Hydrogel Filaments Found In Insulin

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 16, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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One of my patients brought me his long and short acting Insulin to check for hydrogel. This is what I found.

These are the same filaments we see in human blood:

And in the meat supply:

Contaminated Food Supply Contributing Cause To Live Blood Analysis Findings In Unvaccinated? Darkfield Blood Analysis On Grocery Meat Products

For all those who say that we are just seeing dust filaments, please explain the recent NIR work showing hydrogel signatures in vaccinated and unvaccinated blood:

Synthetic Biology Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB) NIR Fingerprint Match Found In Human Blood - Hydrogel Signatures Identified - Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD In Conjunction with Clifford Carnicom

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Sandy K - May 16, 2023

Sandy K

For how many years do you think this has been going on?
And I know that people who were (are) prescribed "Lipitor" for 'high cholesterol levels' and then develop diabetes BECAUSE of the lipitor and are then prescribed insulin to control the diabetes....what an effed up 'medical system' we have....I know too many people and loved ones who have been killed silently by this very evil medical cartel.

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Bufus Alvarius - May 16, 2023

Is there no lawyer here ? This cannot remain untouched with all this evidence and easy reproduction of the results ! This is such a massive crime against humanity - anyone?

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