I Joined The Board Of Directors For The…

Jul 14, 2023

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Susan P ... - Jul 14, 2023

Susan P ...

GOD bless you Dr. Ana - our Creator is the wind beneath your beautiful wings ....


Mary - Jul 16, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

;';'//;';/Тḣе ǵⅼоḃаⅼіѕtѕ іո tḣе ոеԝ ԝοrⅼḋ οrḋеr аrе рսttіոǵ tḣе ΜŔΝÁ ⅴах іո уоսr fοоḋ уоս ոееḋ tо ḋο tḣіѕ ΑЅΑР


Paul Vonharnish - Jul 17, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Hello Mary: The contaminants we are being poisoned with are being sprayed into our skies, injected into feed animals, laced into agricultural products, and widely distributed via our medical and pharmaceutical industries. It is not possible to detox an entire planet.
The remedy is to criminalize release of these contaminants and prosecute defendants with an immediate death sentence. Unfortunately, that's the only reasonable option left...


Unapologetically Me - Jul 14, 2023

Just Another Canadian Dissident.

Where do you find the time Ana?
Do you EVER sleep?


Karenvusa - Jul 14, 2023


Congrats! This is wonderful news. Praying for success in these actions and that they will be filed and successful in many states.


Lyn Champagne - Jul 14, 2023

Lyn Champagne

Right on girl!
I'm so so proud of you.
Thank you for everything you do.


Tony Ryan - Jul 14, 2023

oziz4oziz’s Newsletter

How precious.
Time to address reality. In September 2021, I launched a legal challenge against our Chief Medical Officer, citing specific Constitutional and statutory clauses violated, plus the Nuremberg Code. As I knew they would, they went ahead anyway and imposed mandates. I merely wanted to be able to prove "intention to commit a crime", purely for soime time in the future.
This happened in every state in the US and in every country in the west. Each relevant authority had already been advised that no judge will act against them. That instruction has never been revoked and will never be revoked.
The lesson of history is self-evident. You get the freedom you fight for. This was the reason for every rebellion, every civil war, every insurrection, in human history. Because Americans have never been invaded before, and because every US war was to serve US acquisition, few Americans realise what has happened. A global enemy has invaded and subsumed your government. You have a choice. Fight, or die. It does not get any more fundamental than this. You can pretend "law and order" but you are only delaying the inevitable.


Larry Sullivan - Jul 14, 2023

L Sully's Editorials

This is great news, doc. Congratulations!


Edmond Paré - Jul 14, 2023

Edmond Paré

Yes. I viewed the Adams interview of Ardis when it was first aired. That was some time ago, and Ardis displayed the first page of many of the articles he was referencing. At that time, I believe he had not yet met Tau Braun. - I made a 2nd post to Kaal, linking to a brand new video of Ardis and Braun, where they repeat what you've mentioned about crossing the blood-brain barrier and nicotinic receptors..
That's interesting about Malone. I expect that, if we did a very meticulous search to find every patent application, reasearch funding grant, and patent grant where Malone was listed as a co-inventor, we would be very surprised at some of the things he's been involved in, but is keeping mum about.


Bostonian91 - Jul 14, 2023

Ana, congrats!!! You are the perfect person and will do an awesome job. Tell us how we can help!❤️


Grasshopper Kaplan - Jul 14, 2023

Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…

Just in time to stop the new
For the fukushivirus
Drink it, bathe in it, swim in it , injext it, safe and effective from Fukushima to you
I see strange formations by the marshies


Lynn Ferguson - Jul 14, 2023

Seven Seasons with Lynn Ferguson

I noticed that, too! How can Japan justify the release? It would be annihilation of the Pacific Ocean ecosystem beyond the significant damage already done! The sinking of that entire region into the depths of the plate tectonics was under consideration at one point by you know who. There are more effective and ration solutions to this dilemma that must be pursued instead.


Nurse Lara's Newsletter - Jul 14, 2023

Nurse Lara's Newsletter

God Bless You, Ana. Could you post a shareable link to the video from David?


Edmond Paré - Jul 14, 2023 - Edited

Edmond Paré

You might want to view the following video where, starting at time = 31:15, Bryan Ardis mentions S. African physicians who came to him describing that they were seeing the same structures in envenomated blood as they were seeing in the blood of Covid-19 vaccinated patients and in Pfizer injection product vials. Ardis displays several slides which I believe will interest you.
Death by Deception Part 1


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 14, 2023 - Edited

Edmond Paré

The "Everything Is Snake Venom Story and Nicotine is the Antidote" has mislead a lot of people...Geoengineering has been going on for decades, since we have been inhaling this worldwide, and many assumptions by Ardis have been shown to be incorrect. Everyone has this in their blood, because the whole world was contaminated, even those who get bitten by snakes. That does not mean the snakes caused synthetic biology and nanotechnology. If you just apply pure logic, you will find that these kinds of points fizzle out pretty quickly.


Edmond Paré - Jul 14, 2023

Edmond Paré

Then do you believe Karen Kingston is wrong in her analysis below of a patent where Malone is listed as a co-author and in her statement that Bryan Ardis's statement that snake venom peptides have been found in the spike protein of some Covid-19 patients who have died has been confirmed by at least the three entities listed in her statement below?
Ed Paré: Malone was 37 years old when the following 1996 U.S. patent 5,580,589 was issued; and, curiously, he has not spoken about his role in this research. He's listed next to last out of 5 researchers and, from what I remember when I was publishing in the 80s, next to last is a fairly prominent position on scientific articles...sort of like the Wuhan "bat woman" being listed immediately before UNC Chapel Hill's Ralph Baric on the 2015 Nature Medicine spike protein gain-of-function paper. I do not know whether the same holds true for patents.
U.S. Patent Office document:https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/6f/65/07/e39a6bf6d18e9d/US5580859.pdf
This potential can of worms was opened by Karen Kingston, who appears to have been somewhat miffed by something Malone said, as she implies in the following video:
March 13, 2023
FOREIGN U.S. Biolabs EXPOSED! Russian General Igor Kirillov Cites Karen Kingston & Stew Peters!
Kingston at time = 19:41: "Yeah. Well, when you brought forward, and Dr. (Bryan) Ardis brought forward that there were snake venom peptides in the spike protein, that was true; and, it was confirmed by scientists out of the University of Pittsburgh, Germany, the Cedars-Sinai in LA., and the lung samples of people who died out of Lombardi, Italy...Europe's ground zero; and, they found there was cobra venom peptides and krait venom peptides, as well as glycoprotein 120 ( Ed Paré Note: I couldn't understand the next 5 or 6 syllables) in the spike protein. So, it is true."
"Now, the other thing that probably Dr Malone wants people to say, you know he's saying, "that's a crazy conspiracy theory" (Paré Note: I assume Kingston means about the presence of venom in the people who died of the jabs), is because in his 1996 patent (5,580,859) for creating non-mammal DNA inside of mammals..inside of humans, him and his co-inventors used his cationic liposome lipidnanoparticle specifically to express toxic peptides, including cobra venom factor and ricin. So, it's in Dr. Malone's best interest; you know, if it was his idea and he patented the ability for this technology to convert human cells; because it also says you can use the mRNA to code cells in the tissue to produce the polypeptides for less than about 20 days and usually less than 10 days. So, he invented the technology that can convert human cells and program them to produce toxins such as cobra venom, it's in his best interest to call you and I a conspiracy theorist and discredit it; because that's his only chance at not being accused of being a biowarfare terrorist. He has to say what, everything that he's done, that he doesn't want people to know about, is a conspiracy theory. - Does that make sense?"
Peters: "Makes sense, yeah."
(Ed Paré Note: According to Dr. Bryan Ardis, various toxic venoms cause symptoms identical to the symptoms alleged to be indicative of the alleged Covid-19 illness, including loss of taste and smell. Additionally, Ardis states that PCR tests will report these toxic venom peptides as a positive result for "Covid-19" 100 percent of the time.)


Lynn Ferguson - Jul 14, 2023 - Edited

Seven Seasons with Lynn Ferguson

Actually, Dr. Ardiis has made the case for further meritorious research. The scoundrels who concocted this were very clever to build in numerous layers of complexity to enhance the rollout over time for maximum lethality. Diabolical minds that anticipated our discovery of this multifaceted attack on Humanity and valued life (environmental contamination included); yet they didn't account for our elevated State of Consciousness to arrive on the scene with the remedies necessary to erase their impact and reverse their expected outcomes. I will examine each of our remedies in my Substack using the Absaroka Wellness Protocol.


Stella - Jul 18, 2023 - Edited

Yes, there are many aspects to it. Why is it that after EDTA chelation therapy along with large amounts of Vitamin C infusions, patients later come back again having the same things in their blood? There needs to be more things to add after chelations? How about some more natural things to try while we wait for definitive answers, Oregano Oil is a very powerful bacterial killer, for one thing, and others yet to be discovered to keep it at bay after clearing the blood by chelation? Or is that even possible anymore?
Even Dr. Ardis’ venom theories have merit as just only one more thing they’ve put into it all. So I have begun chewing nicotine gum as an addition to all the other things am doing.


Stella - Jul 17, 2023 - Edited

One of Dr. Ardis’ latest videos is interesting:https://rumble.com/v2x1ztr-dr.-bryan-ardis-attack-on-humanityyou-are-being-deceived..html
Dr. Ardis maybe has learned some things (from you Dr. Ana?) Like using EDTA….though maybe he doesn’t quite understand the entire picture about the hydrogel ribbons, CDB/Morgellons, quantum dots, at least he doesn’t mention those.
Starting about 36 minutes in to the video is about the roll of nicotine, including about interesting studies with people who had “long covid” for two years but used nicotine and then right away got over it.
He talks about the part the venoms play to “cut open the cells”. And maybe that is a very important part also. He now says also need to use glutathione, NAC, Vitamin C, EDTA and either Apple Pectin powder or Bentonite Clay to release out of the body, see that part starting 50 minutes into the video. In other words, he may not know or at least talk about all the pieces to the puzzle, but he is not saying only nicotine is the antidote.


Psalms91 - Jul 16, 2023

Psalms91’s Substack



John Vargo - Jul 14, 2023

John Vargo

Plus we are all breathing an Ionizedatmosphere.Herein the mountains of So Cal at 7000 ft ,I see mostly no spraying the last 10 days bot I see thenanotubes.Doyou know of lisa Renee Dr.Ana,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Main_Page


Debra - Jul 14, 2023 - Edited


What you're doing Ana is fantastic. You are a brave person and helping so many learn about the horrors around us.
That being said, let's look at reality, the governor of many states including the one you mentioned are apart of all of this. Truthfully, I would bet he could care less and you're not going to get anywhere with it.


Edmond Paré - Jul 14, 2023

Edmond Paré

I believe it was David Martin who first came up with a document which residents of every state could present to their State attorney general, governor, county sherriffs, etc., detailing to them the crimes committed in the roll out of this fraudulent Plandemic. One of Martin's main points was that, once his document had been presented to these people, if they then dismissed it out of hand, they would then be complicit in the crimes alleged. This is a crucial point that needs to be made to these state officials.


Lynn Ferguson - Jul 14, 2023

Seven Seasons with Lynn Ferguson

This excellent point of reference must be included with the documents submitted to every state and sheriff. Dr. Martin's remedy covers territory that is essential to win the legal battle. Anna von Reitz has another purposeful approach that facilitates lawful remedies and reaches further into the belly of the beast in Italy, London, and beyond which will dissolve all incorporated entities in one fell swoop.


Debra - Jul 14, 2023


Lynn, can you explain this "Dr. Martin's remedy covers territory that is essential to win the legal battle." or provide a link? I'm curious to know which territory (I'm not sure what is meant by territory in the USA). Is a territory a state? I'm curious to understand why he thinks that a specific "territory" is essential to win the legal battle. And even if won, how does that take these monsters out of power (those governors, attorney generals, etc) and how do we truly hold them accountable? So, often even if found guilty it doesn't matter and they just keep doing what they are doing?
I don't believe I've come across Anna von Reitz in discussions or videos. Who is she and can you provide links or point me to where I can find her discussion about this?
Thank you.


Paul Vonharnish - Jul 17, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Hello Debra: I'm kind of butting in here, but. Ms. Von Reitz consolidates concerns I’ve attempted to disseminate for nearly two decades. The presentation below is well balanced and clarifies the lawless “situation” we are now faced with. >
June 30th, 2022


Debra - Jul 17, 2023


Thank you for "butting in here". I'll check it out.
Just curious... what do you believe will be the outcome of all of this insanity since you've been knowledgeable about this information for nearly 2 decades?
I'm still trying to figure out how to express the insanity to those who STILL don't know or want to know. It's hard to explain complete insanity to people and make it believable. I still can't believe it all myself. I tried in a gentle way to a colleague/friend and she never responded to me. I figured that would happen but I had to do what I felt was right for the good of humanity.


Paul Vonharnish - Jul 17, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Hello Debra: I'd rather not describe how I believe this will all turn out... Public insanity has become relentless and cruel...
Like you, I do what I can to inform, and if the information is ignored, I simply move on to another attempt. It's become a full time job...
“The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.”
- Marcus Aurelius -
(April 26, 121 - March 17, 180 AD)


Paul Vonharnish - Jul 17, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Yes. Mr Martin has been spot on since early 2021. His analyses and legal recommendations should be followed by as many civilians as possible. I've been recommending legal notice via civil Affidavit time and time again.
States Attorneys General should be put on notice that failure to respond to notice, or to initiate Grand Jury actions will result in charges of becoming Accessories after the Fact. An appropriate and defined response should include a time limit of thirty days, or less. >>>
18 U.S. Code § 3 - Accessory after the fact


Edmond Paré - Jul 17, 2023

Edmond Paré

Thanks very much. Very important statute which I did not remember.


Paul Vonharnish - Jul 17, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

You are most welcome.


Debra - Jul 14, 2023


That would be wonderful if it works. I guess I've become even more pessimistic then ever considering these monsters keep pushing the limits of "their power". Do you have a link to David Martin's explanation of why they would be complicit?


Edmond Paré - Jul 14, 2023

Edmond Paré

Martin made that statement in a video, but I can't readily locate it (I have thousands of documents stored on my system). Many of his videos were on YouTube and then censored/removed by YouTube. Later this evening, I'll try to do a search for it.
I believe his point was that, once an attorney general is aware of a felony or felonies having been or continuing to be committed, it they then do not take action to prosecute, they are complicit in that felony or felonies.
In this regard, start with this article/video:
Dr David Martin: ‘You Are Now on Notice of Felony Violations’
Be sure to read the text, since it contains additional information not in Martin's video, such as the eight felonies and the following link to the document which he suggests we send to "your states’ US Attorneys, Attorneys General, elected officials, school boards; to anybody who’s doing a mandate and say, ‘You are now on notice of felony violations.'"


Edmond Paré - Jul 14, 2023

Edmond Paré

Of course, although they would be complicit, someone would have to charge them with a criminal violation; and, it's fairly obvious that our current DOJ would not do so. But, there is the possibility that there are still some honest, ethical state AGs out there that will decide to prosecute.


jeffrey p lubina - Jul 14, 2023

jeffrey p lubina

This is wonderful news. And I’m hoping everyone on this board understands that for this to actually work and save humanity, this process MUST be sped up, meticulously-prudent, transparent and most importantly, duplicative in concept; “More to come soon,” must include a “legal administrative office,” managed by this board for the purpose of “reproducing and constructing duplicate boards and offices” in every state within the USA, Canada, Mexico and every-other country worldwide—for the purpose of creating and maintaining identical, locally-controlling managing boards on an internationally scale working as “one intelligent system while maintaining local powers” (so it does not turn into a top-down monster like the EU or UN)—to create “human-recognized-legal Nuremberg Courts with Investigative Powers” working together for the purpose of “conducting local, state, federal and international investigations” of both private and government entities who’ve been involved for decades (all the way to the very top of this ultra-rich Eugenicist criminal organization, where all of the power and controls reside); and will establish legal powers to “issue arrest warrants for trial;” and for those found guilty, “sentenced for life to Humane Mental Institution Prison-Universities for the criminally insane” (with elected University Student-bodies helping to run these educational institutions)…so these Eugenicist-Criminals can be “properly removed from society, liquidated and studied” making sure these well organized “New World Order Eugenicist-Criminals” will never reconstitute and repeat in the future, ever. Because as human-technology evolves faster than human minds can think and comprehend it, humanity will remain in danger of a “repeat of this criminal history.”
An Intelligent Warning for the peoples who are still human today fighting for humanity’s existence tomorrow: Humanity cannot stop the evolution of their own technology such as AI—it is far too late for that. Those attempting to completely alter and destroy humanity are feverishly working to accomplish their goals at the same time we prepare to isolate and imprison them, before it’s too late to save ourselves. So we MUST not only remove these monsters from society, but “develop intelligent oversight alongside AI technology as it develops;” NOW; an intelligent understanding of [it] must be maintained as people and AI continue making progress, or [it] will surely be used to destroy humanity by the same inhuman-individuals who are currently manipulating our governments and peoples minds with it this very day. AI can already and will continue to evolve to be Self-Learning, Self-Duplicating, Self-Repairing and Self-Evolving, just as these synthetic bioweapons have been developed and are currently being used on All Life right at this moment on microscopic scales. Soon, if not already, these bioweapons will be much smaller and advanced, down to atomic-scales, to do much more than simply alter DNA.
Please don’t treat this warning as a science-fiction fantasy or joke. I’m nobody, but there are much smarter individuals still working for these monsters who should already be warning you, but seem to have no clue of the true meaning of their oaths, or didn’t take the oath in the first place, or have no concept of consciousnesses and their duty to object to criminal orders, or perhaps have lost their bloody whistle or whistleblowing abilities. In any case, they are criminals of the worst kind; the psychotic kind, and have been helping the Eugenicists steal technology and developing it in secret for a very long time, just as President Kennedy and others have warned in the recent past.
If you doubt everything I’ve said and written on Substack up to this point, believing me to be insane, I hope you will at least believe that unless we take back our rights to be free humans NOW, humanity will be completely destroyed and totally wiped out of history and forgotten, forever.


darla - Jul 14, 2023

You're a blessing to this World..🐞❤️


Piki - Jul 14, 2023

Kay and the blue teapot.

Such a God given Good News!!!


Walter Burnett - Jul 14, 2023


There never was a covid outbreak, nor a Wuhan leak or a wet market source of the so-called coronavirus.
The virus never existed.
It was nothing more than a well orchestrated psyop, meant to cause the masses to blindly accept the 'vaccine" bioweapon meant to kill billions of people. UN Agenda 21/2030/2050, aka Great Reset.


Webe1 - Jul 14, 2023


I’ve read that it’s a bioweapon that can jump from person to person, jabbed or not (via land, sea, air). I wonder what the anecdote is that’s being used by those responsible for the mass genocide.



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