Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 30, 2025 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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This recent interview discusses the mRNA cancer vaccines and concerns about Warp Speed 2.0. It is certainly my view that there should be a moratorium on mRNA technology and a full investigation on the COVID19 bioweapon. I have no trust in any of the manufacturers of Big Pharma.
We discuss these concerns and some of my recent research on animal vaccines.
Regardless of what President Trump said about the cancer vaccines, I believe the real work will happen with the head of the HHS, Mr Kennedy - once confirmed. I am very encouraged and know that great changes will happen with his Leadership.
In the meantime, I will continue my work and my contribution to the knowledge about the concerns of self-assembly nanotechnology in our medications and environment.
We will be in a much better place when our food is no longer poisoned, geoengineering is stopped and we have strict regulations and oversight on Big Pharma preventing the poisoning of our children and general population is enforced.
If he brings peptides back for integrative practitioners, we have so many tools with which to heal people from every disease. These were banned by the FDA because they work, restore health without side effects.
Dismanteling the corrupt FDA regulations will be key for our healthy future. I agree with Mr Kennedy, those who want to continue to vaccinate themselves and continue using other Big Pharma chemicals, have the free will to do it.
I am not anti-vaccine either, I am anti-poison. Hence, I would never recommend any vaccines. It is great timing, that the fraud of the pharmaceutical companies are getting more and more exposed.
In a paper published today, all-cause mortality expert Denis Rancourt, Ph.D., said claims by public health agencies and top medical journals that childhood vaccination prevents millions of deaths annually are based on “tentative and untethered models of epidemiological forecasting” that produce “unlikely results.
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Goldie Elaine - Jan 30
Goldie’s Substack
I watched the Hearings and read later hes going to have ahard time getting confirmed. D were so rude and uglee in comments and facial expression it was embarassing. Hes got more knowlede about Health than more than maybe a few in Medical Field. And they question him Lobbying when they both Sides made Millions? Kettle/Pot? Pray he is Confirmed We are at a turning point in our Future
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diana - Jan 30
It sounds like they are actually going after compounding pharmacies. And it's beyond ironic for them to stop peptides for lack of safety and efficacy studies when not one single childhood vaccine required for children to attend school has EVER been tested for safety and efficacy. Not against a neutral (saline) placebo, not in a double-blind study, and not for time enough for safety signals to show up.
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