Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jun 05, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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For some people, the idea of mind control through synthetic biology, nano technology and artificial intelligence is just a bit much to conceive. My reporting on this hydrogel found in the blood does not quite make sense to them, since it sounds too much like science fiction.
Information and knowledge empowers us. This is why I would like to discuss this article from China. Note, if you stimulate and enhance the growth of neurons in the brain, you can program and control them. Hence you can mind control someone, by literally growing a parallel brain that takes over computing of thoughts. This is what I have discussed many times, but it is important that people see the science for themselves. This article discusses how hydrogel and graphene oxide (GO), both present in the current C19 shots, can be used to manipulate neurons. Sometimes my subscribers email me and say I explain it too complicated. I am translating what the scientists saying here simply.
Lets go through the article:
Here is the full link:
Injectable 2D flexible hydrogel sheets for optoelectrical/biochemical dual stimulation of neurons
Major challenges in developing implanted neural stimulation devices are the invasiveness, complexity, and cost of the implantation procedure. Here, we report an injectable, nanofibrous 2D flexible hydrogel sheet-based neural stimulation device that can be non-invasively implanted via syringe injection for optoelectrical and biochemical dual stimulation of neuron. Specifically, methacrylated gelatin (GelMA)/alginate hydrogel nanofibers were mechanically reinforced with a poly(lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) (PLCL) core by coaxial electrospinning. The lubricant hydrogel shell enabled not only injectability, but also facile incorporation of functional nanomaterials and bioactives. The nanofibers loaded with photocatatlytic g-C3N4/GO nanoparticles were capable of stimulating neural cells via blue light, with a significant 36.3 % enhancement in neurite extension. Meanwhile, the nerve growth factor (NGF) loaded nanofibers supported a sustained release of NGF with well-maintained function to biochemically stimulate neural differentiation. We have demonstrated the capability of an injectable, hydrogel nanofibrous, neural stimulation system to support neural stimulation both optoelectrically and biochemically, which represents crucial early steps in a larger effort to create a minimally invasive system for neural stimulation.
What they just said in this abstract is they can inject hydrogel that is loaded with graphene oxide nanoparticles and that can stimulate neurons. The hydrogel is loaded with a “brain fertilizer” that makes the neurons grow. They describe that they can chemically and optically make your brain cells grow according to their program. That means translated: HYDROGEL AND GRAPHENE OXIDE INJECTED CAN MIND CONTROL YOU.
3D printed scaffolds coated with conductive gold nanoparticles which upon 1 h of daily electrical stimulation for 5 differentiation days showed a 19-fold increase in neurite outgrowth [5]. The electrical stimulation on graphene coated electrospun fibers achieved unprecedented accelerated growth and the development of primary motor neurons.
Gold and GO makes neurons grow extremely fast.
Wireless electrical stimulation is desired to minimize the invasive procedure and the risk of infections. Particularly, optoelectrical stimulation through the use of photocatalysts or photovoltaics endows electrical wireless electrical stimulation with spatiotemporal precision. Among them, g-C3N4 (graphitic carbon nitride) as an intriguingly promising semiconductor photocatalyst working in the visible-light range has gained great attention. Combining with reduced graphene oxide (rGO) , g-C3N4 has been recently discovered to be able to wirelessly stimulate PC12 neural cell differentiation, where the blue-light stimulated cells on g-C3N4/rGO coated scaffolds showed a 2.6-fold longer neurites compared to nonstimulated cells
Wireless signals can via graphene oxide make neurons grow extremely fast and much longer then usual nerves. Spaciotemporal precision means they can target very specific time and place in the brain when this is injected. When they use wireless signals to the GO it can program the neurons to grow via blue light.
With a high surface-to-volume ratio, electrospun nanofibers resemble the extracellular matrix, and provide a 3D in vivo-like microenvironment. Protein adsorption can be enhanced by the ultrahigh surface area and provides increased number of binding sites for cell adhesion [9]. Electrospinning, as one of the most versatile nanofiber producing technologies, can produce a wide variety of nanofibers of polymers, biomacromolecules and supramolecules with facile incorporation of functional molecules with great quantitative control, through blending of solutions [10], chemical modifications [11], or coaxial electrospinning [12]. Coaxial electrospinning has been widely used for biomolecule loading
This means the hydrogel polymer nanofibers can mimic our natural physical environment on a cellular level, so molecules start binding to it as if it was real tissue. They can load the nanofibers with molecules with a mission ( could be a drug or a toxin or anything else they want to transport into your body).
Visible light stimulation was performed as reported by our group [7]. Briefly, cells were exposed for 30 min every 12 h under a 450 nm monochromatic blue lamp (OPT-450, Spectroline) while the differentiation of cells. Pulse light was applied with 1 s ON and 1 s OFF (square wave function).
The blue light at a specific pulse was stimulating the nerve growth.
The hydrogel nanofibers, that can grow to unlimited size, certainly look similar to what we have been seeing in the blood of individuals and in the C19 vials.
In the above schematic they show that weather they inject it or make us inhale it, it works just fine.
The complete knowledge of the interaction between the electrical stimulation effect and enhanced differentiation of neuron cells is still uncertain, and there are several hypotheses being discussed in an extensive review [2]: One of them is that the electrical stimulation may act as the intercellular calcium wave naturally produced by neuron cells via a cAMP pathway, to upregulate tubulin and GAP-43 genes [29]. Another hypothesis is that electrical stimulation enhances neurite outgrowth via mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK-p38), which would induce the upregulation of cAMP responsive element binding protein [30]. Other authors also suggested electrical stimulation may initiate and promote glutamate secretion and calcium release in Schwann cells , which may be associated with brain-derived neurotrophic factor and cAMP secretion.
Here the scientist discuss how the electrical stimulation works to affect neuron growth.
The image above shows how the hydrogel nanofibers made neurons grow.
Here, injectable sliding hydrogel nanofibers with binary neural stimulation functions, namely g-C3N4-based photocatalytic wireless optoelectrical stimulation and NGF biochemical stimulation, has been for the first time presented. The loading of the functional molecules had neglectable effect on nanofiber morphology and the hydrogel shell endowed injectability. All concentrations of loading tested in this study were biocompatible with PC12 cells and supported normal proliferation. Upon bi-daily visible light stimulation, the PLCL/GelMA/g-C3N4-GO nanofibers could enhance the neurite outgrowth of PC12 cells after 10 days' culture by 36.3 % to reach 123.7 μm (0.3 mg/ml loading), compared to the non-stimulated ones (90.7 μm).
After 10 days of stimulating the neurons the growth was increased by 36.3%. Imagine you had this injected into you, and in 10 days a parallel processing brain platform of artificial intelligence has grown. You would not know, because it would operate as if it was you. But it can be remote controlled and programmed.
What people think as science fiction is real. It is the technocratic transhumanist satanic agenda for absolute control of humanity.
Special thanks to Mark Steele for sending me this article.
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Michael Ginsburg - Jun 5, 2023
Actionable Truths & Actions
There is only one question that actually matters at this stage: how do we stop this?
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Hannahlehigh - Jun 5, 2023
I have a hard time reading your posts, they cause allot of stress. The crap that's being done to us is so crazy and demonic, its hard to wrap your head around it.
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