NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT'S HEALTH NAZIS: Let's do the time warp again, but harder and faster than before! 'Health New Zealand' has published it's new pandemic plan, stating how many 'thousands of lives were saved' by the 'safe and effective' vaccines.. ?????????!!!! Refer: NZ Govt "The New Pandemic Framework - July 2024" These murdering monsters want to do it ALL OVER AGAIN, even more fascist than before, including "enforced isolation and enforced prescribed medical treatment" next time..!
New Zealand: pushing the NWO totalitarian and transhumanist agenda with zeal, to include zealous lies, a zealousness for oppression, and an overzealous intent to greatly reduce and fundamentally modify and control its surviving population.
Hello from Spain. I have been thinking a lot about it and observed also what is going on with animals, pets specially...thay are also having lots of health problems like never before. Besides the spraying of the skies, geoingeneering... what about all their vaccination programs, different injections like lidocaine, etc, etc.
My guess would be...why is there nobody talking, researching what it is in those so called "medicines".
Does anybody have some kind of info about it?
Thank you.
And thank you very much for all the shared information
Of course there is a big depopulation of ALL life.
It all started with them in order for us to get used to the stupidity of neutering cats, dogs and so on with the excuse of it is good for them, they will not have cancer, they will not be violent and so on. The biggest lie started there, and when it was already implemented and the people brainwashed they went after us...
But the strange thing in all this is that NOBODY talks about it or see the paralelism...
Iciar De la fuente,
You're right about the depopulation of all life (and unnatural control of what remains.) I've been thinking about this, too. Even herbicides everywhere are diminishing the healthy volunteer plants, such as dandelions, and of course, the good pollinating insects.
But about the campaign against cats and dogs naturally making babies: I lured a tiny stray kitten into the house, and we adopted, off the record, this lovely male cat we've kept intact.
He gets along great with our other two officially adopted, already vaccinated, chipped and "mutilated" less intact cats. He's given us no problems with spraying or fighting. I will never take him to the vet, or the other two to the vet, again, except for traumatic injury. Our top-notch veterinarian takes our animals to the back where we can't see what's being done to them and acts as if we have no business watching.
I'm anti-vax for these babies (too late for my grown-up daughter, tho'), but the veterinarian keeps trying to give our cat boosters, and now I don't trust what happens in the back room with our cats .
If I had a human baby, I'd never let it out of my sight at a hospital, doctor's office or even school, due to the injections of poisons without parents' permission and also the toxic social engineering with which children are dosed these days. Much of that toxic brainwashing is geared toward teaching children that sex is for unnatural lifestyle "choices" and experimentation and not for procreation in a stable family. In fact, often, they're taught that having babies is irresponsible due to "overpopulation." What will parents do when homeschooling is outlawed?
Besides "vaccines," our environment is laden with toxins that increase sterility and lower IQ, such as plastics, aluminum, fluoride, and EMFs. Most animal food is made with fertility inhibitors. This anti-life attack comes at us from many directions, if we'd only but look and consider.
Hello dear. Yes, there are still people who are aware of all is happening everywhere.
My question about why there is no-one talking or taking any consideration on the animal world about the damn injections is what makes me wonder...
It is strange, is not it?
And yes, what they do back doors you would mot like it. I used to work as a pet nurse and just could not stand it and quit. So we are just witnesses of this whole depopulation and have to go throught it as sane as we are able to. Which is not easy at all. Thanks for your comments, it soothes me knowing there are people all over the world realising what is going on.
Be well. My spelling might not be correct all the time but it is great we understand each other.
The posts are initially always free to everyone for perhaps a week or two after she posts them. And, until recently (a month ago?) Dr. Ana didn't have a paywall at all.
well that's great for the lucky few who happen to see them in that week or 2. Everyone is entitled to make a living but when the issue is the total extermination of the human race, it is very wrong to utilize that crisis and turn it into an income stream. In this light the free 2 weeks could be seen as a loss leader to drum up more business.
I do not begrudge anyone charging a fee for their substacks.
I have the choice of reading/subscribing or not.
What I find egregious and scammy is reading one of these substack articles about remedies only to reach the end and be told that in order to read the remedy I have to subscribe.
Tacky malacky.
Warn readers at the beginning of the article that they are not going to be privy to possibly alleviating the unanswerable horrible way that they feel unless they are subscribers.
Otherwise it is just run of the mill clickbait.
The long-term plan of the NAA intruders with their technological and chemical based gender reversal agendas is to finalize their total domination of the planet with full mind control subjugation of humanity through the gradual digression of the organic human biology into a transhuman-transgender slave worker. To imagine what the NAA desire to manifest in the future, the transhuman condition evolves into controlled breeding programs for biological consciousness imprisonment, whereby remnant aspects of the human Soul are forced into a biological drone body that appears exactly like the EBE or Grey Alien worker classes. These biological drone bodies are without gender, without genitals, without human intuitive or emotional sensory abilities, unable to enjoy any physical sensory pleasures such as eating, mating or bonding with another of their species.[3]
Interesting stuff about the Greys. When I was reading Whitley Streibers books, years ago, there was an hypothesis that Greys were humans from the future.
That's possible,all things arepossible.Googletook down the video but Len Kasten(Wrote the book the alien world order) did a video where he talked about 12 U.S.generals went to planet Serpo,the greys home planet.The greys spacecraft traveled there at 40x the speed of light.Also Valiant Thor was the first to write it's the greys waiting for us when we die.Being able to read our minds they create the tunnel and the light(Hologram) and people who we loved who had passed before us so they can zap us with a couple billion volts wiping our memory and reincarnating us back to this prison planet.The greys are part of the negative alien agenda which is the annunaki,reptilians and Nordics AKA the tall whites along with their use of black holeentities.Itis very complicated.
I havent watched this one yet but I like Maria Zee... she gets appropriately upset when she learns about some of these things that are in all people now.
After several years of exposing people to this knowledge, and seeing people learn about this stuff, you get to where you can Tell that They Know.
They get that fear deep in their eyes that they can't hide, like Laura Lynn the other day. They can't fake that visceral fear, its Real.
Or when someone realizes the magnetism-like-phenomenon isn't a trick... and they have it Too.
Its sad that its happening to us all, but it does makes me happy in a way that at least some of them Know now.
Anyone know of any class action suits against the dental anesthesia makers ? I unknowingly got work done over summer and have had physical expressions of nanotechnology since then. I avoided the covid vxx and ended up with the stuff injected into my face ! Its not ok, I didn't agree to that
how to detox...went to dentist Monday, started headache yesterday worse today. any help quickly
I heard bee pollen? any help contact me also autoimmune hypo/hashi numbers are bad. have eyes that recently swelled up huge and red
I just had a couple shots of novacaine for some cavities. I'm guessing I now have this? I really don't see how we get around it so I'll just pray about it. God is Sovereign 🙏
When doing EDTA Chelation IV why do you need Vitamin C? Does it have to be done at the same time? Does it need to be IV Vitamin C or Liposomal Vitamin C?
Should I use binder capsules? All of this would be used to clean my blood of metals. Thank you for any information
Stephane Roy - Aug 8
Stephane’s Substack
NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT'S HEALTH NAZIS: Let's do the time warp again, but harder and faster than before! 'Health New Zealand' has published it's new pandemic plan, stating how many 'thousands of lives were saved' by the 'safe and effective' vaccines.. ?????????!!!! Refer: NZ Govt "The New Pandemic Framework - July 2024" These murdering monsters want to do it ALL OVER AGAIN, even more fascist than before, including "enforced isolation and enforced prescribed medical treatment" next time..!
Kathy M. - Aug 8
Kathy M.
Oh God. But it sounds just like them.
Thaddeus Robinson - Aug 9
Thaddeus Robinson
too bad you've been disarmed
Marten - Aug 9
Marten’s Substack
Do you remember that one" Aux armes citoyens"
Miss Parker - Aug 8
Miss’s Substack
New Zealand: pushing the NWO totalitarian and transhumanist agenda with zeal, to include zealous lies, a zealousness for oppression, and an overzealous intent to greatly reduce and fundamentally modify and control its surviving population.
Miss Parker - Aug 8
Miss’s Substack
The other "four eye: nations will follow in New Zealand's wake.
John Vargo - Aug 9
John Vargo
Actually they want to remove our souls from our bodies and put it in little grey bodies for worker slavestatus.It's in here,
Iciar De la fuente - Aug 9
Nancy Urga
Hello from Spain. I have been thinking a lot about it and observed also what is going on with animals, pets specially...thay are also having lots of health problems like never before. Besides the spraying of the skies, geoingeneering... what about all their vaccination programs, different injections like lidocaine, etc, etc.
My guess would be...why is there nobody talking, researching what it is in those so called "medicines".
Does anybody have some kind of info about it?
Thank you.
And thank you very much for all the shared information
Nancy Urga - Aug 9
Nancy Urga
So many dogs w/viruses‼️ Weird - it’s like a big depop turnover. Think there’s a covid vax for them.
Iciar De la fuente - Aug 9
Miss’s Substack
Of course there is a big depopulation of ALL life.
It all started with them in order for us to get used to the stupidity of neutering cats, dogs and so on with the excuse of it is good for them, they will not have cancer, they will not be violent and so on. The biggest lie started there, and when it was already implemented and the people brainwashed they went after us...
But the strange thing in all this is that NOBODY talks about it or see the paralelism...
Miss Parker - Aug 9
Miss’s Substack
Iciar De la fuente,
You're right about the depopulation of all life (and unnatural control of what remains.) I've been thinking about this, too. Even herbicides everywhere are diminishing the healthy volunteer plants, such as dandelions, and of course, the good pollinating insects.
But about the campaign against cats and dogs naturally making babies: I lured a tiny stray kitten into the house, and we adopted, off the record, this lovely male cat we've kept intact.
He gets along great with our other two officially adopted, already vaccinated, chipped and "mutilated" less intact cats. He's given us no problems with spraying or fighting. I will never take him to the vet, or the other two to the vet, again, except for traumatic injury. Our top-notch veterinarian takes our animals to the back where we can't see what's being done to them and acts as if we have no business watching.
I'm anti-vax for these babies (too late for my grown-up daughter, tho'), but the veterinarian keeps trying to give our cat boosters, and now I don't trust what happens in the back room with our cats .
If I had a human baby, I'd never let it out of my sight at a hospital, doctor's office or even school, due to the injections of poisons without parents' permission and also the toxic social engineering with which children are dosed these days. Much of that toxic brainwashing is geared toward teaching children that sex is for unnatural lifestyle "choices" and experimentation and not for procreation in a stable family. In fact, often, they're taught that having babies is irresponsible due to "overpopulation." What will parents do when homeschooling is outlawed?
Besides "vaccines," our environment is laden with toxins that increase sterility and lower IQ, such as plastics, aluminum, fluoride, and EMFs. Most animal food is made with fertility inhibitors. This anti-life attack comes at us from many directions, if we'd only but look and consider.
Iciar De la fuente - Aug 9
Hello dear. Yes, there are still people who are aware of all is happening everywhere.
My question about why there is no-one talking or taking any consideration on the animal world about the damn injections is what makes me wonder...
It is strange, is not it?
And yes, what they do back doors you would mot like it. I used to work as a pet nurse and just could not stand it and quit. So we are just witnesses of this whole depopulation and have to go throught it as sane as we are able to. Which is not easy at all. Thanks for your comments, it soothes me knowing there are people all over the world realising what is going on.
Be well. My spelling might not be correct all the time but it is great we understand each other.
John Vargo - Aug 11
John Vargo
It's actually both anti-human and anti-soul,
Miss Parker - Aug 13
Miss’s Substack
Yes, it surely is.
Interesting link!
Gordon - Aug 9 - Edited
Gordon’s Substack
Ana what you recommend for people having dental work done as far as anesthesia?
Ileana - Aug 9
She recommends EDTA IV + Vit.C, blue methylene .Read her previous posts.
James - Aug 9 - Edited
The Proof
she recommends you send her shekels. then she will give you the answer.
The Proof - Aug 9 - Edited
The Proof
You're an asshole.
James - Aug 9 - Edited
Pamela Raditsch
it's a fact. tell me what i said that was incorrect? she has a post specifically addressing what to do about the dental poison for paid subs only
Pamela Raditsch - Aug 9
Pamela Raditsch
The posts are initially always free to everyone for perhaps a week or two after she posts them. And, until recently (a month ago?) Dr. Ana didn't have a paywall at all.
James - Aug 9
well that's great for the lucky few who happen to see them in that week or 2. Everyone is entitled to make a living but when the issue is the total extermination of the human race, it is very wrong to utilize that crisis and turn it into an income stream. In this light the free 2 weeks could be seen as a loss leader to drum up more business.
Judith - Aug 15
I do not begrudge anyone charging a fee for their substacks.
I have the choice of reading/subscribing or not.
What I find egregious and scammy is reading one of these substack articles about remedies only to reach the end and be told that in order to read the remedy I have to subscribe.
Tacky malacky.
Warn readers at the beginning of the article that they are not going to be privy to possibly alleviating the unanswerable horrible way that they feel unless they are subscribers.
Otherwise it is just run of the mill clickbait.
None - Aug 14
Agreed, they are so concerned for humanity that the all mighty $ has to come before helping anyone. This is a very bad look.
Pamela Raditsch - Aug 9 - Edited
Pamela Raditsch
Another thought is to use hypnosis and acupuncture during dental procedures to block out the pain.
John Vargo - Aug 9
John Vargo
The long-term plan of the NAA intruders with their technological and chemical based gender reversal agendas is to finalize their total domination of the planet with full mind control subjugation of humanity through the gradual digression of the organic human biology into a transhuman-transgender slave worker. To imagine what the NAA desire to manifest in the future, the transhuman condition evolves into controlled breeding programs for biological consciousness imprisonment, whereby remnant aspects of the human Soul are forced into a biological drone body that appears exactly like the EBE or Grey Alien worker classes. These biological drone bodies are without gender, without genitals, without human intuitive or emotional sensory abilities, unable to enjoy any physical sensory pleasures such as eating, mating or bonding with another of their species.[3]
Nick - Aug 9
Interesting stuff about the Greys. When I was reading Whitley Streibers books, years ago, there was an hypothesis that Greys were humans from the future.
John Vargo - Aug 10
John Vargo
That's possible,all things arepossible.Googletook down the video but Len Kasten(Wrote the book the alien world order) did a video where he talked about 12 U.S.generals went to planet Serpo,the greys home planet.The greys spacecraft traveled there at 40x the speed of light.Also Valiant Thor was the first to write it's the greys waiting for us when we die.Being able to read our minds they create the tunnel and the light(Hologram) and people who we loved who had passed before us so they can zap us with a couple billion volts wiping our memory and reincarnating us back to this prison planet.The greys are part of the negative alien agenda which is the annunaki,reptilians and Nordics AKA the tall whites along with their use of black holeentities.Itis very complicated.
Sanber - Aug 9
What are we to do? Sit back and watch everyone die, go mental, civil war............
Rob - Aug 9
The % of this topic on social media close to zero
Bee Gee - Aug 8
Bee Gee
I havent watched this one yet but I like Maria Zee... she gets appropriately upset when she learns about some of these things that are in all people now.
After several years of exposing people to this knowledge, and seeing people learn about this stuff, you get to where you can Tell that They Know.
They get that fear deep in their eyes that they can't hide, like Laura Lynn the other day. They can't fake that visceral fear, its Real.
Or when someone realizes the magnetism-like-phenomenon isn't a trick... and they have it Too.
Its sad that its happening to us all, but it does makes me happy in a way that at least some of them Know now.
Sober Christian Gentleman - Aug 8
Sober Christian Gentleman Podca…
Get wise to the truth about Romans 13. We are not to follow satanic governments:
Lisa - Nov 18
Anyone know of any class action suits against the dental anesthesia makers ? I unknowingly got work done over summer and have had physical expressions of nanotechnology since then. I avoided the covid vxx and ended up with the stuff injected into my face ! Its not ok, I didn't agree to that
Pam Gorman - Aug 14
what are the symptoms. how to detox. was just at dentist mondayhave a headache yesterday and today getting
Pam Gorman - Aug 14
how to detox...went to dentist Monday, started headache yesterday worse today. any help quickly
I heard bee pollen? any help contact me also autoimmune hypo/hashi numbers are bad. have eyes that recently swelled up huge and red
Cheryl Di - Aug 12
I just had a couple shots of novacaine for some cavities. I'm guessing I now have this? I really don't see how we get around it so I'll just pray about it. God is Sovereign 🙏
Elsa - Aug 11
I have to get some dental work done. Extractions. What do I do?
Robert Sun - Aug 11
Robert Sun
August 10 2024. Laser on car windshield!!
Tracy Vicknair - Aug 10
When doing EDTA Chelation IV why do you need Vitamin C? Does it have to be done at the same time? Does it need to be IV Vitamin C or Liposomal Vitamin C?
Should I use binder capsules? All of this would be used to clean my blood of metals. Thank you for any information
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