPPOSITE to how it should be.
Larry Druhall - Dec 21, 2022 - Edited
Solution Seeking
Thank you for posting this. My hope is that we can get more investigation into CDS Chlorine Dioxide Solution. Please see 23:54 of this video.https://www.bitchute.com/video/M6b1yFUq4bTj/I have tried to request that Dr. Nixon and others look at CDS and its action under the microscope but, no reply. My post to Dr. Nixon appears here.https://drdavidnixon.com/1/en/topic/david-mat-taylor-221216The could save countless lives. How is it possible that CDS is not being discussed here? Solutions require constructive communication and dialogue. Where is the dialogue? The enemy knows how to use dialogue. So do engineering and AI optimization think tanks, I have participated in many. That kind of dialogue is very different to what I see about possible solutions here on the internet. We either observe, adapt, and go forward in the best possible ways or the trends will probably continue? Let's see what happens with this comment... Any meaningful reply would be a very pleasant surprise.
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 21, 2022 - Edited
Solution Seeking
Hi Larry, we have worked with Dr Andreas Kalcker. The CDS dissolves the rouleaux. We worked to dissolve the ribbons and it took 6 months in an incubator. EDTA 30 minutes according to patents and I have seen EDTA clear blood within 1 day after infusion. I don't know if Comusav has done more studies on this, but for our group it did not dissolve the ribbons from vaxxed people fast enough.
Larry Druhall - Dec 21, 2022 - Edited
Solution Seeking
Thank you so much Dr. Ana. It is useful information for injection victims, and loved ones. It is extremely challenging to find this kind of information on the internet, even at Dr. Kalcker's website, his forum, and COMUSAV itself. But, with the now apparently ubiquitous quantum dots being purportedly found everywhere, would CDS inhibit the ability for these things to grow into structures like what Dr. Nixon observes? I am an engineer and bio chemistry is not my area, but if CDS is indeed attracted to positive charges (and low pH) and the areas of assembly are of low pH, maybe the CDS will essentially seek out and react with the quantum dots at the time they interact to start forming the structures? In other words, can CDS or other things be used in a preventative capacity? Dr. Nixon or others could investigate this quite easily. It might save many lives. Many who have not got the injections are guessing right now and disclosure of what you and others know would be very helpful. Thanks again.
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 21, 2022 - Edited
Solution Seeking
Larry, I was so surprises what does and does not inhibit these things. Nanoparticle gold of miniscule size inhibits, wine makes it grow. At least that is in a petri dish. With all we are doing we cannot see in nano size. I get what you are saying about charges, but these ribbons grow microchips frequency dependent ( Wifi), Light, UV, DC and AC current. Some say they feed on biophotons. I will be interviewing some interesting people in the next couple weeks talking about this...stay tuned.
Larry Druhall - Dec 21, 2022 - Edited
Solution Seeking
With the wireless contribution to growth, avoidance of EMFs and even wearable Faraday cage silver fabric clothing might be good ideas. I will continue to plan how to set up real dialogues to analyze the entire spectrum of root causes for all of this and the entire spectrum of all possible real physical solutions. It is noteworthy that I cannot find anything like this on the internet. There are some who purport to be experts and they claim to know now to solve it, but none of the think tank brainstorming modeling and simulation sessions like what we did in engineering optimization and planning meetings. The enemy does this, guaranteed. Everything that has happened since January 2020, and the decades earlier, with meticulous planning where every contingency is carefully analyzed. Edward Snowden predicted that people would soon lack the courage to do this kind of thing and, unfortunately, it appears he was correct. But this can be done legally and peacefully if one is careful. Decartes may have done something somewhat similar in the 1600's when he published his Meditations. Full spectrum analysis of all possible root causes and all possible solutions is required, the enemy does this. If one limits their analysis of the future when playing chess and the opponent looks at all possibilities, who has the advantage?
Sunnyy1 - Dec 21, 2022 - Edited
Solution Seeking
I just want to know where to buy truly effective items to block the emf in the home and coming from cell phones, smart homes, tvs, etc. I'm not sure who or what company I can actually trust. Too many promises but no true proof, results.
Larry Druhall - Dec 22, 2022 - Edited
Solution Seeking
Do the pendants, EMF stones, nice looking EMF cell phone stickers, quantum EMF protection devices, etc. actually work to prevent EMF harm? EMF experts Dr. Mercola and Dr. Klinghardt do not think these things work, please see the video below (55:06 for a specific discussion of these kinds of things). I have seen a wide array of people buy and use these nice looking, convenient, and relatively inexpensive pendants and other things like QUANTUM EMF PROTECTION SYSTEMS. My analysis of this is simple and easy. Measure with a meter. I, and others, have measured, and these things do not effect the EMF levels except a small (insignificant for health protection) EMF reduction directly behind them relative to the EMF source. Do cell phones still work near these devices? Yes, the cell phones still work perfectly. Then review Dr. Pall's summary of peer reviewed EMF science, or the science of others. My conclusion is that the real science proves that the dangerous EMF levels and types of severe modulations required to make cell phones work guarantee EMF damage. These wonderful looking stones, pendants, and quantum devices cannot possibly work. The best video I know of on this topic was taken off YouTube a few years ago. I found it on Dr. Mercola's Bitchute channel, downloaded it, and posted it on my Bitchute site. Right now my site is PROCESSING it, it is not yet available there, but should be soon. The following gives choices for you to access this video.
Dr. Mercola's site:
My site.
Video download (133.7 mB on my computer) in case Bitchute goes down (right click on the video and and select Download Video from the pop up dialogue box):
Larry Druhall - Dec 22, 2022 - Edited
Solution Seeking
This is a complex and controversial topic. I will briefly share what I believe. A measurement meter is critical. There are at least 3 different types of EMFs that need to be minimized for general health (the nano particle Faraday cage situation might be different). A meter like this can help you to understand your particular situation and optimize your remedial actions.https://stopsmartmeters.org/2016/03/09/new-cornet-ed88t-tri-mode-electrosmog-meter-available-in-stop-smart-meters-store/Here is a Building Biologist Engineer discussing how to use the meter.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oggnOVI3Q_8&t=144sI have had success buying protective clothing and materials from this company, but have not bought anything from them for a few years.https://lessemf.com/product-category/emf-shielding/clothing-emf-shielding/Because the clothing is expensive, I learned how to sew, and now buy more cost effective fabrics from the same company, and other companies. One can make their own effective Faraday cages from these conductive materials.https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B018VI77QW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07WPTRZFC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1
There are many things like pendants, and they may help in some ways, but many do not trust them for EMF issues. Dr. Martin Pall showed that the modulations required for cell phones are harmful. My meter shows that the pendants do not block the radiation and the cell phones near them still work.
Sorry, I wish it was easier.
Mario A Leblanc - Dec 22, 2022
Mario’s Substack
Here Sunnyy1. They have a large selection of EMF PROTECTION PRODUCTS :https://www.ftwproject.com/
Lisa - Dec 22, 2022 - Edited
Makes treatment tricky, doesn't it? ....FSM, PEMF, NIR, UV/Blue treatment are all so beneficial.
Larry Druhall - Dec 22, 2022 - Edited
Solution Seeking
Good point. I tried several things, some of which are in your list, and others, but only shielding or avoidance of EMFs along with strategic consumption of CDS worked for me. Several supplements help when consumed with the CDS as follows. The CDS is stopped during a 4-6 hour period during which all daily food and supplements are consumed.. I do better if this period is lowered to 3 hours per day or less. Others have tried this with great results, but every situation is different. Sharing experiences is also helpful. I have looked, but have not found much of this kind of sharing on today's internet.
Lisa - Dec 23, 2022
Thanks for sharing. I have found cd to be helpful as well, though I wasn't aware of the testing done on it. I'm glad to hear that it helps with the rouleaux formation.
Dev - Dec 21, 2022
Dr. Ana, thank you for all the info on EDTA. I've setup an appt with my functional medicine doc to do the infusions thanks to you. I'm spreading the word as I can.
I'm going to do an LBA first to see what I've got going on in my blood first, to see the before and after as you have done with clients. I did do a stint in the hospital with covid last year and nearly died from it. I still can't smell right. And they gave me the PCR test, so who knows what that test planted in my body.
Also, I'm unsure if any of your commenters have mentioned this below.
Tony Pantalleresco who suffered from Morgellon's for years developed some pulsed omni directional magentic devices and has been deep into this much longer than the rest of us on nano issues, like fourteen years in all.
He says the multi directions of the magnetic field are key to killing off the nano. The devices are intended mostly to stop/kill the operating system of the nano, and then to chelate in whatever method one chooses.
Below is the video of numerous types of nano that people have gotten out of their bodies using his devices. Pretty creepy, and one even has a blinking light, like Dr. Nixon, etc., have seen.
Assembled Nano Particles Removed From The Body After Using Antinano devices
Steve - Jan 17, 2023
EMF is fairly easy to block it appears - a sheet of kitchen aluminium wrapped around a room ( or person ) will block radio frequencies ( 5G, 4G, wifi, tv, radio etc ) as it forms a solid metal barrier to the radio frequencies used. This is a faraday cage and a well known technology.
If you had a smart meter on your home, hypothetically someone could put strips of kitchen aluminium foil on the wall ( well away from any 110v/240v electrical outlets ) so it could theoretically form a radio wave barrier between the smart meter and the interior of the house.
In effect, what youre doing is creating a reflector to stop the RF from coming through the wall into the house, and sending the RF away from the house.
Sandra Sky - Dec 22, 2022
Thank you so much for sharing this. It is so enlightening. I am in front of a life dilemma and I have a question : Should one deliberately "seclude" himself for a time in order to preserve his humanity and know more (I am really fortunate to have the opportunity to leave in a remote place and work from
home) or fulfill my dreams of travelling (aiplane involved) while detoxifying with EDTA and keeping my vibration high. I have not experience any symptoms since the beginning and I feel great. I would love to hear Ana or others tell me what they feel. It is a kind of a scream from my heart who is stuck in dilemna. With much love, Sandra
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 22, 2022 - Edited
Comment removed.
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 29, 2022
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