Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 25, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Unrestricted Warfare Ep. 186 | "Transhuman Dystopia" with Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Dr. Joe Sansone
Dr Sansone and I were invited to speak with James Grundvig. We review recent self assembly nanotechnology research, discuss the two new books.
The documentary that James Grundvig produced called Splintering Babylon can be watched here: Splintering Babylon Premiere |
I am grateful that the documentary mentions the self assembly nanotechnology and dark AI takeover. While some of what you will hear seems fantastic, there are other sources that certainly confirm what is being said in regards to the AI technology mind control take over. People think they are free, but they are not. The electromagnetic grid world wide with all of the satellites, radar, ELF is the mind control frequency grid of the prison planet that goes on from cradle to grave - and that is moving rapidly towards total world control. This includes digital identity, social credit scores, loss of ownership of property - the ‘you will own nothing and be happy’ because you are so mind controlled in your virtual reality box that the comprehension of current events is impossible.
I agree that the only chance we have it to raise our consciousness in vibratory frequency above this demonic realm - that is co produced via the self assembly nanotechnology within humanities bodies and minds. The technology is the antenna and bridge from those quantum parallel realities that CERN and other particle colliders have worked to rip spacetime. It was Satanist Alister Crowley who first opened these portals. We know that former US General Michael Aquino worshiped in the halls of the former Nazi SS ritual bastion. Former Illuminati Leo Zagami discusses in his book “Invisible Master - the Puppeteers hidden Power” the use of demonic entities by US Military intelligence and the fact that they are controlled by them. This book is an eye opener and very well documented - specifically regarding the US Nazi infiltration and demonic Alien connection. As I have said for a long time, this technology is not from here.
I want to remind people that MK Ultra Survivor Cathy O’Brien explained that the Satanic Elites worship Artificial Intelligence, the Demiurge, and take their orders from it. Please listen to our interview, she explains how the frequency of Love is above their reach and I believe will be our only true chance of survival with what is still coming in the future. The sustained frequency of enlightenment - of unconditional love, wisdom and understanding is beyond their accessibility.
It does not matter what is in your blood, if you can sustain this frequency, the technology cannot harm you. Cathy has known about this for decades, has seen the reptilian demonic forces ( so have I) and knows that they only have access to us if we give it to them. Our mind field is so powerful, when we produce coherence in our brain and biofield we radiate a laser light more powerful than the sun. If you do not believe me, read the declassified CIA document on Gateway - Army Intelligence, CIA, NSA, NASA and USAINSCOM intelligence agents know this is true:
This interview is a life saver. Who else would know how to tackle the mind control programming than someone who has survived slavery and abuse from the highest government officials, including former Presidents of the United States.
This dark AI has been confirmed by ( likely assassinated) former CIA and DARPA employee Dr. Robert Duncan who explains that the AI programs called S.A.T.A.N are also used for remote neural monitoring and control of the world population - as well as remote assassination. They do not just want to destroy our bodies, but hack and destroy the human soul.
I have written a lot about the mind battle space in previous posts:
We have to educate ourselves beyond what many gatekeepers in the alternative media want you to know about. The threat of Artificial Intelligence cannot be underestimated for the capabilities of this technology are beyond anything people can imagine. People think guns will protect them from the future, but you have drones, mosquitoes, smart dust that can force vaccinate you in your home without you even seeing what hit you. This is the concern, that the militarized nano scale weapons capability of the United States is number one in the world.
Elon Musk knows exactly what we are up against and has on occasion exposed this:
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Saxxon Creative - Oct 25
Saxxon’s Newsletter
The existential war that has redefined nature to the point of destroying human nature.
Good thing those in power are loosing it all now and in the next years.
The hyper exposure of the infitesimal level of change is akin
to Loius Pasteur moment of discover we are now at full ouroboros moment of cataclysmic change
for the better.
Nature always wins.
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Franklin O'Kanu - Oct 25
Once we see that we’re a soul in this grand war, everything makes sense. When we recognize this, our actions and thoughts are different:
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