Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 21, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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RED ALERT: IT'S IN OUR BLOOD! -- Dr. Ana Mihalcea
I was back to speak to Sean about recent research findings confirming self assembly nanotechnology in the COVID19 vials - explaining the shedding of this evil technology - and discuss easy solutions for all.
There are many who claim solutions for detoxification of what they think is in these COVID19 bioweapons, reaching from mRNA that many researchers did not find, to invented parasites, supposed snake venoms that would need to be manufactured by mRNA that we did not find, to spike proteins created by mRNA that was not found and more. The researchers who actually investigated these COVID19 bioweapons did not find what the main stream narrative portrays, most importantly WHERE IS THE MRNA?
The spike protein narrative also ignored the fact that Quantum Dot technology can give the same immune response as a spike protein or a supposed COVID19 virus - something nobody isolated anywhere in the world either - and you can look this up on the NIH Directors website - written by the director himself. Makes you wonder…
Speeding COVID-19 Drug Discovery with Quantum Dots
These round, multi-colored orbs in the illustration above may resemble SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus responsible for COVID-19. But they’re actually lab-made nanocrystals called quantum dots. They have been specially engineered to look and, in some ways, act like the coronavirus while helping to solve a real challenge for many labs that would like to study SARS-CoV-2.
From Steve Kirsch, to Dr. Daniel Nagase, to Dr. Geanina Hagima to Dr. Marcela Sangorrin and Biotechnologist Lorena Diblasi from the National Scientific and Technical Research Council - National University of Comahue - none of them found vital elements of mRNA like phosphorus and nitrogen. But most of them found self assembly nanotechnology building blocks. Other teams like the German working group, Dr. Nixon and Shimon Yanowitz, Dr Pablo Campra, La Quinta Columna, Dr. Young Mi Lee and others also confirmed that. The ones who try to still discredit what cannot be any longer denied - that this self assembly nanotechnology exists - have never bothered to look at the vials, nor the blood. How can they be experts in denying something they have refused to investigate?
The other strategy is to willfully ignore the mounting evidence - but that actually discredits them - not us. The silence is becoming embarrassing to all who look the other way.
And of course, I do not include in that the willful show business of claiming cholesterol and sugar crystals are developing while ignoring self assembly happening in real time. Hopefully by now everyone knows that was disinformation of the most adversely impactful kind. Makes you wonder who paid for that performance, that misled millions of people to not investigate the real causes of COVID bioweapon related illness - likely leading to subsequent deaths - and prevented finding real solutions.
I show you what I see in the COVID19 vials, in the live blood of unvaccinated people who were shedded upon, in embalmed blood of deceased vaccinated people - its all consistent: self assembly nanotechnology. I also show how to deactivate what I see according to the Moderna patent.
Across the board, I call it self assembly nanotechnology - containing metals, polymers, nano and microrobots.
Dr Ian Akyldiz seems to have been the scientists most correct in the assessment of these weapons when he said :
"COVID MRNAS ARE NOTHING MORE THAN SMALL SCALE BIO-NANO MACHINES" - Lecture by Professor Ian Akyildiz From Georgia Institute Of Technology
I am exceedingly happy that Pfizer whistle blower Melissa McAtee showed internal Pfizer documents that authorize the use of nanotechnology in the Pfizer COVID19 injections. If you have not seen her statement, please watch this recent interview with attorney Todd Callender, Esq where she shows these documents.
Truth Be Told With Todd Callender, Esq: Destroy the Nanotech Within The Body
Whatever you believe, I am certain looking at what can be seen with a Darkfield Microscope - that explains this nanotechnological weapon of mass destruction - will be eye opening. You can see for yourself and make up your own mind. The correlation between what self assembles from the COVID19 vial contents and what is seen in human blood is undeniable.
I challenge any naysayer to do their own LEGITIMATE investigations, if they dare to know the truth. At the same time, anyone who has not looked at the vials, really does not have a seat at the table of discussion. Get a microscope and take a look, then you can have an opinion.
And whatever you believe - detoxifying metals that are known to be sprayed on humans via geoengineering with Calcium EDTA and taking Vitamin C and multi minerals is an inexpensive good idea for your health prevention in these treacherous times - just in case I am right, which of course I am if you have read the 780 articles I wrote on this substack. Yes, you can throw Nicotine in there too, just don’t do it by itself - I show you in the video why you need more than that.
Knowing about the disinformation of the last 3 years and now facing an upcoming monkeypox bioweapon “vaccine” - hopefully people will be able to extrapolate and make wise choices. I have investigated many childhood “vaccines” and they all contain similar technology, as do injectable medications. However the COVID shot is by far the worst.
With everything we know so far, saying NO to any further depopulation vaccine is the best decision anyone can make. Becoming an “antivaxxer” means you are smart enough to say NO to being poisoned.
Good for you!
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Alicia Lutz-Rolow - Sep 21
Alicia’s Newsletter
Thank You For All That You Are Doing For Humanity and For Freedom...God Bless You
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psychoNWO - Sep 21 - Edited
@15m25s... these nano materials are not shedding. Morgellons is when some peoples metabolism reacts against the nano and tries to expel it. That's the only instance where nanotech sheds. However, this is quite rare, and as the tech has become more and more advanced it has become even rarer still. The nano is not systematically jumping from one human to another.
The reason the non-vaxxed are infested by nano is because these fibres are in the chemtrails as well. See Sofia Smallstorm video from 2009 and 2012 which clearly shows that this is happening...
Also Kristen Meghan, Former Air Force Officer Turned Chemtrail, Geoengineering Whistleblower...
The reason the nano is so prolific in the vaxxed is because the payload in the vaccines is highly concentrated. The reason the nano is so prolific in the non-vaxxed is because they have been spraying everyone (geoengineered) with nanotech since 1991 - so for at least 32 years!
Refusing to take the monkeypox vaccine may not be enough - because these are frequency weapons. The nanotech is only one component of a multi faceted weapons system. You could be killed by either the hardware (nano) or the EMF (5G) or by the machine itself (A.I.). Lets not forget that the people who are programming these weaponized technologies have a long history of mass killing.
Monkeypox and 5G...
The nano is designed to connect everyone's WBAN to military level A.I. Quantum Computers. The vaxxed are not shedding, they are transmitting.
Most peoples immune systems won't be able to process these toxic materials and they will die, and their deaths will be blamed on COVID, or monkeypox, or whatever they think of next. However, some people will be able to adjust and survive, just as some Targeted Individuals have survived the 40 year long system beta-testing phase. The same thing happened in 1918 when millions of people died during the 'electrification of the earth' project which the authorities later dubbed the Spanish Flu Epidemic.
The 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic happened just after the global introduction of radiation wave technology (radio waves). Why are the same families and institutions who controlled the Radio Wave narrative after the Spanish Flu pandemic also controlling the 5G narrative?
Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D. hypothesizes that Coronavirus may be history repeating itself and caused by 5G. Discusses the link between viral epidemics and the development of electro-magnetic technologies going back to 1917...ΚΟΡΩΝΟΪΟΣ-ΚΑΙ-5G--Ομιλία-του-Dr.-Thomas-Cowan-που-έγινε-στην-“Health-And-Human-Rights-Summit”-στην-T:e?r=DGkLp8wHymQsGq3i2kx7DJRKKmCesvUdΚΟΡΩΝΟΪΟΣ-ΚΑΙ-5G--Ομιλία-του-Dr.-Thomas-Cowan-που-έγινε-στην-“Health-And-Human-Rights-Summit”-στην-T:e?r=DGkLp8wHymQsGq3i2kx7DJRKKmCesvUd
FM8 and Cherie - 21st Century Diseases are a Program...
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