Humanity United Now Presents: Asymmetrical…

Jul 8, 2023

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Marcia K. - Jul 8, 2023 - Edited

Marcia K.

In this interview: Important point by Dr. Ana at minute 33 15 seconds. The injected person will continue to shed nanobots forever, not spike protein.


David - Jul 8, 2023 - Edited


The spike protein IS the nanobots. Check Karen Kingston's patent reviews. The spike protein is a cover for the nanobot internals.


Kamii Neko - Jul 8, 2023 - Edited

Not quite. Spike protein is AIDS prion disease and Hydrogel is nanotech.


dana ciancimino - Jul 8, 2023

That was probably the evil plan from conception.


dana ciancimino - Jul 8, 2023

Comment removed.


dana ciancimino - Jul 8, 2023

Insane, though powerful...idiots.
They WILL die.


Catherine☦️ - Jul 8, 2023

Rosalind McGill

This is why the world will end in fire this time. Fire is the only thing that can kill it.


Rosalind McGill - Jul 8, 2023

Rosalind McGill

& the wormwood in (?) 1/3 of the ocean,
wormwood is an anti parasitic


Catherine☦️ - Jul 8, 2023

Rosalind McGill

I have had many visions of the fiery end.
I'm always safely with Jesus, watching from a distance. There is a clear membrane that separates the garden we are in from the fires.


Rosalind McGill - Jul 8, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Thanks for sharing. I have experienced supernatural protection a couple times ( that I was aware of) and it’s quite amazing.


Paul Vonharnish - Jul 8, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Hello Marcia K. These injections are loaded weapons, period. The perpetrators need to be stopped. Fully... >
Act now: Sign our petition to convene a special grand jury to investigate the CDC’s conduct during COVID-19


Robert Valenta - Jul 8, 2023

RINO Hunters

Two of my favorite covid warrior doctors.


Helen P - Jul 8, 2023

Thank you gentle warriors….🙏🏻


JMarie.58 - Jul 8, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

Great work, powerful initiative! We must all do our part in this, keep sharing. Past time for humanity to awaken 🙏🏼


Celt - Jul 8, 2023

Great work!!! Stay the course!


Kerry - Jul 8, 2023

Bringing in the Light

Thank you for your passion and determination. When I saw your interview with Elsa on the Truth Summit it felt like a penny dropped, a call to action. Your information and what Karen Kingston shares tells us of a story beneath a layer of narratives designed to mislead humanity while it is being attacked. Added to this my new awareness of Geoengineering and Transhumanism from Elana Freeland and now what I have heard some aware people say in the past is making sense. Things that I thought came from greed and stupidity turn out to be part of a very deliberate plan. That has been going on for hundreds of years. The idea could be overwhelming for some but I find myself lifted up. Know your enemy and you can find that which will defeat that enemy and heal your wounded. We can each do our part. I plan to begin a weekly ritual to bring more light into this earthly plane and to build that energy of light. It will begin and end with the same invocation every time and will be precisely directed to support the forces of Light to prevail against the Darkness. This is the Spiritual Technology that has been forgotten by so many but which has lost none of it's power to transform and heal. Thank you for the call to action and thank you for all the guidance on how we can stay human. Your work is incredibly important to the fate of humanity! (-:


Unagnu - Jul 8, 2023


Sun salutations morning and pm....


Brent Erskine - Jul 8, 2023

FMRVR’s Newsletter

Everyone needs to check your blood with LBA (Live Blood Analysis). I have been doing this since Dec 2022 and I have found everything Dr. Ana talks about (every month for 4 months) ... it also goes away but then comes back etc ... it is extremely dangerous.
To imagine how bad it is is one thing, to look at it growing in your own blood (I suggest) will motivate you to FIGHT FOR YOUR SURVIVAL, AND YOUR OWN LIFE. How about the innocent human children, if you won't fight for yourself? God Bless you all.


Leon - Jul 8, 2023

Hi, FMRVR; Can you elaborate a little. Do you perform LBA by yourself & if you do, what microscope would you recommend? Thanks.


Marty - Jul 9, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

Goes away as a result of some treatment, or just by lack of exposure to shedding ? Definitely dangerous and a matter of life and death. God bless you.


David - Jul 8, 2023


The most awesome title ever!


Marcia K. - Jul 9, 2023

Marcia K.

At minute 49, Dr. Ana mentions Dr. David Nixon's work with hydrosol gold or colloidal gold. The micro chips dissolved under the microscope when exposed to the gold.


Marty - Jul 9, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

Yes, this miracle has even been recorded:


Kamii Neko - Jul 8, 2023

39:22 is the question I’ve been wanting to know the answer to. I think the answer is that the truth is too horrendous to face and they’re scared.


Rosalind McGill - Jul 8, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Thanks for interviewing , looking forward to seeing.
& thanks for the reminder about ai not being spontaneous. A wonderful human trait!


SoCalGal - Jul 8, 2023

Marcia K.

Can’t view video. Says it’s private and restricted


Marcia K. - Jul 8, 2023

Marcia K.

This link worked for me.


SoCalGal - Jul 8, 2023

It works! Thank you!


RANGER71 - Jul 8, 2023


The link and video aren’t ready check tomorrow or try later the rumble app says video not available I’m guessing still updating ?


Brent Erskine - Jul 26, 2023

FMRVR’s Newsletter

Sorry about the delay ... CIA kicked me offline again. The LBA is the only tool to let you visualize what is happening to your blood. First, I had nanobots, then I had huge metals come out, then I had parasites. In another couple of weeks, hopefully nothing. One tip I learned is to get your EDTA therapy in the AM, *THEN* get your LBA analysis, so you will see all the metals drawn into your blood from the EDTA (see your blood at its worst), to guide treatments. Always do treatment first, then LBA second (right after) to see new results.


Brent Erskine - Jul 13, 2023

FMRVR’s Newsletter

I am using a naturopath who has done LBA for over 30 years ... she has 3 microscopes but I didn't ask the brand, I just know its BrightField. I have seen the nanobots in my blood, then destroyed them with EDTA, then I saw the heavy metals toxify my Red Blood Cells - more EDTA, then I saw (synthetic biology?) parasites hatch more EDTA, then I have been using Ivermectin and HQQ. Also now I'm using Cl02, but I am very concerned after studying the CDB papers of Carnicom ... it seems they are designed to grow inside you forever. Treatment is biweekly


Harold Saive - Jul 8, 2023

News Paradigm

GET READY FOR SMART WATER - Are They Putting Graphene Oxide in the Water Supply?
SMART WATER Becomes Magnetic With Applied Electrical Current?


Mark Kelley - Jul 8, 2023

Mark’s Substack

The Grand Jury information is excellent. Citing the 10 th Amendment is smart, as well future use of The Declaration of Independence. Note: don’t let anyone say you are a person. That word has been mutated to also be a corporate entity, possibly even AI ( artificial intelligence). We are Natural Individuals.



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