Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 21, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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I was invited by my colleague from Australia, Madonna Guy ND for this interview. We talk about the collaborative effort that needs to happen across medical professionals and the transformation towards a novel type of medical care away from toxic Big Pharma medicine. We discuss challenges in our respective countries and medical fields in opposing the Transhumanist Satanic Agenda. We talk about Live Blood Analysis with Darkfield microscopy, which is highly regulated and suppressed by Authorities in Australia.
Madonna Guy ND, is a respected Naturopath and Kinesiologist in Australia. She started New Leaf Natural Therapies in 1995. Having studied with some of the most fantastic minds in natural medicine over the past three decades, she has a unique combination of skills and knowledge.
As a practitioner using Oligoscan to find heavy metal and mineral levels; Dark Field Microscopy to look at the blood in real time - finding signs of health and vitality - as well as toxicity and other challenges; a bioresonance device which scans over 120,000 vibrations in your body - Madonna can help.
Madonna was on 4BC and Bay FM radio for a dozen years, had been a kinesiology trainer for over 15 years and loves sharing her knowledge in health and wellbeing - let's learn together!
In 2021 Madonna started her podcast and has interviewed people on all aspects of health, wellbeing and challenges facing the human population.
Find Madonna on other social media:
Bitchute: The Natural Alternative with Madonna Guy ND
Rumble: The Natural Alternative with Madonna Guy
YouTube: New Leaf Health Team
Audioboom & other podcast platfoms: The Natural Alternative with Madonna Guy
Facebook: Madonna Guy at New Leaf Natural Therapies Facebook:
The Brain Centre @ New Leaf Natural Therapies
Twitter: Madonna Guy @ NewLeafTweets Have a spectacular day,
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Bernie_miltenberger - Dec 22, 2022
The Pure Water Committee of Wes…
Excellent presentation! My late father was a trauma surgeon & my mother did natural healing & supplements used most of the modalities you mentioned in your video interview. She had may stage 4 cancer patients sent home to die, that would use her protocols & live blood analysis and improve so much that when they returned to their oncologist, the Doctor saw these improvements and then recommended more chemotherapy or radiation. At this point, these treatments cascaded these patients backwards and the cancers returned and killed these patients. It happened so many times that mom would get very upset because about 90 % of the patients trusted the doctors advice over their own common sense! Having a foot in both of these camps growing up watching as President of the Pure Water Committee of Western Maryland fighting water fluoridation since 1960 with the late Virginia Rosenbaum, I know first hand the sham of a joke that is the state of our public health agencies. The references to blood in the Bible and what is transpiring today with these clot shots has become a deeply disturbing reminder that evil wants to contaminate our life giving blood from our creator Lord God the Father!
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Larry Druhall - Dec 21, 2022 - Edited
Solution Seeking
Thank you for posting this. My hope is that we can get more investigation into CDS Chlorine Dioxide Solution. Please see 23:54 of this video. have tried to request that Dr. Nixon and others look at CDS and its action under the microscope but, no reply. My post to Dr. Nixon appears here. could save countless lives. How is it possible that CDS is not being discussed here? Solutions require constructive communication and dialogue. Where is the dialogue? The enemy knows how to use dialogue. So do engineering and AI optimization think tanks, I have participated in many. That kind of dialogue is very different to what I see about possible solutions here on the internet. We either observe, adapt, and go forward in the best possible ways or the trends will probably continue? Let's see what happens with this comment... Any meaningful reply would be a very pleasant surprise.
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