Jun 5, 2023
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For some people, the idea of mind control through synthetic biology, nano technology and artificial intelligence is just a bit much to conceive.
Michael Ginsburg - Jun 5, 2023 - Edited
Actionable Truths & Actions
There is only one question that actually matters at this stage: how do we stop this?
Insertnamehere - Jun 5, 2023
The Mind Dual
The first defense is a mind that knows itself and a mind that is in tune with its Maker. There is no power over the physical body if that body is animated by the Spirit of the Almighty.
A less religious way of saying it is.... You can change your metaphysical defenses. You can and should listen to- that sense and instinct that something is wrong. You should listen to the dis-ease, you should allow no foothold. Saying things aloud like, “ah this is so hopeless.” Etc, is admitting defeat aloud to your own consciousness first regardless of if they hear it.
May seem to the naturalists like I’m saying “think your way to safety,” to which I’d reply, “yeah- as we’ve always done.” Our species-even from the absurd perspective we’re some convoluted creation of beasts and time- is unquestioningly the most adaptive being we know of.
If we’re caged, we’ll break bones and slice blood vessels to worm out. If we’re in a trap, we’ll build tools to jimmy or force it, if we’re trapped, we’ll instinctually find the right path.
This is no different- recognize the enemy each day, laugh in their face, and build the mental fortress that ensures the rest of the body follows.
Godspeed my Fellows. Remember that ‘Hell’ is not a metaphor, but rented apartment of a lesser being than that which made us. You+God> anything and everything.
Nanc - Jun 5, 2023
Nanc’s Substack
Very well stated! Thank you. You and I get this, and I’ve tried to explain this to so many, but it falls on deaf ears. Wishing you Godspeed also π·
Insertnamehere - Jun 5, 2023
The Mind Dual
God Bless & thank you! Speak fearlessly, in Love. Love is the sweet songbird of Truth.
ViaVeritasVita - Jun 5, 2023
Thank you! Love that last little paragraph. My own daily repeated protections are:
Perfect love casteth out fear
If God be for us, who can be against us?
I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me.
Arcanus Aethereal - Jun 7, 2023
The Wizard's Tower
Energy science research can get you into trouble....
Please read, i feel endangered.:
For a more detailled scientific take on the LENR science for which I am being targeted, I would actually refer you to my colleague's blog, where there is spectography, calorimetry & datasheets, as well as live science videos of experimental LENR reactors @remoteview.substack.com
I am sending this to all other substack writers I can muster, because I fear for my safety and my family.
KG - Jun 5, 2023 - Edited
Okay. This is bad, very bad. However, with every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction...What can we do to turn the tide for good with the same tech? Can we use the nanotechnology graphene to cure things instead of escalate them. Can we reverse engineer to make the nano particles autonomous - just throwing it out there.... Thanks for continuing the fight!!
Roman S Shapoval - Jun 5, 2023 - Edited
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Good question KG! I believe we have a lot of power in our bodies already, with the native nanotech of our skin - melanin:https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/can-we-detox-nanotech-with-sunlight.
We also can drink structured water, which operates the same way as hydrogel by building an exclusion /buffer zone for our cells to work:
Honeybee - Jun 5, 2023
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Many thanks for your post, Roman. I've bookmarked both your links and will read entirely through everything later today. I've always been absolutely convinced not only in the sovereignty of the human body but also in its innate ability to heal. Since I was a young adult of 21 or 22 years (now in my 70s)! I believe the power of the mind (the human will) coupled with this kind of research can keep those humans who desire their bodies remain divine and inviolate justly so. I don't practice an Abrahamic religion (Buddhism, in fact), but during simple, non-Buddhist meditation, I've seen "God," and God is us. We are the divine.
Roman S Shapoval - Jun 5, 2023
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Honeybee, thank you so much for sharing this. It's inspiring knowing that the human spirit is so resilient - you're a prime example. I believe that God works through us, and in this way we all create God. I look forward to your feedback on the articles (when you have time, I know it's a lot to read). Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment and support!
KG - Jun 5, 2023 - Edited
I like where you are going. Go back to the beginning, literally. How about Chlorophyll in plant life, iodine in sea plants. Keep it simple. If graphene is a metal it will respond to both as detoxins. Algae, seaweed, sunlight, and laurel root.
ViaVeritasVita - Jun 8, 2023
Laurel root? Please elaborate---which laurels and how
Currently fermenting 5 gal of bladderwrack
Lots of sunlight as I am spending hours /day in garden
Arcanus Aethereal - Jun 7, 2023
The Wizard's Tower
Energy science research can get you into trouble....
Please read, i feel endangered.:
For a more detailled scientific take on the LENR science for which I am being targeted, I would actually refer you to my colleague's blog, where there is spectography, calorimetry & datasheets, as well as live science videos of experimental LENR reactors @remoteview.substack.com
I am sending this to all other substack writers I can muster, because I fear for my safety and my family.
Roman S Shapoval - Jun 5, 2023 - Edited
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Thanks so much KG. Laurel root- that's a new one for me! Thank you. Yes this is why I love DHA, it's the most ancient form of omega 3 out there, and has resolvins that literally can resolve the stress response:
Earth innovated DHA about 50 million years before the Cambrian explosion in plankton via photosynthesis
JMarie.58 - Jun 5, 2023
JMarie.58’s Substack
Using the technology to cure things relies on intent to do good. If there’s one thing we know is that evil intent isn’t interested in curing or benefiting humanity on any level.
bio terry - Jun 5, 2023
Do you mean in future or is the lethargy we experience from people who should be outraged part of the neuron stimulation... or are they all mesmerized as part of the compliance.. ?
Nostradamus X - Jun 5, 2023
Nostradamus X
ο 1981 Depopulation Agenda: Jacques Attalli - BilderBerger
Nostradamus - Jun 14, 2023
Comment removed.
Nostradamus - Jun 14, 2023
Kissinger’s Confirmation: 2009
Citizens should be Vaccinated to Regain Their Rights!
• We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services. Henry Kissinger, WHO 2009
Kissinger Quote from a speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics, February 25, 2009:
"Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it's game over. They will accept anything - forcible blood or organ donation - "for the greater good". We can genetically modify children and sterilize them --- "for the greater good". Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It's a big win-win. We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services"
Jun 14, 2023
Comment removed.
Jun 14, 2023
Comment removed.
Nostradamus - Jun 14, 2023
Comment removed.
Nostradamus - Jun 14, 2023
Watch his free masonic lodge colleague say the same thing:
ο 2022 - We’re at over 7 Billion right now, so we need to bring that down to 1 Billion. (2minutes) - Dennis Meadows, Club of Rome
Arcanus Aethereal - Jun 7, 2023
The Wizard's Tower
Energy science research can get you into trouble....
Please read, i feel endangered.:
For a more detailled scientific take on the LENR science for which I am being targeted, I would actually refer you to my colleague's blog, where there is spectography, calorimetry & datasheets, as well as live science videos of experimental LENR reactors @remoteview.substack.com
I am sending this to all other substack writers I can muster, because I fear for my safety and my family.
solutions - Jun 5, 2023 - Edited
solutions’s Substack
We are in the first stage of the final war of humanity. For the people of God: this is the Harvest time, so this apocalyptic war was authorized by God, thousands of years ago. This is not a conventional war between countries, this is war between kingdoms.
We must use the solutions of God for survival outside the cities, because now the reality is that the majority of people fell in the trap and got marked; in the hand( through the arm/vax), in the forehead(through the nose/swab). Now, there are reports of people slowly being zombified.
kaal - Jun 5, 2023
There is a patent Id have to look up the # again for neural stimulation central nervous system responses thru tech- tv smart phones. I continue to be unable to get thru to family members. MAYBE they are pulsing other waves continually to zombify us. AND look up operation crimson mist- RUANDA occured via frequencies. I BET we are being subject to more frequencies than are even admitted in that patent. ok just found what they already admit- google patent US6506148B2
Lisa Bowman - Jun 5, 2023 - Edited
Lisa Bowman
We're inhaling it too. Not much of a choice either. Celeste Solum says it's in clothing and food as well. Was there informed consent for anyone? And the people that took the jab, were they asked if they worship Satan and denounce God?
solutions - Jun 5, 2023 - Edited
solutions’s Substack
I will make an article to explain in details this. But in short words, the mark of the beast is all about the genes. So you have the mark of God (144000 original human genes), and now with the 3rd strand of luciferian DNA added with vax/swab (additional 72000 genes) an altered/corrupted person got 216000 genes or 600x60x6 genes.
Justin Coy - Jun 6, 2023
Justin Coy
Do you have a source for this information that I could read? What do you believe regarding those who had slept with a jabbed spouse? Does this mean they are also doomed to burn in the lake of fire?
solutions - Jun 6, 2023
solutions’s Substack
Lisa Bowman - Jun 5, 2023 - Edited
Lisa Bowman
I look forward to your article. It's very upsetting when someone makes a claim about the jab and test being the mark of the beast since no one was asked to denounce God and sign their allegiance to Satan and the mark is considered an unforgivable sin. People are still buying and selling whether they have the mark or not.
PS. I've been an "antivaxxer" for 16 years.
solutions - Jun 6, 2023
solutions’s Substack
solutions - Jun 5, 2023 - Edited
solutions’s Substack
Look on the details; in the book of revelation you have these two situations in two different verses. 1st verse is about the worldwide mark operation(Rev13:17) and 2nd the buy/sell blackmail (Rev13:18). They are not simultaneous, but despite that, many governments were conditioning the buy/sell of flight tickets if you don't take the vax or swab. In other countries conditioning the job, if the person is vaxxed,etc.
Lisa Bowman - Jun 5, 2023
Lisa Bowman
Well then it appears majority are doomed for being tricked even though I don't know of one person who denounced God and started worshiping Satan. They were lied to and never told that it would alter genes. They were lied to and not informed that this was part of the transhumanism experiment. Actually all of us have been lied to about everything in this world including history. Guess all of the poor people in Colombia will be doomed for being tricked into a free product after they were fear mongered. All the kids whose parents got them jabbed are doomed too.
JMarie.58 - Jun 5, 2023
JMarie.58’s Substack
Another way of looking at the mark is the forehead represents the brain/acceptance of the deception and the right hand represents action/taking the shot.
Nostradamus X - Jun 5, 2023
Nostradamus X
Why stop it?
ο "I don't want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers" -- John D Rockefeller
Mark The AntiSatan - Jun 5, 2023
Imagine a car flying through the air after speeding off of a 1000 foot cliff,
how can we stop this?
It can't be stopped. They're going to slam into the ground. It's a done deal.
We all know actions often have irrevocable consequences.
Don't do your due diligence and let yourself be injected with the unknown
and bad things can happen that cannot be reversed. Sad but true fact of life.
Lilly - Jun 5, 2023
Arcanus Aethereal - Jun 7, 2023
The Wizard's Tower
Energy science research can get you into trouble....
Please read, i feel endangered.:
For a more detailled scientific take on the LENR science for which I am being targeted, I would actually refer you to my colleague's blog, where there is spectography, calorimetry & datasheets, as well as live science videos of experimental LENR reactors @remoteview.substack.com
I am sending this to all other substack writers I can muster, because I fear for my safety and my family.
ts1213 - Jun 5, 2023
Perhaps, we can't Perhaps, it is just the progression that takes us to the end. I'd like to hope that not be the case but I steel myself for what might be inevitable. I just try, best I can, to make certain I'm in a good place with the Almighty.
ViaVeritasVita - Jun 8, 2023
And that 'good place' is repentance.
bio terry - Jun 5, 2023
I don't think one can stop this, the damage has been done to the body and those who took this without pressure are def goners for life, they will take it again and again. And the social guilt is probably to be part if the reason they took it, and will be. There are so many ifs, one cannot pinpoint to any spesific reason why they comply willingly.
Michael Ginsburg - Jul 5, 2023
Actionable Truths & Actions
Comment removed.
Michael Ginsburg - Jul 5, 2023
Actionable Truths & Actions
How does one keep GO and other quantum active substances out when they are everywhere (food, water, air)?
Hannahlehigh - Jun 5, 2023 - Edited
I have a hard time reading your posts, they cause allot of stress. The crap that's being done to us is so crazy and demonic, its hard to wrap your head around it.
Mark The AntiSatan - Jun 5, 2023 - Edited
Try wrapping your head around this. Eternity in Paradise.
2 Corinthians 4:18
"..we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen:
for the things which are seen are temporary;
but the things which are not seen are eternal."
Keep your eye on the prize and have 100% faith in Jesus, as this too shall pass.
Monica M - Jun 5, 2023
Mark The AntiSatan, thank you, I needed that. π
ViaVeritasVita - Jun 8, 2023
And 16: So, we do not lose heart.
ViaVeritasVita - Jun 6, 2023
Thank you, Mark. This whole world of Substack--only found a year ago (I think) is such a comfort.
Chelie - Jun 5, 2023
Same for me.
Claudia - Jun 5, 2023 - Edited
It’s hard to fathom why certain human beings would do this to other human beings. Is it possible a higher intelligence is ultimately behind all this, controlling the controllers?
Carmen - Jun 5, 2023
El Substack de Carmen
Of course it is a "higher" intelligence behind all this: Satan itself.
And I put quotes because someone who pretends to defeat God is not precisely intelligent. So this "controller of the controllers" and the "controllers" themselves are going to be fatally defeated, sooner or later.
Our problem is that, in the meanwhile, they have gotten "permission" from the Lord to do almost whatever they want to, because through their evildoing we all are being judged.
So you are right: human beings that remain human beings do not do this kind of things to other human beings, but until they are possessed by subhuman forces as a result of having made the decision to open themselves to their influence, motivated by false promises made to them by those same subhuman forces.
kaal - Jun 5, 2023
Rape torture sacrifice cannibalism of children. Jessie Czebotar who was born into a LUCIFERIAN family bloodline names REAGAN CLINTON BIDEN GINGRICH CHENEY QUAYLE PENCE {lin wood also mentined pence and justice roberts} as did tory smith who was poisoned} KERRY GADAFFI AMY CONEY BARRETT MUSK AQUINO [church of satan and military psyops} BRENNAN. Cathy Obrien in her book TRANCE formation of America names FORD CLINTON CHENEY H CLINTON KING FAHD GEORGE BUSH. Ally Carter named OBAMA and BIDEN. I do not know of these ppl did all 4. Thats from only 3 survivors. Name names.
TruthGleaner - Jun 5, 2023
Life doesn't happen to us...Life happens FOR us.
Challenges help us learn and grow...if you don't let FEAR rule you!
ViaVeritasVita - Jun 8, 2023
Kind of like, "Man was not made for the Sabbath; the Sabbath was made for man"
ViaVeritasVita - Jun 5, 2023
Life happens FOR us--that is lovely. Thank you.
Gary McCollom - Jun 5, 2023
This is the way I see it, yes other humans did this to us after being corrupted by satan, in due time our God will deal with this and not a second before.
This is why God always wins, satan controls the human flesh of those who succumb and thats it, God also works through His children but if and when His children fail God takes over Himself.
Insertnamehere - Jun 5, 2023 - Edited
The Mind Dual
More likely:
the kiddiddlers somehow coordinate all their kiddie ways to be in perfect kiddie sync, OR
They all fell in line behind a big scary kiddidler that is way stronger than them because he invented kiddidling?
They aren’t smart. They’re just rich and control all visual media. Their power is a mirage and we can plainly see how brittle their grip on knowledge has become.
If they need x million years for us to get consciousness, but can’t adjust their historical timeline on par with an ACTIVE dig site 12k years old that makes Sumerians look like cavemen, that gives an idea of how faux the entire world is.
Just a puppet show for the Master of Petty Deceit.. ahem deception or something. Wever that dipshit with the horns is.
ViaVeritasVita - Jun 5, 2023 - Edited
Psalm 73 refers, I think, to just these kinds of people.
John H. - Jun 5, 2023 - Edited
John H.
Very true and what follows in Psalms 74 and 75 is very applicable to our situation. They are well-worth reading together.
Thematically, Psalm 73 can be understood as describing the kind of Satanically inspired/controlled people who will be alive and persecuting the pure and upright during the tribulation (vs. 4-14) period, prior to the return of Christ. It even relates how people will look at them and almost be envious of the fact that they are untouchable in their foolish pride (think about all the perpetrators and their useful idiots who manage to avoid prosecution/justice).
In Psalm 74, we see the despair of those who continually try to resist the evil one and his minions, "O God why does though cast us off forever? Why does thy anger smoke against the sheep of thy Pasteur" (v. 1)? And further, "We do not see our signs, there is no longer any prophet and there is none among us who knows how long. How long is the foe to scoff? Why does thou hold back thy hand? (v. 9-11) "Let not the downtrodden be put to shame..." (v.21).
In Psalm 75 we learn the fate of the tools of Satan who have persecuted the pure and upright.
Those who have done this thing are to be judged severely in the end (presuming that they refuse to publicly admit what they have done, beg for mercy and ask God Almighty to forgive them). We who are being persecuted by them, must remember that an eternity in heaven is the goal. We must never relent in opposing the enemy, lest we join them in their eternal lake of fire.
ViaVeritasVita - Jun 5, 2023
Thank you, John!
ViaVeritasVita - Jun 5, 2023
Have just read Psalms 74 and 75, thank you. "At the set time which I appoint, I will judge with equity". A confirmation of my understanding that He will make all right in HIS time, not ours. (or, 'not my will but thine be done'--with which I steadied myself every time I realized I was losing yet another baby).
John H. - Jun 5, 2023
John H.
Exactly. I guess that's why it is often said that patience is a virtue. I for one sorely lack patience which is very problematic during this time of serious tribulation.
The last 2 petitions of the Lord's Prayer (lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil) are instructive, as well as Christ's prayer to His Father in the Garden of Gethsemane you referred to above.
Living in the world currently, it is almost impossible to avoid temptation, but we may certainly ask to be delivered from such unspeakable evil, always with the caveat, "not my will but thine be done."
Lilly - Jun 5, 2023
A higher intelligence? No ma'am, just pure simple greed.
TealTears - Jun 5, 2023
Mike Gollins, PE - Jun 5, 2023
Nostradamus X
βͺThe jab replaces sperm with spike protein, causes miscarriages, autism, infertility, cancer, & death. If jabbed with a placebo or unjabbed, do you chance it with tainted hospital blood if in an accident and need a transfusion OR find an UNJABBED donor atUnjectedBlood.com?
Nostradamus X - Jun 5, 2023
Nostradamus X
Kissinger Quote from a speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics, February 25, 2009:
"Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it's game over. They will accept anything - forcible blood or organ donation - "for the greater good". We can genetically modify children and sterilize them --- "for the greater good". Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It's a big win-win. We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services"
Vintage - Jun 5, 2023
Nostradamus X
They will turn the temperature up in hell for this guy.
Nostradamus X - Jun 5, 2023
Nostradamus X
He tried to depopulate 13 countries in the 70s and 80s and didn't win even after infecting millions with HIV - see NSSM-200 Kissinger Report (1974) declassified in 1989.
The Deep State that he represents since leaving the government decided to use "vaccines" to do the job. Consider Kissinger as a messenger - what he utters in public is actually what the 33rd degree masons have planned in their lodges. He's a member of the Italian P1 free masonic lodge. The Vatican is run by P2 masons.
TruthGleaner - Jun 5, 2023
But.....once one wakes up...you don't go back to SHEEP
Nostradamus X - Jun 5, 2023
Nostradamus X
Comment removed.
Nostradamus X - Jun 5, 2023
Nostradamus X
In the UK the mass murder in nursing homes was planned in 2019.
Hankock (Health Minister) ordered more than 100% more Midazolam that was used in nursing homes in 2020 and set up mortuary for the culling. The victims didn't even have the chance to be brainwashed to take the abortive fetal cells infested transgenic injections in 2021 - they were already dead.
The official documents published last month also prove that the new virus variants were being released intentionally!!!
ο 'Blow-up Pandemic Mortuary' Set up in 2019 - UK
ο UK’s Plandemic: “When Do We Deploy the New Variant?” – Hancock (Health Minister) asked.
During April 2020 out-of-hospital prescribing for Midazolam was twice the amount seen in 2019
Omicron is Not Normal
Lilly - Jun 5, 2023
This is my same exact question. I have to have a procedure done. I have had several major episodes in my life, just a weirdo I am, a s had to have trasfusions.
If it passes in breast milk, and semen, then I'm going to say that it most likely passes in blood products. But I do not know for a fact. If you find out let me know. I will do the same.
Joe - Jun 5, 2023 - Edited
Joe’s Substack
Honestly u can’t detox with EDTA forever everyday because of the air…we have to be realistic as edta could be dangerous if doing it everyday for 60 years
futurehumanity - Jun 5, 2023 - Edited
masking and rifing EDTA, that's a start
TruthGleaner - Jun 5, 2023
Masking is like trying to keep out mosquitos with an iron link fence...faggettaboudit!!!
Lilly - Jun 5, 2023
What masking could stop this.. sick to death of hearing about masks. It was to people like a Bible is to Christians.
futurehumanity - Jun 5, 2023
masking works (ffp2 and ffp3 not surgical) because unlike in labs, viruses are not in "isolation" they are mixed with fluids from people. We have had two winters in 2020 and 2021 without flu cause flu is less contagious than covid and masks stop it more effectively. On one hand some of the no maskers say "masks don't allow pathogens so we aren't exposed to pathogens and our immune system is weakened" in the next sentence "masks don't work"....you can't have it both ways....again ffp2 and ffp3 masks do work against shedding and covid from people, they would be utterly useless in a lab with isolated pathogens
Lilly - Jun 8, 2023
Didn't I state only sick people wear masks.
This was kicked to the curb, by Cochrane library. There was nobody who had a financial stake, and they studied all the other studies. Now I had already been preaching to people
"Washing your hands is still the best way to break the chain of infection."
When people had exasperated me, eaten all my patience, no effort being made to listen although they were THE AUTHORITY, I would pull this out and leave it.
So one day on a platform that used to bring me pleasure, I had enough. I believe this was early 2021. I know it was not long after it came out about droplet transmission. So 5 min in I'm done. So I leave the hand washing statement. (Almost anything kills SARS 2)
I get a comment notification back to the hand washing. This person says to me
"Uhhh, no this isn't so true anymore."
I said, "Oh !, Why is that?"
She replied, "Because we now know that it's droplet transmission."
I didn't hesitate and I was a little smart mouthed . Ahh I was let my sarcasm fly. I told it to be free. I'm not the best on my feet w come backs. It's exhausting and I am just who I am.
I told her,
"Well then take your nasty a## hands and put your fairy mask on"
Now I had not had any issues with anyone wearing a mask. If someplace I went required it, well I put one on w/o fuss.
So my contention is and has been, hand washing can solve go a long way. I also believe that masks N-95 grade and higher may have done something but all that was wiped bc people and their dirty hands.
In order to be effective hand washing should take place before and after taking off a mask. It should also occur before donning one.
These are the thoughts that I came to, for several reasons most common sense.
Cochrane Library pretty much had the same conclusion. That whatever benefits there were for wearing masks, were chewed down bc of no had washing.
futurehumanity - Jun 9, 2023
the two go hand in hand (pun not intended)
TruthGleaner - Jun 5, 2023
Comment removed.
TruthGleaner - Jun 6, 2023
Right, Right!
Kamii Neko - Jun 5, 2023 - Edited
But Dr Fauci said "masks don't work"!
...and he was right, masks don't work, but respirators do.
futurehumanity - Jun 5, 2023 - Edited
masking works (ffp2 and ffp3 not surgical) because unlike in labs, viruses are not in "isolation" they are mixed with fluids from people. We have had two winters in 2020 and 2021 without flu cause flu is less contagious than covid and masks stop it more effectively. On one hand some of the no maskers say "masks don't allow pathogens so we aren't exposed to pathogens and our immune system is weakened" in the next sentence "masks don't work"....you can't have it both ways....again ffp2 and ffp3 masks do work against shedding and covid from people, they would be utterly useless in a lab with isolated pathogens
and by the way....do you still listen to Fauci who created this and hiv and wants you to be as shedded as possible???
Kamii Neko - Jun 5, 2023 - Edited
I was being facetious. Everything Fauci said was to push the agenda. It was he who initially said "masks don't work" in order to get people sick perhaps? And he was right, those useless hospital masks don't do much however like you said, ffp2 and ffp3 RESPIRATORS do.
futurehumanity - Jun 6, 2023
reading it again I get it sorry.....yesterday I was too triggered to get it :(
Kamii Neko - Jun 13, 2023
TruthGleaner - Jun 5, 2023
Yeah, respirators do work...taking out patients in the hospital and calling it a Covid death!!!
Kamii Neko - Jun 5, 2023
No not a ventilator.
dr.iqlia - Jun 5, 2023
Nostradamus X
Dr. Ana, as an Oriental Medicine doctor I use a sophisticated form of Applied Kinesiology (taps into the Plasma field of the patient) that gives me boatloads of information. I subscribe to the GEN Tech magazine to get terms, then ask the bodies of my patients what is going on. The Human Body is very capable of analyzing and eradicating all this material. I use Homeopathy, Sodium Bicarbonate and Chlorine Dioxide to get rid of 90% of this stuff. From my research (reading GEN Tech and using Applied Kinesiology) there appear to be four primary Matrices being built - Ceramic, Polymer, Exotic Metal, and Silica. Sodium Bicarbonate destroys the Ceramic and Polymer based platforms. Chlorine Dioxide destroys the Metalic and Silica based Platforms. Drink the Sodium Bicarbonate in water and diffuse the Chlorine Dioxide with water into the atmosphere of your home. I run it constantly. ALSO, there is a portable lamp you can buy from QNICEUVC - the 3.8W 222nm Far UVC Lamp USB. Look for it on the web. I decided to get this when I had a horrible experience with a patient Friday. She was shedding some wild stuff - Quantum Dots and Surface Plasmonic Polaritons. (Remember I look at my reference sheet and ask what is going on.) I literally felt like I was being hit with a distorted quantum field. Anyway, I believe the QNICEUVC lamp will kill the Q Dots, Plasmid DNA and other associated materials in the atmostphere. I am excited about using it.
Also, the are carving us out in stages. The injections eat away at your organic material and replace it with synthetic material. For those who have not been vaccinated, they appear to be using some kind of holographic transfer technology to extract the organic material out of the body. First they create a Hybrid extracting 90% of the organic material and replacing it with synthentic material. In the final stage, they extract the remaining organic material and replace that so you become a "Synth." On the outside you look the same (think of the Stepford Wives) but you lose your personality and become part of the collective. I believe the patient I treated on Friday was a Synth and she was being used to infect me.
Nostradamus X - Jun 5, 2023
Nostradamus X
Gary McCollom - Jun 5, 2023
How much Sodium Bicarbonate a day to drink?
How many drops of chlorine dioxide a day?
I would imagine that taking DMSO with the dioxide would be helpful as Ronald said.
For some reason as to which I have no explanation I feel a high circulating vitamin d level would also be helpful and I'm talking at least 100ng.
dr.iqlia - Jun 5, 2023
Hi Gary, 8 oz of water (distilled is the best) with 1 teaspoon of baking soda. In the morning before breakfast. Chlorine Dioxide is best if inhaled either through a diffuser or a nebulizer. For both, for each ml of water add a drop of chlorine dioxide.
Gary McCollom - Jun 5, 2023
Thank you kindly doctor. So interesting that I find your comment today when I started my wife on the protocol 1000 for the fibromyalgia she has had for 3 years.
Never thought of nebulizing and certainly did not think of using it in our diffuser.
On the topic and your run in with a patient I have also noticed the same when out in public but not always. It seems clear that there are many different injections out there and some are very clearly self spreading much like that chicken study from a few years ago.
I also had a run in with somebody at my old workplace in sept/2021 where he grabbed my upper arm joking around and it skin to skin.
This was on a Friday and the day before he had got his second pfizer shot. The next Tuesday at 3am I woke up and knew something was wrong, had a fever, dizzy and felt weak and 10 mins later all got worse.
Wife ran a room temp bath and I jumper in and took 50,000iu vitamin d with quercetin and zinc and an hour later got out and went to sleep for 5 hours and woke up feeling good.
I genuinely feel a high vitamin d level will help fight this as well. I was at 200nmol when this incident happened. Incidentally I learned later his wifes vitamin d was dangerously low after she went to doctor for not feeling well. Obviously she had the same shots as he did.
Monica M - Jun 5, 2023
dr.iqlia, wow, that is amazing. Do you mind saying where you are located? Do you take new patients (I am unvaxed), & are you very expensive to see? π
dr.iqlia - Jun 5, 2023
you can email me atIQLIA@FLORIDACUPUNCTURE.COM. I am in Northern Florida. TTL Monica
Reply (1) - Jun 6, 2023
Curious Butterfly's Adventures
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Gary McCollom - Jun 6, 2023
Curious Butterfly's Adventures
I believe its more about the chemical reaction changing the properties of the chemicals involved. You use 2 different chemicals together, 28% Sodium Chlorite and 4% HCL acid which acts as an 'activator' that then changes the two chemicals into Chlorine Dioxide.
There is a place in Canada called realrawfood that sells the product but because of big harma and our government health agency being beholden to them its called water purification tablets.
Reply (1) - Jun 6, 2023
Curious Butterfly's Adventures
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Gary McCollom - Jun 7, 2023
Curious Butterfly's Adventures
You are welcome but know this friend that while this stuff is very safe there is much you need to know before diving in so you have a complete understanding of what your body is going through.
You need to get Jim Humbles book/ebook and read it before moving forward.
This is a tiny excerpt from one book to give you an example.
"Antidotes For Too Much MMS
If someone has taken a large dose of MMS and suffers from nausea,
it is possible that drinking a glass of cold water may handle the
nausea. If this does not work, add 1,000 to 5,000 mg of vitamin C
to a glass of water and drink. Sodium bicarbonate also acts as an
antidote. Use a level teaspoon of bicarbonate or take an Alka-Seltzer
tablet in a glass of water.
♦♦ If you use the vitamin C, do not also use the sodium bicarbonate
or Alka-Seltzer. Use either one, but not both.
While it is possible to drink as much as several tablespoons of
unactivated MMS straight from the bottle, doing so would make you
very sick. In the event of an overdose of MMS (sodium chlorite)—
you have consumed more than half a teaspoon of MMS—you should
immediately begin drinking as much water as possible. It is best to
add a half teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate to each glass of water
but if you don’t have it, don’t wait for it. Drink water right away.
Allow yourself to vomit after drinking the water, then repeat the
process. Be sure to see a doctor or emergency poison clinic and
explain that you have taken a sodium chlorite solution in excess.
Normally, however, once you quit vomiting, you should be OK.
Do Not Overdose
Whether you are treating yourself or someone else, too much
activated MMS will make the body react uncomfortably:
♦♦ Nausea
♦♦ Vomiting
♦♦ Diarrhea
♦♦ Severe fatigue
You may experience any or all of those reactions. They are normal
when you have taken too much MMS at one time. It has done its
job and killed pathogens but the body cannot dispose of the dead
pathogens quickly enough. Their presence in your body causes
these temporary reactions. A severe overdose of MMS could be lifethreatening.
Please see the Antidotes section above."
Reply (1) - Jun 8, 2023
Curious Butterfly's Adventures
Comment removed.
Gary McCollom - Jun 8, 2023
Not a good idea to jump right in so you made the right choice.
This link has his books and at the bottom is a link to purchase them, enjoy and plz read first but don't be scared by some of the warnings, they are to account for the stupid people.
Nostradamus X - Jun 5, 2023
Nostradamus X
Graphene oxide development was financed by the EU and NOKIA was chosen to lead the project. It was for the 5G/6G technologies. NOKIA gave up the development of smartphones because they plan to implant smartphones in Humans 2.0 (those created using injectable bioweapons since 2021) by 2030 according to NOKIA's CEO.
If you believe that I am exaggerating, search for Pekka Lundmark online.
Even worse, Clown Schwab admitted live that what is being marketed today as digital wearables are just the first step before the anticipated injectable smartphones (Chips)!
Listen to what he says below. To avoid a heart attack, ensure that you fasten your seat belt before starting the video...
ο WEF Clown Schwab 2016 Planned brain Chips by 2026 (2 minutes)
JamesDuff - Jun 5, 2023 - Edited
JamesDuff’s Newsletter
Why am I not surprised. Kinda suspecting it long ago in the beginning of this scam, a gentleman was in the Hotel lobby and he was on his tablet or laptop, but he was getting IP addresses in the lobby from people. Which made me think, damn they are turning everybody into an IP address and now it’s inside.
This is scary stuff!!
The shedding is also troubling.
Gossip that there will be a switch flicked and most
Vaxxed people will be idk “hackable animals”
Just like the boogey harari man said.
Reply (1) - Jun 5, 2023
Curious Butterfly's Adventures
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JamesDuff - Jun 5, 2023
JamesDuff’s Newsletter
One way is to simply leave phone at home. This might sound like going naked into the jungle, maybe more risk if a female vs male. When I can I leave cp.
It used to be that way b4 cp
Or BCP before cp
ACP after
What a great way for the spies to watch our every mood conversation banking
Romancing while we just carry our digital tracking devises everywhere.
Yet they are always surprised by mass shooters.
Question Everything - Jun 5, 2023
Question Everything
Interesting that they are using "blue light" to stimulate the response.
Reminds me of all the weird blue street lights that have "randomly" started to appear all over the country. The official reason is a "manufacturer defect" - state DOT's will eventually replace them. (OR you can make a report & provide ALL your personal details, contact info, etc - no thanks). No timeline how long it will take to replace them. It just seems very odd. Other people have speculated on what they think is going on, but I wonder if this is a possible link. Maybe its not really an accident...
FYI - I'm in FL and first noticed them a few months ago, in my neighborhood, and other places. Looked into it and found tons of articles reporting on it, in several states, including FL. It seems like the number of lights that turned from normal yellowy-white to blue overnight has def increased since I first noticed it too.
Reply (1) - Jun 6, 2023
Curious Butterfly's Adventures
Comment removed.
Question Everything - Jun 6, 2023
Question Everything
Yes, it sure is interesting - almost hard to believe at first, but then again, also not surprising how much it seems we've been lied to. Ive also read that incandescent light bulbs are actually better than LED/fluorescent. At this point, everything is questionable & up for debate.... hard to believe anyone still trusts their government.
Robert j Calandra - Jun 5, 2023
Robert’s Substack
the absolute best we can expect is in direct purportion to the types of Detox we stay on and how often we apply it?!! We can only hope to stay a few steps ahead of this shit!! and most people are not equipped emotionally, physically or financially to help themselves let alone believe and begin to address it?????I pray in moments always asking for God`s will for me and how I can understand that!?? the whole picture is frightening enough to make people stick their heads in a hole!!! and don`t think for a second these scumbags don`t know this and absolutely have a time table in place getting ready to strike!!! Even that sounds so diabolical its hard to believe??? I have had moments in my life very few where a cry rang out inside of me from such a deep desperate place and in the moments that followed I knew of God and felt absolutely cared for and loved!!! I pray all of us can find and feel those exact moments and know that we are God`s children and act accordingly in all our affairs!! The most beautiful words of all are the "St Francis Prayer"https://www.ewtn.com/catholicism/devotions/prayer-of-st-francis-837
Chris Jack - Jun 5, 2023
God and His Messiah will save those who truly belong to Him. Trust in Jesus the Messiah today. The battle has already been won in Christ’ death burial and resurrection.
Lisa Novakowski - Jun 5, 2023
Lisa’s Substack
This is also very scary and disturbing to me.
Tammi - Jun 5, 2023
Have you read their newest version? It’s even more unbelievable. Truth truly is stranger than fiction…https://horizons.gc.ca/en/2022/05/31/biodigital-today-and-tomorrow/
Lisa Novakowski - Jun 5, 2023
Lisa’s Substack
Lisa Novakowski - Jun 5, 2023
Lisa’s Substack
This is some crazy and intricate stuff. It is like science fiction turned into science fact. Heaven help us all.
Ronald D Norris - Jun 5, 2023
Ronald’s Substack
Dr Ana, can you experiment with EDTA mixed with DMSO as a topical agent? DMSO does not usually cause skin irritation if used at less than 80% concentration. I mix it with aloe and EDTA. I can't comment on effectiveness without heavy metal urine testing. I understand DMSO can dissolve some plastics too. Thanks
Angela Brooks-Reese - Jun 5, 2023
Have you found anything that can destroy these nanobots? Are they completely biological? I was thinking a strong magnetic exposure but it appears they are using gold, is there any other metal in it? Is there nothing that can destroy what they are putting in the body?
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