Interview With Maria Zeee & Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Graphene Confirmed In Dental Anaesthetics By University of Colorado - Alex Jones Show - Infowars

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 08, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Maria Zeee & Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Graphene Confirmed In Dental Anaesthetics By University of Colorado

I was so happy to discuss these new findings with Maria Zeee. Maria has been relentless in supporting many of us doctors, scientists and researchers discussing the topic of self assembly nanotechnology - literally from the very beginning when this knowledge was hugely unpopular and seen as conspiracy theory.

The recent findings from the University of Colorado are not just confirmation of our scientific findings in the dental anesthetics, but also huge validation of Maria’s courage to continually speak truth in light of great adversity - when so much of the media has been silent about this threat to humanity. I am grateful that she has been covering this topic for the last several years now. Maria is a true hero of the alternative media worldwide!

In my recent post, I did not mention La Quinta Columna from Spain who also had found self assembly nanotechnology in dental anesthetics, along with Engineer Matt Taylor, Dr. David Nixon, Dr. Len Ber, Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak. All of them are pioneers in uncovering this nanotechnology in dental anesthetics - and ultimately this opens the door to more confirmations coming about Insulin, other injectable medications and of course COVID vaccines, which also have been shown to contain Graphene.

Breaking News: Graphene Confirmed In Dental Anesthetics By University Of Colorado

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Stephane Roy - Aug 8

Stephane’s Substack

NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT'S HEALTH NAZIS: Let's do the time warp again, but harder and faster than before! 'Health New Zealand' has published it's new pandemic plan, stating how many 'thousands of lives were saved' by the 'safe and effective' vaccines.. ?????????!!!! Refer: NZ Govt "The New Pandemic Framework - July 2024" These murdering monsters want to do it ALL OVER AGAIN, even more fascist than before, including "enforced isolation and enforced prescribed medical treatment" next time..!

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John Vargo - Aug 9

John Vargo

Actually they want to remove our souls from our bodies and put it in little grey bodies for worker slavestatus.It's in here,

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