Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New…

Nov 2, 2024

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Human Augmentation


P. Brooks McGinnis - Nov 2

P.’s Substack

Got new physical, mental or emotional health problems that no medical doctor can seem to solve? You must have one of those brand new “syndromes” that suddenly appeared on the “market” since Trump, Covid, and the clot shots hit the scene.
Are you absolutely mind-locked into voting for more communism in America? You must be suffering from TDS. Are you feeling sick in the head because millions of Republicans and Conservatives won’t give all their money to rich, white elitists who are trying to save the world from crazy storms and the sun’s ever-increasing heat? You’ve been indoctrinated by the Climate Change Cult and you are suffering from a syndrome called CCS.
Ever since you got “vaccinated” for Covid-19 Wuhan virus, have you noticed that your heart feels like it’s about to explode every time you exercise? You are suffering from Spike Protein Syndrome, where billions of tiny nanoparticle “proteins” join together to form fibrous white clots in your vascular system, putting a severe strain on your heart. Your medical quack is not allowed to tell you this.
Did you catch Covid and somehow, months or years later, you’re still suffering from the “after-effects” of it, like ringing in your ears, sciatica, chronic inflammation, irregular heartbeats, myocarditis, pericarditis, brain fog and lethargy? You’ve got “Long Covid,” which means you got the Covid vaccine, and it has royally screwed up your body systems, but Big Pharma told all the medical doctors to call it “Long Covid.”
Here are the 12 new syndromes created by Big Brother and Big Pharma that you’ve been lied to about repeatedly and told there’s no cure
#1. Trump Derangement Syndrome
#2. Spike Protein Syndrome
#3. Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome – in Children (MIS-C) or Adults (MIS-A) - another cover story for health trauma caused by Covid mRNA clot shots
#4. Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SADS)
#5. Cardiovascular Kidney Metabolic Syndrome (CKM) – another cover story for health detriment caused by Covid clot shots
#6. VEXAS Inflammatory Syndrome
#7. Social Media Brainwash Syndrome (SMBS)
#8. Long-Covid Syndrome (“Post-Covid-Vaccine Syndrome” a.k.a. “Long-Vax Syndrome”)
#9. Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)
#10. MDA5-Autoimmune Syndrome
#11. Climate Change Syndrome (CCS)
#12. Shaken Baby Syndrome or “SIDS” (really just vaccine damage)
Oh, yes they did. Big Pharma has renamed Covid clot shot syndrome and called it MIS-C for children and MIS-A for adults. Multisystem inflammatory syndrome is a group of symptoms linked to swollen organs and tissues often resulting in hospitalization of the victim. Big Pharma claims it’s linked to Covid-19, but mountains of research show the spike protein clot shots cause all of these symptoms and exacerbate them with booster shots. First “detected” when the clot shot rollout began, “experts” are still studying the cause of MIS risk factors, where blood vessels and the digestive system become irritated by the spike prions created due to mRNA injections.
Another new syndrome that hit the masses when the populace began getting mass-vaccinated with Fauci Flu shots is called SADS, or Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome, where the microscopic nanoparticles called “spike proteins” form clots in the vascular system and can suddenly kill even the healthiest of folks, including athletes, teens, kids and infants. It’s another name for a heart attack caused by the clot shots, but of course, no pharma hucksters (MDs) can say this, or they’ll lose their medical license immediately.
As more young Americans are eating junk-science food regularly and getting Covid clot shots, the American Heart Association is making up new medical “conditions” and “syndromes” as cover stories. The new CKM, cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic syndrome, is a perfect example. Obese children are already on the verge of full-blown diabetes and heart disease, so once they get the mRNA gene mutation spike proteins swimming around throughout their vascular systems, they are almost doomed to suffer worse outcomes as their vital cleansing organs get invaded by the novel protein prions.
The medical industrial complex loves running expensive diagnostics on these kids, charging an arm and a leg to figure out they’re suffering from heart failure, kidney disease and liver toxicity. Surprise, surprise.
Got VEXAS? That’s just clot shot syndrome under a NIH-given name
Have you heard of VEXAS? No, it’s not a vaccine from Texas. When Covid was released into the populace, a team of NIH researchers suddenly reported the “discovery of a rare and often-deadly inflammatory disorder” called VEXAS (how it’s often deadly but still new is an oxymoron in itself). People affected by VEXAS have the exact symptoms they were all about to get from the Covid clot shots, including rashes, blood clots and shortness of breath. How interestingly coincidental that this preempted the vaccine holocaust. NIH blamed all kinds of genetic mutations and X-chromosomes and, well, you know the narrative. They should just call it mRNA syndrome.
After getting a deadly Covid jab, or two, or three (especially “boosters”), most people experience long-lasting side effects of inflammation, brain fog, shortness of breath, lethargy and irregular heartbeats. Plus, they STILL caught Covid-19 and/or the variants that followed. This helped medical doctors “diagnose” their side effects from the mRNA jabs as symptoms of “Long Covid” or “post-Covid-19 syndrome” or “long-haul Covid” or even “post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC). Using acronyms helps the brainwashed allopathic masses believe it’s true because it’s easy to remember so they can tell their family and friends all about it.
But Big Pharma and the medical hucksters didn’t stop there. They were even so bold as to blame Wuhan virus for causing heart disease, mood disorders, anxiety, strokes, blood clots, fibromyalgia, diabetes and cancer. Bill Gates and Fauci really did a number on everyone this time around. What mild virus ever caused all of that before?
Ever heard of POTS? This new evidence-based diagnosis is for everyone who has pre-existing conditions, then gets a Covid mRNA stab, and experiences horrific outcomes from the spike proteins spreading throughout their vascular system, polluting cleansing organs and exacerbating all their health problems, including their heart muscle swelling up because it’s straining to pump blood past all the nanoparticle spike prion clots. POTS stands for postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, and it was revealed by a peer-reviewed study conducted by the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai and published in the journal Heart Rhythm.
If you got an mRNA stab, you may be diagnosed now with a NEW autoimmune syndrome that can cause life-threatening lung disease dubbed “MDA5-autoimmunity and interstitial pneumonitis contemporaneous, or MIP-C for short. Your lungs can end up so scarred and stiff that the only way to be saved from death is to get a full lung transplant. This most likely happens because virus-mimicking spike proteins travel from the injection site to the lungs, and the immune system identifies them as toxic foreign pathogens (even though your own cells have been tricked into producing them by the millions), and attacks them, thus destroying lung tissue. Simple as that.
Lastly, social media has been developed into a weapon of mass destruction, as it brainwashes people, especially kids, teens and young adults, into hating themselves, their country, their own gender, and of course, Donald J. Trump. Social media algorithms are designed to show only content that supports this hate narrative. It has helped lead to assassination attempts on Trump, gender-bender mutilation surgery, created millions of climate change cult members, and a general dysphoria that feeds communism in America, which may never come undone.
BookmarkVaccines.newsto your favorite independent websites for updates on Long-Vax-Syndrome and lots of other syndromes caused by the mRNA stabs that are being blamed on Covid-19.


CoS - Nov 2


Nice article.
No matter how horrendous, once it's given a title/name it becomes accepted as normal.


Robert - Nov 3

Robert’s Substack

Well, you summed that up nicely. Never was meant to heal anything; quite the contrary. Georgia Guidelines state clearly the objectives. They used the informed consent principle, meaning, We told you what we were going to do, and you didn't protest, so that means you tacitly agree. Unfortunately, most people were not truly informed, and in fact did not even know abou this plan, so they were in fact NOT properly informed. Also, the idea is so preposterous, who would have believed it? Well, it's in full play, and the vaccines are but one aspect. Fentanyl, riots and fighting, starvation, lack of water, etc, are all tactics in place. Mr Zucker paid for deadly vaccination injections for over 100,000 deer and other wildlife, and of course those injections will be fatal, just as the human ones are. Must detox now, all.
Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea, substack
Karen Kingston, "
Michael Yon "
Prepare supplies and bugout bag now. Prepare for cutoff of utilities. Likely long term. Likely disturbances during/after election. Prepare to defend possible aggression illegals to be released. Pole shift imminent
Yowusa dot com
We will have help, but must prepare.


240Gordie - Nov 4

Bug out where?


Robert - Nov 4

Robert’s Substack

Excellent points. Re the bugout bag, just meaning to prepare a bag with the necessities you might need in the event of any kind of natural or unnatural disaster. Say the power goes out, tornado, hurricane, flood, high winds, earthquake, etc. It would be wise to have a crank flashlight, eatables that don't require preparation, and if stores close and gas stations can't get delivery, have a hand warmer, or extra socks for wet feet, backup charger, possibly crank, for phone. Think of the people in North Carolina recently. Obviously, if you're riding your house down the river, there are bigger problems, but for the majority of those affected, there was no food or water for days, though surrounded by water. Bugout bag item # 1; portable water filter, with permanent filter that can be cleaned and reused. Meds, band aids, etc. we're seeing more of these types of events; Puerto Rico. Now 4 times in last couple years, Florida, 1 right after the other recently.
Detox is another huge issue; you are correct. Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea, Karen Kingston, Carnicom Institute, the stew peters show. Where did this originate? Fentanyl origin? Blood Money, by Peter Schweizer.


P. Brooks McGinnis - Nov 4

P.’s Substack

All good points. I am going to have to go it here at home, too old now to bug out effectively. I have lived an active and interesting long life :) Which does not mean I want that long life to end. Water is the very essenctaul part of any survival opperation. Heat and shelture with good food next. At least 50% of the food in stores are manufactured to slow you down


Dennis O'Neill - Nov 3

Dennis O'Neill

I has thousands of dollars per quarter from GlaxoSmithKline to use to bribe, and brainwash physicians so I know first-hand how sleazy the medical-industrial complex is. Big Pharm does create some truly life-saving products, and there are aspects of our medical system in the U.S. that are quite good, but it's also the most expensive, most corrupt system in the world, and on a per capita cost per positive outcome basis, it's also the worst in the world too.


Robert - Nov 4

Robert’s Substack

Sorry for previous msg repeat from same site by Dr Ana. Just not enough time in a day to take care of things, rushing and overlooked.


P. Brooks McGinnis - Nov 4

P.’s Substack

I can melt into BLM land here if need be. I can be very hard to find or stop up there. That is not anytype of solution or way of life for me. 30 years ago or even 10 years ago that might have been my go to.


P. Brooks McGinnis - Nov 4

P.’s Substack

What I have done is De-banked myself. I own only privacy crypto coins that can not be counterfieted. I own some silver and will get more in the next 6 months as my very, very cheap privacy coins are discovered by an awakening population. The fiat banking system is coming down and they have been printing money out of thin air for over 110 years now. These are criminal; very, very rich criminals. They also have gone global and own many countries including America. There will be massive pain as this happens.


P. Brooks McGinnis - Nov 4

P.’s Substack

What is Inflation-Professor Wollf
All War is Evil. No More War
The Bankers Plan for All of Us
All War is Evil. No More War
What You should Know about the Federal Reserve by Peter Shift
No More War. Peace & Liberty Not War. No More War.
The Federal Reserve is a Criminal Organization Owned by Evil World Elite
No More War. No More War. No More War. No More War.
All War is Evil. No More War
Stop Paying Income Taxes
"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is King
Ron Paul & the Federal Reserve
All Wars are Evil
Liberty & Freedom or the Federal Reserve?
All wars are Banker Wars.
Crooks Control the Federal Reserve
All wars are Banker Wars.
All Wars are Bankers Wars'-Wars:f'-Wars:f
All War is Evil. No More War
All War is Evil. No More War.
Stop Paying Income Taxes.
All War is Evil. No More War.
Stop Paying Income Taxes.
All War is Evil. No More War
Stop Paying Income Taxes
"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is King
Money & the Future
All War is Evil. No More War
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"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is King
The Coming Depression 2025-2045
All War is Evil. No More War
Stop Paying Income Taxes
"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is KingJust Print More Paper Dollars a Cheap & Easy Fix
All War is Evil. No More War
Stop Paying Income Taxes
"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is King
All War is Evil. No More War
Stop Paying Income Taxes
"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is King
Federal Reserve; Definition
All War is Evil. No More War
Stop Paying Income Taxes
"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is King
Banks are Teetering 12-1-23
All War is Evil. No More War
Stop Paying Income Taxes
"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is King
All War is Evil. No More War
Stop Paying Income Taxes
"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is King
Weather, Bitcoin & Control
All War is Evil. No More War
Stop Paying Income Taxes
"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is King
Money is a social contract
This video is a must watch; will affect you and is less then 10 Minutes:
“…[T]he powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank…sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.”
Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, p. 324 (MacMillan Co. 1966).
All War is Evil. No More War
Stop Paying Income Taxes
"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is King


P. Brooks McGinnis - Nov 2

P.’s Substack

I do not even have a tattoo and it is amazing I do not. In the Army we would get drunk and go to the tattoo parlor and pick something as a group. When I had more muscles I dreamed of a scantly clad hula gal on my inside forearm who would dance when I was contemplating things just for me :) So there you go I made it all the way to way too above normal male lifespan and still am not augmentation enhanced. All the rest of the current augmentations do not appeal to me at all. I was made in god's image and I am happy with that thought.


Dennis O'Neill - Nov 2

Dennis O'Neill

Good because tattoos come with an increased risk of lymphoma as found in a good study out of Sweden recently.


DawnieR - Nov 2


I really DO wish that people would STOP repeating the lie......
the LIE that we CAME FROM 'monkeys'.
As a matter of fact, they.....CAME FROM US!
STOP REPEATING the LIE that HUMANS are 'animals'.
We are NOT part of the 'Animal Kingdom'.
These are just TWO ways (the above mentioned LIES), of many, that enable 'THEM' to convince YOU to BE SLAVES for 'THEM' to use as 'THEY' see fit!


240Gordie - Nov 4


We may not be part of the Animal Kingdom but "They" are. For the first time ever Animals have declared open season on people, instead of the other way around.


DawnieR - Nov 4


What a horrible thing to say. That is disrespecting ANIMALS.
What Humans DO share with Animals, is that we are OF GOD.
And Animals are sacred beings; to be respected and cherished.
As Humans are; this is what we do share with Animals.
The Globalists, and their MINIONS, are DEMONS; demons are neither Human or Animal.
These DEMONS HATE Humans.
These DEMONS HATE Animals.
In other words.....DEMONS HATE ALL LIFE!


240Gordie - Nov 4


My mistake. You're right, "They" are not Animals, "They" are Demons. Animals would never hate all life but Demons would, and do.


DawnieR - Nov 4


LOL :)


Marten - Nov 3

Marten’s Substack

We've become normalized to the stench of decay


DawnieR - Nov 3




Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Nov 2 - Edited

Ray’s Newsletter

Never wore a muzzle, accepted a "test," or (sooner-or-later-lethal injection, but still nearly died last year:
Turning humans into synthetic beings seems to have started in the early 1960s. The links to my discoveries are in the article in the link provided.
There is nothing new about this...
Of course, there are so many alternatives to "vaccines" that the injections are mostly moot (although I refrain from seeing a dentist):


Margie Chism - Nov 2

Margie Chism

It's ugly and stupid ■ as an Artist, I can only imagine what type of person would work toward such a project; it's like they are such a failure they have to cripple others to just walk to the bathroom. It is control at the devaluation of another. Like the shovel rule, "The one that digs the pit for another is actually the one whom falls in it!" Bye, bye; these are those I will [n]ot open the door and welcome, "they carry a 'different' Gospel." Happy Sabbath. M


Bos Zem - Nov 2

Robo Cop the movie was nothing more than predictive programming of the plan for humanity from the morbidly rich. This will not be good for humanity in the least!!!!


Kim - Nov 2 - Edited


Did I miss something??
I don't remember anybody asking me about this, do you?
Hmmm...maybe I was absent that day!


CoS - Nov 2


I like to think jurisdiction has something to do with it.


AKcidentalwriter - Nov 2 - Edited

Cultural Philosophical Fireworks

If folks wish to keep discounting all of this then it is not much can be done. If folks think 2020 was a virus and still a virus then it is not much that can be done for them. The world has changed whether we like it or not! There are certain elements who just see you as an extraction point. Folks who still do not want to confront that it is not much that can be done. Folks are not waking up they are still sleeping in my greater assessment because if they awakening there would be much more talk and protest going on. They would have made demands from the presidential candidates. they have not. So I am not confident.


CoS - Nov 2 - Edited


'Folks are not waking up they are still sleeping in my greater assessment'
I used to think and hear back in 2020, "when people wake up there are going to be riots in the streets, and anger and assassinations", hmm well it did not happen. The push, peak and withdrawal is very calculated.


Kim - Nov 2 - Edited


I think this is just more evidence that people's minds have been altered. It is not a normal response.


CoS - Nov 3 - Edited


A bit of a macabre thing to be doing, and because I go it alone, I am always working on defining and recognizing, when interacting, the traits of transitioned and changing humans, basically to stay clear of them.
It's a strange thing to be doing, but the 'herd' has always been dangerous.


Kim - Nov 3 - Edited


I tend to agree with you. It does seem a little "unusual," but I don't think it is a bad thing. I think that you almost have to do that nowadays, with everyone being so crazy and everything. I don't even think you have to try that hard to be able to tell when someone is just...not quite there.
My first indication is that they take everything you say in jest (you know, when you're just kidding around and keeping things light) with offense. Like they don't find what you're saying funny at all. They can't relate. It's like they take it personally. That's weird, I think. And maybe one sign of someone not being quite there.
And then there is the "glazed over" empty look in their eyes, like they're looking right through you. That's weird, too.
And then, they're "flat." No emotion.
Am I being overly sensitive here, or do you sometimes get the same feelings?


CoS - Nov 3


Yes, people lost depth some time ago, shallow and living on the surface is safe, simple and all that is required for a robitic existence.
I use my kin as a baseline, where zero care is given when choosing to take medication, reading labels and direct injection, but special attention is used to select what fuel to fill their car with, and sadly an umbilical link to 'devices' which is a subtle high priority.
Weather talk, extremely pale skin (low iron being sucked up by the nano), iron infusions, fake emotions, lack of sympathy, empathy and care in conversations which should normally bring on tears of sadness or happiness.
I think I am repeating your findings, but it is important we notice and understand, we could be the last of our kind.


Kim - Nov 4


Well, just reading what you are writing is doing wonders for me! It is so good knowing that I am not the only one who feels this way....and who can actually SEE it!
And I have a feeling that it is only going to get worse. I have already come to the realization that I am on my own in this and it is going to be really hard to watch when there is nothing I can do about it.


Kim - Nov 2


I agree. Everyone SHOULD be outraged...long before now!


Grasshopper Kaplan - Nov 2

Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…

This is so great, instead of going to jail if when they don't like my phrase, To Impeach is Patriotic, which means tis okay to question things, they can just shut me off. But no one ever had turned me on, I never lived my life. Now we are all doomed, God help us.
So great to know , this explains why they don't bother with democracy, the demoRats won long ago.... Womanity is fallen


Maui Carrie - Nov 3

Maui Carrie

Wow! Sounds eerily similar to a video in The Master's Voice Prophecy Blog. I pray Jesus comes quickly. The way they're poisoning us in the air, water, food, quackzines, media etc. we don't stand a chance to come out of this. No wonder the Bible says something like God had to shorten the days or no real humans would be left.


kaal - Nov 3




FreedomFighter - Nov 3


"According to the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), genetic modification could be used to create super soldiers who ‘kill without mercy, do not get tired, do not show fear and behave more like a machine than a human’."
Are these the soldiers that will be sent out under the new directive which allows the military to fire at US civilians? This might be a good time to find some armor piercing ammo for your AR.


Kim - Nov 3 - Edited


Here is a talk by James Giordano (in it he mentions that it is the year 2020, but the article's date is Oct. 31, 2024) explaining exactly what is being discussed in this paper on human augmentation in military operations. But, he also mentions dual-use. It is like he is reading from a script. He doesn't even seem real. The 75 minute video is at the bottom of the Substack.
It is called:
"Dr James Giordano: Battlescape Brain - Military and Intelligence Use of Neurocognitive Science"


kaal - Nov 3


search nanoscalar sensing[from that article] - looks 2 b about quantum. quantum nanoscience- nature nanotechnature.comnanoscale electric sensing and imaging based on


kaal - Nov 3




kaal - Nov 4


nanoscale devices that measure physical qualities and convert these 2 signals that can be detected and analyzed.


kaal - Nov 3


typed plasmonic NANOSENSORS------- ieee- into duck duck go- there it is-


kaal - Nov 4


intrabody optical channeling modeling 4 in vivo wireless nanosensor networks-ieeeexplore.comJosep jornet[associate of Ian akilldeez]


kaal - Nov 4


routing protocols 4 wireless nanosensor networks and internet of scroll down to see the healthcare provider!!!!!!


kaal - Nov 4


4 anyone w tech knowledge this explains alot- incl Mac address!!! all the details - spelled out-----/


Dennis O'Neill - Nov 2

Dennis O'Neill

The Fascist/Marxist security state is run by very evil socio-psychopathic criminals who have ZERO moral fiber anywhere in their heart-mind-spirit-soul except perhaps in some very, very miniscule, severely attenuated form in some undiscovered part of their unconscious. They co-opt seemingly decent people, as they did most of the medical profession, for example, which like good little robots injected for big money modRNA bioweapons into their patients or, if their patients were admitted to hospital with covid, sedated, intubated, and murdered them because they were paid big money to do so. The good news is the socio-psychopaths lose, they always do in the long run, but they'll make life miserable for us while they reign. Prayer is one of the most effective things we can all do to fight the massive, seemingly amorphous blob of dark, evil trying to snuff out humanity.


Mr . Ma - Nov 2


thx 🙃🙃🙃🤗🤗🤗😘😘😘😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰


p. mule - Nov 2

I am saddened when many of us now have so limited financial means and you pull thre rug on sharing your knowledge for the financially privileged.


Bruce Cain - Nov 2

Bruce’s Newsletter

Sorry don't want to be augmented or diminished. Which is why I'm voting Trump. LOL
Share widely. Updated (11/01/2024). Hopefully my concerns about a stolen election will turn out to be false and Trump will win in November. We will find out on November 5th, 2024. But there is no doubt that the irregularities I have uncovered could very well steal the election for Kamala Harris and allow their globalist agenda to continue. But unlike 2020 I don't think a Harris win will be seen as legitimate and it could lead to a 2nd American Revolution. I have talked to many people that are saying exactly that. Regardless of the outcome it is clear that our Federal election system is flawed and is in need of reform. I would go beyond the SAVE Act and verify the legal status of all voters throughout the United States. I would remove all of those ineligible or deceased. I would also insure that only one ballot would be allowed for each voter ID which is supposed to represent one voter. In Michigan one voter, with one voter ID, was allowed to turn in 29 ballots. That should never happen. It is a sad fact that the federal government has already denied states to access the SAVE program in order to remove ineligible voters. I would also get rid of all electronic voting machines (e.g., Dominion voting machines) and exclusively rely on paper ballot. This should not be a bipartisan issue. Finally there is the globalist agenda: digital ID, digital currency, censorship of free speech, forced transition to EV's etc. I don't entirely trust Trump but Biden, Harris and the Democrat party are hard core globalists and they support all of these policies. The Open Border's policy, of the Biden-Harris administration, is also being pushed by the UN, WEF, WHO and other globalist organizations.
How the Democrats intend to steal the 2024 election from Trump
The Biden-Harris Administration is paving the way for Illegal Aliens to vote



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