For how many years do you think this has been going on?
And I know that people who were (are) prescribed "Lipitor" for 'high cholesterol levels' and then develop diabetes BECAUSE of the lipitor and are then prescribed insulin to control the diabetes....what an effed up 'medical system' we have....I know too many people and loved ones who have been killed silently by this very evil medical cartel.
I've had leg/feet circulation issues since early 2021, after 48 years of being perfectly healthy.
no injections for me, but plenty of shedding exposure, and eating supermarket meats.
I’ve just found out this awful news re hydrogels... I’ve been taking insulin for more than 10 yrs now.. I’m not jabbed but I’ve been exposed and not sure how to / if I can purge my body ? The medical/murder industry ... 😢
So sorry for you Mikki. You have been lied to. Dr Ana suggests Soma ETDA creme to start. Check outGreenMedInfo.comfor some alternatives to pharma. Drs Marik and Kory have telemed. They were early whistleblowers who lost their careers. Blessings.
Thank you for your help... I am looking into the therapies called out (chelation, etc) side effects look a bit scary and wonder what tests I can request to examine my current health status ... I feel good/normal ... but experience mild heart rhythm anomalies... my current med team/practitioners are not of “this mindset” and don’t warm up to these truths 🙄
Is there no lawyer here ? This cannot remain untouched with all this evidence and easy reproduction of the results ! This is such a massive crime against humanity - anyone?
Do you believe that the courts are not part of the agenda?
The lawyer can present whatever evidence is available and the judge will ignore it.
Case in point, I followed a specific case for Covid-19 injections and the judge refused to acknowledge that the DOD was coercing soldiers to get injected with EUA samples instead of the "Approved Vaccines" that were stipulated in the DOD mandate and that have NEVER been released by Schizer since its approval in August 2021!.
You don't have to be a genius to see that these kangaroo courts have no meaning.
These are George Soros judges!
Well we have to consider the current revelations and considerations by the BRIC nations, namely quoting Karen Kingston on the bioweapon and synthetic nature of covid and the injections. I foresee an oppenheimer moment and international agencies for oversight of everything nano and a.i. from here on. I see actual opposition between world powers which is scary but eventually, it will lead to a chance for us to heal and put out real science regarding 5g, cancer, the deceptions - consider the amount of damaged and deceived people with poisoned blood now - this won't fulfill their billionairs delusions any longer! Trust the human craving for truth and freedom!
The best thing would be to get this information out to the independent media outlets to spread the word. Only an awakened America can save us at this point. Nostradamus X is correct about the legal system unfortunately.
If there are corrupt judges on cases like that in any country, they are also deceived by their own master, because with the money they got to temporaly block justice, they will buy toxic food and drinks, and fell like a victim. So these ones and corrupt politcians have the same destiny, now accelerated.
As a diabetic I have thought about this often. I use Humulin. Are all insulin supplies deemed contaminated? If so, can a diabetic litigate in a class action?
My 26 year old autistic son is a type 1 diabetic since the age of 3. He takes Novolog via his insulin pump. God only knows how much hydrogel he has in his system, I'm sick over this.
Gotta 21 yer old ASD daughter on Novalog via pump too... Dr Ana, might you tell us if the short-acting insulin that tested positive was Novalog? We parents are worried as no insulin = death fer our children...
Do ya know (is this nutty?) if putting a strong magnet under the vial would draw the graphene (if it's there) away from the needle that draws the liquid into the cartridge (for pump users)?
Just today DD started EDTA cream but golly this is BAD NEWS. Dr. Ana, can we give the insulin an EMP or something to kill the "active" eletro-bots?
Thanks fer all ya do testin' and sharin' the info!
Must be in everything; when Ana pointed out shedding spreading bugs, my first thought was when did DOD/Pharma infect all of us. Chemtrails began during the 90s, if I recall. Be interesting to scope old batches of polio, measles, etc.
Ana, is there a possibility that there’s some kind of contamination (airborne or otherwise) that is tainting your samples and thus reaching some wrong conclusions? I don’t desire to be negative but this is an obvious question an opposition would pose, and your clarification would be helpful to dissuade any opposing question like this one. Are you using a ‘clean room’? I look forward to your answer.
Extremely unlikely. Hydrogel is unlike dust particles or particulate contaminants which can be found in unclean environments. Hydrogel is a very specialized artificial substance that has been added to to vaccines or drugs DELIBERATELY.
Seriously? You need to ask such a stupid question? Exactly what does this fine esteemed doc have to gain here by using dirty rooms?
Your brainwashing is deep, I get it. Now wake up, they the cabal want you dead any way they can.
Drugs and alleged vaccines are NEVER the answer to today’s ills.
Start in your kitchen and go from there. Take charge of your own health and feed the body what it craves, Real one ingredient food! Grown and raised organically. Drink pure filtered water not the chit from the tap, and watch your health improve dramatically.
Then nobody will need to take Big Harma poisons or ask stupid questions.
Stupid is who here? Look at my fricken icon dummy. I’ve been making distilled water for the family 15+ years and been “anti vax” when it wasn’t easy, kiddos with Religous exemptions and all. So who’s the dummy? Stop it. It’s a legit question or I wouldn’t have asked. Dummy.
Not a stupid question. She doesn't realize that she can eat all the organic food and distilled water she wants, but it's in the soil, air, organic food, etc. Vitamins, herbs, chelation may help, but there's likely no where to run and isolate against this if we're being sprayed and it's in everything.
Anything you ask is a legit question. We're all in search of answers, cures, alternatives.
That’s why they have sterile labs to counteract these things.
What’s with you people, what do you think these professionals just take a sample out on the picnic table and look at thru a microscope?
The question is stupid and insulting.
As for your soil and your environment, it can be controlled. It takes work, a lot of hard work, yet it beats becoming a slave to Big Harma and allopathic sick care.
Stupid and insulting? Look in the mirror.
I used to manage a manufacturing facility that included a 2,000 square foot clean room inside a 80,000 facility. Granted, it wasn’t medical grade and thus my questioning. I know for a fact contamination happens, it could be as simple as pollen or dust, hence the need for VERY EXPENSIVE clean rooms that filter particles to the micron level. Talk about idiots opining omg. My question wasn’t for you anyway, it is for Ana if she has the time or desire to answer. Geez.
When you find 50 hydrogel filaments per drop of blood, in every patient... It's not a coincidence.
I use to find this stuff in the blood in 2005, the civi professor and SO's back then were writing it off as glass contamination. It was in about half the soldiers blood. Back then you could find chips in the blood too, older model...
Dr Ana has tested it via IR spectroscopy, can't fake or make excuses for that.
I see like a dozen 'hydrogel' articles here on substack today
Last week it was graphene
Before that it was ethylene glycol, or rat-turds; Where did clot-shot reporting go?
Me thinks that BIG-PHARMA is driving ALL you morons to the mad-house with BULLSHIT distractions
What is it about the sky-is-falling bullshit and quacks putting phd, md, jd on their bio here?
Hydrogels are easy to make, how does there existence prove malfeasance?
If I make hyrogels from natural materials, does that mean I have made a poison, especially given source materials were non-poison
So they display some scary microscope photos of hydrogel, but so what?
Insects up close look scary, shall we post photos of termites and suggest that human size ones are about to invade USA?
I’ve heard this was in all injectables and even normal saline flushes - wonder if that’s why there have been shortages in recent months. I work at a skilled nursing facility (I’m fake vaxxed. I swiped some vaccine cards before I got fired for refusing the jab then applied to a nursing agency).
I was looking at ABC (Australia) Four Corners report on drug shortages in Australia. 432 drugs are unavailable, 44 of them life saving. And I thought (tinfoil moment) - what if they are pulling all these drugs for reformulation?
The question is, how much is ambient, how much is intentional. I recall from the hours-long (subtitled) Quinta Columna presentation (qv all!) eg dental anaesthetic revealing similar, and surmise about animal injections (main presenter said 4 dogs were cancerous/lost I think he said after mandatory shots). On the topic re acceptance with a shrug, one capable writer covering the new (synthetic) "food" developments, said that as diabetic she already uses medication involving genetic manipulation, if I recall correctly, so not a big leap for her to test eat and rely on these "creations". Perpetrators rely on enough mass acceptance, even if and as stuff is caught up with they'll've moved on to something else and out of reach, except for those left holding the bag, as it were.
I have on a couple of occasions commented on use of eg sea vegetables, particularly brown algae, kelp, as known chelator and anti-clot food. Prepared right even the toughest kelp is "umami" delicious. Further research, eg in Ole Mouritsen's Seaweed: edible, available & sustainable, (trans. from Danish to English, '13) , backs up the claim about big circulatory & other benefit. I have a felling though from personal experience now over the past half year, that frequent ingestion is required, not just say once a week as we were doing. Definitely the sharp point throbs i feel after exposure to injies changed and abated after eating a lot of kombu (properly, 'konbu'). I also have recommended here highly and do so again now TCM grade hawthorn berry to spear through, as it were, any bloodstream hardnesses that do not belong. Delicious, too.
But based on Dr Ana's and particularly one recent commenter's testimonial, i think we will move on to try the EDTA cream recommended here. That commenter like us reported crummy after effects of late of visiting urban areas, as we do. If a metallic or quasi-metallic load is exacerbating things for us, the cream should help some.
If as is feared ambient nano-particulates are rampant, even the mostly organic food we consume for many decades (its distribution was also my livelihood for >30 years) one should expect to be tainted in this way. Long ago raising family uninjected, unschooled, fed as we do, avoiding e-pollution, we understand the intensity of perpetrator-sponsored actions against questioners of the vax regime, of emf "safety", sane food production and so on, which all come to merge in, around and under covidiana, which now appears to be layered with hoaxes so well rehearsed over those decades as well.
Keep shining the light, Dr Ana..
Hi Jeffrey, just like with the meat, I cannot give brands... for legal reasons.
I think it is fair to say that all medical supplies are contaminated. There are scientists around the world confirming that.
Ah, I see--is there a way to just use the initial without stating the full name of the brand? Maybe it's all of them, true, but even if some are WORSE I'd have my daughter's endocrinologist change scripts...
How are all of us supposed to get regular EDTA chelation IV therapy? Even if we could all afford it, there aren't enough practitioners to provide it? Can you suggest other options?
Ok, the question now is..... How do we get the Hydrogel out of the body? I read somewhere that IV Chelation removes the Hydrogel but what will remove the other components of the shot? Colloidal gold will destroy the Nanotechnology and Nattokinase will destroy the spike protein. What else are we missing to take back control of our health? There needs to be a 'One Stop Shop' so to speak where we can FULLY Detox from the jab.
We need a practice that can do Diagnostic Work such as Live Blood Analysis and Treatment Plans such as IV Chelation along with the other therapy modalities to detoxify the harmful effects.
Does anyone know of a practice or center where we can get the help we need? Even if one refused the Covid shot most likely they found a way to sneak it into you through dental anesthetic injections, insulin shots, botox shots, and the like. We have been deceived on a massive scale. No one is safe.
For those who have diabetes. Please research the effects cinnamon has on reversing it. My mother's diabetes was reversed using it.
Sandy K - May 16, 2023
Sandy K
For how many years do you think this has been going on?
And I know that people who were (are) prescribed "Lipitor" for 'high cholesterol levels' and then develop diabetes BECAUSE of the lipitor and are then prescribed insulin to control the diabetes....what an effed up 'medical system' we have....I know too many people and loved ones who have been killed silently by this very evil medical cartel.
SomeDude - May 17, 2023
I've had leg/feet circulation issues since early 2021, after 48 years of being perfectly healthy.
no injections for me, but plenty of shedding exposure, and eating supermarket meats.
Mikki Mark - Jun 3, 2023
Sandy K
I’ve just found out this awful news re hydrogels... I’ve been taking insulin for more than 10 yrs now.. I’m not jabbed but I’ve been exposed and not sure how to / if I can purge my body ? The medical/murder industry ... 😢
Sandy K - Jun 3, 2023
Sandy K
So sorry for you Mikki. You have been lied to. Dr Ana suggests Soma ETDA creme to start. Check outGreenMedInfo.comfor some alternatives to pharma. Drs Marik and Kory have telemed. They were early whistleblowers who lost their careers. Blessings.
Mikki Mark - Jun 3, 2023
Thank you for your help... I am looking into the therapies called out (chelation, etc) side effects look a bit scary and wonder what tests I can request to examine my current health status ... I feel good/normal ... but experience mild heart rhythm anomalies... my current med team/practitioners are not of “this mindset” and don’t warm up to these truths 🙄
Bufus Alvarius - May 16, 2023 - Edited
Nostradamus X
Is there no lawyer here ? This cannot remain untouched with all this evidence and easy reproduction of the results ! This is such a massive crime against humanity - anyone?
Nostradamus X - May 16, 2023 - Edited
Nostradamus X
Do you believe that the courts are not part of the agenda?
The lawyer can present whatever evidence is available and the judge will ignore it.
Case in point, I followed a specific case for Covid-19 injections and the judge refused to acknowledge that the DOD was coercing soldiers to get injected with EUA samples instead of the "Approved Vaccines" that were stipulated in the DOD mandate and that have NEVER been released by Schizer since its approval in August 2021!.
You don't have to be a genius to see that these kangaroo courts have no meaning.
These are George Soros judges!
Bufus Alvarius - May 17, 2023 - Edited
Nostradamus X
Well we have to consider the current revelations and considerations by the BRIC nations, namely quoting Karen Kingston on the bioweapon and synthetic nature of covid and the injections. I foresee an oppenheimer moment and international agencies for oversight of everything nano and a.i. from here on. I see actual opposition between world powers which is scary but eventually, it will lead to a chance for us to heal and put out real science regarding 5g, cancer, the deceptions - consider the amount of damaged and deceived people with poisoned blood now - this won't fulfill their billionairs delusions any longer! Trust the human craving for truth and freedom!
Nostradamus X - May 17, 2023 - Edited
Nostradamus X
The UN refused to examine the below bioweapons experiments in Ukraine filed by Russia.
Before Feb 24, 2024 there were 46 bioweapons research labs in Ukraine financed and run by the US (NATO). General Cadieu (NATO - Canadian) was caught in Mariupol running those labs!!!
• Bioweapons Stakeholders,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Un-silent - May 17, 2023
The best thing would be to get this information out to the independent media outlets to spread the word. Only an awakened America can save us at this point. Nostradamus X is correct about the legal system unfortunately.
solutions - May 17, 2023 - Edited
solutions’s Substack
If there are corrupt judges on cases like that in any country, they are also deceived by their own master, because with the money they got to temporaly block justice, they will buy toxic food and drinks, and fell like a victim. So these ones and corrupt politcians have the same destiny, now accelerated.
Douglass Hetherly - May 16, 2023
Great presentation Ana, keep up the great work, GOD is watching.
Stegiel - May 16, 2023
The Journal of Lingering Sanity
As a diabetic I have thought about this often. I use Humulin. Are all insulin supplies deemed contaminated? If so, can a diabetic litigate in a class action?
Ieatweeds - May 16, 2023
My 26 year old autistic son is a type 1 diabetic since the age of 3. He takes Novolog via his insulin pump. God only knows how much hydrogel he has in his system, I'm sick over this.
Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot - May 21, 2023
The Heterodox Cheering Section …
Gotta 21 yer old ASD daughter on Novalog via pump too... Dr Ana, might you tell us if the short-acting insulin that tested positive was Novalog? We parents are worried as no insulin = death fer our children...
Do ya know (is this nutty?) if putting a strong magnet under the vial would draw the graphene (if it's there) away from the needle that draws the liquid into the cartridge (for pump users)?
Just today DD started EDTA cream but golly this is BAD NEWS. Dr. Ana, can we give the insulin an EMP or something to kill the "active" eletro-bots?
Thanks fer all ya do testin' and sharin' the info!
scout - May 16, 2023
Must be in everything; when Ana pointed out shedding spreading bugs, my first thought was when did DOD/Pharma infect all of us. Chemtrails began during the 90s, if I recall. Be interesting to scope old batches of polio, measles, etc.
bio terry - May 16, 2023
Good idea to scan old batches of polio and measles
Br - May 16, 2023 - Edited
Ana, is there a possibility that there’s some kind of contamination (airborne or otherwise) that is tainting your samples and thus reaching some wrong conclusions? I don’t desire to be negative but this is an obvious question an opposition would pose, and your clarification would be helpful to dissuade any opposing question like this one. Are you using a ‘clean room’? I look forward to your answer.
Yang Ming Mountain - May 17, 2023
Yang’s Substack
Extremely unlikely. Hydrogel is unlike dust particles or particulate contaminants which can be found in unclean environments. Hydrogel is a very specialized artificial substance that has been added to to vaccines or drugs DELIBERATELY.
Br - May 17, 2023
Thank you for the great answer without being insulting like “nanc”.
bio terry - May 17, 2023
Of course... air contamibation is also source of contamination
Nanc - May 16, 2023 - Edited
Nanc’s Substack
Seriously? You need to ask such a stupid question? Exactly what does this fine esteemed doc have to gain here by using dirty rooms?
Your brainwashing is deep, I get it. Now wake up, they the cabal want you dead any way they can.
Drugs and alleged vaccines are NEVER the answer to today’s ills.
Start in your kitchen and go from there. Take charge of your own health and feed the body what it craves, Real one ingredient food! Grown and raised organically. Drink pure filtered water not the chit from the tap, and watch your health improve dramatically.
Then nobody will need to take Big Harma poisons or ask stupid questions.
Br - May 16, 2023 - Edited
Stupid is who here? Look at my fricken icon dummy. I’ve been making distilled water for the family 15+ years and been “anti vax” when it wasn’t easy, kiddos with Religous exemptions and all. So who’s the dummy? Stop it. It’s a legit question or I wouldn’t have asked. Dummy.
Carol_007 - May 17, 2023 - Edited
Not a stupid question. She doesn't realize that she can eat all the organic food and distilled water she wants, but it's in the soil, air, organic food, etc. Vitamins, herbs, chelation may help, but there's likely no where to run and isolate against this if we're being sprayed and it's in everything.
Anything you ask is a legit question. We're all in search of answers, cures, alternatives.
Nanc - May 17, 2023 - Edited
Nanc’s Substack
That’s why they have sterile labs to counteract these things.
What’s with you people, what do you think these professionals just take a sample out on the picnic table and look at thru a microscope?
The question is stupid and insulting.
As for your soil and your environment, it can be controlled. It takes work, a lot of hard work, yet it beats becoming a slave to Big Harma and allopathic sick care.
Br - May 17, 2023 - Edited
Stupid and insulting? Look in the mirror.
I used to manage a manufacturing facility that included a 2,000 square foot clean room inside a 80,000 facility. Granted, it wasn’t medical grade and thus my questioning. I know for a fact contamination happens, it could be as simple as pollen or dust, hence the need for VERY EXPENSIVE clean rooms that filter particles to the micron level. Talk about idiots opining omg. My question wasn’t for you anyway, it is for Ana if she has the time or desire to answer. Geez.
420MedicineMan - May 17, 2023 - Edited
420MedicineMan’s Substack
When you find 50 hydrogel filaments per drop of blood, in every patient... It's not a coincidence.
I use to find this stuff in the blood in 2005, the civi professor and SO's back then were writing it off as glass contamination. It was in about half the soldiers blood. Back then you could find chips in the blood too, older model...
Dr Ana has tested it via IR spectroscopy, can't fake or make excuses for that.
Bilbo'sBitch - May 17, 2023
I see like a dozen 'hydrogel' articles here on substack today
Last week it was graphene
Before that it was ethylene glycol, or rat-turds; Where did clot-shot reporting go?
Me thinks that BIG-PHARMA is driving ALL you morons to the mad-house with BULLSHIT distractions
What is it about the sky-is-falling bullshit and quacks putting phd, md, jd on their bio here?
Hydrogels are easy to make, how does there existence prove malfeasance?
If I make hyrogels from natural materials, does that mean I have made a poison, especially given source materials were non-poison
So they display some scary microscope photos of hydrogel, but so what?
Insects up close look scary, shall we post photos of termites and suggest that human size ones are about to invade USA?
Christine - May 17, 2023
I’ve heard this was in all injectables and even normal saline flushes - wonder if that’s why there have been shortages in recent months. I work at a skilled nursing facility (I’m fake vaxxed. I swiped some vaccine cards before I got fired for refusing the jab then applied to a nursing agency).
JC - Sep 17, 2023
I was looking at ABC (Australia) Four Corners report on drug shortages in Australia. 432 drugs are unavailable, 44 of them life saving. And I thought (tinfoil moment) - what if they are pulling all these drugs for reformulation?
dyr - May 16, 2023
The question is, how much is ambient, how much is intentional. I recall from the hours-long (subtitled) Quinta Columna presentation (qv all!) eg dental anaesthetic revealing similar, and surmise about animal injections (main presenter said 4 dogs were cancerous/lost I think he said after mandatory shots). On the topic re acceptance with a shrug, one capable writer covering the new (synthetic) "food" developments, said that as diabetic she already uses medication involving genetic manipulation, if I recall correctly, so not a big leap for her to test eat and rely on these "creations". Perpetrators rely on enough mass acceptance, even if and as stuff is caught up with they'll've moved on to something else and out of reach, except for those left holding the bag, as it were.
I have on a couple of occasions commented on use of eg sea vegetables, particularly brown algae, kelp, as known chelator and anti-clot food. Prepared right even the toughest kelp is "umami" delicious. Further research, eg in Ole Mouritsen's Seaweed: edible, available & sustainable, (trans. from Danish to English, '13) , backs up the claim about big circulatory & other benefit. I have a felling though from personal experience now over the past half year, that frequent ingestion is required, not just say once a week as we were doing. Definitely the sharp point throbs i feel after exposure to injies changed and abated after eating a lot of kombu (properly, 'konbu'). I also have recommended here highly and do so again now TCM grade hawthorn berry to spear through, as it were, any bloodstream hardnesses that do not belong. Delicious, too.
But based on Dr Ana's and particularly one recent commenter's testimonial, i think we will move on to try the EDTA cream recommended here. That commenter like us reported crummy after effects of late of visiting urban areas, as we do. If a metallic or quasi-metallic load is exacerbating things for us, the cream should help some.
If as is feared ambient nano-particulates are rampant, even the mostly organic food we consume for many decades (its distribution was also my livelihood for >30 years) one should expect to be tainted in this way. Long ago raising family uninjected, unschooled, fed as we do, avoiding e-pollution, we understand the intensity of perpetrator-sponsored actions against questioners of the vax regime, of emf "safety", sane food production and so on, which all come to merge in, around and under covidiana, which now appears to be layered with hoaxes so well rehearsed over those decades as well.
Keep shining the light, Dr Ana..
stardot - May 17, 2023
stardot’s Substack
Human Extinction Level Event (ELE).
Dr. Jeffrey Horelick - May 17, 2023
Dr. Jeffrey Horelick
I had someone with a daughter insulin dependent and would like to know which brand of insulin did these particulates show up in?
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 17, 2023
Dr. Jeffrey Horelick
Hi Jeffrey, just like with the meat, I cannot give brands... for legal reasons.
I think it is fair to say that all medical supplies are contaminated. There are scientists around the world confirming that.
Dr. Jeffrey Horelick - May 17, 2023
Dr. Jeffrey Horelick
Thank you Ana.
Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot - May 21, 2023
The Heterodox Cheering Section …
Ah, I see--is there a way to just use the initial without stating the full name of the brand? Maybe it's all of them, true, but even if some are WORSE I'd have my daughter's endocrinologist change scripts...
Free Human - May 19, 2023
Free Human
How are all of us supposed to get regular EDTA chelation IV therapy? Even if we could all afford it, there aren't enough practitioners to provide it? Can you suggest other options?
JC - Sep 17, 2023
Dr. David Nixon is exploring the way colloidal gold nullifies the structures inside the cells. Seems promising.
Free Human - Sep 17, 2023
Free Human
I wonder how ormus would do. Might be worth an examination as well.
Dr. Gregory Pernoud - May 16, 2023
Dr. Gregory Pernoud
We just need to know, how often do we need to get chelation?
Bufus Alvarius - May 16, 2023
Dr. Gregory Pernoud
sue them
Dr. Gregory Pernoud - May 16, 2023
Dr. Gregory Pernoud
Like that would get anywhere but broke
Bufus Alvarius - May 17, 2023
we surely got a few billion folks pretty pissed, at one point ... to help chip in !
Citizen J - May 25, 2023
Ok, the question now is..... How do we get the Hydrogel out of the body? I read somewhere that IV Chelation removes the Hydrogel but what will remove the other components of the shot? Colloidal gold will destroy the Nanotechnology and Nattokinase will destroy the spike protein. What else are we missing to take back control of our health? There needs to be a 'One Stop Shop' so to speak where we can FULLY Detox from the jab.
We need a practice that can do Diagnostic Work such as Live Blood Analysis and Treatment Plans such as IV Chelation along with the other therapy modalities to detoxify the harmful effects.
Does anyone know of a practice or center where we can get the help we need? Even if one refused the Covid shot most likely they found a way to sneak it into you through dental anesthetic injections, insulin shots, botox shots, and the like. We have been deceived on a massive scale. No one is safe.
Michelle Katherine Orts - May 19, 2023
Michelle Katherine Orts' Substa…
For those who have diabetes. Please research the effects cinnamon has on reversing it. My mother's diabetes was reversed using it.
Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot - May 21, 2023
The Heterodox Cheering Section …
Not Type 1, it's auto-immune. Type 2, diet an' supps, yes.
Sally Horton - May 19, 2023
Is t here an independent lab that can check my husband's insulin for hydrogel. It is issued and paid for by the VA, which is to say the taxpayers.
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