Interview On Unrestricted Warfare With James…

Oct 25, 2024

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Unrestricted Warfare Ep.


Saxxon Creative - Oct 25

Saxxon’s Newsletter

The existential war that has redefined nature to the point of destroying human nature.
Good thing those in power are loosing it all now and in the next years.
The hyper exposure of the infitesimal level of change is akin
to Loius Pasteur moment of discover we are now at full ouroboros moment of cataclysmic change
for the better.
Nature always wins.


Franklin O'Kanu - Oct 25


Once we see that we’re a soul in this grand war, everything makes sense. When we recognize this, our actions and thoughts are different:


jsinton - Oct 26


That's what Dr. Ana says. People must break free of the mind control. The machines have no defense over the power of love, which is ultimately the power of God. So spread the love.


Petra Bucenieks - Oct 26 - Edited

Petra Bucenieks

You are right, "this technology is not from here" and it is a mistake to think it is humans who are behind it or are even controlling it. It is also a mistake to think that AI is the 'intelligence', or even that the "intelligence" is 'contained' within the nanobots or within a supercomputer.
See this article on the ESP and AI connection by Inelia Benz, a high being who came to Earth to help us raise our personal frequency and who now lives on the Olympic Peninsula in WA: her backstory here: You should consider connecting with her, for alternate info to J. Z.
Note that Inelia writes that when something popped into her computer in the 80s, she "felt into the machine and sensed a very large intelligence there. Not artificial, but sentient." She sensed that the foreign intelligence was not artificial. They only want to make us believe it is artificial and contained within the computer technology, but the technology, no matter how advanced at our end, is only a medium for this alien intelligence to use, in order to communicate with, and influence, us.
Please read my comment to Inelia's article in the discussion section below it, for what i see happening with AI.


crapshoot farmer - Oct 26

crapshoot farmer

this is not a new video. If you're knowledgeable about videography maybe you can tell if these images (especially Congress) are real or how was it done because it does provide a plausible explanation if indeed it is legitimate. 32 min. but worth a look.


Petra Bucenieks - Oct 26

Petra Bucenieks

You mean the video of Inelia Benz being interviewed by Bill Ryan ? No, it was done in 2009 i believe, but it is the best one available where she lays out her earlier life. She doesn't really talk about that now, and she confessed she no longer has some of the abilities she had then. She was always believing she would leave (all existence) after May/June 2017, but the time came and she experienced something like a car crash i believe, but did not leave. She no longer does the same work she used to, i.e. raising the vibration of the planet to enable people to make the ascension that had been forecast for 2017 (but they already knew the negative aliens had prevented the ascension opportunity in 2017 -- back in 2002 i believe, but somehow Inelia was fixed on her mission for Source. Now she's a 'normal' spiritual teacher, but she still does have some unusual and unique abilities.


jsinton - Oct 26


Thanks for that.


jsinton - Oct 26


Another terrific video, thank you.
What got me to thinking about the discussion was that ultimately this is an EXTINCTION level event. It's not just to take control, or cull the herd, create an avatar, build a parallel brain structure, or even steal your soul... no. This is actually a program ultimately replace humans altogether, incrementally, generationally. We are programed to firstly become a bio-mechanical race, and eventually just be machines altogether.


Mr . Ma - Oct 25


thx πŸŒΉπŸŒ»πŸŒΈπŸ’πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’œβ€οΈπŸŒΌπŸ˜πŸ₯°


Bee Gee - Oct 25 - Edited

Bee Gee

Perhaps this is part of why there are so many drones out 24/7 now.
Does anyone else sit outside and just Look Up at night and then Watch?
Its much easier to see them at night rather than during the day but there are Tons now.
And if you Really look, you can see some of them during the day Too.


Gerry_O'C - Oct 25 - Edited

Gerry_O'C’s Substack

...ur comment gladdens my heart, Bee Gee, 'cause for every one of those dangerously insane globalists, ur livin proof i expect, that we may have a sufficient number of comprehending entities and their intelligent madness is a boon on our side...'self hopefully included... and at the very least are intelligent we say in Ireland 'be(e) jaysus!'... πŸ™βž•πŸ™...


David Merrill - Oct 27

Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…

I feel it would be a big mistake to just brush past the escherichia coli (e. coli) passage at the beginning of the video.
Listen to Dr Phillip BUCKHAULTS testify before the senate committee in South Carolina.
The plasmid DNA that was added to all the Pfizer and Moderna "vaccines" is pBk-CMV from Agilent. Look carefully!
"The pBK-CMV vector allows you to express proteins in both E. coli and mammalian model systems..."
This DNA Phagemid Vector is the heart of the transhuman. At least currently. Sure, you are seeing a lot of strange things in the blood that do not belong there and they are found in the "vaccines" and air, and dental anesthetic etc. There is even a simplified replacation of candelabra dendrite nerve cells you captured in Embril.
It is very convincing herein this comment that for sure, there is e coli coherent DNA plasmid inoculated into some 3/4 of the human population. And it is not coming out short of not rolling up your sleeve. I do not have any because I did not roll up my sleeve. This rendition of the video is keyed to show you an email from Dr Phillip BUCKHAULTS:
Look at the dates. You can see at a glance I take this all very seriously - no jab for Dave:
If anybody can connect the dots how such a sudden outbreak of Big Mac attacks manifest in e coli at once, that is Dr Ana Maria.


Mike Hoehn - Oct 26

Mike Hoehn

Dr Ana, thank you for your incredible hard work and your service to humanity.


jsinton - Oct 26




Daphne - Oct 26 - Edited


Dr Ana, If the nano in the dead mans' blood keeps on developing. That means there are people who seems to be alive but they are practically AI zombies..... How many people do you believe are there that are in this condition?
Is there anything to do in such situation?


jsinton - Oct 26 - Edited


It's really sad to have to think about all this. Yes the body is dead, but the nanotech keeps on talking. Unvaxxed blood is just as bad as vaxxed blood Nanotech can be found everywhere, in everything. Dr. Ana says take EDTA, Vitamin C, methylene blue, and get grounded is what we have to fight it with.


jsinton - Oct 26 - Edited


Comment removed.


jsinton - Oct 26 - Edited


You can win. You can beat this. The bots cannot overcome a strong mind and will. The bots cannot overcome God's love, so have lots of love. The physically you can make your body very toxic for the bots. So even though we can't stop this, we can mitigate the problem. So take heart. They're not gonna win.


Linda Tanner - Oct 28

Linda Tanner

Interesting idea of making your body toxic for the bots. So when we FEEL the LOVE as intensely as possible, then maybe that's one way to repel the bots and make them as uncomfortable as possible! Hope it's that easy.


jsinton - Oct 26 - Edited


Comment removed.


jsinton - Oct 26


OMG. This shit is so BAD. I know, it's getting worse.


psychoNWO - Oct 26 - Edited


@38m24s... the good A.I. and the bad A.I. are being controlled by the same force. This is not new information. The Gnostic's wrote about this phenomenon in their older texts. They called it the Demiurge. We live in a simulated duality. The two A.I. systems, one good, and the other evil, emanate from the same source. Jason Breshears atArchaix.comcalls it A.I.X.
@39m53s... the A.I. that's being presented to the masses as ChatGPT etc... is not the military level A.I. that is connecting us all to the transhumanist Sentient World Simulation. Comparing the computational power of ChatGPT with the A.I. Sentient World Simulation would be like comparing the 'Universal Turing Machine' of the 1940's with a modern day gaming laptop. Similarly, any comparisons between the A.I. Sentient World Simulation and A.I.X., which is the Master A.I. that runs the Simulation we are in, would also be pointless.
@48m44s... the Transhumanist movement is Jewish from top to toe - all leading transhumanist's are Jews... Geordie Rose, Kurzweil, Hanson, Goertzel etc... All Jewish. The media that pushed the fake pandemic narrative is owned by Jews. The governments that implemented the policies are controlled by Jewish Freemasonry, and so are the police forces that enforced the lockdowns. Vaccine manufacturers are Jewish. Calling them Nazi's is diversionary.
You are in a war and you don't even know it. We know who the enemy is. They know who we are too...
So called demonic activity and the paranormal is not being done by an invisible bogie man, its just the manifestation of unknown laws of physics. Laws that have yet to be discovered or recognized.


Jen - Oct 26

This post, with all the links to past posts, is an absolute banger! Thank you Dr. Mihalcea!


Joey - Oct 26

Joey’s Substack

Thank you again Dr. Milhacea and to all others that understand the spiritual war at hand! Our Lord’s return is at hand! I’m beyond grateful to everyone standing against evil and exposing it to the Light of God!
Darkness will NEVER prevail!


jsinton - Oct 26


God bless you. We are privileged to raise the banner in the name of our Lord and fight His fight. I'm not worthy.


Robert Sun - Nov 3

Robert Sun



Linda Tanner - Oct 28

Linda Tanner

Thanks again to Dr. Ana et al, for reminding us that this is a serious spiritual war in which we are David battling Goliath, and only because we have been dragged into this war without our knowledge or consent. At least now many of us are aware this is a WAR. And as Dr. Ana reminds us, as do some of the commenters, love is the answer. Not just the word, or saying the word, but feeling the love for all. And an important BTW: after viewing the video earlier tonight, I went directly to Amazon to order the two books, and discovered that volume 2 is "Out of Stock". One reason this is concerning is: since volume 2 has the remedies, did someone buy up all copies of volume 2 just to keep the masses from learning how to heal?? Hopefully it's just my tinfoil hat speaking.


Amy - Oct 26


I feel like it’s so obvious what’s going on. I don’t understand how people can walk around like everything is fine…ignoring the huge elephant in the room. It’s like people don’t have two freakin brain cells to rub together.


Linda Tanner - Oct 28

Linda Tanner

A jabbed friend and I were talking about the potential changes in the blood of the jabbed and I showed him a pic (probably one of Dr. Ana's ) showing an excellent example of Rouleaux Formation in the rbc's. It didn't show any nanotech--just the spread of rbc's, most of which were in Rouleaux. After he looked at it, he said, "that looks fake." I told him that I have seen Rouleaux in the medical lab where I worked, years ago, and he still thinks the pic is fake/faked. Some people have ideas that are set in concrete, and no amount of facts or reasoning will make them even question their position.


Amy - Oct 29


I’ve looked at 20 people’s blood, every single one has Rouleaux formation, including myself. I never took the jab and I am suffering heavily and so are my co-workers. Actually I quit my job as a nurse a month ago over this shit cause they don’t stop giving the jab. I was surrounded by 100 people every day at work that had 5,6,7 jabs. A lot of coworkers family members diagnosed with cancer or dying too. I myself lost my mother suddenly last July. I was a nurse for 24 years and I am so disgusted by the medical field…I say no more. I won’t be a part of this in any way, shape or form. Absolutely disgusting what is going on.


Linda Tanner - Oct 29

Linda Tanner

Amy, I'm sincerely sorry to hear of all the illness and deaths, not to mention all the victims who continue to get jabbed over and over! Now that you are no longer exposed all day to the 100+ people, maybe some of Dr. Ana's healing recommendations might help you detox. Most of my friends are herbalists or healers of some kind (none mainstream) and we do talk about the jabs wonder why most of the planet has been fooled for so long. I am sending you my best wishes for some really effective healing methods to come your way. In addition to any Vitamiin C, EDTA, etc., don't forget earthing.


Amy - Oct 29


Thank you Linda. I have been doing chelation therapy with vit c at home and it does work but then it just goes back to being rouleaux again. I’ve eaten a pretty clean diet for the last 12 years due to my Hashimotos. I’ve tried grounding outside but no results from that. I’m wondering if this chelation therapy is something that is going to have to be done every day to keep my blood decent. And it’s crazy, sometimes I feel like I’m living on a different planet than everyone I know. No one seems to be too concerned about what is happening in our blood. I’ve also had symptoms TIA(mini stroke), hand severe chest pain on the left side of my chest. I didn’t go to the hospital when these events happened, I just took aspirin. I did follow up with my doctor after the fact, they did an echo and EKG and told me I have two heart valves that aren’t right but I’m ok is what they said. I said really, cause cardiac issue’s don’t run on either side of my family. On top of this I have lost a few coworkers, one had a stroke leaving her unable to walk and has impaired her speech. Another one had a heart attack last year and was unable to come back to work. She just died the other week. She was in surgery having two heart valves repaired and died on the table. And the surgeon told her daughter that her aorta was shredded. Plus numerous other coworkers walking around with heart monitors on and just sick. I feel like I’m yelling this stuff from the rooftops and no one is listening. So sad.


Linda Tanner - Oct 30

Linda Tanner

Your story is amazing and scary at the same time, and am wondering how many others are "out there" telling the very same story with nobody listening. Dr. Ana did say that people can clean up their blood nicely, then get "reinfected" again and have to do the detox again. But there is more... Earlier today I saw a short video of Dr. Brian Ardis talking about his research and his new book. MOVING Beyond The COVID-19 Lies. After hearing him, and thinking about all the wonderful research of Dr. Ana, I wonder if both of them are right about what's in the jabs. They each go in different directions regarding jab ingredients and how to heal from them, so it might be that both of them have some answers for all of humanity. In addition to that, I wish you could sit in on one of our herbal guild gatherings, but geography gets in the way of lots of things. Dr. Ardis' website: and here's wishing you total success in your healing. Just remembered something Dr. Ardis said in today's interview: the damage caused by the injection is known to last about 12-14 years, but the remedies can cut that time short. Good luck and best healing wishes.


Amy - Oct 30


Linda, thanks so much, I’ll have to check that dr out. I’ve never heard of him before. I believe this healing will be a process of numerous things if we can survive it. Good talking to you. Take care of yourself.


TI Street - Oct 25

Torrey’s Substack

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