Is The Answer To The C19 Deceptions In Live…

Nov 16, 2022

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Self Assembly Artificial Intelligence found in almost every unvaccinated blood sample, looking like vaccinated blood.


AnaD - Nov 16, 2022 - Edited


That's why, at the beginning of the vaccination campaign, officials all around the world repeated like a mantra, that they needed to "vax 70% of the population".
Always the ominous 70 %. Why not everybody ? How did they know that 70% would stop the pandemic, and not 50% ?
The answer I found was this remark by a Pfizer official that 70% would be sufficient, so the vaccinated would infect the unvaccinated via shedding. The knew, because they had conducted their tests before, as these vaccines were in the making for decades.
In this respect, the question whether someone is vaccinated or unvaccinated, is irrelevant, because both can end up equally sick. It is merely a sign of disobedience, which is why they persecute the unvaccinated.
The question remainin is: how do I get that stuff out of my body? How do I prevent being poisened by shedding and still be able to function, to work, to go shopping ? Or do I have to retreat into the wilderness and live isolated like Ted Kaczynski, because there is no other way to keep my blood pure ?


Liza - Nov 18, 2022

Misha’s Substack

70% is the devils portion.
Zechariah 13:8-9
8 And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein.
9 And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The Lord is my God.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 19, 2022

Misha’s Substack

Yes Liza. This is what it is about. The jab destroys the soul and the technology is satanic. The living dead - the zombie apocalypse that the CDC warned of - are those biological robots or cyborgs who took the mark of the beast and are having their souls destroyed. I am working to lower that number. That is my mission. People do not understand that this is a spiritual war and that what we are fighting, the fallen angels are here and are collaborating with the governments of the world to destroy humanity. By the time people realize, it will be too late for the majority of them. There are whistleblowers and declassified FBI documents that show exactly that.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 6, 2022

Higher Entities is a great documentary. I highly recommend it.


Cxsnemk - Dec 5, 2022

I find comfort in the Scriptures of the Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2, verses 16 to 30, on the indestructability of man's inner Being. F.ex. verse 23: Weapon's cannot cleave him, nor fire burn him, water cannot wet him, nor wind dry him away. Verse 30: He who dwells in the body of everyone is eternal an invulnerable, O Bharata, therefore you should not grieve for any creature whatsoever.


Susan M. Sulc - Mar 2, 2023

Thank you for this inspiring quote. We are engaged in a spiritual war and the armor of the righteous warrior has its source in knowing that indestructibility of one's inner being. Light destroys darkness.


Susan M. Sulc - Mar 2, 2023

Yes, we are engaged in an insidious spiritual war that is leading to a cleansing of humanity. A division between compassionate beings and those who seek to dominate by any means is becoming apparent.
Thanks for the link!


Misha - Oct 3, 2023

Misha’s Substack

I cannot access this youtube, Dr. Ana, can you re-direct me to another source? Thank you


Pam Vernon - Dec 18, 2022


Thank you... I found this scripture recently, well first it was Zech 11.,5 6 ... "This will illustrate the way my people have been bought and slain by wicked leaders, who go unpunished. ‘Thank God, now I am rich!’ say those who have betrayed them—their own shepherds have sold them without mercy. 6 And I won’t spare them either,” says the Lord, “for I will let them fall into the clutches of their own wicked leaders, and they will slay them. They shall turn the land into a wilderness, and I will not protect it from them.” ..... this very much resonated for me about what is happening right now:


Susan M. Sulc - Mar 2, 2023

That is really a powerful message too, that is so prescient of this time in history. Whether it is call the Lord's justice, karma or whatever one may refer to some as some kind divine retribution, the evil ones, the greedy ones, the deluded elites who believe that they will be spared will certainly suffer their own hellish misery. Have faith in love that defies any kind of separation.


Susan M. Sulc - Mar 2, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

This is truly the most sinister genocidal plot ever conceived. I thought being un vaxxed I would be safe and unaffected. But the more I learn about this technology; the people and groups behind it; and the damage created, the more I want to justescape.....but where?
It seems inescapable given the methods that are being rapidly deployed to kill or disable as many humans as possible. Chemical engineered weather polluted with innumerable deadly toxins; polluted water, starvation, etc. it all seems rather hopeless. Except for the fact that there are so many of us who, with the guidance and information provided by people such as yourself and hundreds of other doctors, researchers, academics, lawyers and other compassionate souls, it all would seem quite hopeless. Thank you for your work and dedication to revealing the truth. Onward!


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Mar 2, 2023

This is a long fight. No reason to get excited by little wins or little losses. The worst is still ahead. I was a long distance swimmer, went through endless medical school and doctorate program. I am trained in long long battles. Great lesson for life. The Psychopaths have planned this for more than decades, are organized, patient, ambitious and evil and their vision spans centuries. Might as well get used to the fact that we are in this war, and every day is a new battle. It ends whenever it ends. Until then, we fight. BUT WE NEVER LOOSE HOPE.


John Biggins - Apr 8, 2023

I'm glad we've found you Ana....this is an overwhelming predicament......I hope you can get some time to rest.....the threat is real and getting worse the more you uncover...thanks for everything


Thomas Guitarman - Mar 2, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

Yes it is beyond any words we have to describe it , Imagine for me , who has been screaming about it all fro decades , no one wanted to hear it or believe , So now we must all be involved in stopping it in all ways and doing our best to survive it all. So there may not be an escape , but it would be best to leave the cities now , team up with the like minded unjabbed [that still does matter }. Have everything needed to survive for 3 years minimum. Use all the detox and remedy protocols as they are shown and discovered. Get involved in actions and solutions.


John Biggins - Apr 8, 2023

Yes...really takes us out of our comfort zone....too hard for most


Dave - Nov 17, 2022 - Edited

Dave’s Newsletter

That doesn't make sense. If they knew shedding would eventually get the spike protein into everyone, then it would also get into those that designed and released it.
Unless they had an antidote prepared ahead of time, the perpetrators of this crime are screwed.


Theophrastus - Nov 18, 2022 - Edited

Theara’s Newsletter

It has been shown that ivermectin has 20 very precise modes of action against the spike protein. Here is the citation:
It may have been removed by the publisher (Journal of Antibiotics) but .pdf copies exist.
The point is that an antiparasitic agent (IVM) displays remarkable properties in blocking the action of a known bioweapon (the spike protein). This seems too improbable to be coincidence. Hence, my hypothesis is that the villainous cabal started with the antidote (IVM) and engineered the poison (the spike) exactly to fit it. They are not the first to think of this: Frank Herbert describes this exact method in "Dune."


Theara - Apr 8, 2023

Theara’s Newsletter

iTS A PSY OP to kill more injected people with IVERMECTINE binding to GO , in the body, if the shot didnt kill them. or made them sick enough.


Theara - Apr 8, 2023

Theara’s Newsletter

there is no spike protein and no virus, !!!
BUT IVERMECTINE BINDS TO Graphene Oxyde IN YOUR BODY and makes it become Reduced GO which is much more electro conductive with 5G , and will kill you quicker if u are already injected !


Thomas Guitarman - Apr 9, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

I would like to see more evidence on this , I .dont like Iver. for many reasons and many cant tolerate it , BLACK CUMIN SEED OIL IS better and natural and inexpensive and works on many things.


John Biggins - Apr 8, 2023

Hi..... I still feel the spike protein is a's something else..


Dr. Paolo - Nov 18, 2022 - Edited

Dr. Paolo

Yes, your logic is sound. It would appear that the rGO is both injected and seeded from the environment. You can beat the Spike shedding with anti-virals and the rGO with Glutathione. It becomes a constant treatment and metabolic fight. Stay fit, fasting and supplements and you can hold your position. It is more difficult for the vaxxed.


Theara - Jan 15, 2023 - Edited

Theara’s Newsletter



John Biggins - Apr 8, 2023 - Edited

Theara’s Newsletter

Lots of researchers seem to agree ....


Theara - Apr 8, 2023 - Edited

Theara’s Newsletter

What they call the 'spike protein' is the "nano particle LNP" fakely named ' Lipidic nano particle , NOT a LIPID, but a nanotechnological electro magnetic device they have put in the vials : it contains PGE (poly ethylene glycol, polymers) graphene Oxide , GQD graphenised quantum dots, heavy metals and may be some PAYLOAD INSIDE in the core, nature :unknown.


Theara - Apr 8, 2023

Theara’s Newsletter

THERE IS NO SPIKE PROTEIN FROM VIRUS HERE AND NO VIRUS. and IT ' S PROVEN .stop this misinformation and for example read Karen Kingston substack on the fake spike, true nano technical device.


Freedom First - Jul 5, 2023

The antidote is NaClo2. Believe me or don’t.


Sandra Sky - Dec 18, 2022

Hi Ana ! How long should I detox with oral zeolite powered by EDTA (12.5mg) or EZCream ? I would LOVE to come to visit you but I can't cross the boarder right now as a Canadian. Thank you for sharing your light with the world. I love you ❀️


Dr. Paolo - Nov 18, 2022

Dr. Paolo

You can help yourself:
The instructions are quite simple, follow the case study


Marc - Dec 10, 2022


Me too unvaccinated but want NOTHING to do with this negative earth timeline anymore…πŸ₯ΊπŸŒπŸ« 


Judith Bartlett - Nov 17, 2022

Just seen Elena Danaan video speaking with John White inventor of Spooky2 Rife frequency rig, about his recent Miramate cold laser wrist-wear device that cleans blood among other things.. also root brands clean slate apparently effective too..


John H. - Nov 16, 2022

John H.

Do you have a reference for the Pfizer statement you alluded to above?
The 70% figure was always perplexing. According to traditional immunology there would have been no reason to think the new platform would work for a respiratory virus even if it was free of any contaminants and even if the contents were exactly as disclosed (which they aren't according to a myriad of independent investigators). IgA antibody production would have been necessary, and they are not produced in response to an intramuscular administered antigen.
Moreover, even if a traditional viral vaccine had been developed, it wouldn't have worked if given by IM injection. Perhaps it might have worked if delivered as a nasal inhalant. Even then there is the problem that coronaviruses are thought to mutate extremely rapidly and easily, so initial success might not have translated to long-term robust immunity. It's moot however, since the platform they rolled-out is administered IM. Maybe they have successfully deployed self-spreading "vaccines as you suggest.


Thomas Guitarman - Nov 16, 2022

Thomas’s Substack

It appears they have deployed self spreading "vaccines " saw several investigations on this in use in Austr. read Elana Freeland s well researched book GEOENGINEERED TRANSHUMANISM. Kissinger repeatedly stated "We only need one third of the idiots to take the shots and game is over " He would know , and know why , he is a major architect of this. So many toxic ingredients have been sprayed in the chemtrail programs it would be nearly impossible to figure out the SYNERGISTIC aspects and results of it all.


Thomas Guitarman - Nov 16, 2022

Thomas’s Substack

Ted s approach was not a bad idea for many reasons , and his actions as well , ever read his manifesto?


AnaD - Nov 16, 2022


Recently, someone (I believe in a chat with Todd Callender on the SGT Report) someone said "Ted was right"


Merlin - Nov 16, 2022 - Edited


Not seeing any health issues in unvaccinated friends/family, tonnes in the vaxxed.


AnaD - Nov 16, 2022 - Edited


I am unvaccinated, and last year I developed heart problems, shortness of breath, numbness and prickling sensations in my hands.
I suspect myocardities and micro blood clots.
Whenever I am around vaccinated people, I feel sick. If I stay too long, I become sick, with swollen lymph nodes, coughs, fever chills and so on.


Thomas Guitarman - Nov 16, 2022

Thomas’s Substack

Thomas Guitarman
just now
It appears they have deployed self spreading "vaccines " saw several investigations on this in use in Austr. read Elana Freeland s well researched book GEOENGINEERED TRANSHUMANISM. Kissinger repeatedly stated "We only need one third of the idiots to take the shots and game is over " He would know , and know why , he is a major architect of this. So many toxic ingredients have been sprayed in the chemtrail programs it would be nearly impossible to figure out the SYNERGISTIC aspects and results of it all.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 16, 2022

Thomas’s Substack

Thank you, Steven, heard of her book and wanted to read it but forgot about it... thanks for the reminder, will get it.


Thomas Guitarman - Nov 16, 2022

Thomas’s Substack

I have a copy I can lend you if you wish , supported her work for years , but wont anymore but the books are great. SK


Sisu - Nov 17, 2022

Theara’s Newsletter

I have had a similar experience. It was two years ago I experienced feeling like an elephant was sitting on my chest, hard to breath. I was checked out at hospital, ECG, stress test and cardiac cat lab checking the heart and all checked out ok. I also had tingling in my fingers, numbness, pain in the wrists and I thought it was carpal tunnel and took Rhus Toxicodendron and it helped. I am sensitive and have been experiencing strange energies or frequencies, different part of body like there was an overlay that resonated to this. Anyways too much to describe here.


Theara - Jan 15, 2023

Theara’s Newsletter

same thing ! no vax no pcr test ! k. " also had tingling in my fingers, numbness, pain in the wrists and I thought it was carpal tunnel, " i add shortness of breath, fatigue, pressure in the limbs, numbness, pains !


Collapse Podcast - Nov 16, 2022

Chronicles of the Collapse

I have increased my zinc intake as well as resveratrol with some success


Merlin - Nov 16, 2022

Sorry to hear that. Do you recover quickly when you remove yourself from vaxxed? I believe the desperation to vaxx( and also pushing regular doses) suggests that our bodies are excreting this stuff pretty well and for it to be effective( for them) they need a lot of it inside us.


Tiwo - Nov 17, 2022 - Edited

Did you undertake a D-dimer test, Complete Blood Count with Differentials etc to try and confirm your suspicions?
There are laboratories performing these tests (for a fee, of course) without the need to consult any "experts".


Lisa - Nov 16, 2022 - Edited


As well, I am unvaxxed and last year I had heart problems and a crazy high D-Dimer. My previous D-Dimer had been in the normal range.


BeachBabe - Nov 16, 2022


Have you seen a doctor for further analysis? Those are serious symptoms!


AnaD - Nov 16, 2022


At the moment, it is nearly impossible to get an appointment with a cardiologist, because of all the vaxxed who are dropping like flies.
And I have given up consulting doctors a long time ago. Even more so now, because something sinister has happened with hospitals. It seems they are harming and killing patients on purpose, so I do not want to get close to them.
I am trying to heal myself, as I have in the past 10 years.
With herbal remedies and homeopathy.


Thomas Guitarman - Jan 15, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

Comment removed.


Thomas Guitarman - Jan 15, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

Your omitting massive chemtrail spray programs for decades GLOBALLY. SK


Theara - Jan 27, 2023

Theara’s Newsletter

no, i dont omit them. i was the first in france to talk about chemtrails in 2008


Lisa - Jan 18, 2023


Dr. Ana's protocols. Can you find a place that does the EDTA IV chelation therapy? I found one in my area. There is also the EDTA cream that she has linked to in a previous Substack. I have started with that. If you are not well, it's always best to start low and slow. EDTA will also chelate minerals and many who are sick are already mineral depleted. Best to you!


Thomas Guitarman - Jan 19, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

Im in Dr. Ana s area so that is a possibility for us .


Theara - Jan 15, 2023 - Edited

Theara’s Newsletter

not true !! im the perfect answer, no vax, no pcr test, NEVER ..yet many symptoms described here from un vaxxed peole


Theara - Apr 11, 2023 - Edited

Theara’s Newsletter

1 ) they have increased EMF levels.
2 ) they have increased chemtrails spraying.
3 ) together its a death cocktail ' so similar ' to " shedding" . or vaxs' symptoms'
of course, because the vaxs are darpa HYDROGEL / GO and thats all what they are, with may be some synthetic dna but NOBODY has known till now what is in those jabs, at organic level,..
but there must be sth "organic" or ' synthetic biology' added, , that mixed with graphene Hydrogel, is the BOMB with the PAYLOAD complete; that kills the poor injected people
for us the un vaccinated, the culprit for all these symptomes are the CELL TOWERS THE SMART METERS THE GRAPHENE OXYDE OR HYDROGEL in our water, food, and air. in our body; ALREADY THERE. we dont die because the third ingredient is not in us, but we are sick .most of the time. CELL TOWERS .. do ou GET IT? SMART METERS. TOO. they have increased the frequency.


Theara - Apr 11, 2023

Theara’s Newsletter

the only shedding in fact, is that the vaccinated emit toxic FREQUENCIES from the payload inside them( GO/ HYDROGEL / NANO SENSORS / MICRO BOTS connected to AI by 5G network ) and these frequencies can even go to
Teraherz bandwith with radioactivity. (because of the Quantum Dots GO inside all their body )


John H. - Nov 16, 2022

John H.

Me either. I have relatives who were repeatedly jabbed. None have died so far. One had a stroke by MRI but had only very mild sequelae and is now recovered. There was no obvious cause of the stroke ie, no carotid artery disease, no obvious dysrhythmias such as AF, no intracerebral hemorrhage, no evidence of paradoxical embolus. The person did have a history of poorly controlled BP in the past but well-controlled for years prior to the CVA. I know of 2 people who probably died as a result of jabs so far and 1 other that is possible, although was a postoperative death from recent heart surgery (discharged from hospital doing well, died in the car on the way home). I know of a few jabbed people who developed adverse events including 7th cranial nerve paralysis, severe neuropathy, lower extremity venous thrombosis,


KK - Nov 16, 2022


My husband passed away recently unsuspected, he was unvaccinated and died of myocarditis and multiple myeloma in less than 3 months so I believe that it’s true about the shedding.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 16, 2022

I am sorry for your loss. I know many who have really been harmed terribly who are unvaxxed. Thank you for sharing.πŸ’™


Lisa - Nov 16, 2022


I'm so sorry for your loss! This is such a tragedy.


Jen - Nov 16, 2022

The Heterodox Cheering Section …

I want to get my blood analyzed but don't know where to go. I definitely feel like my red blood cells are not delivering oxygen appropriately. I am unvaxxed but am around a lot of them. But I agree that it's probably sprayed in the air and water anyway


Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot - Nov 16, 2022

The Heterodox Cheering Section …

Yup, we are unjabbed but "around a lot've 'em" at times too though thankfully all've us are symptom free -- Dr. Ana, please tell us how to get our blood analyzed... Here in NY State you cannot jus' go to a lab (eg Quest, LabCorp) for a draw or even send out / receive tests in this state via a lab due to some legal muck they put into place... If a lancet type home-test can work and it's small that's likely something even doable in states like NY that disallow self-testing (hopefully affordable as in this place many've us are outta work due to not takin' these clot shots). Thank'ye much fer any information!


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 16, 2022

Get a used microscope. Darkfield is better. If they don't want to look, we have to.


Jen - Nov 17, 2022

I was just thinking this a few hours ago. I will look. Thank you for all you're doing!


damon mcclure - Nov 17, 2022

damon’s Substack

Hi Jen
Live blood analysis using dark field microscopy. If you google it you'll find someone, the important thing is newish equipment.
Ive fact checked this 5 months ago and its all real. In saying that the old microscopes didn't find anything much


Dr. Paolo - Nov 18, 2022

Dr. Paolo

You can get a decent setup for about £700.


Jen - Nov 17, 2022

damon’s Substack

Thank you. I will keep looking. I have an appointment with Dr. McCullough soon so I'm going to ask him about all of this. He doesn't talk about it publicly but he has to know


damon mcclure - Nov 23, 2022

damon’s Substack

Can you let us know because i have a great deal of respect for him, Cole, Kory, Merrick etc yet I'm a crabe operator and can fact check this is true ....


Amy - Nov 17, 2022


I'm glad you asked that for me. I would love to aid the studies done by "the good guys" with my pure blood. I was never able to get a clear look at anything under a microscope when I was a student, not sure if it was my eyes or what, but none the less, I need an experienced lab tech to help me see my blood. I cannot afford a used microscope that I will only use for blood pokes.


damon mcclure - Nov 17, 2022

damon’s Substack

I paid 130 to a live blood analyst, usually they're naturopaths but it depends


mejbcart - Nov 16, 2022 - Edited

mejbcart’s Newsletter

In the last Stew Peters show Dr.Ana was talking about DNA producing Spike, good that now she corrected that!
Here my response to her on that brighteon interview she had with STew:
Spike has 1273 amino acids which make up for ~143 KILO-Da. Not Da.... The difference is in glycosylation, which might vary depending on environment...Dr. Ana, PLEASE do not make false statements, because you are LOOSING audience!! The modified mRNA goes DIRECTLY into RIBOSOME and produces the Spike there VERY FAST and LOT of it. It DOES NOT turn into DNA, unless there is reverse transcriptase around, which the giants say, is not the case, and that is not quite true either.. SO anyway, BASICS in synthetic mRNA delivery is BECAUSE it produces DIRECTLY THE SPIKE in cytosol, no need to turn into DNA!
The Spike gets DEGRADED in normal environment, BUT between ribosome and cell membrane, where it suppose to end up, there is a lot of space to do other things! I'm not saying there are vials with no mRNA, that's certainly for deception purposes clearly the case, but there are also REAL vials with REAL synthetic mRNA, at VERY LOW CONCENTRATION OF COURSE(!!) producing the SPIKE, which THEN stains the blood vessels of every covid injected who died...Countless cases were presented by pathologists!!!!!
Btw. where are thousands of dead with the ribbons who DID NOT GET the covid genetically modifying injections?
Sorry, but stories need to ADD UP, and in this case, IT DOES NOT. To make deception of the SPike deception is another deception....
No matter the differences in opinion, I do agree, given the DEATHS AFTER COVID INJECTIONS, the drug cartels need to be STOPPED NOW, and so the governments who are paying BILLIONS in black budget operations in order to spray us with undisclosed ingredients!
And now one more comment after looking at these pictures:
to have these pictures above is great, that was DONE already in 2021 by german investigators too, simply looking at fresh drop of blood, both of the covid injected and non-injected. What they showed, with about the same magnification as here, there was ONLY blood cloting in unjabbed when they were carrying cell phones or were exposed for longer time to wi-fi. I never saw any ribbons in their images of unjabbed volunteers ~ 1year ago... Which means, something has changed, in time, in location or both.
Spraying would be the one issue, BUT can anyone answer that simple question: how do you shed many millimeters long FIBERS DIRECTLY into human blood???????
Acknowledging others in science is very important, those who do not do it, are not worth to collaborate with!


Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - Nov 17, 2022 - Edited

Leslie Benjamini #🟦

There is so much conflicting information about this I believe very few sources.


mejbcart - Nov 17, 2022 - Edited

mejbcart’s Newsletter

The problem is extremely complex and it is a real emergency to stop now the other 'emergency' of falsehoods, like the general 2020 'covid response', which ended up killing via masks, vents, injections... I do appreciate everyone who has the means of doing experiments, getting the equipment and sharing information, like Dr. Ana, but the interpretation and the way how the experiments are being performed is not always 100%, thus questioning the final interpretation makes sense.. That's my point for example, how to explain the cm-long transparent fibers, in those who never got any injection? How a shedding can transfer that cm long objects directly into blood when we are talking nanoparticles???? Can it be some material from the air between getting the drop of blood and putting it on the slide? Can it be it was on the needle, on the slide? Is it in every image of every blood image? If not a control with water would be convincing step in showing it is from blood. Last ut not leas everyone here noticed mostly the injected are dying.. It is very important topic and needs investigation. I myself too am affected by the injected, and at the begin it was terrible, but it lessened substantially, which I think is my still left INNATE immunity against that 'whateveritis' crap. That would also explain why toddlers are dying by the direct exposure to the injection contents, their immune system never saw influenza, old SARS, etc...


Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - Nov 17, 2022 - Edited

Leslie Benjamini #🟦

I haven’t had any symptoms of anything. I take my supplements & go about my business. I do not go into crowds because I am not sure about the shedding issue. I go to the grocery store & small meetings of people. I’m not afraid of the virus. I’m much more afraid of the Bioweapon clot shot. I’m fairly sure that my son became ill from shedding but I can’t prove it. I just think the reality is bad enough, the hysteria & wild hypothesis are just too much. There is enough Suddenly dying, very high all cause mortality in countries, high rates of miscarriages, population decreases & adverse effects without going crazy with wild theories. They need to be proven before dissemination, just like SAFE & EFFECTIVE needed to be proven.


Sally Gould - Nov 17, 2022 - Edited

Sally’s Newsletter

Thank you, mejbcart!
DR. JAMES HILL - Nov. 14th - In response to Dr. Ana
"On this: 'In those cases that no mRNA was found, there also is no reverse transcription into DNA to make spike protein,'
Note spike protein can be made without reverse transcription.
The spike protein-encoding mRNA allegedly in the Pfizer and Moderna shots is directly                translated into spike protein.
Reverse transcription of vaccinal mRNA into DNA — shown to occur in vitro in liver cells, as you know — and possible subsequent integration into human chromosomal DNA are separate potential problems needing more study."
By the way, have you seen Jessica Rose's new article about a preprint on EMPTY LNPs?
Thank you, Dr. Ana, mejbcart, Dr. Hill, and Jessica Rose for all of your kindness!


mejbcart - Nov 17, 2022 - Edited

mejbcart’s Newsletter

I know that paper abut the RT of modified mRNA into DNA and incorporation into human cells and that's what I ment when I wrote:"unless there is reverse transcriptase around, which the giants say, is not the case, and that is not quite true either.."
Truly speaking, I'm starting to wonder about all these individuals on sub-stack.....
And no, I'm NOT READING ARTICLES written by those who request money in order to put comments beneath and who LAUGH when talking about gene modification treatments of the entire humanity! Thank you.


Sally Gould - Nov 18, 2022 - Edited

Sally’s Newsletter

I am not laughing.
I am crying.
To all of those Substackers who are the epitome of the "banality of evil", who "LAUGH when talking about gene modification treatments of the entire humanity",
my response is NUREMBERG for them.
Please, all of you wonderful Dr. Ana readers, I bid you to consider subscribing for free, of course, to mejbcart's Substack.  She is as kind as she is brilliant. you!


Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - Dec 19, 2022 - Edited

Leslie Benjamini #🟦

Nobody is laughing…too many horrible things happening.


Sally Gould - Dec 19, 2022 - Edited

Sally’s Newsletter

And, as I bade Bird in the comments, do watch this new video: under the microscope.


Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - Dec 19, 2022 - Edited

Leslie Benjamini #🟦

Repair the world? I try to stay away from Mike Adams for my sanity. Especially before trying to go to sleep.


mejbcart - Nov 18, 2022

mejbcart’s Newsletter

Thank you Sally for the nice advertisement:) We all really need to unite in the search for the truth... It is not easy.


Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - Nov 18, 2022 - Edited

Leslie Benjamini #🟦

I had no idea that she had a substack. I’m beginning to think that I am the only person left that doesn’t have one. πŸ™ƒ So many to read. I will of course check it out. Thank you.


Sally Gould - Nov 18, 2022 - Edited

Sally’s Newsletter

Do read the UPDATE on mejbcart's Substack relative to the translocation of the virus into the nucleus as enunciated in the preprint study cited below. Thus far, there is NO evidence of GENOMIC INTEGRATION, which is fortunate.
Again, here is mejbcart's terrific SubstacK;
And here is the preprint study:


Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - Dec 19, 2022

Leslie Benjamini #🟦

Thank you


Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - Nov 17, 2022

Leslie Benjamini #🟦

I just read that the 8th billion mark was reached in world population. I am wondering with all the ‘all cause mortality, supposed population drops, high cases of miscarriages, Suddenly dying, etc’ how is the world population continuing to grow?


mejbcart - Nov 17, 2022

mejbcart’s Newsletter

just wonder who is doing the 'counts'? If it is dominion, then.... I can't read official 'news' any more, getting simply nauseous.


Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - Nov 17, 2022

Leslie Benjamini #🟦

Yes, it actually came out of the Commission on Population and Development of the United Nations. I wouldn’t expect them to announce an epic depopulation sigma event.


Thomas Guitarman - Dec 19, 2022

Thomas’s Substack

Nothing coming from the U.N., WHO ,WEF or any alphabet soup agency of any government is to be trusted period , they are all agenda pushers or complicit in the greatest organized evil to ever be perpetrated on humanity. AND get ready for the second wave of this assault to be launched in Jan, if not already with the catastrophic contagion scenario with MERS , another patented bio warfare creation , with somewhere around 40% mortality rate. They have to act to cover the enormous numbers of deaths and injuries from their first wave, and to bring in the WHO GLOBAL PANDEMIC TREATY, DIGITAL CURRENCIES and total global lock down. Be prepared and forewarned. SK


Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - Nov 17, 2022

Leslie Benjamini #🟦

This is very interesting.


OUTRAGED HUMAN - Nov 16, 2022

OUTRAGED’s Newsletter

This is why antioxidants are the KEY!!! NAC and others. To stay alive, to detoxify, to avoid injury or to regain health.
And those behind it have the audacity to talk about the climate and nature and the planet - they are doing this to everything that lives


BeachBabe - Nov 16, 2022

You ask fair questions..... Personally the people I know who haven't had the jab have none of the symptoms we read about.
There's a micro -biologist/ scientist I follow who claims shedding spike protein is impossible because the minute it is exposed to air it is destroyed.. I don't know what to believe at this point. πŸ€”


BeachBabe - Nov 16, 2022

Dr. Ana.. have you viewed your own blood and others you work/ live with?


PissedOffVeteran - Nov 17, 2022 - Edited

Pissed Off Veteran’s Newsletter

Why is this starting to sound like the plot of a James Bond movie? Because it is. His last movie where he kills himself as he finds out he is infected with DNA targeting nano technology. No wonder they postponed this movie until after the Covid plandemic as it would have woken up some people especially after the smart people (aka conspiracy theorists) knew about Event 201 (pre planning the genocide.)


Lorrie Crismon - Nov 17, 2022 - Edited

Lorrie Crismon

Watch the last Mission Impossible movie (#3?). Orchestrators of evil showing their schemes b4hand.


PissedOffVeteran - Nov 17, 2022 - Edited

Pissed Off Veteran’s Newsletter

Yeah, they call this technique "Revelation of the Method." My friend over on this Substack wrote it up in a nice presentation after I discussed it with him on a comment on another Substack I had made. it out. The other side of the jab experiments was to use 5G frequencies to trigger events in the body (aka Zombies.) The smart people again have figured out it was used in the Travis Scott concert where people just dropped dead and the MSM claimed it was a "people stampede." They did it again in a recent South Korea incident and again claimed the same BS. I nicknamed this method "Insta-Kill." I haven't seen the remote control Zombie trick being played out yet but an early beta test was the Rwanda Genocide incident (aka Operation Crimson Mist.) How else do you think they got a bunch of people to hack each other up with machetes. You can see revelation of the method on these techniques in the Kingsman movie, the movie "Cell" as well as the latest Matrix movie (where they use remote control people as human projectiles and have them jump out windows on queue.) Isn't it nice the evil powers that be warn us but we all view it as entertainment. I know for a fact it is not having worked in the military and government sectors for decades.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 17, 2022 - Edited

Pissed Off Veteran’s Newsletter

I agree with you. I am worried about this. Killswitch. The concert and the south Korea incident was a dry run - next time it could be millions. All those scientists and doctors who do not want to look at this because they are worried about their reputation have no idea the damage they are doing. If you do not understand who Eisenhower made a deal with, you do not understand this war.


PissedOffVeteran - Nov 17, 2022 - Edited

Pissed Off Veteran’s Newsletter

Yes, I am still worried about this nano technology being introduced via the vaccines and the shedding most of all. If it is getting in all of us, I need to know. I know they are putting the graphene element (aka "black goo") in everything they can (water supply, food supply, chemtrails, etc.) This alone being in the body is enough to kill us especially if it ends up in the brain (and is exposed to the 5G frequencies.) However, the remote-control zombies/vaccinated need the nano technology component for it to work and I hope the vaccinated aren't shedding this. I am sure the "blue lights" going up in towns and cities is a component of the control (e.g., the programming uploading) mechanism. MSM says they are defective LED lights; let the sheep believe in that fairy tale. I will stick with the technical side of what it really is. Blue light as in Blu- ray is the light you want to use for maximizing data storage/transfer. I hope to do research on prevention methods (e.g., localized EMF fields or frequency blocking mechanisms to disrupt the communication of the nano tech, etc.) One could always stay away from the 5G antennas and blue lights, but they are going up everywhere as they build our electronic prison.


Marty - Dec 26, 2022

Nano Ordo Mundi

I don't think any of the evil nanotechnology can be shed otherwise it would mean human extinction, however they can emit a strong electromagnetic field that's why it's good to use things like shungite.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 26, 2022

Of course it can be shed, this is what we are seeing in the blood. And yes, this is a human extinction level event.


James Beck - Dec 28, 2022

It would also mean that the Rapture is eminent !!


Thomas Guitarman - Dec 26, 2022

Thomas’s Substack

Fantastic collection of info and research, disappointing to hear the opinion about Sherri Tenpenny by S.L but as I commented to one of the commenters on her article its clear to me most people globally do NOT UNDERSTAND controlled opposition and how absolutely pervasive it is . NOTHING and I mean nothing can be trusted coming from the top of the power pyramid which is the Vatican/Jesuit/Ilumminati superstructure and ALL its many agent fronts. Suggest reading the book EATERS OF CHILDREN by Johnny Cirrucci if you can make it through it . This is so horrifying and well researched [700 plus pages] that is it only recommended for the strongest , most spiritually grounded , dedicated warriors in this spiritual battle. SK


Thomas Guitarman - Dec 19, 2022

Thomas’s Substack

Yes suggest reading Elana Freeland 's latest book GEOENGINEERED TRANSHUMANISM for more info and some ideas . Tony Pantalleresco s site as well. The Blue Lights are weapons clearly, and communicate with each other. LED lights defective or not are very bad for our eyes . SK


PissedOffVeteran - Dec 19, 2022

Pissed Off Veteran’s Newsletter

I have it. You can read some of my Substack articles for use of the technologies such as tested in Operation Crimson Mist, the Travis Scott concert, etc.


Thomas Guitarman - Dec 19, 2022

Thomas’s Substack

Of course , but you just stated something most do not know or understand , or believe, so I expect lots of questions coming your way on that one . SK


PissedOffVeteran - Dec 19, 2022

Pissed Off Veteran’s Newsletter

Most don't want to understand as they wish to remain ignorant and just ignore everything that is going on.


Thomas Guitarman - Dec 19, 2022 - Edited

Thomas’s Substack

Excellent comment , and right on, yes predictive programming in the movies, as well as dress rehearsals , and openly announcing their plans and agendas is seemingly part of their sick, evil doctrine. My challenge to you is , when are you and many others who have served and taken oaths to protect and defend, going to step up to the plate and do so. My guess is you know as well as I do , there really is only one way to stop this or deal with it effectively. Maybe you all are waiting for enough of the general citizenry who know , to be ready to join and back you, I think we are very near that, if not then very soon or the most favorable opportunity will be lost. SK


PissedOffVeteran - Dec 19, 2022 - Edited

Pissed Off Veteran’s Newsletter

It will never happen as we have enemies all around us to stab us in the back. They destroy you just when you begin to fight back. It will go down where we take a stand individually and get taken down or out permanently. Right now, I am surrounded by the enemy, and they are in the family and people who I used to call friends. This is yet just another culling of humanity that has been done before in the past with less technology and the enemy won back then.


Thomas Guitarman - Dec 19, 2022 - Edited

Thomas’s Substack

Very grim scenario you depict, if "they"will stab you in the back the minute you start fighting back , then you have no other choice but to fight with everything you have , regardless of where the enemy lies , otherwise you will only live and die as a victim, yes culling in the past may have occurred, this time is different, either we stop this or we are finished as a species


PissedOffVeteran - Dec 19, 2022 - Edited

Pissed Off Veteran’s Newsletter

I expect some will fight eventually; it might not be the vaccinated as they are dying and sick all the time. Until the vaccinated are dead they can be considered the enemy as well as those behind the tyranny. We can't win if the enemy is in our own family and friends. This is what I have experienced. When tyranny was rolled out you could see all the enemies wearing masks, getting vaccines, etc. They are our friends and family. Now, try convincing them. My own family wished me dead, withheld inheritance and now don't talk to me. They will eventually destroy themselves in the process of allowing the tyranny but also destroy those who stand up like myself. This always reminds me of the Tiny Dot. people knew that the power is in the many who can stand up but they don't and instead become the useful idiots/army of the ones pushing the tyranny. The enemy knows that if the people ever stand up and work together that they will be defeated. They use fear propaganda to get the people to fight each other. Those immune to the propaganda such as myself are deemed as the enemy via the different propaganda techniques of individuals in our workplaces, mainstream media, etc. People are scared of death and the enemy knows this. As a veteran this comes easily for me. Not afraid of death here at all which is why I didn't give into the vaccine scare tactics. I learned to recognize the propaganda also but I am considered a critical thinker and tactical in my thinking. I study the enemy always.


Mir - Nov 17, 2022


Whether those people had a PCR test should be specified! Why is everyone so afraid of the subject? Cause they had a test themselves and don't want to be reminded (?) while it is crucial to first determine whether this test might be the cause of the same result in unvaxxed blood. 90 tot 95% of the world population had a PCR test so chances the unvaxxed in the research above were contaminated by it is PRESENT!


Dr. Paolo - Nov 18, 2022

Dr. Paolo

Good point, as you say people, even unvaxxed aren't ready for that outcome.


Thomas Guitarman - Dec 19, 2022

Thomas’s Substack

The tests are part of the weapons system , they transmit, or have Luciferase , or graphene, or nano devices on the swabs.


Joel W. Hay, PhD - Nov 16, 2022

Joel’s Newsletter

Since these UFOs are observable at the microscopic scale, why aren't doctors and anyone with a microscope looking at vaxxxed blood blowing the whistle on this?


Thomas Guitarman - Nov 16, 2022

Thomas’s Substack

Because the medical system is weaponized , and MOST in this system are either in on it or TOO cowardly to speak out bravely, knowledgeably, and righteously like DR Ana. They dont understand the spiritual battle and consciousness elements of this , Dr Ana does and understands clearly what is at stake for our species. This has it effects on EVERYTHING , because we are connected to EVERYTHING whether this is understood by most or not . No amnesty, quarter , or forgiveness for all complicit, no other way will stop this . That takes REAL warriors not philosophers.


Collapse Podcast - Nov 16, 2022

Chronicles of the Collapse

I am unable to like your post for some reason …


The Word Herder - Nov 16, 2022


If this is actually unrestricted warfare, I guess that means our response could be unrestricted, too.
But I know action is going to take a loooooong time, and while I have faith in the human species in some ways, in other ways I'm not sure the current model is going to get its head out of its backside before it's too late...
Where are the rowdies, is what I want to know.


Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - Nov 16, 2022 - Edited

Leslie Benjamini #🟦

So remaining unvaxxed is no protection?


Thomas Guitarman - Nov 16, 2022 - Edited

Thomas’s Substack

Not completely, when its being sprayed , put into food , water and 5g activation but not as bad as injections.


Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - Nov 16, 2022 - Edited

Leslie Benjamini #🟦

I had a blood panel done recently & my blood was bright red as usual. I have read that contaminated blood is dark in color & looks different than healthy blood. All my tests came back great. I haven’t had even a cold in 12 years. I am an unvaxxed senior citizen. I find this very hard to believe.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 16, 2022

Leslie Benjamini #🟦

Yes, it is. So grateful I got one of the best microscopes in the world. The labs do not check for this. It answers a lot because you cannot find the answer in regular labwork unless people have an elevated D-Dimer.


Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - Nov 17, 2022

Leslie Benjamini #🟦

I have seen photos of unvaxxed blood pints next to vaxxed blood pints. The unvaxxed blood is bright red & the vaxxed is dark almost brown. So again, I had a blood panel done recently & my blood was bright red. So apparently according to your ‘science’ if no one is escaping this, how is this possible?


Marty - Dec 26, 2022

Nano Ordo Mundi

A lot of factors involved here .. genetics, diet, environment, exposure to chemtrails (some regions of the world still aren't that much exposed to chemtrails).


Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - Jan 27, 2023

Leslie Benjamini #🟦

Sorry, I missed this, I am in the California desert, I see chem trails quite often. I do have good genes, no junk food, take supplements.


Lisa - Nov 16, 2022


My husband and I are convinced of this...we research thoroughly and educate ourselves. We also know that detox will be for life. From where can we purchase a microscope that we can monitor ourselves? Sadly, we have chickens and I see them declining, the ones who are 2 years old. The younger ones are fine. We all need to take care of ourselves, families, friends and pets.


Collapse Podcast - Nov 17, 2022

Chronicles of the Collapse

I did not have a cold or flu for almost 15 years… I avoided ‘Covid’ for years despite being around many positive patients… this year when I was surrounded by vaxxed boosted etc at an event. & I finally got ‘it’.
I had fairly mild symptoms , slight fever, body aches - nothing special though i did loose my sense of smell .
in the months after I’ve dealt with unfathomable fatigue among other strange symptoms
What I did wrong:
Lack of sleep
Lack of prophylaxis after exposure (NAC / Quercitin / ZINC) nasal wash .
Keep on top of your health, if you cannot avoid exposure make sure take precautions after.


Tiwo - Nov 17, 2022

Chronicles of the Collapse

Did you have Covid or was it a common garden variety Flu?
I never hear anyone say they have a Flu anymore. It's always I have Covid. Has the Flu completely disappeared after decades of trying to find a cure?


Collapse Podcast - Nov 17, 2022

Chronicles of the Collapse

Haven’t had ‘flu’ since 2005 despite being surrounded by sick for decades. People at the event tested positive, I never bothered to test. The symptoms I’ve had since me to believe I got ‘it’ , whatever it is, & it’s not ordinary.


BeachBabe - Nov 16, 2022

John H.

How do u know this.. based on what? Opinion?


John H. - Nov 16, 2022

John H.

That's a good question. The unvaxxed don't have the risk of an anaphylactic reaction to PEG or other constituents present in the jabs. Hoverer, it's hard to believe the unvaxxed have abnormal blood to the same extent as the vaxxed, given that the latter are the ones getting sick with a variety of diseases and are dying in greater percentages. If what Ana says is true, I would like to have an explanation for how there is such a difference in symptoms, signs, diseases, deaths, if the blood abnormalities are the same. What is the cause of the differences? Logic dictates we need to propose a mechanism for how that's possible.


Thomas Guitarman - Nov 16, 2022

Thomas’s Substack

Great work Dr. Ana now it should not be difficult to find what shatters this or removes it , A COMBINATION OF RIFE S WORK , KEELEY S WORK with sonic frequencies , V. Shauberger s with vortex water, EM microbes , humic and fulvic acids , Chelation, bingo Steven K.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 16, 2022

Chronicles of the Collapse

I would be careful with frequencies. Makes it grow from what we can see. UV light does too. Optical frequency controlled possibly, see yesterdays interview


Collapse Podcast - Nov 17, 2022

Chronicles of the Collapse

Far / near infrared ?


Collapse Podcast - Nov 17, 2022

Chronicles of the Collapse



Thomas Guitarman - Nov 16, 2022

Thomas’s Substack

EM [effective microbes like we use in the garden] have proved to bio remediate badly polluted environments from PETROLEUM, TOXIC METALS , DIOXINS , radioactive isotopes , and much more , worth testing as part of multi faceted approach. SK


Thomas Guitarman - Nov 16, 2022

Thomas’s Substack

What about sonic harmonic frequencies sound is the first principle of creation, not light, remember the Keeley books I showed you long ago , we need to contact the man who wrote the books on him HE HAS KEELEY S machine and has use and tested it , Ill see if we can connect to him. The problem with UV is they are testing with pulsing LED S which I believe are harmful. Yes it all depends on the right frequencies and harmonics.


Collapse Podcast - Nov 17, 2022

Chronicles of the Collapse

Ive read 70 % have antibodies to PEG


Thomas Guitarman - Nov 16, 2022

Thomas’s Substack

No decades of research, keen observation and relationship with nature , test have shown this , Elana Freelands s book GEOENGINEERED TRANSHUMANISM , and friendship with lots of very brilliant people in the world working on such topics , and pure knowingness, we have the ability to download any knowledge with enough focus, some of us have worked on that for a long time


Collapse Podcast - Nov 17, 2022

Chronicles of the Collapse

Based on proximity to those who tested positive, personal experience. Deductive reasoning.


Collapse Podcast - Nov 16, 2022

Chronicles of the Collapse

At this point, likely no


Merlin - Nov 16, 2022

Where are all the unvaxxed athletes dropping dead? Surely they are mixing closely with their vaxxed colleagues and would be going down also. I would also bet that MSM would have each of these cases on their front page. There will always be exceptions but I am beyond convinced that if you were smart enough to avoid the clotshots you’ll follow be outperforming the rest by a country mile.

REPLY - Nov 16, 2022
πŸ€– COVID-19 AI: Bio-Nanotechnology & Transhuman Engineering Patents Part 1
Application of graphene oxide sheet in preparation of DC vaccine immunoadjuvant, DC vaccine and preparation method thereof 1308
Attenuated African Swine Fever Virus Vaccine 343
Betacoronavirus mRNA Vaccine 574
Chicken Cells For Improved Virus Production 345
Chimaeric Protein 350
Compounds And Compositions For Intracellular Delivery Of Therapeutic Agents 576
Compounds And Compositions For Intracellular Delivery Of Therapeutic Agents 577
Compounds And Compositions For Intracellular Delivery Of Therapeutic Agents 579
Composite Magnetic Nanoparticle Drug Delivery System 584
Construct For Producing Empty Virus Capsids 348
Coronavirus 339
Coronavirus Isolated From Humans 432
Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data 353
Delivery And Formulation Of Engineered Nucleic Acids 1310
Diagnose Of Mycobacterial Infections By Determination Of
IFN-Gamma 352
Fusion Proteins Containing Luciferase And A Polypeptide Of Interest 1309
Foot And Mouth Disease Virus With Increased Stability And Its Use As Vaccine 349
Human Ebola Virus Species And Compositions And Methods Thereof 805
Insertion of Furin Protease Cleavage Sites in Membrane Proteins and Uses Thereof 330
Intelligent Sensor Platforms 417
Methods And Compositions For Chimeric Coronavirus Spike Proteins 334
Methods And Systems For Scaffolds Comprising Nanoelectronic Components 1319
Methods And Systems For Scaffolds Comprising Nanoelectronic Components 1320
Methods And Systems Of Prioritizing Treatments, Vaccination, Testing And/Or Activities While Protecting The Privacy Of Individuals 408
Method For Preparing Surface-Modified Semiconductive And Metallic Nanoparticles Having Enhanced Dispersibility In Aqueous Media 583
Modified Foot And Mouth Disease Virus (Fmdv) Vp1 Capsid Protein 347
Modified Nucleosides, Nucleotides, And Nucleic Acids,And Uses Thereof 578
Modified Polynucleotides Encoding Apoptosis Inducing Factor 1 363
Modified Polynucleotides Encoding Granulysin 361
Modified Polynucleotides Encoding SeptIn-4 360
Modified Polynucleotides Encoding Siah E3 Ubiquitin Protein Ligase 1 362
Modified Polynucleotides For The Production Of Oncology Related Proteins And Peptides 364
Modified Polynucleotides For The Production Of Secreted Proteins 575
Modified Polynucleotides For The Production Of Secreted Proteins 412
Mutant Spike Protein Extending The Tissue Tropism Of Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV) 346


Joel W. Hay, PhD - Nov 17, 2022

Joel’s Newsletter

According to Simon Yanowitz:
No, because bloodwork is automated, done by machines.
Even if they found these structures, what would they report to the patient?
they can report red blood cells count, white blood cells count. What should they report? Artificial carbon-based parasites and electronic circuitry count? it's not on their report list.



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