Hydrogel In Injectable Medications …

May 19, 2023

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Image: Dried injectable Dexamethasone - Hydrogel filament


Kathy - May 20, 2023 - Edited


Dear Dr. Anna,
I am writing to you today because I have Morgellons. It has been an ongoing problem for the last 5 years. Last time I heard from Clifford Carnicom, he said he has a structure growing around his left ear that produces a fluid. I also have this same structure growing around my left ear that produces a fluid. I've been wearing medi-honey hydrocolloidal patches to pull this fluid out and it is accompanied by tiny structures trapped in the honey patches. It seems like there is a layer of tissue growing underneath the skin of my entire head and it is now moving down my neck. I am wondering what Mr. Carnicom is doing to try and help himself....I desperately need help and there are no doctors around that understand or seem to care what is happening to me. I live in terror everyday. I wish to escape this life as I don't feel like there is any hope for recovery. Could you please provide some suggestions or would it be possible to have correspondence with you and Mr. Carnicom? I would be more than happy to provide you with samples if you are interested. I don't understand what is happening, or how much time I have left. Just hearing from you and Mr. Carnicom would mean so much to me. Thank you for the courageous work you are doing on behalf of humanity and all life on this planet....from the bottom of my heart.


Un-silent - May 20, 2023


Your comment broke my heart, do not lose hope. I live with a chronic condition caused by a medical device. I hope you are a woman of faith and know that you have a Lord and Savior who loves you very much. My Bible and prayer are a great comfort to me in these times. Hang in there, I am saying a prayer for you Kathy.


Kathy - May 20, 2023


Thank you so much for your kindness. I do believe in Christ but I have to admit I feel like Jesus did in the 3rd hour when he cried out "My God, My God, Why have you forsaken me? I pray everyday but things are still progressing for the worse everyday. It is 24/7 pure terror to watch my body transforming in ways that I can not explain with what I know of the natural world. I just want the torment to end. I've lived for years with chronic pain before this started and those days were wonderful compared to this. If only I appreciated what I still had back then. What I am dealing with now is an excellent method of psychological torture, and no doctors will help me....they don't even understand what is happening....so they blame it on me. Thank you for the prayer. God bless your kind heart.


Un-silent - May 21, 2023


I will still pray for you. I finally got answers from a naturopath that led me to being better able to help myself. The allopathic doctors were totally useless sadly, I get it. I hope that you don't give up the fight, He will never ever forsake you. You are not alone, in Christ we are one.


Julie Stander - May 20, 2023

Writing from the Heart Jewel

One suggestion, a tiny puzzle piece, is to avoid coffee and eat raw and cooked vegetables and raw fruit in your diet to keep an alkaline PH in the body.


JulesUSA - Apr 24

Why avoid coffee?


lorna wharton - Jul 27, 2023

My dear Kathy, IDK if this will help, but hey what have you got to lose? Please, please please go look athttps://t.me/DirtRoadDiscussionon telegram. You can get rid of most anything with Chlorine dioxide therapy. It is cheap (make @ home), has been used forever by doctors and governments to completely wipe out insidious parasites (all diseases are parasitic in nature). Read my articlehttps://tinyurl.com/mvynhvf6(free) and see how to make and use Ivermectin as well. God bless and keep you in all His ways.


teagangirl - Aug 3, 2023

I was going to suggest chlorine dioxide also. "MMS Health Recovery Guidebook" by Jim Humble. The book can be. found on Bluebird Press. Join Telegram and follow "MMS Drinking Buddies" and "The Universal Antidote"there are lots of people who want to help.


JulesUSA - Apr 24

I think this is why they've had poor Mark Grenon in jail in Colombia. Because of his promoting MMS. Him and his sons. It's terrible. Genesis 2 church.


Paul Vonharnish - May 23, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Hello Kathy: Yes. I understand your situation. I contracted Morgellon syndrome in late 2012. It was VERY unpleasant... The spaces between joints and on the palms of both hands developed a thick callus that cracked open within days and exuded black fibrous tangles. The itching and crawling sensations were extreme. My palms began to erode in a MRSA like condition, which thinned the skin layers to the point that tenons were becoming near exposed.
I tried every anti-fungal/antibacterial herb product I could procure, yet no remedy. I finally developed blood poisoning in January 2013, and went to an emergency hospital. The staff was grandly incompetent, and didn't order a blood screening or to isolate me from others.
The only good news was that the final examining doctor prescribed Levofloxacin (a fluoroquinolone) utilized in the treatment of Anthrax. See definitions: "Anthrax".... The fibrous exudes cleared within a few weeks of this potent antibacterial, but Lyme disease damage to my neurological system has never resolved... It is a long story...
I have copious amounts of information regarding Morgellon syndrome and it's introduction into the environment... I hope you find the below link informative. >
Published on Apr 6, 2014
"Correct identification of the true origin and chemical structure of Pathological fibers is essential in the understanding of FiberOpathities. This Presentation will review the State of the art in Fiber Analysis, and known mechanisms of disease in both Extrinsic and Intrinsic FiberOpathies.
A Fiber accumulation diseases of Plants, namely GALL disease will then be surveyed. The Principle of Self Assembly or Self polymerization, as discussed for Amyloids, will be extended to the formation of Cellulose fibers in plant diseases. Finally, a discussion of the mysterious Fiber accumulations in human skin, namely Morgellons Diseases will be integrated with concepts in FiberOpathy Diseases in animals and plants. The concept of Morgellons diseases as an In Situ Cellulosic cutaneous Human FiberoOpathy will be introduced, based on Insect transmitted Agrobacterium infections to the human host by Tick vectors."


Kathy - May 23, 2023

Thank you Paul for your response and for sharing this information. I need to understand what is happening to me. God bless you.


JulesUSA - Apr 24

Do you still follow this thread? Please watch Dana Ashlie's video on What They Don't Want You To Know


Julia Huskey - Jul 28, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

I have Morgellons. I spent yesterday cleaning the MRSA type crap from the bottoms of my feet along with many turquoise fibers. I feel like I’m walking on shards of glass. Thanks for sharing some info. I asked a question in the comments about using EDTA. I use it on the skin but do you know if it requires an intravenous introduction into the body to clear the blood or can one take it orally? I’m just wondering if you know because like all morgies I’m desperate to get better. Thanks


Paul Vonharnish - Jul 28, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Hello Julia Huskey: I understand your situation. Most persons deny the existence of this "syndrome". My now outdated research finds most pertinent web pages have been "disappeared"... I'm sending this first link to confirm AMPLE evidence that this disease is not new and VERY real. >>> Characterization and evolution of dermal filaments from patients with Morgellons disease >>> Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2013; 6: 1–21. >>> Published online 2013 January 8. doi: 10.2147/CCID.S39017 >>>http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3544355/
As far as I know, this disease is clade related in the same set of bacterium as anthrax, and is only amendable with Quinolone antibiotics such as Levofloxacin. Of course, Levofloxacin has received extremely bad press, because it is one of the safest of the Quinolone group. Research "fluoroquinolone" and you will notice the media garbage
I will continue to search within my information base. Feel free to write back.


JulesUSA - Apr 24

Are you from Australia?


Beachbum - Aug 2, 2023

Same video I sent to Kathy - it may help the clean up - this guys does a series on health - he’s good


Theara - Jul 27, 2023 - Edited

Theara’s Newsletter

im VERY sorry for you. its terrible and the rest of humanity is also attacked with the same tech but you are at a critical point. if this hydrogel tissue ingeneering is building up, now, on a visible manner its very very hard for a human beeing to stay in the Faith, but you have to stay under the Covenant of Jesus Christ more than ever and become Catholic and pray the Holy Virgin Mary to interced for you to our Lord. u have to pray the Rosary ( a chapelet ) which is catholic . ( protestantism wont save any soul or body from Satan deeds. Jesus gave us His Mother on the Cross. its a Fact. protestants deny this and are condemned for that by the Lord.. and for other reasons.
im not a doctor, but Hydrogel and quantum dots are made of graphene thats a fact
you can add to a very healthy diet, a distillator for your water.
u can add GRAPHITES homeopatic, in doses progressives from 5H to 30 CH
one tube of each
you take 10 granules from the first tube every day then go to the next tube, going higher in the dilutions
wheh you have finished 22 CH
you wait 5 days and take doses of 30 CH , ( 10 granules ) twice a day ,till the 30 CH tube is empty
may be it wont help but at least it is a decontamination of graphene
the WATER must be distilled its ESSENTIAL :
and no medical pills, or medical fluids or injections taken, not even eyes drops ( they all have the technology)
vegetables have to be organic, well washed and peeled one miilimeter ( nanos in the fist peel )
fish must be wild from atlantic ocean fishing( freezed )
oils : : organic and OLIVE OIL only, may be Flad seed ( organic )
no sauces or ketchup of mayonnaise, NOTHING from food supermarket no biscuits nothing made by industry, even ' organic' supermarket labels
no dairies, no eggs, no cereals
Wild blueberries organic , freezed ; Two cups day : detox brain and havy metals
dont use ZAPPERS like before, ' to kill pathogens or rife frequncies, its out of time the technology now is boosted by Zappers and electric currents and Herz frequencies
for detoxing the metals and crap the best thing is MONTMORILLONITE green clay
( dr Robert Young research has found it s the best clay in the world for this new invasion ) and take one small spoon in a big glass of distillated water at bed time, and the clay also brings you all the natural minerals you are missing


Theara - Jul 29, 2023

Theara’s Newsletter

yes and you have to go in a nature place, far from the city, to decharge the EMF death energy morgellons source conductivity that activates day and night the satanic technology
walk or sit on a stone in a forest or at the beach ( far from 5G 4G antennas ) with bare feets on the ground, even lying down on the ground somewhere soft, witb Bare skin,as long as u can and often
if there is smart meter this is the worst part, bu u can dijonct electricity at night or buy a verified EMF re information tool , that neutralises the EMF information ,the cheapest an most effective is CERAMIQUE PLOCHER hope u can order this in USA or from Europe


teagangirl - Aug 3, 2023



Theara - Jul 29, 2023

Theara’s Newsletter

dont worry about Vatican 2 and all the ugly thing said on The Church, its false and its be cause the Religion of Christ , the Holy Apostolical Catholical Church founded by our Lord, after His Resurrection, is not there anymore (in Rome ) The false popes since 1962 are all of servants of satan now and for the New world order . when i say Catholic Church i mean the Original one , founded By Jesus Christ on Pierre which is the only religion and the only one that saves.. u can be Catholic in your soul and heart, dont adhere anymore to vatican which is hold by Luciferians and free massons. TY


JulesUSA - Apr 27

Theara’s Newsletter

Curious why adding homeopathic graphites would help? Isn't that adding more?


Theara - Apr 27

Theara’s Newsletter

no because homeopathic at minimum 15CH, then 30 CH lets say, is a detox of the substance. its not like allopatic medecine
poisons are used a lot in homeopathy
for exemple lachesis is a viper venom, but homeopathicdone its a medic for diverses symptoms, the same symptoms the venom would create if received from a viper
the homeopatic of it is a cleansing and a natural medecine


JulesUSA - Apr 28

Thank you for explaining!


JulesUSA - Apr 24

EXCELLENT. And avoid the ingredient "spices" that they "throw in".


celestine - Jul 29, 2023

Dear Kathy
I am sending you much love and I dare to leave here e simple suggestion. However, I hope Dr. Ana will get back to you with a healign plan in place. All I can share with you is a similar experience (in a different form but still related to this "parasitic invasion". ZEOLITE & a very clean nutrition to detox completely the body (with intermitten fasting). I have followed a special protocol (and still do it) and i can tell the difference in my quality of life. I can share with you details on that only if you are interested.
Wishing you divine assistance, in hope that this God sent soul ANA will get back to you with advise for your particular issue.
p.s. check out Root Brands detox products (dr. Christin Rahm):https://therootbrands.com


sabrina balsky - Oct 25, 2023

have you tried getting parasites out by korean red pine needle oil and sugar file:///Users/sabrinabalsky/Downloads/Candida%20Report.pdf


Geoff Ross - Aug 23, 2023 - Edited

Theara’s Newsletter

Dear Kathy,
I've read that Rife electromagnet frequency machines can deal with Morgellons. I don't have them myself, but I recently purchased a Spooky2 Rife electromagnetic frequency machine to treat a few chronic illnesses AND to be prepared for whatever diseases they [the globalists of Moloch] throw at us next. It's yet to be unpacked and put to use.
I just checked the Rife Frequency ETDFL_2020-2022.pdf and there are frequencies for treating Morgellons. The Spooky2 also has a diagnostic phase which runs through all frequencies looking for reactions in one's body, treating each one it identifies. More obstinate problems are identified that need regular treatments, and those frequencies are saved for repeat use until the illness is eliminated.
The bad guys know about this and are using frequencies against us [through PCR testing they've collected DNA of billions of people], and to create storms, earthquakes, eruptions, heat domes, cold domes via DAARPA and HAARP radio-magnetic frequency installations, US Navy ships or other. Spooky2 also has a remote treatment mode just using DNA from fingernail clippings or hair sample so you get treatments any time of day no matter where you are. Your machine working at home, you could be anywhere on earth and get treatment. Apparently Einstein studied this with DR Royal Raymond Rife and Nikola Tesla, describing the quantum physics involved in this technology as 'spooky.' Hence the name.
Luc Montagnier was also looking into something akin to this frequency stuff crossed with very simple Homeopathic dilution just before he died. Maybe that is why he died. He was getting too close to another huge discovery that would further cripple allopathy.
Anyway, I'd look into that and jump in and get one with all the gear. If you can afford it get the 'Central' with plasma as it's the most comprehensive treatment machine. Good luck. Geoff


Theara - Apr 27 - Edited

Theara’s Newsletter

Rife machine will make the technology grow and disseminate
it was good before, nano tech and GO and Hydrogels all over the biology , in the 90 's may be till 2005.
since at least 2012 GO, metals and SMART HYDROGELS were put in food, air, water, injectables, cosmetic and then came the Cov Inections !! massive attack!
now its OVER for ' rife'
every Electric or Electromagnetic freqency makes "it " worst and GROW and be more dreadful


Linda Redman - Jul 27, 2023

Linda’s Substack

I suggest photographing what is going on and then aim to find successful prayer warriors like Mike Zachman of the Point Church in Washinton State and on 820 AM radio Saturdays 8-10 p.m. - with the aim to have recent photos to document a healing miracle. Another Holy Spirit healer is Andrea with Amos Ministries in Enumclaw, Washington.


Kathy - May 20, 2023 - Edited

Whole Mommy’s Newsletter

Comment removed.


Kathy - May 20, 2023 - Edited

Whole Mommy’s Newsletter

Thank you for offering help. I just ordered the book. I have been taking so many things to try to boost my immune system and kill of whatever this is....I've been eating healthy, but I don't know what to do about mitigating the EMFs. I live in a condominium; so many wi-fi routers it's insane. It measures between 70-72 out of 100 on the electrosmart app! I need to get away from here but I don't think that's possible.


teagangirl - Aug 3, 2023

emfsol.comdoesnt sheild but protects our calcium channels. Ive had my entire home remediated and what a difference. We are protected from neighbors wifi, bluetooth, fans and most importantly the cell phones and devices. Getting my daughters homes done asap.


Whole Mommy - Jul 27, 2023 - Edited

Whole Mommy’s Newsletter

It isn't cheap but I've noticed positive emf harmonization with a device called blusheild. You would want a stronger one in condo, I have the black premium one. It doesn't block emf but harmonizes at a healthier frequency to neutralize the harms. I pray for your miracle healing and restoration to your pristine origin.
I was having chest palpitations and irregular heart beat anxiety and it did resolve within a month of having the blushield. I did also do other things that may have helped but when I travel I can have a return of those symptoms so I feel it's the emf.


Unagnu - Aug 5, 2023


Check into Terral3 at Dark Star, he is a Morgellon's suffer and he recommends (and takes himself) Borax water and nano colloidal silver in water small doses. He claims it works to stop the replication.


Theara - Apr 27

Theara’s Newsletter

No its the best way to aggravate them


Kathy - Aug 5, 2023


What is Dark Star?


Unagnu - Aug 5, 2023


who is Terrell you mean... here:https://www.terral03.com/Read about him on his web page. He posts on rumble I believe also a substack.


Kathy - Aug 5, 2023

Thank you for the tip


Theara - Apr 27

Theara’s Newsletter

ok you can buy ( i hope from USA ) a CEF to wear on yourself all tilme
it will deactivate the malinity of all EMF
dont listen to advices in comments, because they want to help but dont knwo the technology inside the body
NO RIFE MACHINE and Frequencies and zappers
al of this will merge to GO and produce more r GO and make the technology GROW and DEVELOP more
so the morgellojns would get worse
the only thing is distilled water
Humic and Fulvic Acid
Graphite or Graphene Oxyde and PEG in HOMEOPATHIC DOSES 30 CH
and organic vegetables, organic fruits, pealed, and washed for at least one month just that,
with not too much olive oil
+lemon juice on it ( organic)
+garlic ok garlic you can take more and more
fresh herbs ok
then add some organic olive oil, and organic sarrasin, or millet to your diet


Theara - Apr 27

Theara’s Newsletter

https://planete-regions.com/produits/cef/serie-bleue/cef-n1-chasse-aux-parasites/site mere plus de details
site achat ( essaie de trouver un revendeur aux usa sinon demande leur si ils livrent aux usa )
tu as besoin du 1 et du 2. serie Bleue
et Detox,
on les alterne le jour et la nuit
pendant que le 1 est sur toi la journee, tu poses le 2 sur ton compteur electrique
puis inversement a partir de 5PM jusque au matin


Will - May 19, 2023 - Edited

Will: Micronaut

I have a burning question: what's preventing video documentation of the ribbons/filaments as they form? It seems to be one major demonstration that has eluded everyone looking into this. If they appear rapidly on a clean slide, wouldn't a short timlapse be able to capture their formation? I've been unable to find any visual documentation of this. If I am overlooking logistical challenges that make this kind of demonstration difficult, I'm very eager to hear what they are. Respectfully.


Paul Vonharnish - May 23, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Hello Will, and interested readers: These self-assembling structures event in many natural forms. The hyping of the above examples is not helpful. Pharmaceutical ghouls have been allowed to "experiment" and corrupt the entire natural world. They need to be STOPPED, period. Forgive the audio quality of the linked presentation. It well describes biofilm formations, their methods of survival, and the structures involved. >
Alan B. MacDonald MD - Borrelia Miyamotoi biofilms Cause Amyloid Alzheimer's Plaques
Aug 31, 2015
Borrelia Miyamotoi biofilms Cause Amyloid Alzheimer's Plaques - YouTube
The video lecture describes the Hallmarks of Biofilm communities of Borrelia spirochetes. Key concepts are the understanding of shape shifting of Borrelia residents within a Biofilm community, in which the inagurating spiral, motile borrelia are replaced by granular dot like borrelia (specialized Borrelia forms inside of the biofilm) and Cystic /Round body Borrelia inside of the biofilm community.


Paul Vonharnish - Aug 5, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Comment removed.


Paul Vonharnish - Aug 5, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Good points. But it's civil populations that produce operatives and memberships within these organizations. Criminals are made, not born...


Paul Vonharnish - Aug 5, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Comment removed.


Paul Vonharnish - Aug 6, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

I hear you loud and clear. I was self employed most of my working life. Glad I did it... You ask:
"I used to ask myself "Why is this SO HARD??!!!"
It's hard because the average person is competing against multi-billion dollar monopolies which control access to ALL financial and physical commodities on the planet. The world has become a well greased prison camp for idiot-slaves...


John Vargo - May 22, 2023

John Vargo

Comment removed.


John Vargo - Aug 5, 2023

John Vargo



John Vargo - Aug 5, 2023

John Vargo

Comment removed.


John Vargo - Aug 6, 2023

John Vargo

Looks a lot like these 7000 yr old figurines,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZDg9wvnwC4


John Vargo - Aug 6, 2023

John Vargo

Yeah,if you magnify and hit pause repeatedly then you can see most of what that head looks like.Reptilian,snake like or seal face.Morphing like that has to be holographic or hyperdimensional.Maybe transdimensional. Figure this out.https://www.youtube.com/@Morg_Research


JulesUSA - Aug 6, 2023

Comment removed.


JulesUSA - Apr 26

How do you take the baking soda?


kerrylyn - May 20, 2023 - Edited


Comment removed.


kerrylyn - May 20, 2023 - Edited


To save time, can you point to one video in particular that shows them forming not just present.


Sez777 - Aug 5, 2023


Hi Kerrylyn - late reply but this particular post of Dr Ana's just showed up on Gab, and I noticed your comment. I think we're dealing with 2 separate things; the graphene nanotubes (as referenced in the previous answers to your question) and, separately the self-assembling hydrogel scaffolds. The link I've attached shows assembly of the latter (tho I note the error in the video description referring to it as graphene). It's a 10' video which I'd play at 1.5. Assembly begins to become visible at the 6 minute mark.
Can't be 100% certain, but definitely concerning if this is being injected into the human body.


Will - May 20, 2023 - Edited

Will: Micronaut

Comment removed.


Will - May 20, 2023 - Edited

Will: Micronaut

Thanks for the link. I see many La Quinta Columna videos. I'll spend some time viewing them. But this is not David Nixons work. I follow his findings extensively. Dr. Nixon has captured incredible footage of the crystal/chip structures forming. But to the best of my knowledge he has not captured development of the filaments yet either. To be specific: I've seen many videos of the ribbons, but not one that demonstrates how they form. So there's this kind of gap where we can all see them under the microscope, but nobody can show proof of how they get there.


Will - May 20, 2023 - Edited

Will: Micronaut

Comment removed.


Will - May 20, 2023 - Edited

Will: Micronaut

I think you misunderstand what I'm asking for. I've seen the crystals/chips form out of the substrate in real time. David Nixon has documented this process extensively. However, whenever we see the filaments/ribbons, it's never a situation where we witness them develop from the solution as claimed. So the question remains: how do they get there? By what mechanism do the appear? They could pop into existence in an instant for all I know. That's why I badly want to see their development documented.


kerrylyn - May 20, 2023


OK, will keep looking. I'm seeing the formations but not formation process.


kerrylyn - May 20, 2023


Comment removed.


kerrylyn - May 20, 2023


Thanks - will look at it


Mike Gollins, PE - May 19, 2023


Be part of the fastest growing parallel society of mRNA free blood donors and recipients. If vaxxed (sorry), your a recipient. If unvaxxed (congrats), your a donor or recipient. We only win if we unite.UnjectedBlood.com.


Claudia - May 19, 2023


I love this idea, but what about shedding? Hasn’t it been shown almost everyone’s blood is now contaminated?


Mike Gollins, PE - May 19, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Yea...idk. Even with shedding, I would much rather have blood from someone who didn’t take the jab.


Mr. C - May 19, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

How about the unvaxxed who have been tested for Covid with the nasal swabs?


Paul Vonharnish - Aug 5, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Comment removed.


Paul Vonharnish - Aug 5, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Two thumbs up for your quality comment. I was aware of the fictions of "democracy" long before I was accosted by Morgellon disease. The medical system is comprised of fraudulent constructs and meaningless clauses within contracts. The doctors are mafia hit men without a clue.


Aug 5, 2023

Comment removed.


JC - Oct 17, 2023


Dr. Ana says in her video:https://rumble.com/v2y5lfu-evidence-of-crimes-against-humanity-darkfield-blood-microscopy.html
that no human is uncontaminated, due to shedding.


JulesUSA - Apr 26

Now she knows, and it's most likely true, that everyone is contaminated due to the chemtrailing and geo-engineering.


Toonlydoo - May 20, 2023

Cairn - mutual eye-rolling

Does this mean we need to stay away from all eyedrops, transdermal patches, suppositories, etc. just in case?


Monica M - May 21, 2023

I’m 52 & have those bad “11” lines in between my eyes on my forehead...I’ve had a few Botox injections in the past few years. I think I’m going to just deal with my lines, because I don’t think any of their products can be trusted. This is so sad, I really feel they’re trying so hard to kill as many of us as possible...they’re putting shit in EVERYTHING!


Cairn - mutual eye-rolling - May 20, 2023

Cairn - mutual eye-rolling

What, is it better to stop taking Glaucoma eye -drops?
Wonder if such drops are a scam anyways.


Cairn - mutual eye-rolling - May 20, 2023

Cairn - mutual eye-rolling

Mine need to be kept in the fridge. That's sounding like the clotshots isn't it.


JC - Oct 17, 2023


I've been contemplating the medication shortages in Australia. Hundreds of drugs in short supply. My thought: is this so that they can reformulate all of them?
All pharma products are now suspect.


TheTide - May 19, 2023

You must post the “self assembly” process. If the magnification is at low to medium power a video should easily capture the event.


Claudia - May 19, 2023


Thank you for continuing to report these disturbing findings.


SoCalGal - May 20, 2023

How in the world do we survive the assault on our lives via every way these evil doers can think of?


dyr - May 19, 2023 - Edited

Whole Mommy’s Newsletter

Taking the micro-observables to be established, what remains of utmost interest should be what wavelengths and transmission patterns are coming off. In one reference the other day, Dr Ana put: "Dr. Jernigan had developed a method to capture the frequency from a vaccinated rubbery clot of a deceased person and has developed a scientific way for detecting that frequency." In what ambient "electrosmog" do the microscopically observed growths occur? Has there been any attempt to control the e-environs while trying to observe? The detectable frequencies are most interesting due especially to reports from the very beginning of the mad vax campaign of injury to non-injecteds. From my own experience in proximity, if stationary sometimes only for seconds and even as far as around 5m away, to injected people, with resultant usually reliable throb symptoms, there can be no doubt that the transfer of effect is electromagnetic. There is no material shedding conceivable that could lead to what I have experienced, and I suspect a great many others. The speed of transfer of effect, that it does not occur if I am not stationary, as e.g. during a walk exchanging mere passing greetings, that except when actually touching a transferring subject or metallic object touched by the subject transference seems to involve tcm meridians, in experiments done on myself, plus various other factors lead to the inescapable conclusion that toxic effects leading to infirmity, not necessarily throbs as in myself, are transferred electromagnetically. Further, again except when actually touching when the throbs occur right at touch spot, the throbs appear to occur very close to acupuncture meridians. Thus one can expect entry to occur through low resistance skin areas found around acupuncture "points". (S Yanowitz in one interview mentioned his thoughts regarding skin-based transfer of toxicity.) Toxic frequency travelling then leading to blood effects usually felt where blood vessels are smaller, in extremities. My following Dr Ana's valuable work and writing came about due to finding two engineers in the compendium paper by Hughes, the only ones to identify antenna structures, one being S Yanowitz referred to by Dr Ana. This was a eureka moment, that my theorizing for a long time based on personal effects seemed corroborated by some who knew to recognize circuitry etc.


Whole Mommy - Jul 27, 2023 - Edited

Whole Mommy’s Newsletter

This is very interesting. I am entirely convinced in the proximity effects, I experienced this most tangibly while caring for two unvax parents w active delta infection.
I also have felt I may have clotting in right leg and never considered it could be related to being around others.


dyr - Jul 27, 2023 - Edited

Whole Mommy’s Newsletter

Do see if you are reading back through Dr Ana's most worthwhile substack, my own various related comments, at 1st as 'deever', then switching to 'dyr'. In ongoing self-experimentation it is becoming clearer that my wife and I have indeed been colonized by ambient nano-atrocities (starting from March 2020 inception of covidiana and well before mad vax regime launch). I have suggested as to where/how initially in comments as dyr/deever (had to switch as substack disallowed simple email switch). My main suggestions as to remedy or attenuation have been tcm grade hawthorn berry (clears bloodstream of clots in myself), brown sea vegetable(like kombu, softening the clot/throb effect) and of late sea buckthorn berry (which seems to have provoked, unreported as yet by myself, pinprick like feelings that I take to be akin to the Morgellons that Dr Ana et al have made the connection with, signs of nano-somethings or micro-accumulations exiting). But we have begun experimenting with the edta cream recommended by Dr Ana, which I hope to report on more after a few weeks of both of us by turns using then exposing ourselves to injectees, re effects on selves and each other (preliminary signs encouraging). Be aware that from some uninjected people in some ways in my experience sometimes requiring actually touching, other people from just being in same room/proxmity, transfer occurs. It is very good (of course very bad, too, you know what i mean) to see an actual report of clot 2nd hand, as i have not specifically encountered this yet depsite many claims seen of effects in uninjected. I should add that great reduction in ambient "electrosmog" is indicated for all, My theory continues to be that the clot/throb ie genuine blood clot not the grotesque masses extracted from bloodstreams that Dr Ana is finding, is related to at least external e-effects on internal hyper-e-responsive injection or related components, resulting in more than rouleaux but actual clots clinging to bloodstream walls, coming free and felt as throbs when passing through tighter spots such as in extremities (but not only). I hope all this does not obfuscate but induces co-operation among symptom recognizers like yourself to help get a best description of what is going on inside us and how to deal with it. It takes this in addition to what practitioners and microscopy shows.


Whole Mommy - Jul 27, 2023 - Edited

Whole Mommy’s Newsletter

Thank you very much for the info. I will order your suggested TCM herbs.
There is a TCM dr. Jiang in orange park Florida who is on cutting edge of treating stealth cv infections, he is definitely worth traveling to see him for severe emergencies. I did take gelid herbs and muscle tested clear of infections, but that was a couple years ago now. It was stealth bioweapon in my kidney heart and spleen.
Do you have thoughts on a zeolite effectively detoxing? I will also share that a product called therazinc throat spray noticeably protected me from respiratory symptoms in proximity to the active delta people, which makes me think the bioweapon goes straight for throat/respiratory in addition to the energetic bio-field impacts?
I also have a story of my then 12yo getting a rash on her trunk that stayed for 4 weeks, after being with a friend overnight who had the vax that morning. I have a photo if helpful.
My recent symptoms feel like blood clots in right leg as you describe in your comment. Also degree of menstrual clotting seems to be a good measure of how much clotting I'm experiencing in whole body? , have you found this at all? Nattokinease seems to have improved partially but not fully.
Thanks for your info, I have seen some comments from you and will implement the three TCM herbs.
Also I have found an emf harmonizing device called blushield premium to be genuinely effective.


dyr - Jul 27, 2023

Whole Mommy’s Newsletter

TCM I would, we do, put way ahead of severe emergencies as you mention. On hand we try to always have in addition to many basic tcm herbs in bulk, a basic trusted remedy, (pill form) Yin Chiao. Here living relatively isolated for 10 years now, we felt threatened by zero illnesses until March 2020. from then Yin Chiao must have helped beat onset of "cold" or "flu" (or "covid") multiple times. Just last week my wife on 4 doses me on a single, chased that slight feeling of something coming on. Has to be caught early, and one has to be paying attention. But important note: reported from China, some 80% early in covidiana had successful recourse to a formula like Yin Chiao.
I was unclear: the only tcm-sourced herb i mentioned was dried hawthorn berry. Other sources were poor. Boiled two even three times as it holds onto its flavour, and tastes very good.
The brown sea veg (kombu in this case, we expect soon with new crop coming in to diversify to two other kelps) was obtained from two British Columbia suppliers & harvesters.
The sea buckthorn seems of lower availability currently, last batch I got from a US wholesaler was poor and pricy.
Zeolite I learned of many years ago for air cleaning. No experience using tho'.
For the clot feelings (throbs? that i take to be stuck clots coming free) I would take strong multiple doses of hawthorn. I found after exposures I had the telltale symptoms, which tend to clear in hours or max. normally 2 days, but these would be near-term felt throbs. So taking hawthorn I figured helped release more, as more throbs were felt within hours and then all gone ('til next exposure, that is; this typically would be weekly as we do errands at that rate). Clear for a time before re-exposures always so far, thus I can tell sources, esp. of course if I react quickly. Sometimes the reaction is immediate or nearly so, more typically after hours when at rest.
Another important helpful herb that seems to suppress/defeat effects, but which if more softly still appear later as i assume its own effect wears off, is ginseng. As we live far from places of provision, this entails long trips at times and into e-polluted zones, against which we fortify with that plus a number of "old friend" herbs, like astragalus, atractylodes, various fungal tinctures/powders.
Pregnancy and menstrual irregularities have been widely reported through covidiana in uninjected. (We are in our mid-60s).
I always prefer to obtain remedy from food than extracts if possible. So eg I'd prefer to eat (stinky to some) natto rather than take nattokinase.
I cannot emphasize enough that covidiana and electrosmog are closely conjoined. It is essential to curb exposures. When in March 2020 I called what was coming down "5G flu", I did not harp on the medical aspect. Too many apparent connections with mass illness and deployment of new e-infrastructure should reinforce this. (It was found that highest "case" rate was in San Marino which had 5g deployed; remember that covi-stranded cruise ship, Diamond Princess, it was 1st to tout 5g aboard; Wuhan military games was coincidental with 5g start up there; etc). But ALL manmade electromagnetic radiation is suspect. By now many web and book sources for advice on this.


Whole Mommy - Jul 30, 2023

Whole Mommy’s Newsletter

Dyr, thank you for sharing so much helpful info. Can you tell me more about the pinprick feeling? I have experienced this the last two nights, head and right chest, and remembered your comment. I just added Hawthorn yesterday and Golu Kola and serrapeptase two days ago, as I had that on hand. What are people attributing the pinprick sensation too? Could it be a clot?


dyr - Jul 30, 2023

Well, our host dr here in various posts has referred to Morgellons as precedent, referring in particular to Carnicom's work, qv. On and off for many months, I have felt these pinprick-y feelings, of short duration. Not long ago, it took me that long, and possibly brought on (these have not been commonly felt by myself, so left unexamined) after strong sea buckthorn brew, it dawned on me that these might relate to that morgellons claim. A quick websearch including 'pinprick' & 'morgellons' yielded that connection, which I had not paid any real attention to over the years when encountered. It however further indicates that I likely have swimming within me those serpentine &/or related toxic elements (which I think dates with me back all the way back to March 2020). Our edta cream test "protocol" has yet to include myself, or involve conclusive testing we intend. But from that and/or mineral supplementation as has to go along with the edta, (probably the edta since we do for many, many years consume a mineral-rich diet, altho' we've never done testing for particular lacunae which are possible - less so consuming sea veg I would venture), my wife has experienced significant improvement in a key chronic issue since beginning with lots of child-rearing decades ago, sleep-related, but known to be exacerbated by e-exposures which we shield from. Mind you, again there are confounders, as we have with self-prescribed panoply of mostly herbal, fungal &c supplementation, tried to address this issue finally decisively ofr maybe a year already. The strong improvement tho' did only come as well after some 3 (part-) weeks of that edta-mineral thing. I mention this apparent off-topic reference because, however reluctant to have recourse to such a synthetic as edta, as our host has repeatedly pointed out, it serves to remove a lot of what does not belong, in a more efficient way, and which in context one should expect relates to what is generating the skin symptoms, too.


Unagnu - May 20, 2023


So if that is the case what would sticking your finger in the wall socket (massive jolt electricity) do to these 'structures'? Burn them out? Disable them? Kill them? Just wanting to understand that.... Rife machine?


JC - Aug 4, 2023

I am using Rife technology. Running certain frequencies can make quite a difference.
Look for software that includes programs to aid with Morgellons and Lyme.


Nostradamus X - May 19, 2023

Nostradamus X

Excess Deaths in the UK: 10,000 More Brits Are Dying. Experts Not Sure Why.
The global predators' lackeys are baffled!
-- Dr. William Makis is not baffled!!!!!!!!!!!


Thomas Lewis - May 19, 2023

Useless Liberal

The Vaccinated
Are Starting To Realize
That Once They Get Sick
They Are Not Going To Get Better.
The Freak-Out Has Begun.


Un-silent - May 21, 2023


Dr. Ana, I know that you are very busy but can you please help Kathy in the comments below? She really needs to be connected with someone who can help her.


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - May 20, 2023

Ray’s Newsletter

The article, as usual with Ana’s articles, confirms my previous findings and my subsequent conjecturing:


John - May 20, 2023

Dr. Ana what is your theory on the presence of the nanotechnology hydrogel in injectible drugs? How long has the nanotechnology been in the drugs? I had a cardiac catheterization in July of 2020, a chemical induced stress test prior and another since then. I also have had steroid injections in my knee and had dental procedures in the past year with injections used. Other than the live blood analysis and the frequency screening that Dr. Jernigan uses what can we do to determine our individual status? The EDTA chelation then is our best course of action to take am I correct?


Thomas Lewis - May 20, 2023

Useless Liberal

If You Are Vaccinated
It Is Too Bad That You
Hate Speech.
Because As We Have Been Saying
All Along
“Boy Does That Vaccine Hate You”


ann watson - May 19, 2023 - Edited

Writing from the Heart Jewel

I wish Dr ana would give her 2cnts about colloidal gold taken internally - does it do anything ?


Julie Stander - May 20, 2023 - Edited

Writing from the Heart Jewel

Unfortunately, according to Celeste Solum, colloidal gold and silver and carbon C-60 aids the growth of these structures. Her free webinar on nanotechnology and synthetic biology just started.


ann watson - May 20, 2023

thanks Julie - yeah - I know Celeste - I don't follow her - not that interested in all her ghoully stories....David Nixon found cg to be helpful...geesh. totally conflicting - I wish Dr Ana would put in her 2cnts.


Monica M - May 21, 2023 - Edited

Theara’s Newsletter

Julie Stander, yes, I heard Celeste say that...& I happen to appreciate the info Celeste shares, but I have been taking C60...🤷🏼‍♀️ ?? I’ve heard Dr Lee Merritt say she takes C60, 🤷🏼‍♀️ & she thinks it’s great! Jeesh, how can anybody get the real truth anymore?? 🤯


Theara - Apr 27 - Edited

Theara’s Newsletter

Lee merritt is an ' agent' of NWO. fake opposition
please dont take C60 or NAC .


Nostradamus X - May 19, 2023

Nostradamus X

I can bet my two cents that colloidal gold won't work since gold is a noble metal and CANNOT be a reactant in any chemical/biochemical reaction. At best a catalyst if you are lucky!


ann watson - May 19, 2023

Nostradamus X

I guess you're aware of Dr Nixon's findings with it ? its dismantles the structures in the LBA


Nostradamus X - May 20, 2023

Nostradamus X

If it's true gold and participates in a reaction, it has to be as a catalyst. I know alchemists like playing with metals without elucidating the underlying reaction mechanisms. If it works for them, fine. But I am a chemist and I want to know the how!


Abigail Starke - May 19, 2023

Abigail Starke

Are we supposed to buy a microscope or how do we find a dr to not get this?



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