Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 23, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Uncensored: Russian Study Finds Connection with Nanotech & COVID - Dr. Ana Mihalcea
In this interview I share the most recent research regarding self assembly nanostructures of Covid Proteins, Amyloid, Hydrogel and Prions as building blocks of WBAN surveillance systems, Moderna Patent that shows Stealth Nanoparticles of polyamides, which is what Clifford Carnicom and I found and microplastics.
We also discuss the well known molecule Methylene Blue as a helpful modality against this nano-technological assault.
I would like to make a general comment since Maria Zeee brought this up in our interview.
Since I have recommended EDTA - which is in the Moderna Vaccine patents as an antidote, and now Methylene Blue, there are individuals who claim that these molecules are toxic, hence unfortunately confusing many people who desperately are looking for solutions to the nanotechnology contamination issue. Any substance - if used incorrectly - can be toxic, this is why you need education to safely administer them for therapeutic reasons. However, there are molecules like the ones I recommend, that have been used for many decades safely, the precautions and contraindications are well known and I have elaborated on them, and the scientific research literature about their benefits is extensive. I have given both substances orally and intravenously for many years in my clinic without any complications or adverse events - quite the contrary - I have seen many fantastic outcomes of healing for my patients.
I just want to remind people, that I am a board certified Internal Medicine physician with 24 years of clinical experience, having treated many thousands of patients over the decades. If you count medical school, its been 30 years in the medical field now. I have worked as a Hospitalist, managed Intensive Care level care, have worked as an Internal Medicine physician and specialty consultant for decades, was a Medical Director for a Geriatric Center for Excellence, and a Medical Director for a large Nursing facility for years, have build my own Integrative Medical Center and practiced Anti Aging Medicine for the past 6 years. I am a Chelation practitioner, specializing in metal detoxification, and certified via the American College for the Advancement of Medicine. My PhD is in in Pathology, specifically cancer research. I am recommended as a top level Integrative Oncology Consultant by one of the most prominent international integrative cancer research websites - Oncology Consultants . People come to see me in my clinic from all over the world.
Those people who immediately jump to saying that antidotes I suggest are toxic, for the most part either have no medical qualifications or experience in treating patients or are doctors who are not familiar with these integrative medicine tools. The idea that I would recommend a toxic substance to people is silly. Before you go public with such suggestions, kindly research the subject at hand.
If you would like to learn more about my credentials, please click here: Dr Ana Mihalcea
Thank you and enjoy the interview!
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AncientLoveLover - Dec 24, 2023
AncientLoveLover’s Substack
The key point of this is that whether you are a doc treating Amyloid/protein abnormality or microplastic hydrogel nanotech that they are just different parts of the same illness! Everybody gets caught up in semantics. Just like the contrived racial division, we all are hyper focused on our differences and miss the fact that we are under attack by the same enemy.
I have experienced every stage of this invasion that Clifford Carnicom has identified. The ones I could visually observe, and the crippling symptoms of the inobservable synthetic biology evolving in my body. I purged crystals, strange fibers, parasites,... had the feeling of “dirty blood”, “slime”(as morgellons sufferers call it) made wormlike patterns all over what I thought was my skin, (dissolved this using essential oils peppermint lemongrass & and coconut oil) surely this was hydrogel busy forming a biofilm matrix like an alien skin suit over my whole body. This is unbelievable but very real.
After extreme medical gaslighting, I was led by the Holy Spirit to try different natural medicines and found relief in a dedicated diet (organic gluten-free low sugar, no fluoride) and a detox protocol incorporating different salts sodium borate and bicarbonate, also gum spirit’s of turpentine, and iodine. I came back from the walking dead. .
Creation is superior to this thing in every way. We just must address the causes and create a personal detox, decontamination protocol, mindful diet, prayer and repentance. This is not the good old days anymore. Those of us who are aware are now called to serve the Most High God and pull our brothers and sisters out of the fire.
We have to simplify this because people are daunted to comprehend this madness. The most luck I have had with ppl is bringing up Heavy metal contamination, then frequency bombardment, then self assembly hydrogel nanotech/synthetic biology
Filter your water, prepare minimally processed foods at home, do your best to excise non-life sustaining pharmaceuticals by substituting natural methods, and of course if necessary weaning off them with medical guidance.
Can you imagine even a disruption in the supply chain could cause m many unstable people to be hardcore withdrawing from psych meds? The withdrawal from those is no joke at all, it is a mental mindf*ck that makes people
sui/homicidal manic, paranoid, impulsive & sometimes have hallucinations, not to mention the awful physical withdrawal.
That’s would be about as bad as a bunch of cyborgs. That is why I weaned off of all the poison meds they had me on. I didn’t want to be shivering and crapping my pants in a ditch when the apocalypse was going on.
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Craig - Dec 24, 2023
I trust Dr Ana over any Dr of Scientism.
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