Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 23, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Here is the link to the new channel on Brighteon featuring our work:

International Interdisciplinary Research Team Channel

As many people know, I have been a member of the International Interdisciplinary Research Team. We are a group of Scientists and Doctors worldwide who closely collaborate on investigating the C19 vial contents, looking for treatment solutions and discussing the pertinent scientific background information. Our group member, Daniel Broudy, PhD, Professor for Linguistics at Okinawa University in Japan, created this documentary series and new channel. It features background information and interviews with members on different topics of our research and what we know so far. I have interviewed most of these distinguished scientists previously as well, and you can find the interview links on my substack and rumble Dr Ana Mihalcea's Science of Light Channel .

Here is the introduction video explaining background understanding from our perspective on the C19 plandemic and vax rollout followed by individual interviews:

Introduction Video

PART 1. Bio-nano Upgrades: A Dialogue with Dr. David Hughes

David A. Hughes, PhD is a Senior Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Lincoln in the UK. He holds undergraduate and master's degrees from the University of Oxford and a Ph.D. from Duke University.  

PART 1. Bio-nano Upgrades: A Dialogue with Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD is a board certified Internal Medicine physician with a PhD in Pathology. She is the president of AM Medical LLC, an integrative health clinic with focus on anti-aging in the United States. She uses Darkfield microscopy to investigate blood changes from vax shedding and long Covid. She is the award winning Author of Light Medicine - A New Paradigm - The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity .

PART 1. Bio-nano Upgrades: A Dialogue with Dr. David Nixon

David Nixon MD is an Australian Physician who has been investigating C19 contents with Darkfield Microscopy. He lost his ability to practice medicine for writing vaccine exemptions. DrDavidNixon

PART 2. Dangerous Truth: A Dialogue with Dr. Matt Shelton

Dr. Matt Shelton from New Zealand is a physician who lost his license for warning patients about the C19 shots. He has been celebrated internationally as a Covid hero for his courageous fight for truth.

PART 2. Dangerous Truth: A Dialogue with Dr. Robyn Cosford

Dr. Robyn Cosford is a Professor of Nutrition and Environmental Medicine and a Naturopath in Australia. Dr. Robyn Cosford

PART 2. Dangerous Truth: A Dialogue with Dr. Gerry Brady

Dr. Gerry Brady, MD is a Physician in Australia. He is the founder of Covid Under Question Cross Party Enquiry by Australian Senators and Parliamentarians 23rd March 2022, Senator Malcolm Roberts . Founder: Your Covid Daily Newspaper 2021 CMNNEWS and Founder BOOM Finance and Economics 2015 -- Weekly Newspaper and Blog on Global Macro View

Stay tuned for more to come…

Merry Christmas…

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Larry Druhall - Dec 24, 2022

Solution Seeking

Thank you for sharing this. There are massive problems to solve. Happy Holidays!!

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Paula Starshifter - Dec 24, 2022

Paula Starshifter

I’m a huge fan of yours. I want to point outin part two of number 1 in this series doctor Ana, you stated that “nobody” is doing anything about it. That is simply not true. There are patriots and health freedom lovers and fighters emerging all over the country and the world. Example, many of us will be rallying in St Paul at the Minnesota State Capitol rotunda with health freedom lovers and leaders to push back against the proposed mandates, on January 5! and I am spearheading a letter writing blitz at the Minnesota Arboretum on December 29. 

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