Hydrogel In Injectable Medications - Dexamethasone, Insulin, Benadryl, Lidocaine

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 19, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Image: Dried injectable Dexamethasone - Hydrogel filament

Please see this video link for my discussion on the findings:

Hydrogel In Injectable Medications

In the video linked above, I show many images as well as video footage of how the hydrogel grows within minutes from the substrate of the medications. I have posted my recent investigation of injectable Insulin in a previous substack.

Hydrogel Filaments Found In Insulin

Here are a few images from Dexamethasone, a steroid. Please watch the video to see how new filaments appear and grow enormous within less than half an hour.

Image: Injectable Dexamethasone - Hydrogel filaments

Here is the research article I mentioned in the video discussing that many medications have hydrogel in them, including Dexamethasone.

Here is the full text of the article “Hydrogel in Drug Delivery”

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Kathy - May 20, 2023

Dear Dr. Anna,
I am writing to you today because I have Morgellons. It has been an ongoing problem for the last 5 years. Last time I heard from Clifford Carnicom, he said he has a structure growing around his left ear that produces a fluid. I also have this same structure growing around my left ear that produces a fluid. I've been wearing medi-honey hydrocolloidal patches to pull this fluid out and it is accompanied by tiny structures trapped in the honey patches. It seems like there is a layer of tissue growing underneath the skin of my entire head and it is now moving down my neck. I am wondering what Mr. Carnicom is doing to try and help himself....I desperately need help and there are no doctors around that understand or seem to care what is happening to me. I live in terror everyday. I wish to escape this life as I don't feel like there is any hope for recovery. Could you please provide some suggestions or would it be possible to have correspondence with you and Mr. Carnicom? I would be more than happy to provide you with samples if you are interested. I don't understand what is happening, or how much time I have left. Just hearing from you and Mr. Carnicom would mean so much to me. Thank you for the courageous work you are doing on behalf of humanity and all life on this planet....from the bottom of my heart.

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Will - May 19, 2023

Will: Micronaut

I have a burning question: what's preventing video documentation of the ribbons/filaments as they form? It seems to be one major demonstration that has eluded everyone looking into this. If they appear rapidly on a clean slide, wouldn't a short timlapse be able to capture their formation? I've been unable to find any visual documentation of this. If I am overlooking logistical challenges that make this kind of demonstration difficult, I'm very eager to hear what they are. Respectfully.

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