Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 02, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Todd Callender just mentioned this publication of the UK Defense Department in my interview with him. It closely mirrors the many US documents I have previously discussed showing that Human Augmentation has been persued in the military sphere.
Here are many previous documents I have written about:
Brain Computer Interfaces: US Military Applications and Implications
Cyborg Soldier 2050: Human/Machine Fusion and the Implications for the Future of the DOD
How Nanotechnologies Are Shaping The Future Of Warfare (Nanowerk)
This British document is very much in line with the concepts already posted previously. The human is degraded into a platform that can be hacked at will.
“Thinking of the person as a platform and understanding our people at an individual level is fundamental to successful human augmentation.”
It shows that there are technologies that could be integrated today with manageable policy considerations. The most transformative technologies (for example, genetics and brain interfaces ) currently sit at a low level of technological maturity but we must be prepared for this to change quickly. Bioinformatics and collection and analytics (encompassing sensors, artificial intelligence-enabled processing) are particularly important enablers for other human augmentation technologies and warrant focused research and development attention.
We cannot wait for the ethics of human augmentation to be decided for us, we must be part of the conversation now. The ethical implications are significant but not insurmountable; early and regular engagement will be essential to remain at the forefront of this field. Ethical perspectives on human augmentation will change and this could happen quickly. There may be a moral obligation to augment people, particularly in cases where it promotes well-being or protects us from novel threats. It could be argued that treatments involving novel vaccination processes and gene and cell therapies are examples of human augmentation already in the pipeline.
As we were able to read in Cyborg Soldier 2050 - the dual use application of life sciences - meaning the weaponization of healthcare - is key to the overall development of the Cyborg warfare technologies. A close relationship of military with the health care sector is needed. Have we not seen this in the deployment of the COVID19 weapon of mass destruction called a “vaccine”?
Human augmentation is our first insight of what lies beyond today’s Information Age – the coming of the Biotech age. The Biotech age will see focus on the human grow. No longer will it be adequate to regard people merely as the means to operate the machine. The interdisciplinary nature of human augmentation will render our current Industrial Age model of Defence ineffective. Defence must consider how it reorganises to meet a future that will demand a human-centric approach to warfare where the person is armed with the capabilities to integrate fully into a single platform. Human augmentation is bringing about a securitisation of the life sciences. Defence will need to develop a more effective relationship with those who work in the life sciences as the dual-use nature of emerging human augmentation technologies becomes clear. Governments will need to work with the scientific community to establish a framework that safeguards and supports national security whilst supporting collaboration.
What is called rehabilitation technologies are key to creating the warfare applications of Cyborg soldiers. This ranges from bionic prostetics to brain computer interface. In other words, AI will be making warfare decisions through a human brain that can be downloaded with information. The only question is - who programs the AI?
Human augmentation will play a key role in reducing the risk of cognitive overload as warfare becomes faster, more complex and more congested. Bioinformatics are likely to play a key role in identifying commanders and staff with the right cognitive and adaptive potential for command and control roles. Brain interfaces linked to machine learning algorithms have the potential to rapidly accelerate the speed and quality of decision-making. Today’s rehabilitation tools: tomorrow’s enhancements – physical and mental rehabilitation may, in the near term, prove to be the front line of human augmentation in Defence. Advanced prosthetics to rehabilitate wounded personnel represent the cutting edge of robotics and the latest neurostimulation devices and pharmaceuticals have been used to treat post-traumatic stress disorder. Further development of these treatments will not only help to rehabilitate injured personnel, but they could also pave the way for future enhancement
In the image below you can see how the nanorobots in people’s brain are the receivers for AI control via 5G/ 6G frequency Grid. One image says it all:
The rich elites are driving much of the biotech life extension research and are shaping its military application through this pathway. Remember as Ray Kurzweil described, the goal is transhumanism and eventually the post human era.
There is a growing sense that we are moving towards a frontier of unprecedented opportunity to improve humanity, which means we can do more. The fields of biomedicine, neuroscience, synthetic biology, computation, material technology, biomechatronics and social sciences have developed at pace to make possible what used to be the preserve of science fiction. Notwithstanding significant ethical and legal challenges, the science behind these technologies has been proven and cannot be undone. The origin of many augmentation ideas of applications lies in the health care sector. Large technology and pharmaceutical corporations see the economic opportunity in human augmentation and are investing heavily in these technologies and rich elites are also investing huge sums to develop life extension technologies. These efforts will drive human augmentation development, making it more accessible. The key question is how societies will embrace it and adopt it and for what purpose.
Here we find the polymer threads and brain electrodes:
is the term given to those areas of science and engineering where phenomena that take place at the scale of individual atoms (dimensions in the nanometre scale) are used in the design, production and application of materials, structures, devices and systems. While there have been advances in some niche areas, overall progress has been slower than expected. This is principally due to concerns about the harmful effects of nanoparticles accidentally released into the environment and the siloed nature of science and engineering.19 Safety concerns is, however, likely to accelerate progress. Nanotechnological systems have significant potential for human augmentation technologies, for example, the use of energy or chemical transducing nanoparticles to enhance sensors or the production of bespoke surfaces that act as a neural interface for implants. Nano-systems have the potential to reduce the size of many human augmentation-related components. Longer-term possibilities include replacing organs with functionally equivalent or better systems, as well as adding new capacities, such as nano-blood.
Artificial intelligence
is perhaps the biggest technological wildcard. It is extremely likely that even current machine learning techniques will have a transformative effect on many areas (for example, medical diagnosis, surveillance, management and robotics). Artificial intelligence could allow software to be developed that could:
• perform calculations or simulations via a brain interface to free-up human brain
• learn individual abilities and quirks to provide customised support and control of
enhancements; and
• enhance ethical decision-making, which may also have significant implications in a
military setting.22
It is likely that artificial intelligence will develop at a faster pace in the coming decades than it did in the past decade. Even if it were to ‘only’ advance at the present rate we should still expect a huge increase in ‘implementation capacity’ – the ability to design, develop, deploy and adapt new technologies, including those relevant to human augmentation.
Here is synthetic blood - Clifford Carnicom thinks that this has been deployed for decades on humanity and his research can be found at Carnicom Institute.
These are future projections. According to my research, many of these are in the process of being covertly implemented now. The vaccine market IS the Human Augmentation market. They said it themselves.
Disruptive steps in human augmentation technologies during the last decades have led to a situation where human performance enhancement is cheap, safe and practically available to all. Human augmentation is considered highly acceptable and seen as natural step in human evolution. Companies and nations are cooperating globally and invest heavily into human augmentation development. The adoption and development of human augmentation technologies was characterised by three major technological steps that happened in parallel in both the West and in the East from 2020 until today. The first disruptive step was the development of enhanced DNA modification technology in around 2035 which led to increased investment in research and development and growth in the human augmentation market. The second disruptive step, which occurred around 2040 was related to the development in artificial intelligence. The third disruptive step around 2045, saw the development of, what was in effect, a universal vaccine for all diseases. This led to global acceptance of human augmentation.
There is a lot more in the document but I will end with this quote:
Based upon what we know today, and if current predictions are correct, genetic modification has, by far, the greatest potential for human enhancement. According to the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), genetic modification could be used to create super soldiers who ‘kill without mercy, do not get tired, do not show fear and behave more like a machine than a human’.
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P. Brooks McGinnis - Nov 2
P.’s Substack
Got new physical, mental or emotional health problems that no medical doctor can seem to solve? You must have one of those brand new “syndromes” that suddenly appeared on the “market” since Trump, Covid, and the clot shots hit the scene.
Are you absolutely mind-locked into voting for more communism in America? You must be suffering from TDS. Are you feeling sick in the head because millions of Republicans and Conservatives won’t give all their money to rich, white elitists who are trying to save the world from crazy storms and the sun’s ever-increasing heat? You’ve been indoctrinated by the Climate Change Cult and you are suffering from a syndrome called CCS.
Ever since you got “vaccinated” for Covid-19 Wuhan virus, have you noticed that your heart feels like it’s about to explode every time you exercise? You are suffering from Spike Protein Syndrome, where billions of tiny nanoparticle “proteins” join together to form fibrous white clots in your vascular system, putting a severe strain on your heart. Your medical quack is not allowed to tell you this.
Did you catch Covid and somehow, months or years later, you’re still suffering from the “after-effects” of it, like ringing in your ears, sciatica, chronic inflammation, irregular heartbeats, myocarditis, pericarditis, brain fog and lethargy? You’ve got “Long Covid,” which means you got the Covid vaccine, and it has royally screwed up your body systems, but Big Pharma told all the medical doctors to call it “Long Covid.”
Here are the 12 new syndromes created by Big Brother and Big Pharma that you’ve been lied to about repeatedly and told there’s no cure
#1. Trump Derangement Syndrome
#2. Spike Protein Syndrome
#3. Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome – in Children (MIS-C) or Adults (MIS-A) - another cover story for health trauma caused by Covid mRNA clot shots
#4. Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SADS)
#5. Cardiovascular Kidney Metabolic Syndrome (CKM) – another cover story for health detriment caused by Covid clot shots
#6. VEXAS Inflammatory Syndrome
#7. Social Media Brainwash Syndrome (SMBS)
#8. Long-Covid Syndrome (“Post-Covid-Vaccine Syndrome” a.k.a. “Long-Vax Syndrome”)
#9. Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)
#10. MDA5-Autoimmune Syndrome
#11. Climate Change Syndrome (CCS)
#12. Shaken Baby Syndrome or “SIDS” (really just vaccine damage)
Oh, yes they did. Big Pharma has renamed Covid clot shot syndrome and called it MIS-C for children and MIS-A for adults. Multisystem inflammatory syndrome is a group of symptoms linked to swollen organs and tissues often resulting in hospitalization of the victim. Big Pharma claims it’s linked to Covid-19, but mountains of research show the spike protein clot shots cause all of these symptoms and exacerbate them with booster shots. First “detected” when the clot shot rollout began, “experts” are still studying the cause of MIS risk factors, where blood vessels and the digestive system become irritated by the spike prions created due to mRNA injections.
Another new syndrome that hit the masses when the populace began getting mass-vaccinated with Fauci Flu shots is called SADS, or Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome, where the microscopic nanoparticles called “spike proteins” form clots in the vascular system and can suddenly kill even the healthiest of folks, including athletes, teens, kids and infants. It’s another name for a heart attack caused by the clot shots, but of course, no pharma hucksters (MDs) can say this, or they’ll lose their medical license immediately.
As more young Americans are eating junk-science food regularly and getting Covid clot shots, the American Heart Association is making up new medical “conditions” and “syndromes” as cover stories. The new CKM, cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic syndrome, is a perfect example. Obese children are already on the verge of full-blown diabetes and heart disease, so once they get the mRNA gene mutation spike proteins swimming around throughout their vascular systems, they are almost doomed to suffer worse outcomes as their vital cleansing organs get invaded by the novel protein prions.
The medical industrial complex loves running expensive diagnostics on these kids, charging an arm and a leg to figure out they’re suffering from heart failure, kidney disease and liver toxicity. Surprise, surprise.
Got VEXAS? That’s just clot shot syndrome under a NIH-given name
Have you heard of VEXAS? No, it’s not a vaccine from Texas. When Covid was released into the populace, a team of NIH researchers suddenly reported the “discovery of a rare and often-deadly inflammatory disorder” called VEXAS (how it’s often deadly but still new is an oxymoron in itself). People affected by VEXAS have the exact symptoms they were all about to get from the Covid clot shots, including rashes, blood clots and shortness of breath. How interestingly coincidental that this preempted the vaccine holocaust. NIH blamed all kinds of genetic mutations and X-chromosomes and, well, you know the narrative. They should just call it mRNA syndrome.
After getting a deadly Covid jab, or two, or three (especially “boosters”), most people experience long-lasting side effects of inflammation, brain fog, shortness of breath, lethargy and irregular heartbeats. Plus, they STILL caught Covid-19 and/or the variants that followed. This helped medical doctors “diagnose” their side effects from the mRNA jabs as symptoms of “Long Covid” or “post-Covid-19 syndrome” or “long-haul Covid” or even “post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC). Using acronyms helps the brainwashed allopathic masses believe it’s true because it’s easy to remember so they can tell their family and friends all about it.
But Big Pharma and the medical hucksters didn’t stop there. They were even so bold as to blame Wuhan virus for causing heart disease, mood disorders, anxiety, strokes, blood clots, fibromyalgia, diabetes and cancer. Bill Gates and Fauci really did a number on everyone this time around. What mild virus ever caused all of that before?
Ever heard of POTS? This new evidence-based diagnosis is for everyone who has pre-existing conditions, then gets a Covid mRNA stab, and experiences horrific outcomes from the spike proteins spreading throughout their vascular system, polluting cleansing organs and exacerbating all their health problems, including their heart muscle swelling up because it’s straining to pump blood past all the nanoparticle spike prion clots. POTS stands for postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, and it was revealed by a peer-reviewed study conducted by the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai and published in the journal Heart Rhythm.
If you got an mRNA stab, you may be diagnosed now with a NEW autoimmune syndrome that can cause life-threatening lung disease dubbed “MDA5-autoimmunity and interstitial pneumonitis contemporaneous, or MIP-C for short. Your lungs can end up so scarred and stiff that the only way to be saved from death is to get a full lung transplant. This most likely happens because virus-mimicking spike proteins travel from the injection site to the lungs, and the immune system identifies them as toxic foreign pathogens (even though your own cells have been tricked into producing them by the millions), and attacks them, thus destroying lung tissue. Simple as that.
Lastly, social media has been developed into a weapon of mass destruction, as it brainwashes people, especially kids, teens and young adults, into hating themselves, their country, their own gender, and of course, Donald J. Trump. Social media algorithms are designed to show only content that supports this hate narrative. It has helped lead to assassination attempts on Trump, gender-bender mutilation surgery, created millions of climate change cult members, and a general dysphoria that feeds communism in America, which may never come undone.
BookmarkVaccines.newsto your favorite independent websites for updates on Long-Vax-Syndrome and lots of other syndromes caused by the mRNA stabs that are being blamed on Covid-19.
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P. Brooks McGinnis - Nov 2
P.’s Substack
I do not even have a tattoo and it is amazing I do not. In the Army we would get drunk and go to the tattoo parlor and pick something as a group. When I had more muscles I dreamed of a scantly clad hula gal on my inside forearm who would dance when I was contemplating things just for me :) So there you go I made it all the way to way too above normal male lifespan and still am not augmentation enhanced. All the rest of the current augmentations do not appeal to me at all. I was made in god's image and I am happy with that thought.
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