Interview On SGT Report- Red Alert: Its In…

Sep 21, 2024

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Alicia Lutz-Rolow - Sep 21

Alicia’s Newsletter

Thank You For All That You Are Doing For Humanity and For Freedom...God Bless You


psychoNWO - Sep 21 - Edited


@15m25s... these nano materials are not shedding. Morgellons is when some peoples metabolism reacts against the nano and tries to expel it. That's the only instance where nanotech sheds. However, this is quite rare, and as the tech has become more and more advanced it has become even rarer still. The nano is not systematically jumping from one human to another.
The reason the non-vaxxed are infested by nano is because these fibres are in the chemtrails as well. See Sofia Smallstorm video from 2009 and 2012 which clearly shows that this is happening...
Also Kristen Meghan, Former Air Force Officer Turned Chemtrail, Geoengineering Whistleblower...
The reason the nano is so prolific in the vaxxed is because the payload in the vaccines is highly concentrated. The reason the nano is so prolific in the non-vaxxed is because they have been spraying everyone (geoengineered) with nanotech since 1991 - so for at least 32 years!
Refusing to take the monkeypox vaccine may not be enough - because these are frequency weapons. The nanotech is only one component of a multi faceted weapons system. You could be killed by either the hardware (nano) or the EMF (5G) or by the machine itself (A.I.). Lets not forget that the people who are programming these weaponized technologies have a long history of mass killing.
Monkeypox and 5G...
The nano is designed to connect everyone's WBAN to military level A.I. Quantum Computers. The vaxxed are not shedding, they are transmitting.
Most peoples immune systems won't be able to process these toxic materials and they will die, and their deaths will be blamed on COVID, or monkeypox, or whatever they think of next. However, some people will be able to adjust and survive, just as some Targeted Individuals have survived the 40 year long system beta-testing phase. The same thing happened in 1918 when millions of people died during the 'electrification of the earth' project which the authorities later dubbed the Spanish Flu Epidemic.
The 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic happened just after the global introduction of radiation wave technology (radio waves). Why are the same families and institutions who controlled the Radio Wave narrative after the Spanish Flu pandemic also controlling the 5G narrative?
Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D. hypothesizes that Coronavirus may be history repeating itself and caused by 5G. Discusses the link between viral epidemics and the development of electro-magnetic technologies going back to 1917...ΚΟΡΩΝΟΪΟΣ-ΚΑΙ-5G--Ομιλία-του-Dr.-Thomas-Cowan-που-έγινε-στην-“Health-And-Human-Rights-Summit”-στην-T:e?r=DGkLp8wHymQsGq3i2kx7DJRKKmCesvUdΚΟΡΩΝΟΪΟΣ-ΚΑΙ-5G--Ομιλία-του-Dr.-Thomas-Cowan-που-έγινε-στην-“Health-And-Human-Rights-Summit”-στην-T:e?r=DGkLp8wHymQsGq3i2kx7DJRKKmCesvUd
FM8 and Cherie - 21st Century Diseases are a Program...


Nick - Sep 21


Totally agree with everything you have said. Like you say, the danger is multifaceted. Frances Leader has proved, in my opinion, that COVID is 5G radiation poisoning.
So yes, ridding oneself of the nanotech is important, but we also need remedies regarding 5G weapons system.


imagine7generations - Sep 21

crapshoot farmer

A H##RP scientist said borax in water, three times a day stops nanotech from working in us. Dana Ashley on youtbe 'what they dont want us to know'.


JulesUSA - Sep 22

Yes, and he is adamant that it should be done every single day.


crapshoot farmer - Sep 21

crapshoot farmer

1/8 tsp. in a pint of water per 100 lbs. of body weight. (FDA)
I've been at it for a year but only once a day and not every day. FWIW


JustANobody - Sep 22


Need Baking soda as well.


Bee Gee - Sep 21

Bee Gee

Shedding is real and Something is being shed from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed. I dont claim to know exactly what it is but I know its Real, as Dr Ana repeatedly tells people.
That is an established fact by now, even if you do not believe it.


Dianne Kewin - Sep 22

Dianne Kewin

Yes! I knew when I have been around recently jabbed people. Not so much now thankfully.


JulesUSA - Sep 22

Sabrina Wallace has some interesting things to say on this.


psychoNWO - Sep 22


Repeating something ad nauseum does not make it a fact. Lets see the studies that prove its a fact. Lets see the science.


JustANobody - Sep 22


Best comment so far as I see it as well.


Susan - Sep 21


You are spot on! Thank you for all these links. I learned quite bit after anecdotal experiences plus reading The Invisible Rainbow.


psychoNWO - Sep 22


Study Shows Direct Correlation between 5G Networks and “Coronavirus” Outbreaks...


John Vargo - Sep 22

John Vargo

No doubt about that being true,it is a full on attack that goes as deep as infecting our planet thus by extension all plant and animal life,


imagine7generations - Sep 21 - Edited


People who got the shot are shedding and so are people who are around people who got the shot a lot. I only know because I can feel it and have had serious reactions to it, reactions that are unusual for me, never before happened before, like stabbing pains in my stomach after hugging a friend, I did not know had gotten the shot. Severe muscle spasms on another occasion. And my husband got myocarditis after working the home of four people who went out and got the shot. Over a period of four days he had chest pain that turned into myocarditis.


psychoNWO - Sep 22 - Edited


When you say you "can feel it and have serious reactions to it" you are describing exactly what Targeted Individuals have been feeling for four decades. The nano fibers are facilitating what you are feeling, they are not causing it. The nano when fully assembled functions as a real-time send and receive antenna system. It is the EMF signals that are being received, inside your body, that is causing your stabbing pains.
It doesn't matter if you didn't know that your friend was vaccinated. The A.I. that is connecting your friend to the Sentient World Simulation server knows. Its the A.I. that decides who feels the pain and who doesn't. If you are having a serious reaction near vaccinated people its because the A.I. is causing that reaction.
The nano isn't waiting for you to get near your friend and then jumping onto you. Even if it could do such a thing there wouldn't be enough of it. Building a read & write EMF transmission system in a human body takes time. There has to be a huge amount of the nano and it needs time to build an entirely new bio-digital nervous system inside its human host. You are feeling pain because the bio-digital nervous system inside your friend is sending EMF signals to the bio-digital nervous system inside you.
Transhumanist technology is now so far advanced that these psycho's can recreate just about every ailment known to (wo)man. Every disease can be replicated. Every symptom can mimicked - including myocarditis.
FM8 and Cherie - 21st Century Diseases are a Program...


psychoNWO - Sep 22 - Edited


All of your experiences, memories, thoughts, feelings, and emotions are recorded and stored in a Quantum Supercomputer. This supercomputer knows everything about you, in fact, it knows more about you than you know about yourself. It can peer into your mind and upload every little detail about your life into its military level 'gaming' algorithms. The supercomputer is able to read and write to your brain via the bio-digital nanoscale secondary nervous system that is now inside of you and everyone around you. This means that not only does it have a real time model of your brain but it can also simulate your life and predict future scenarios. The recorded information from the simulations is then used to stimulate the neurons in your brain in the real world to manipulate your conscious reality in the direction it wants. All senses, emotions, and perceptions can be artificially induced by this A.I. supercomputer. It can inject thoughts into your subconscious mind and make you think that they were your own.
Throughout the world millions of people known as Targeted Individuals had their brain connected to this supercomputer to form what is known as the Sentient World Simulation - which is a bio-digital Hive Mind. This technology has become sufficiently miniaturized and advanced enough - that everyone is now connected to it. In simple terms the Sentient World Simulation is a quantum level supercomputer capable of multi-directional communication between the environment, man, and itself. A global information and mind control grid with capabilities that make George Orwell's 1984 seem like child's play.
"Any Sufficiently Advanced Technology is Indistinguishable from Magic" ~ Arthur C. Clark
Electronic Harassment Technology Used on Targeted Individuals...
Graphene Network Structure Growing In Vaxxed Blood...
Nanotech Humans - Bi Directional DNA to Computer Interface...


psychoNWO - Sep 22 - Edited


The Sentient World Simulation is a highly advanced Quantum A.I. weapons system. The SWS has access to every aspect of your being. It is connected to your brain via a mesh electronics nanoscale Brain-to-Computer Interface...
The SWS also has a 'search and register' module called Jade 2.0 and it already has a file on you, in case you become its enemy. Commentary starts @ 14m13s...
Jade Helm 2.0...


psychoNWO - Sep 22 - Edited


Why has this shedding issue suddenly become so important? Its because the transhumanist's are trying to trick us into believing another one of their psyops...
Rima E. Laibow, M.D. joins Maria Zeee to issue an emergency warning about the FDA’s recently approved ACAM2000 “vaccine,” on which the package insert states that PEOPLE WHO HAVE RECEIVED THE INJECTION CAN CAUSE DEATH TO THE UNVACCINATED PEOPLE AROUND THEM....
The transhumanist's are pushing this narrative because they need to divert attention away from their EMF weapons, which actually ARE causing death to unvaccinated people - and vaccinated people too. By putting this warning on their VACCINE products they are diverting peoples attention away from the real killer - which is 5G/6G and A.I.,, ie, the Sentient World Simulation.
They fully intend to hang the COVID doctors and nurses out to dry because very soon your medical conditions will be diagnosed and treated by A.I. - so all these medical personnel will be surplus to requirements. The medics are going to be scapegoated - while thousand's of new 5G towers are being installed around us.


psychoNWO - Sep 22


Bird flu and monkeypox, like all the other newly discovered afflictions being pushed by the mainstream media, are electronic diseases. They are being delivered to humans by a massively over-engineered A.I. weapons system via 5G networks. The people affected will mistakenly believe their ailments are being caused by a physical virus which was shed from those in their immediate environment.
Due to ubiquitous global chemtrail spraying, and the absolute saturation of our water and food supply by nanoscale bio-cyber weaponry, we are all Targeted Individuals now...


dyr - Sep 22 - Edited


I have repeatedly emphasized in comments here that indeed my own symptoms are evoked electromagnetically from those I call "carriers". But once abated, their strength recurs after spending time in rooms with poorer ventilation together with a group of injectees for long enough. Thus my own toxic and resonant load increases.
But very important is your stress on the electromagnetic angle. Even relatively early on in covi-madness a few papers were put out noticing higher illness incidence in areas with known "5g" terrestrial infrastructure deployed. Firstenberg caught that the Diamond Princess with its sick on board touted itself as early 5g adopter. But non-terrestrial deployment is of particular interest, and I am wondering if there is an abatement in certain emissions since the last couple of months - my own heretofore always "resonant" response when near "carriers" has gone way, way down, and it is hard to believe that it is solely due to various measures we have taken. Yanowitz mused I saw once about a kill switch - perhaps the opposite is true or also so. Maybe the US election campaign has something to do with toning some things down, a wider abatement in related sickness and worse - anyone see this occurring?


psychoNWO - Sep 22 - Edited


Resonance in proximity to others seems to be a factor.


Travis Ogle - Sep 21 - Edited

Travis’s Substack

Thank you for your detailed comments, only true freedom of speech allows us to receive enough information to analyze the exact mechanisms of the process.
I can’t help but believe that semantics plays a role in our understanding of the dynamics involved here. For instance, Dr Mihalcia attributes shedding as one of the means of infecting the nonvaxxed with the nanotechnology and you make the case that it’s not shedding but rather transmissions of radio waves or electromagnetic frequencies that introduce the nanotechnology.
In my mind, the transmission of radio waves from one person to another IS a form of shedding. The fact that our environment is polluted with this technology, a fact that both of you agree to be true, just complicates the hypotheses of what is the true source.
I’m thankful to you both for your work and your individual explanations. I also include the efforts by Dr Joseph Sansone to seek a judicial solution to this evil spread of contaminated bioweapons disguised as vaccines.


psychoNWO - Sep 21 - Edited


I'm not say its "transmissions of radio waves or electromagnetic frequencies that introduce the nanotechnology" at all. You can't transmit a physical substance. The self assembling nano fibers either come from the injections or they come from the chemtrails.
Transmission of radio waves is not shedding, morgellons is shedding, as I have made clear in my original post. Shedding implies a physical substance, as in shedding a tear. That's not what's happening here.


dyr - Sep 22 - Edited


Why do you not consider breath as a medium of "shedding" miniscule particulates that inhaled and circulating enhance receptivity to perverse signals? There are various means of aerial "access" to these wonderful things.


psychoNWO - Sep 22 - Edited


The volume of nano being exhaled by the lungs is not sufficient enough to build a secondary bio-digital antenna systems to the scale required. I explained this in a previous comment. Here it is again...
The nano isn't ... jumping onto you. Even if it could there wouldn't be enough of it. Building a read & write EMF transmission system in a human body takes time. There has to be a huge amount of nano as well (like in a vaccine).
Its taken 32 years of constant saturation via chemtrailing to get us to where we are today. Standing next to someone for an hour or two - or even a day or two, or a week or two - isn't going to get the job done.


dyr - Sep 22

John Vargo

The issue I am speaking to is not re any effectiveness intended by perpetrators, rather re how it negatively, symptomatically affects, for example the likes of myself with no direct injected load. Whether an antenna system can function as intended may be beside the point of how this pollution induces harm in various ways.
If you have seen my own multiple comments over the year-plus on this 'stack, and elsewhere, I have what I take to be strong evidence from my own experience especially, that, when transmission from "carriers" is over the air and not from direct touch, entry is primarily via energy meridians' low resistance areas on our skin. It seems when ample exposure is had, the perverse, errant energy running along sufficiently impacted lines, when sufficiently loaded blood runs adjacent, a more or less painful clot forms and is felt usually as it passes through narrower blood vessels.
Apart from that this seems to have much abated in recent months in us, leading me to wonder if some signal has been dampened or shut if for some purpose temporarily; re "shedding", due to many measures taken since realizing the e-effects involved, lesser abatement had occurred. But this abatement each time was reversed after three episodes of several minutes' confinement in a poorly ventilated room with surely a group of injectees. Symptoms returned for a time that had abated, the temporal correspondence was rather clear. These rooms were a low ceilinged local small bank with several breathers I had to wait in a queue with for some 5 minutes, old library bldg in similar circumstance, (the 3rd location escapes me just now). This suggests that exhaled material inhaled can increase one's load leading to symptomatic susceptibility, and thus should not be discounted despite insufficiency for fuller perp purposes.


John Vargo - Sep 23

John Vargo

Yeah don't discount it because it happened to me when I had to spend some time close to a vaxxed person.Shortness of breath and heart palpitations,Analyzing it I thought it feels just like FEAR.I started taking med five,vitamin C,berberine and bromelain which of course worked but you know we already had the nano kill switch in us from the chemtrails.See dark journalist and Elana Freeland on youtube with thattitle.Soit does appear it spreads by inhaling the exhaling,can't say it better.Perfect setup for the next scamdemic,just ramp up the frequencies and maybe that's what is causing the wake at 3 am phenomenon also.


Great Reflect - Sep 23

The Here And Now

If this technology is coming from chemtrails, then aren’t the people perpetrating this upon humanity imbibing this too?


psychoNWO - Sep 23


Indeed they are. The Jews are preparing the world population for their coming digital cryptocurrency financial system. This is bio-digital monetary system is dependent upon the self assembling read & write nanotech bio-sensors that are in the jabs and the chemtrails. Those who take the nano-jab will have the means to integrate into the new Quantum Financial System via the Bill Gates bio-energy patent (see link below). The new system will be regulated by A.I. using 'stakeholder capital' blockchain ledgers (see Alison McDowell Wrench In The Gears blog for more info on this).
They used a fake pandemic to destroy the economy because they want to digitize all currencies, and all humans too. Walmart, Amazon etc already have their own currencies on the blockchain so they are primed and ready to go. All businesses not on the blockchain will be deliberately bankrupted so that everyone will be forced to buy and sell using the new system.
Bill Gates already has the patent that will connect you to the A.I. quantum computer. Bio-digital dollar and Chinese style global social credit system will be integrated too...
Battelle to Develop Injectable, Bi-Directional Brain Computer Interface. Obviously the military have had these technologies for decades otherwise they wouldn't be commercializing them. This from 2019...
The top high street banks are now incorporating the same quantum computing technologies that have been used to link Targeted Individuals to A.I. - this has always been the plan. Every human who has been injected with the nanotech EMF jabs will be connected to a CBDC account via A.I. computers and the 5 and 6G networks. Every transaction they make will be recorded in blockchain ledgers and permissioned via an oppressive regime of algorithmic social credit scoring.
Banks are early adopters of quantum computers...
Global banks and quantum computers...
Banks place early bet on quantum computers...
The Jews are the worlds usurers and money lenders and if they wish to retain that status they are obviously going to have to be the vanguard for the new system - thus Israel has the most advanced vaccination program on the planet.
This technology is using humans as incubators. Once inside us, it grows and self-assembles into nanotech which then attaches to the synapses in the brain and central nervous system so it can connect you to A.I. - that's what the bio-synthetic nanoscale micro-processors and bio-routers are that you see in Dr Ana's videos. They're connecting us all to A.I.
The new global money system - out with the old, in with the new... BIBI BACCHUS - UCC Contract Law Expert...


Aj Bruno - Sep 23

Aj Bruno

I agree with you and yet at the same time they may be shedding. Could you not call a women who has taken a mRNA vaccine with nano in it who breast feeds her baby as shedding? The baby is certainly getting the nano through the breast milk. What about those who have taken the vax and then have sex with multiple partners? They must be shedding that way as well through the act...
None the less they have been spraying this garbage on us for years and I agree this is all part of a global weapons system that is set towards genocide. Why was the Georgia guide stones blown up a few years ago but to cover up the fact that they want to "maintain humanity at a population of 500,000,000" with 8 billion plus people on the planet that is alot of people to kill.
Total and utter madness - Dr Strange Love is real and I will have to say he is non other that Klaus Schwab.
This IoT and brain hacking tech is real as well. I have been living with it full time since 2021...
They also have the ability to at least try and control people and I have seen it right before my eyes - people being controlled by this mind control system and not even know it is happening to them. Be it was intermitant... yet there were a few people who I have seen who were under the spell of this thing. This is big and it is evil right out of the Book of Revelations - "the beast (ibm quantum computer) had the power to do miracles with in the site of men."
Technology has now entered the realm of "magic" and superstition.
A great deception has come upon the earth!
Know the truth and the truth shall set you free! Conscious awareness, honesty, integrity, love of truth and of the higher ideals is the narrow road forward.
Be mindful that man (or women) leads you astray!


Lauri Maniccia - Sep 21

Lauri Maniccia

I want to thank you for all your work on this bioweapon. The shedding was and is a main concern to me. I could never find any information on it. I'm thrilled to know there is something I can do. Is there any information on how or when it is shed from another? Any way to avoid it? Other than the obvious. It isn't always possible to isolate from the vaxed. Although it may be something that should be seriously considered at some point soon. I guess that depends on what the near future brings. Again. Thank You!


imagine7generations - Sep 21

Lauri Maniccia

Ozone air purification definitely works! I frequent a chiropractic office that has vaxxed patients and I can feel the stuff they shed in the air when I go. Then they got one of these ozone air purification machines and it works. If you are next to a person shedding then you will still be affected. But it helps. I have one at home and run it regularly plus ozoneate all my clothing when coming home.


Lauri Maniccia - Sep 25

Lauri Maniccia

Thanks, I appreciate you!


Mary Dunn - Sep 22

Mary Dunn

Breathe deeply and make daily short 15minute x3 meditations if you do not already. The sources of health threats to all creatures are many! And the remedies unique to each of us. That’s nature and what’s amazing, we were made to heal.
Much media and images focus on contamination of people and animals, its a fearful trip.
So build, on what makes happy which is powerful. A Natural practitioner emphasized the importance of what we take into our body, food air water sun and how we nourish our minds. I’m lecturing myself here. 💪❤️😅


Lauri Maniccia - Sep 30

Lauri Maniccia

Thanks for that. You can lecture me anytime!! ❤️❤️


Bula - Sep 26

Thank you for this Mary, I loved your comment and so so true. What a great reminder❤️


Joey jinx - Sep 23

Nattokinase it seems to work has been advertised for this purpose


Gery - Sep 21


Ana, I bought the microscope and will take the course on live blood analysis with my doctor. I want to help my family, friends and workers. Many find it difficult to take to heart that they have been violated. I mean to show them and help with the cure. Thank you. TBC


The Ninth Column - Sep 21 - Edited

The Ninth Column

Ana you are now by far the biggest expert on this is the world. We need a standardised detoxification protocol. We need to get all the microscopists to contribute to a huge data set on detoxification protocols to figure out what works best. I believe there are thousands of us out there that can now perform our own blood smears and follow the guidelines you set to find the best solution for humanity. There is a one size fits all detox solution for this and we must find it together with you as our leader.
Below is all the stuff that the cure will most likely be compromised of, based on my years of research. Humanity’s cure lies in the right combination and protocol of some of these products below, and that is the conundrum we must solve, and through trial and error with red blood cell monitoring we can figure it out.
Calcium EDTA
Methylene blue
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Calcium Bentonite Clay
Zeolite Clinoptilolite specifically
Sea salt
Bicarbonate of soda
Eucalyptus oil
Oregano Oil
Castor oil
Curcumin (turmeric)
Mud baths
Foot spa/detox
Green organic smoothies
Orgone emf blockers
Faraday cages/boxes/protection work 100% to prevent Self-assembly 🔥 this is huge.
I’m no expert like you, but has anyone actually tried out most or all of the above? I’d happily be the Guinea pig if you want to suggest a protocol. I’ve had a magnetic shoulder thanks to a dental shot 2.5 years ago.


Bee Gee - Sep 21 - Edited

Bee Gee

Yes, I have taken 12 of your proposed therapies in the past 3+ years I have been searching for solutions.
Nicotine - doesnt work to stop shedding or dissolve nanotech but it does make you feel better
meth blue - never taken
sodium bicarbonate - doesnt work, you need to make it into sodium citrate, That works
CDS - helps but cannot get rid of the shedding on its own and CLO2 breaks down EDTA
Bentonite clay - stopped taking a long time ago due the chemical composition of clays and earths
Zeolite - bought but never took due to high silica and aluminum content
Natto, curcumin and bromelain work Very Well synergistically but you need a lot of natto and they bind with EDTA so cannot be taken together but many people take 10000 fus of natto twice a day with no issues.
The best Very solution I have found is EDTA and Vitamin C along with the other things that do not bind with EDTA.
And if you fast while taking EDTA, it works Much Much better.
My wife and I are doing our EDTA fast right now in fact, as we do about once a month.
I wrote a whole comment about it yesterday but it was late in the day.
We are currently taking fairly large amounts of:
Oral EDTA (Arizona and MedFive)
Vitamin C as pure ascorbic crystals
sodium citrate
Vitamins D and E
They do not bind with EDTA and they are all mild chelators that cross the blood brain barrier.
It is a bioweapon though, so I do not think there is any single solution that can resolve it, it takes a blend of things.
I plan on Living though and I am not messing around.
I wish more people would try the EDTA fast, it sounds hard but its actually easy and then you will feel great but to each their own.


imagine7generations - Sep 22 - Edited

Bee Gee

Have you tried EDTA suppositories taken at night before bed? I eat Natto as the Japanese do. So not sure how to compare but I do 2 tablespoons a day and it seems very good. The other thing I do is foot soak with food grade hydrogen peroxide- gives me a boost. And nebulizer with food grade hydrogen peroxide as outlined by Dr. Brownstein. And herbal tinctures of lobelia, licorice root, wormwood, lemon balm.


Bee Gee - Sep 26

Bee Gee

No, EDTA suppositories can release heavy metals from your intestinal wall directly into your bloodstream, plus I dont like sticking things up my butt.
And just plain old regular EDTA works perfectly well if people would just take it right so no need.
Im not sure how regular natto compares with nattokinase but its on my list of things to research, then maybe I could make my own nattokinase.... its a pretty long list though. Good luck to you in any case.


Joey jinx - Sep 23

Oh yes Nattokinase me to, hydrogen peroxide oxidising blood love it your work ,,,🦘


JustANobody - Sep 22 - Edited


I use wormwood once a week as in a tincture.


Lauri Maniccia - Oct 10

Lauri Maniccia

Could you please explain the EDTA fast? I do not fast, as of yet. So I am in need of specifics. I would greatly appreciate what information you can give to me on what works for you and your wife. Id like to live without the tech so I can stay alivr long enough to fight. In whatever way possible. But survival is the first step. Thank you so much for sharing your information.


Bee Gee - Oct 10

Bee Gee

Its actually easy, much easier than fasting Without taking EDTA. We only eat once a day so when we start an EDTA fast, we havent eaten in around 24 hours.
Then we take one MedFive EDTA and three Arizona EDTA pills along with straight Vitamin C (as pure ascorbic acid crystals dissolved in water) every 8 hours or so. Thats around 6600mg of EDTA per day and 8000-10000 mg of Vitamin C.
We also drink a ton of water during that time and we use a Zerowater filter, so there is nothing in our drinking water that can bind with EDTA, like metals from pipes, etc.
Then we just do that and dont eat anything for 3 or more days. And honestly we feel so good that sometimes we go for more than 3 days, like 4 or 5 days. Sounds crazy that you would feel so good you would just keep Not eating for days but its true.
We also take other things during our fast that help but most importantly do not bind with EDTA... like Vitamin E, NAC, ALA, bromelain, glutathione, sodium citrate and I just got some malic acid so I am going to add that next time as well.
We do drink fresh orange juice and fresh pineapple juice during our 'fast' too, because they give you a ton of C (and bromelain), plus the fresh fruit has things the pills or supplements do not, different isomers of C, natural citrate, etc.
Thats the biggest problem with oral EDTA though, it binds with so many things, possibly including food already in your gut so fasting is the best way I have found to increase the efficiency. And it is a Noticeable Difference... I cant recommend it highly enough.
Its easy plus then you dont have to do a lot of thinking or planning on how and when to take it effectively, because you are not eating anything else it will bind with.
You might get a little hungry the first day but just drink a big glass of water and it will go away. And then after that, its Easy. Remarkably Easy! Almost like God planned it that way.
You probably do not Need the MedFive EDTA either, its only 500mg of additional EDTA (per pill) but it takes a long time to order and the Arizona Naturals is only like $24 and it gives you 1800mg of EDTA per serving.
I still have MedFive from my big order just over a year ago but I dont think I will order anymore when I run out, its good but not good enough to justify the price and shipping time IMO since I can buy twice as much Arizona for each bottle of MedFive.
You could even start with just a day or two at first and only taking EDTA and Vitamin C... I think you will feel great and then you can try for longer timeframes or adding other things that dont bind with EDTA (if you dont already have them).
Good luck to you in any case.


Lauri Maniccia - Oct 10

Lauri Maniccia

How do you tolerate that much vitamin C? You had to have started with less? I ordered both vitamin C and EDTA from global healing. Although I have an aversion to the word global, I did this because it is what Dr Ana recommended and I don't know who to order anything from. If you have a less expensive supplier, for any of this, id like to know. I'm not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination. I've no idea what binds with what. And I've never fasted. I've got an parasidic infection that is still not diagnosed. And the medical community are morons. I'm so sick I almost don't even care anymore. Thanks for letting me vent. And sorry. I'm frustrated beyond comprehension.
What is a reasonable amount of vitamin C to start with? As well as EDTA?


Bee Gee - Oct 10

Bee Gee

I have been taking it for a while now, and after a while you can take higher levels without gut issues but yes I ramped up. I think I started with a single 1000mg pill of plain Vitamin C every 12 hours, then 8 hours then within a few weeks I went up to 2 pills of C every 8 hours.
Plus I also drink a lot of fresh orange juice in-between, it only takes a minute to juice a orange or three with a simple twist juicer then I put the juice thru a coffee filter and strain it into water. Then I pour more water through the pulp in the filter because Vitamin C and citrate are water soluble, so most of it is out of the pulp when it turns whitish rather than orange. You cannot get enough C from orange juice alone but its a good supplement, especially when you are fasting.
Now I just take vitamin C crystals though rather than pills, they work fine and its the best bang for the buck IMO... the $10 bottle gets you like 200 doses of C and they even have a huge 3 pound bottle that I am going to get the next time I run out.
As far as EDTA, I like Arizona Naturals EDTA, its like $24 a bottle... plus they tell people how to take it correctly when many companies do not. You can order it from them or they also carry it in some natural food stores.
The hardest part is taking it 2 or more hours away from other things it will bind with, like food, dairy and many other supplements, like multivitamins, iron, zinc, nattokinase, curcumin, Lots of things. The things I listed above are fine though, they dont bind with EDTA.
Thats why we fast while we take it. I would start with 1 roughly 1000mg serving of Vitamin C (usually 1 pill or 1/4 teaspoon of powder) and one 600mg pill of EDTA every 12 hours... Then you can go up from there assuming there are no issues.
I myself take 3-Arizona EDTA pills (1800mg) and 2000mg of Vitamin C 3 times a day during our fast, so around 6600mg of EDTA and 6000-8000 mg of C throughout the day (not at once). Its less than $30 a month, so I think that may be a good goal for people but its good to start slow since I dont know the particulars of your medical issues.
I think it may really help though, because I think these nanoparticles are the root of many undiagnosed or ignored medical issues... good luck to you in any case.


Donna LaBruno - Sep 21

Donna LaBruno

I’ve taken a few of those supplements for the past three or four years. My health has been pretty good.


crapshoot farmer - Sep 21

crapshoot farmer

I tried methylene blue a few times but that video someone here posted about 55 gal. drums available in India changed my mind. It just seems like a strange chemical...


JustANobody - Sep 22


Wormwood for detox. I use once a week. The liquid ticture. It tastes awful but helps alot.


Brent Rice - Sep 21

Brent Rice

I came across this article that stated thousands, or 56% of participants in a mud swimming competition got 'infected' and sick with skin infections/afflictions & digestive issues in 2022. Now, the event has been held since 2010 with no such issues. So what changed? Was it the water from a hydrant, previously used, to make the mud? Did one participant 'mud' the mud pool? Or were 56q of partipsbts succeptible to the bacteria thars common in ponds & soil, because they were vaxed & boosted?
IMO, doctors are not going to be able to determine the cause and treatment and a lot of misdiagnoses will be made for many illnesses & drug side effects that are in fact caused by the effects of the Covid vaccines. Which means people are going to suffer needlessly & senselessly because the medical establishment will not admit the Covid vaccines (and other many upcoming new 'vaccines' MPox') are anything but safe and effective and can indeed cause the 1200 or side effects, aka symptoms of poisoning/injection of toxic vaccines as listed in Pfizer's paperwork. How many illnesses & diseases with various fancy names prior to 2020 were due to the injection into the body of toxic vaccines? Many. There are books in the subject, a few written in the 1800's. The problem now is exponentially worse due to the Covid vaccines and it will only be worsened by new supposed mRNA drugs, and by reduced graphene oxide & graphene hydroxide adulterants in drugs, food, supplements and the air we breath. Doctors will continue to diagnose patients with viral infections such as pneumonia and the flu when in fact their lungs are being negatively affected from within by previously consumed or injected toxins that affect the blood and its flow. We've learned from the Covid vaccines that side effects, or better, consequences, can take hours, days, weeks, months, even years to materialize. When a vaccinated victim gets say MS or dies of myocarditis 3 years post vaccination, vaccines are never suspected or blamed by Allopathic doctors, but instead, the link is denied. All of mankind has been poisoned by various drugs, and it's population is declining. This should scare the hell out of everyone.


crapshoot farmer - Sep 21

crapshoot farmer

Gates must have seen this.
1930's cartoon -2 min.


Jean Pierre LaRocque - Sep 23

Jean Pierre LaRocque

And for me I heard all 194-5 U.N. countries signed off on the DEPOPULATION AGENDA many years ago!??


Theo Farmer - Sep 21

Orthomolecular Restorative Farm…

High-dose vitamin C (ascorbate, ascorbic acid) is the primary nutrient in orthomolecular methods, since animals make it in huge quantities and humans make none. The other nutrient that we find amplifies the benefits of ascorbate is niacin (vitamin B3 as nicotinic acid) and niacinamide, which is the form that circulates in the blood. There are 162 species of microbes identified in the healthy human gut microbiome that make niacin for us from our food. I suspect that since these nutrients were designed by God to circulate in our bodies, they may be the best combination for protection from the nanotech assault. Citric acid is also mentioned in the patent you reference as one of the chelation agents that can be included to disassemble their hydrogels. Citric acid is also made by our bodies, so is not foreign in any way. So it seems that an IV therapy that includes high doses of ascorbate, niacinamide, and citric acid, or steady oral therapies of the same, might be very powerful in clearing the blood, following God's design. Citric acid (along with ascorbate) is also key to removing oxalates from the body.


crapshoot farmer - Sep 21

crapshoot farmer

By citric acid do you mean from natural sources like limes, etc.?


imagine7generations - Sep 22

crapshoot farmer

or acerola cherries?


crapshoot farmer - Sep 22

crapshoot farmer

Probably what he means. Citric acid being the natural form of Vit. C..?
Acerola cherries are a great source.
Just try to wash off the chem spray!


John Vargo - Sep 23

John Vargo


John Vargo - Sep 23

John Vargo

Ascorbic acid is synthetic vitamin C,


John Vargo - Sep 23

John Vargo

If soulless corporations run the gov't and they do,


Rodney Wade - Sep 21

Rodney Wade

Thank you Dr. Mihalcea for your wonderful work. And thank God for putting you on this earth.


Donna LaBruno - Sep 21

Donna LaBruno

You are amazing and brilliant. Thank you for sharing your work.


Alex - Sep 21

Thanks for all your work. Much appreciated.


Bodhimom - Sep 21

Thank You Dr. Ana for all your hard work! Yes, it is puzzling all these people still talking about the mRNA Spike Proteins and giving remedies for them. How many of them are bought out or mind-controlled.


Kim - Sep 22 - Edited


My concern is the brain. We know that the nanobots go to the brain since the brain-computer interface is really the ultimate target of this whole transhuman agenda of merging humans with technology for total surveillance and mind control.
My question then becomes, is the EDTA able to cross the blood brain barrier? If it isn't, then we still have a major problem, and I haven't heard anyone talking about this. It isn't enough that the EDTA and Vitamin C clears the blood in the body if it isn't able to clear the nanotechnology that gets into the brain.
I don't like to throw fuel on the fire, but I think it is a legitimate question, and I don't think that we should rest on our laurels until everything is fully understood.
And judging from people's apparent laissez-faire attitude and nonchalant reaction to everything that is being waged on us in this "Omniwar," I would say that the brain is a huge consideration.


John Vargo - Sep 23 - Edited

John Vargo

I agree,EDTA does cross the barrier I think.


Kim - Sep 23 - Edited


Wow! That is very interesting. Thank you for sharing. I am going to use that to try and backup what I have been trying to tell the "normies" who think that Elon Musk's use of Neuralink is the only brain-computer interface.
However, I did not see anywhere in the article that said that EDTA crosses the BBB.
I just looked up this article but it only discusses the ability of the EDTA to chelate out the toxic metals (TM) from the blood that are causing the neurodegenerative disease (ND). TM are able to cross the BBB. It doesn't really say anything about the EDTA being able to cross the BBB except this:
"The efficacy of EDTA in ND may also depend on its ability to reach the CNS, which has been previously demonstrated by means of biodistribution of labeled EDTA [75]"
So, according to that, it looks as if it "has been previously demonstrated to reach the CNS." However, I did not follow the footnote to read further. I would look further into it later.
I think that you can understand why it is important for the EDTA not only to take out the toxic metals from the blood to prevent them from crossing into the brain, but to be able to dismantle the nanotechnology that has ALREADY gotten into the brain.


Nicholas Malkentzos - Sep 25


I would like to know how often we need to take EDTA and vitamin c and how much?


Kim - Sep 25


I think the general consensus coming from Dr. Ana is that it is different for everyone because we are all different and our bodies all react differently, etc. but as a general guideline, I think she is saying to take the EDTA (dosage 450-800mg/day either all in one dose or in two divided doses if taken twice/day) at night along with the vitamin C (she says up to 10,000mg/day of Vitamin C, but a lot of people cannot tolerate that high of a dose without GI issues. I figured out my daily amount from all sources to be around 700mg/day, and I don't have any issues with that dose. I imagine that I could go even higher if I wanted to.). It is important to take both the EDTA and the Vitamin C together.
I know that the instructions on the bottle of MedFive says to take one pill twice daily so that would be a daily dose of 800 mg (400mg/pill). The instructions on the Global Healing Calcium Disodium EDTA says to take 1 ml (225mg) twice a day for a daily dose of 450mg.
Again, it is important to maybe go with the instructions on the supplement itself since the people who make the supplement know the general way to take it but they also say "or as directed by your health care provider. So, then you could do it as Dr. Ana suggests, taking it at night.
The reason she recommends taking it at night is that it allows the EDTA not to interact with anything else you may be taking, for instance like any mineral supplementation. The EDTA binds to all minerals so it wouldn't make sense to take it with mineral supplements since it would just pull those minerals out too. She recommends taking a general multimineral supplement in the morning and the EDTA with Vitamin C at night.
But if you are just starting out, it might be good to take the EDTA and Vitamin C twice per day to begin with since you will need it more often maybe to pull out the overload of metals. Once you have been on it for awhile, you could start doing it only at night with mineral supplementation in the morning.
And again, you will just have to start doing it to see how your body reacts, and then you can adjust it accordingly so it is important to listen to your body.
I know that this is a lot but I hope that I have made it easy enough to understand. If you have any other questions, just ask. I will do my best to answer them to the best of my knowledge.


Nicholas Malkentzos - Sep 25


Thank you so much I appreciate all the info. very helpful !


Kim - Sep 26


You're welcome.


Caitlin - Sep 21

Bravo! Thank you Dr. Ana. I greatly appreciate the way you share your legitimate research done with a specialized Darkfield Microspcope that most doctors, or other researchers, don't have or use. It is truly dangerous and irresponsible to advise treatments to people without having done this work, or even to have studied your experiments! The before and after images and videos are extremely helpful for me to understand and make decisions for myself. Thank you for undertaking the often daunting task of thinking for yourself allowing your genius to shine through.


Andrejka - Sep 21

Andrejka’s Substack

Thank you for the supplement recommendations.. of course a water filter, air filter, electromagnetic field reduction, using nicotine as an antidote to the venom in cosmetics, pesticides, medication and other sources in our environment, other healthy lifestyle practices are important.


P Gerard - Sep 21

In the interest of accuracy, there is no "covid 19" virus. Covid 19 is just a list of symptom that has
been attributed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Whether there is a SARS-CoV-2 virus is another question.
The "viruses" seem to come along about every 4 yrs in time for election season.


Adriana - Sep 21





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