Humanity United Now Presents: Asymmetrical Resistance For Asymmetrical Warfare - Dr. Ana Mihalcea Interviews Dr. Joseph Sansone

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 08, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Asymmetrical Resistance: Dr. Ana Mihalcea Interviews Dr. Joseph Sansone

In this interview, I speak with Joseph Sansone, PhD about the Ban the Shots Initiative and the National American Renaissance Movement . Dr. Sansone explains the significance of this fight for Truth and the potential larger ramifications - as more people are becoming aware of this existential threat of the C19 injections despite the censorship. I am honored that my research on nanotechnology and synthetic biology has been used for all of these initiatives. This is what the compilation of this information is intended for - to provide actionable legal evidence of Crimes against Humanity.

Please subscribe to his substack. This is where the work is leading to:

Dr. Sansone is my kind of a warrior. He was fighting for the Ban the Shots resolutions while undergoing open heart surgery and fighting for his own life in his challenging recovery. He is a kindred spirit that I resonate with. He rightfully asks: “If we all have to die sometime, how well are we going to live and what impact on humanity will our legacy have?”

By now some people have understood that the deep state is following the instructions of the Artificial Intelligence Supercomputer, the “Demi Urge” Dr Giordano from Georgetown University was speaking of raising.

Did you know that AI Quantum Supercomputer cannot adequately predict a divine mind? Imagine someone who is going totally rogue, meaning totally Genius. They are not afraid of death, not afraid to live their truth, they love, are creative and are inspired by the Divine. They live in the Now, in which all potentials simultaneously exist.

The computation of predictive outcome is going into complete error mode. AI cannot imagine, cannot dream, cannot love, cannot move mountains for a cause greater than itself, does not have indominable will and passion. Imagine if we awake the sleeping Giant of American rogue Patriots. It is Check Mate for AI.

Don’t miss our interview and stay tuned. Never underestimate determined warriors. Adversity beats us down and we get back up stronger.

Its just who we are.

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Marcia K. - Jul 8, 2023

Marcia K.

In this interview: Important point by Dr. Ana at minute 33 15 seconds. The injected person will continue to shed nanobots forever, not spike protein.

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Robert Valenta - Jul 8, 2023

RINO Hunters

Two of my favorite covid warrior doctors.

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