Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 14, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Please watch the video here:
David R. Meiswinkle, President, introduces the National American Renaissance Movement July 2023
I am so honored to join these great Patriots in the fight for justice. I am also grateful that my research is being used for these legal actions. NARM Board
The National American Renaissance Movement has presented an 82 page Grand Jury Petition with Exhibits and an Executive Summary to the Governor of New Jersey, his Attorney General and twenty-one county Prosecutors requesting a criminal investigations into the crimes of Covid-19.
Numerous crimes are cited and commented on. They include:
State crimes: Racketeering, Murder, Conspiracy, Aggravated Assault, Domestic Terrorism, Fraud, Official Misconduct, Corporate Misconduct, Producing or Possessing chemical weapons and biological agent…
Federal crimes incorporating the State crimes previously listed and to include Bioweapons violations, Gain of Function Violations, Treason, Misprision of Treason, Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity and False Information and Hoaxes.
Violations of both the New Jersey State Constitution and the Constitution of the United States of well as
Violations o f the Nuremberg Code.
Here is the Document for the Grand Jury Investigation filed in Florida:
Here is the Board:
David Meiswinkle, Esq. is a New Jersey criminal defense attorney, United States Army veteran, and retired police officer. During his police tenure he was a whistle blower, successfully addressing local municipal and police corruption. He served for three years as the President and Executive Director of the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry. Presently, he is a Board member and President of the National American Renaissance Movement.
Frank Agamemnon retired from the United States Postal Service in 2018 serving 42 years in various positions. The latter 28 years he served as a STEP 2 DESIGNEE of the American Postal Workers Union. He began his activism there by representing co-workers to uphold their rights in the workplace. In later years, from 2004 onward he was active in many 9/11 Truth Movements in several states. He became Vice President of NJ911AWARE, a non-profit organization meeting in New Brunswick, New Jersey.
Joseph Sansone, M.S., PhD, is a psychotherapist opposed to psychopathic authoritarianism. Dr. Sansone has a B.A. in psychology, a M.S. in clinical mental health counseling, and a PhD in psychology, with a transpersonal emphasis. Dr. Sansone is an advocate for individual liberty and Natural Rights and asserts that The Great Reset is an extinction level event that must be stopped to preserve the human race.
J. Michael Springmann is a former U.S. State Department official having served as a diplomat in the Foreign Service with postings in Germany, India, and Saudi Arabia. He previously authored, Visas for Al Qaeda: CIA Handouts That Rocked the World: An Insider’s View, recounting how w the U.S. created and used Islamic Terrorism. Additionally, he penned Goodbye, Europe? Hello, Chaos? Merkel’s Migrant Bomb, an analysis of the alien wave sweeping the Continent. He currently practices law in the Washington D.C. Area. He is a frequent commentator on Arab, Russian, and Iranian news programs.
Michael Diamond received his Law Degree from Rutgers University in Camden, New Jersey and a BA Degree in Political Science from Rutgers University in Newark. His trial work included being both an Assistant County Prosecutor and a Public Defender in New Jersey. In addition, he served as the Chief Environmental Enforcement Administrator at the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
J.B. Hockersmith is recognized as a seasoned industry professional for his skills as a film & video Producer and Editor. His clients have included ABC Television, BET Network, IBM and Delta Airlines.
National ARM Advisor:
Dr. Francis Boyle, Esq. is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law. He received an AB (1971) in Political Science from the University of Chicago, then a JD degree magna cum laude from Harvard Law School, and AM and PhD degrees in Political Science from Harvard University. Professor Boyle served on the Board of Directors of Amnesty International, as a consultant to the American Friends Service Committee, and on the Advisory Board for the Council for Responsible Genetics. He drafted the U.S. domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, that was approved unanimously by both Houses of the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush.
Here is Dr. Joseph Sansone on Stew Peters today. Stew is going to serve all 67 sheriffs with Dave Meiswinkle’s document:
Ban The Jab Resolution Given To Sheriffs In Florida: Republicans Urge Action Against Deadly Vaccines
If you want to support the movement in your state and get the document to your sheriffs and ask for a grand jury investigation please do so. Also if you want to help get the Ban the Shots petition by Dr Sansone passed by your Republican State groups, that is also of help!
If you would like to support the movement, please donate to
More to come soon!
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Susan P ... - Jul 14, 2023
Susan P ...
GOD bless you Dr. Ana - our Creator is the wind beneath your beautiful wings ....
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Unapologetically Me - Jul 14, 2023
Just Another Canadian Dissident.
Where do you find the time Ana?
Do you EVER sleep?
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