Interview With James Grundvig: Warp Speed 2.0…

Jan 30

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Warp Speed 2.0


Goldie Elaine - Jan 30

Goldie’s Substack

I watched the Hearings and read later hes going to have ahard time getting confirmed. D were so rude and uglee in comments and facial expression it was embarassing. Hes got more knowlede about Health than more than maybe a few in Medical Field. And they question him Lobbying when they both Sides made Millions? Kettle/Pot? Pray he is Confirmed We are at a turning point in our Future


diana - Jan 30


It sounds like they are actually going after compounding pharmacies. And it's beyond ironic for them to stop peptides for lack of safety and efficacy studies when not one single childhood vaccine required for children to attend school has EVER been tested for safety and efficacy. Not against a neutral (saline) placebo, not in a double-blind study, and not for time enough for safety signals to show up.


Roman S Shapoval - Jan 30

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

AI tech could further exacerbate vaccine harm with more heavy metals in the environment - why shutting off wifi at night is a good idea - helps our brains clear neurotoxins via our CSF:


Bee Gee - Jan 30

Bee Gee

Why just shut it off?
Ethernet is common and people do not Have to have wifi to have internet. Use hard wired cables instead.
Or use a separate wifi router on a power strip from your main internet router, put the power strip up on the wall or somewhere accessible and just flip the switch when you actually Need wifi. Then turn it off when you're done.
Or if you find yourself forgetting to turn it off, you can also get a power strip with a timer built in, and set the times you want it to be on and off.


Roman S Shapoval - Jan 31

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

This would be ideal for sure Bee Gee - however I find many don't want to go through the trouble of hard wiring (even though it's easier than many think, not to mention the faster internet speeds). Do you have a separate WiFi router? A client of ours loves the JRS Eco.


Bee Gee - Jan 31

Bee Gee

Yeah, I have used primarily ethernet for many years, although I still had my wifi On for some of those years, even when I wasnt using it.
I mainly used ethernet because its better, I used to think the threat from wireless/RF/EMF was overblown, but I dont think that anymore.
And yes I have an external wifi router that plugs into my switch via ethernet but its an older asus with custom firmware.
Its pretty quick to boot up though from cold start and I dont have to do anything special except flip the switch on the powerstrip and wait a minute.
I could run an ethernet cord out on the porch (and have) but its such a PITA when you only have a minute.


Stephen Simac - Jan 30

Stephen’s Newsletter

Elizabeth Warren was Shocked, Shocked that Bobby made $2.5 million from suing Pharma, while she's taken at least $3. 6 million from the Medical Industrial complex. Some Republicans may vote for Bobby, just to see Dems twirl.


Grasshopper Kaplan - Jan 30

Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…

Maybe for those over 35 year old who want to experiment with drugs otherwise vexxxines ought to be banned


Donnie V - Jan 30 - Edited

Donnie V

Whaly are so many people refusing to acknowledge the 2015 Rothschild covid-19 test kit patent application? It was granted/published in March of 2017, nearly 3 years prior to Sarscov2 being "discovered!" Now what could of been happening in late 2015 that could have possibly caused the evil unseen powers that be to implement their covid-19 plan? These so called elite did the whole covid-19 thing in an attempt to make Trump's first presidential campaign null and void. The name Sarscov2 or Covid-19 did not officially exist in 2015 or 2017 so how is it all over Rothschild's patent application!


Miss Parker - Jan 30 - Edited

Miss’s Substack

Still a fan of Mr. Warp Speed who still hasn't denounced the demon jabs, and won't? In fact, he's now promoting the same trans-humanizing technology for cancer "vaccines." RFK, Jr. has to be in on the gig.
They're all in on it, from the (s)elections to the policies, but they play a game many of us are finally waking up to. It's an insidiously deceptive and satanic version of the Harlem Globetrotters v. the Washington Generals but without the catchy music. Note how the Globetrotters (and jetsetting globalists) always win in their rigged game, because they're working WITH the Washington Generals, et al.
Yes, "Covid-19" is documented to have been planned and the terrible serums manufactured afore the pretend fact of the hyped "illness" suddenly appearing in 2019 (quelle surprise!), while the Truther movement says next to nothing about this real criminal conspiracy and the complicity of the "whole of governments" and corporations around the world in their mass assault upon humanity. How were nearly all of them lined up in "lockstep" fashion? Are they all pawns or true believers of the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and the other usual suspects? Or, of the UN, WHO, and WEF, or intel agencies, Jesuits, Freemasons, and occultism? Perhaps all of these phony philanthropists, authorities, agencies, and secret societies serve the same master?
Look at bloodlines important to the creeps of this world, and then realize who our sold-out puppet leaders are.


John Roberts - Jan 30 - Edited

John Roberts

Well said !!!
In my opinion your questions are very telling in identifying all of the players that are involved. Are they all involved ?
My answer is yes and they all do serve the same master.
Satan himself.


Kim - Jan 30 - Edited


Maybe I don't understand it well enough, but isn't AI only as intelligent as the information it is programmed with?


Linda Tanner - Jan 30 - Edited

Linda Tanner

In a sense, yes AI is only as intelligent as the initial information fed to it, but it is also programmed to compare many bits/bytes/parcels of information and glean from one or more sources, then arriving at some conclusion which may or may not be true. We've all seen some of the most hilarious examples of answers provided by ChatGTP in response to questions, that are not meant to be "trick questions". There was one instance where the AI bot told a person "to go kill yourself". That is certainly not funny, and could do horrendous damage to a person suffering depression or other mental or emotional ailment.
My 2 cents is that all of AI is overrated because investers want their investments in AI companies to do well and give them nice dividends, or huge rise in stock price, and because BigPharma wants the gullible public to buy the lie that AI can revolutionize the medical and health field in a positive way. Actually nothing good can ever come from AI taking over health and medicine.
And most importantly, but least talked about is the incorporation of AI into nanotech that is slowly spreading through all living organisms on the planet. Think of it as a control grid where eventually all animals, including humans, and plants may be contaminated with nanotechnology controlled by AI, via the Cloud. It is now our job to constantly remove the metals which serve as antennae, plus to remove anything else that does not belong in our blood stream or our bodies.
Thanks to Dr. Ana and to some of the posts in response to her articles, we are learning ways to detox.


Miss Parker - Jan 31 - Edited

Miss’s Substack

Right, you describe the smart dust featured in the movie "Transcendence" with Johnny Depp from 2014. The transforming nanotech is meant to spread throughout the world and digitalize it for total control by a powerful AI run amok, in this case, via an uploaded human (mad scientist) consciousness. The release of the demonic tech has been going on in RL already, likely from before the release of this movie.
It's difficult to know which metals to purge from our bodies and immediate micro-environments of animals, plants, air, soil and water and to which degree, or how to eliminate the polymers raining down on us. For instance, would detoxing protocols work for our family pets and wildlife around us? How can we help the plants and Nature's living elements all around us?
Love this place for human biological amelioration ideas, but does anyone know of a forum that addresses the more comprehensive issues surrounding the existential nightmare of nanotech being injected and dispersed throughout Nature to build their satanic Internet of Things (and, we're considered "things," too)?


Kim - Jan 31


That was such a good answer (and way better, I am sure, than AI would give me) so thank you!


joe stuerzl 85 - Jan 30

joe’s Substack

Iread here those who want to continue vaccinating themself should be able to continue to do so ,it's according to free will.But as shedding has been recognized as real ,do the vacced individuals have also the right to shed on us ?


Miss Parker - Jan 31

Miss’s Substack



Wheeler - Jan 30

Dr. Mihalcea,
Have you researched Spermidine efficacy as in the product Nocovidium?
THANK you for all your efforts. I appreciate and respect you greatly.
Jerry Wheeler


Ollie - Jan 30


"Dismanteling the corrupt FDA regulations will be key for our healthy future". It ain't the 'regulations' which are corrupt, it's the people and how they interpret those words -or choose not to.


Miss Parker - Jan 30 - Edited

Miss’s Substack

Am a huge fan of Dr. Mihlacea, but have to thoroughly, even vigorously disagree with her following sentiment and apparently that of nominee Mr. Health whose position is to keep mRNA tech legal and available for authorities to push on us, while framing such a sold-out stance as libertarian goodness:
"I agree with Mr. Kennedy, those who want to continue to vaccinate themselves and continue using other Big Pharma chemicals, have the free will to do it."
Most of us have seen or experienced how these faux vaccines shed and cause great harm forever; indeed, even so-called traditional vaccines for humans and animals were leaky and spread affliction to others.
Why should it be a matter of CHOICE to take poisons that shed on and afflict others? This "mRNA" nano-satanic technology needs to be banned, which Dr. Ana does agree with, but, if it's not, and it won't be, this "freedom to choose" based on lies, propaganda and coercion, is, in fact, no freedom of choice at all. Worse, when this tech is not banned, the free-choicers unwittingly, along with the behemoth of poison purveyors, would shift the debate from the fault of the current spreading intergenerational genocide lying with corrupt and ritually mass-murdering oligarchs and officials in government, the military, medicine, education, corporations, and other institutions to it being solely OUR fault.
In other words, too bad for you if your spouse, neighbor, officemate, classmate, store clerk, doctor, or your own child jabbed with permission of her other parent sheds on you and you now have severe problems and forever nanotech and pernicious polymers in your blood. You can only blame them and yourself for being around them. It was their and your choice.


Bee Gee - Jan 30 - Edited

Bee Gee

No one is getting in the door if they say "Yes I want To Ban Vaccines."
And no one is getting in the door if they say "The Covid vaxxes have shed to us all".
But you have to get in the door to have a say, otherwise you are just standing outside the house ranting and no one cares.
Plus it actually makes me feel good they all railed against him for all their time yesterday and that they are lining up today...
that means he is really on our side or they would not hate him so much.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend... for today.


Miss Parker - Jan 30 - Edited

Miss’s Substack

If we say we are for "free choice" to take spreading vaccine poisons and know it's not an actual option of discrete and individual choice, then it will be on us. If Trump and Kennedy are saying this, they are leading us into a most terrible trap. They very much sound as if they're framing the issue as one of choice, which it isn't, because mRNA tech is highly transmissible. Worse, lying authorities are telling us a big pandemic, or four, are coming up soon and that they'll have mRNA tech jabs and other therapeutics to protect us. It's all a plan.
If the HHS nominee has to lie about or obfuscate his intentions to Congress, then, once in office, where will he suddenly find the political power to enact a major ban on mRNA tech or to expose the poisonous nature of all vaccines? Nowhere.
Trump has come out publicly in favor of mRNA cancer therapy, and he won't abandon this position. Over the last several years of his being out of office, he hasn't said "boo" over his big beautiful vaccines, with all of the documented damage they have done and will continue to inflict on people and animals. The tech is even being inserted into plants. They're building an Internet of Things and Humans, and this terrible and not at all optional nasty tech is key to building the bio-digital convergence of people, money, and machine.
Today, Trump and all other politicians, CEOs, technocrats, and Generals are all players. We are our own worst enemies when we make excuses for them and deny the truth. There is NO real contention in our government; it's an act for us. All of the world's power structures are playing to script, which is entitled, "Entitled: We Get to Hurt, Mind-Control, and Exterminate Most of You and Lie About Everything so You Don't Believe What's Actually Happening Until It's Too Late."


Bee Gee - Jan 30

Bee Gee

Hope for the best, plan for the worst. I didnt need Dr Anas checklist the other day though, I was already doing or have done all of those things. Still, it was good advice.
But I think RFK is the best shot we have at the moment, and they Absolutely do not want him to get in... so he still may not, but the fact that they hate him inspires confidence.
Good luck to you in any case.


Miss Parker - Jan 30

Miss’s Substack

Right. It's too bad most of us have been complacent and in denial as to permit a rotten system to continue to the point that the sell-outs, liars, and outright creeps have the upper hand.
Remember how the grassroots Tea Party was viciously attacked and discredited, successfully, because of its values of integrity and individual dignity? That was when more of us should have joined the Constitutional and responsible protests, instead of backing off. I know I'm guilty of having been too busy at the time and unable to handle the flack/ flak such would entail.
Then, the more recent January 6 protests were engineered by government agents to defame their worthy cause and frame them as criminals, and with the DOJ's unconscionable cooperation.
Looks as if we are left with hope. And prayer. And trying to create on a personal scale what we'd like to see happen at large. Perhaps attitude and local creation is more scalable than we have been led to believe and will make an appreciable difference.
Best to you, too.


Joy - Jan 30

Dr would you please add a donate icon to your homepage?


liz - Feb 2

ELIZABETH HOLMES ??? Cancer test through blood, 11 years behind bars, ? stolen business plan?


susan boyce - Jan 31

Please take the time to write these 5 senators that believe the CDC's take on science. If we do not demand the respect and the will of, We the People, nothing will change.
Here are their names and copy of my rushed letter to each of them.
Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
• Susan Collins (R-ME)
• Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)
• Bill Cassidy (R-LA)
*Andy Kim ( D-NJ)
Bobby Kennedy had to end his campaign after being heavily censored smeared and silenced. He had to spend millions to defend himself in court case after court case, to prevent him from having his name on State ballots, later, when he suspended his campaign and made efforts to remove his name off of swing state ballots he was sued to keep his name on them. I met people here in Oregon who up to last July had no idea he was even running for POTUS. RFK Jr is the only person with enough courage to talk about what is really making so many of us so ill, it's an epidemic and growing every day. I and millions of others know we are living in a toxic soup of chemicals drugs vaccines EMFs heavy metals and much more. We are tired of having to make the effort to eat clean and try our best to live clean, it shouldn't be this way. In fact it's so bad it's impossible. RFK Jr is the only one out there wanting to know why and to give We the People the answer to why are we so sick in the USA. Studies need to be done on every manmade chemical and proven safe before using them. Why is this burden of proof of harm given to We the People? Nothing should be sold to us or used on us without giving us full disclosure and proof of safety. Don't you want safe products and drugs? I stopped going to doctors back in 2018 after firing 5 of them, they did nothing but cause me harm and write drug scripts. If I hadn't taken back my choice of how to help myself, I would not be here today, but still cannot heal living in a toxic world, and Bobby knows how to fix this. He's a very intelligent kind man who thrives on helping people be the best versions of themselves, We can not achieve wellness without looking at everything in our environment, there is so much that harm all of us every day. People in the CDC HHS NIH FDA USDA all need to be reevaluated and see what work they have done to improve the health and well being of all Americans. I can tell you now, We the People know no one cares, no one is wanting to change or cut out or be investigated or have their work studied. You can't allow drug companies to police themselves, you cannot allow flawed studies and bought studies to stand on themselves. In science if something is proven to be correct or effective, it must also happen again and again by other scientists and studies, but that is not what's happening, nothing is challenged or proven by others because they are shut out slandered and silenced. We cannot thrive on democracy without the free flow of discussion, not withheld from the public, We the People. We need change and Bobby is the man We the People have chosen, to do this work. I urge you to not ignore what we need and demand from the USA government, to confirm RFK Jr with an overwhelming yes vote. I want to heal, my family, friends and neighbors want to heal. Do not get stuck on the statement 'settled science' nothing is settled in science it should always be challenged and proven over and over again. FOIA requests have proven no studies have been done on the vaccinated and unvaccinated, no studies (reputable) have been done on the cause of autism. My youngest brother suffered with autism spectrum symptoms after being vaccinated. Why is that? We need studies, robust studies, by many scientist. We are not clones, each and every one of us has different gut microbiome, different diets, different experiences with drug treatments etc. and yet we are all treated the same. I personally was poisoned by that insidious chemical concoction of Roundup, making me so ill, I almost died, getting down to 89 pounds unable to eat anything but bananas and only able to drink water, everything else gave me chronic diarrhea and or daily vomiting, it was like living in a blender filled with toxins and zero help from MDs. Are we really living in the greatest Nation, when our medical system, food system and highly toxic environment brings us to our knees with dis-ease and death? We can rebuild our health we can be a strong Nation if you vote yes to confirm Bobby Kennedy.
Susan Boyce


Art - Jan 30 - Edited


It sounds like marketing of Theranos v2.0
"The marketing line of Theranos was centered around its promise of a revolutionary blood-testing technology that was simpler, cheaper, and more efficient than existing methods. Elizabeth Holmes, the founder and CEO, marketed Theranos as a company that would transform healthcare with its innovative technology, which was claimed to be capable of running a wide range of tests using just a few drops of blood. This marketing strategy emphasized the ease and accessibility of the tests, suggesting that individuals could obtain blood test results without a doctor's order, potentially making healthcare more proactive and personalized."


Miss Parker - Jan 31 - Edited

Miss’s Substack

I'm not sure from which angle you're approaching the Theranos proposition, but I've had a couple of thoughts over the past years:
That blood analysis IS possible with only a drop and that her business failure was intended to discredit the truth about this.
And, second, that the excessive blood draws taken for numerous tests for countless people in medical offices and facilities throughout the lands are used for DNA and blood type analyses for genetic and identity markers they're quietly searching for; for IDing suitable blood for a market of special buyers like connected hemophiliacs, youth-obsessed rich creeps, and, likely, even vampires; and, with the rest being used in dark occult blood rituals.
The science has to be more advanced than they tell us, is what I said to the techies who drew half a dozen large vials of essential blood, merely for routine "testing," from my elderly mother, a small, frail woman.


David Merrill - Jan 30 - Edited

Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…

That's what I'm talkin' about! Peptides!!
Look at v 23:



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