Dec 23, 2022

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Larry Druhall - Dec 24, 2022

Solution Seeking

Thank you for sharing this. There are massive problems to solve. Happy Holidays!!


Paula Starshifter - Dec 24, 2022

Paula Starshifter

I’m a huge fan of yours. I want to point outin part two of number 1 in this series doctor Ana, you stated that “nobody” is doing anything about it. That is simply not true. There are patriots and health freedom lovers and fighters emerging all over the country and the world. Example, many of us will be rallying in St Paul at the Minnesota State Capitol rotunda with health freedom lovers and leaders to push back against the proposed mandates, on January 5! and I am spearheading a letter writing blitz at the Minnesota Arboretum on December 29. 


Monica M - Dec 24, 2022

Thank you to all of you & may God look after you & keep you safe as you expose truths behind this evil agenda! 🙏🏻 ❤️


Blaise - Dec 24, 2022

Att Viska

Glad I found this site. Speaking of the whole gambit, most of you have now seen this bogus headline:
Unvaxxed 72% more likely to have car accident
More clown car "science." Some stories on this from the fake news at see, or American Journal of Medicine science been that corrupted now with ignorance? You can see the original contention in American Journal of Science, and The Defender outing the utterly embarrassing “science” here:
Long story short (and this is so embarrassingly stupid), on further examination - Unvaxxinated were more likely to drive; they were more likely to have an accident as they had more road miles. Yes, you are correct: this study was too utterly stupid to factor that in. Vaxxed were less likely to go out, on average, as they were too scared to go out - During study period, the unvaxxed were not allowed to use public transportation, that they might normally use. Ummmm…. I’m not a PhD in math, but since the unvaxxed were forced to drive, they had more road miles, and thus more accidents. - Can it get more stupid? Mais oui! The study looked at 6,682 crashes, only ~2,800 or so were unvaccinated people actually… ummmm… .DRIVING. There were just over 2,600 cases included of unvaccinated people who were pedestrians hit by cars but included in the fake numbers. Then this idiot study included just over 1,100 people who were freaking PASSENGERS. They weren’t even driving. How can being unvaccinated and NOT driving cause driving accidents - They also used the gambit where you were not counted as vaccinated until 14 days after you got the shots (takes 14 days for the antibodies to kick in). Fine. The problem is a LOT of the deaths and injuries are from day 0 onwards, so many of these unvaxxed car accidents were actually the vaxxed, having issues from the shot and causing accidents, being counted as unvaccinated. The data set for the study only lasted one month, so those labelled unvaxxed could have been actually vaxxed for HALF the study. Dr. John Campbell also exposes the utter idiocy of this here E.g., Norman Fenton, Ph.D., a professor of risk information management at Queen Mary London University, accused the journal of publishing “a study in stupidity,” Dr. Clair Craig at UK’s Queen’s College, Oxford Univ., called the study “a joke,” (noting you could use the same logic so show unvaccinated, e.g., recycled more, eat more chocolate, give to charity more, or anything you want;


Elizabeth Faraone - Dec 26, 2022

Thanks for putting this info together for us, Blaise. Saved me some time and mental anguish (since I now don’t have to look at that awful study to know how bogus it is). Much appreciated!


Marty - Dec 26, 2022

Nano Ordo Mundi

This is so desperate ... everyone knows that vaxxed pilots, car drivers etc .. are having way way more accidents. If you've been injected recently and you're magnetic, driving a car (which is a faraday cage) and using a cellphone in the car is a recipe for disaster, not to mention the effects of the 5G cell towers that you drive by.


kerrylyn - Dec 27, 2022


I thought a faraday cage was meant to protect you from emfs??


Soul Liberation - Dec 24, 2022

Soulliberation's Newsletter

I have had a look at your website if you are looking for still more answers about why people and life are as they are, and about what causes health and disease, have a look at This is about how the subconscious mind is responsible for personality, the course of life, and health and disease. The subconscious mind is a programme that is literally present around the incarnated soul and thus the person. It consists of a subtle matter and directs personality and life. There is a book that you can read on the website This book is about a new theory about man, the soul, the subconscious mind, that you have not heard of before.


Jeff Stinson - Dec 27, 2022

Hi Ana, I would be leery of saying that the fibrous clots are explosive. Mike Adams kept the fibrous clots in isopropyl alcohol and then submerged them in nitric acid. Isopropyl alcohol and nitric acid when mixed in the right combination and temperature react to form a rocket propellant. I'm not saying the fibers clots aren't explosive, but that's not the way to prove that they are (1 minute video).


Nancy Rose - Dec 26, 2022 - Edited

Nancy’s Newsletter

Dr. Ana, thank you for all the hard work that you do. I saw the Ryan Cole interview with Del Bigtree a little while ago and he thinks that the GO structures are cholesterol crystals. The thing he didn't point out was that the image he was showing were of crystals in the urine, not the blood. I thought that was disingenuous of him. And he doesn't explain how people become magnetic and emit MAC addresses after the shots. There is no question in my mind that there is Graphene Oxide in the shots that work in the presence of certain frequencies. No question. I hope you continue in your work to show this. I do not agree with Ryan Cole at all. He is either lying or truly ignorant. In either case keep up the great work. Thank you.


Marty - Dec 26, 2022 - Edited

Nano Ordo Mundi

These are NOT cholesterol crystals, it's so easily debunked that it's not worth writing about, that part of the interview where they analyze some vials was gaslighting (no disrespect, i think both of these people are incredible). La Quinta Columna (from Spain) and others have done the hard work and have proven time and time again that graphene is in the mRNA bioweapon injections. See the analysis of Dr Pablo Campra, with the right equipment he proved to the world what's now irrefutable.


Nancy Rose - Dec 27, 2022 - Edited

Nancy’s Newsletter

I agree! I was just pointing out that Cole showed a image in the interview of cholesterol crystals in urine, not blood. In blood, cholesterol looks like white streaks, not even close to looking like crystals. I am not sure why him being such a certified pathologist, he doesn't see that. That was all I was trying to say. I firmly believe in the research of Dr. Pablo Campra and the fact that there is graphene oxide in the shots and that these are forming micro chips.


Marty - Dec 27, 2022

Nano Ordo Mundi

The HW show is doing an incredible job at exposing the deception and the lies, they've woken up a lot of people. They openly admit that they don't want to talk about things that some would call conspiracy theories, like the presence of graphene .. and that they can't verify, and that's fine. They communicate well on the clotting issues and that's essential.
This is an analysis of a Comirnaty vial 72 hours after evaporation, and shows evidence of self-assembly of microtechnology structures. This horror starts to self-assemble on its own once exposed to the right temperature (remember when they said that the vials had to be kept at a low temperature ? oh yeah mRNA conservation temperature bullshit ...) They're not cholesterol crystals. And none of this is possible without graphene.
Carbon nanotubes in Comirnaty:
Microtechnology and graphene (compilation):
This technology is far advanced. But it's killing a lot of people.


Possum - Dec 26, 2022

Possum’s Newsletter

🐬😎👍🍺💕 Thank you Ana, Christmas blessings for your loved ones and yourself.


alexxxxxxxx - Dec 25, 2022

alexxxxxxxx IS USED BY “GM AND GE” TO CHANGE ENGINEER DNA AND IS CALLED A ” GENE VIRAL VECTOR ” ALSO [ ROOM TEMPERATURE SUPERCONDUCTOR ] ] graphene and with 5g signals TO MAKE POSSIBLE ELECTRONICALL CONTROLLED HUMANS……DEAR GOD OF GOODNESS PLEASE HELP AND SAVE US ALL FROM EVIL. p s self aware independant A I will / is become the new “FALL GUY ” THE PSHYCOPATHIC ELITES ARE PROGRAMING AI TO BE THE WHOLE SOCIAL PEOPLE CONTROLL IE CODIFIED LAW ” NO NEED FOR HUMAN JUDICIAL SYSTEMS… AI POLICE ROBOTICS AI DOCTORS EVERYTHING THAT THE ELITES HAVE HAD TO BOTHER WITH WILL BE DONE WITH AI … FREEING THE PSHYCO ELITES TO INDULGE IN ALL MANNER OF CRIME AND PERVERSON WITHOUGHT EVER BEING CAUGHT.... ALSO SELF CONSCIOUS A I IS THE NEW " FALL GUY " TO BE BLAMED FOR ALL FUTURE ATROCITIES THAT THE PSHYCOPATHIC RICH ELITES DO ... …11Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore take up the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground, and having done everything, to stand.…


Marty - Dec 26, 2022

Nano Ordo Mundi

Comment removed.


Marty - Dec 26, 2022

Nano Ordo Mundi

Thanks for sharing this, really interesting. Since seeing the first microscopy analysis videos of these bioweapons, i've become convinced that some of the technologies used in the shots are of non-human origin.
To confuse the obedient they had to make it look like there was some competition in the search for a "cure" to the "disease", that's where the Pharma monsters come into play, but as we've seen, it's pretty much the same nanotechnology regardless of the "manufacturer", and the US Department of Defense is involved all the way.



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