Hope Wins: Before And After Intravenous EDTA…

Jun 29, 2023

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I have been showing live blood of unvaccinated people to alert the world that shedding is real and that we are under unprecedented assault.


Lisa - Jun 29, 2023 - Edited


I recall the video of the father who called the pharmacist who administered his son's shot. You may have seen the video also. The son got myocarditis. The pharmacist explains that they do not share the potential risks of the shots (including stroke, cardiac arrest, and death) with people coming to get the shot. He asked why and she said they didn't want to invoke fear in people.
If the truth is fearful, ignorance can be deadly.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jun 29, 2023


You are right. Thank you


Lilly - Jun 29, 2023


So EDTA chelatin and vitamin C would not help someone who has had shots?


JMarie.58 - Jun 29, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

Chelation infusion clears the blood of both vaxxed and unvaxxed, if you look back through her archives you’ll see it’s been written up already. God bless.


Roman S Shapoval - Jun 29, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Now if you combine it with grounding...should have some really good flow to the blood:https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/grounding


The Do Not Comply Guy - Jun 29, 2023

Sets You Free Newsletter

I have my grounding mats. Need to go feel the grass on my feet when I get a break!


Roman S Shapoval - Jun 30, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Nice. Remember to wet the grass/feet for maximum grounding contact.


4naturalhealth - Jun 29, 2023

Good results using EDTA Chelation and Vitamin C in people who have taken the Covid injections and for the unvaxxed. She has posted photos and videos showing the results.


kitty - Jul 2, 2023


It will help, I am also interested in the research on resonant and harmonic frequency to counteract the I'll effects caused by the disruption to our electric systems by the shots and by 5g (non-ionizing radiation).


Lilly - Jul 2, 2023


I didn't get a shot. My mother did w/o even talking about it w me. My sister went and waited with her. I say that I washed my hands of it, bc of how they treat me. But the fucking fact of the matter is here I am (after spending thousands of hours searching, researching online starting before those shots ever hit the streets.
Being treated like a non human being in fucking America, people wanting those of us who CHOSE ( the governments disinformation campaign continuously used words like REFUSED ANTI-VAXXER, EYC).
I don't possess a doctorate, however I do possess an unusual brain that sees things from outside . The bigger picture you might say. I also pick up things energy, I don't care how people take that statement bc I don't care what other people think. I get energy from everything , it was overwhelmingback in the day. I have learned to shield and protect my good energy. People's messages, photos, objects, places, animals, plants/nature.
I dreamed about this 35 years ago but it I labeled it 3rd world war. But I I saw or rather knew that cash became obsolete would be a crime to have, traveling would require papers (this stuck out hugely to me. Like it was the biggest impression I woke up with, but see interpreting things from a dream when one does not know the future is difficult. But I remember that it weighed on me the most. The entire thing was unsettling, I'm 54 yo and I told people about my dream then, they said I had too much to drink, lmao.i always thought how could that ever be enforced here bc state to state borders would be very difficult to manage. But see that didn't even have to go that route, they used fear mongering to people who the younger generations having been dumbed down the years since I had that dream. No need to monitor state borders, they kept fucking people in their houses.
I will never forget that doctors, nurses and anyone in the medical fields THEY / YALL KNEW.
possess,which didn't make any sense to me bc state borders are difficult to control but see that didn't even play into it. cash was no longerer allowed on the streets.


Lilly - Jul 2, 2023


I'm sorry, I spend a lot of time alone and lol, forget that in communicating to another human being. My mother got the shots, she has been in the hospital 5x. Very sick. I don't go there bc I'm not playing their silly little games, and I wouldn't have played from the get go. I'm like that, people assign labels to folks like me. ARGUMENTATIVE is by far the biggest. Im sorry bc that is how I learn, and my ability to know things, gets piqued.
It's my belief that her body has spike protein all over .
She is so disrespectful to me when I present her with something.
I keep meaning to check about the levels of Vitamin D .. she takes it but I think she needs to increase it.
I'm trying to remove myself and my choochoo from that house.
I will not be ever going back.


David - Jul 5, 2023


In the beginning I thought that the wheat would be separated from the chaff by action of heaven. After 2021, I came to the realization that the separation of wheat and chaff was not being done like this, it's actually happening by personal choice. This is a decision by the individual, wether they are wheat or chaff is being decided by themselves; when I came to this realization it kind of blew my mind. Basically therefore you can present your argument, but the final freedom of choice action is theirs, and everyone is going to self-categorize.


kitty - Jul 3, 2023

I understand. I think you can take quite a bit of vitamin D, take it with K2 will lower the chance of overdose. You know what is going on and you are desperately trying to help people who don't respect that you know what is happening. I don't know if there is a way to change that. I have never found it. I tend to dismiss people, even those I love, when I have tried for so many years to give them the info I have.


rachel - Jun 18


You are intuitive where those around you are not.
Understand we all have free-will, and those who chose to get their
jabs made their choice. It is sad that they made a choice that will
at the very least, make them very sick. This is hard to know and also to watch. But, most families chose to get jabbed, as mine did. They
believed the lies and deceptions, and thought I was crazy. Humans who get their two jabs (or more), end up with just 25% of their immune system left. Jabs also affect their brain and lead to
dementia, among other issues.
We are in a battle between the darkness and the light, and we are
witnessing pure evil., although it has also been like this for thousands
of years. Some humans were conformists, and some were free-thinkers. Similar is with today's humans.
Hang in there and find other humans like you. Disclosure of all the
horrors will be revealed soon, and you know the truth that others will be shocked at. cheers.


Livingstone - Jun 30, 2023

Get EDTA from Swanson's in capsule form


rehari - Jun 29, 2023

it does


Reply (1) - Jun 29, 2023

Comment removed.


Pwnda - Jun 29, 2023

I clicked on link and it said nothing was there.... grr. Hope I didn’t get any kind of bugs or viruses by doing so. Maybe something is wrong with your link/blog?


Dale Valiukas - Jul 13, 2023

Dr, I recently went to the Dr's and my red blood cell count was below normal. Is that a good indication that something abnormal is going on. My Dr's not worried about it but I get such bad crashes with fatigue and I can't understand why? Thanks for what you do.


Proberta - Jun 29, 2023

Proberta’s Substack

So would he now be considered a "pure blood"?


Monica M - Jun 29, 2023

Proberta, I believe she said that was an unvaccinated person. 😳


Honeybee - Jun 29, 2023

solutions’s Substack

The trouble now is that quite apparently, because unvaccinated people's blood is showing the same anomalies, we are being saturated with the mechanism(s) producing the same problems in vaccinated blood. If those mechanisms exist in rain water, organic, grass-fed meats/milk, air, etc., we may each "clear" our blood but find within a few months that we are again "contaminated." So, very little "pure blood" exists these days.


solutions - Jun 29, 2023

solutions’s Substack

that's right, we need a continous solution. I am working on a bioelectric device, to wear it on the body continously, without electronics.


Linda Ray - Aug 3, 2023

@Solutions I think that something wearable and biolelectric is the kind of answer we need..
The Parasites and their crappy "electronics in the blood" will get just as screwed up as mainframe electronics does, if you do the right thing with magnets and other electronic circuitry and electronic frequencies.
I say sock it to 'em and let THEM suck for air!
God Bless the Good.


Linda Ray - Aug 3, 2023

@Kitty Yep, like noise-cancelling headphones.
God Bless the Good.


kitty - Jul 2, 2023

I have also been wondering if we can make something to counter the emf attack. Excellent, I hope it goes well.


solutions - Jun 29, 2023

solutions’s Substack

I think, the main filter must be complete with the swab status, not only vaccine. We know the multiple evidence of graphene, and luciferase in the pcr swabs. Even worse, the pcr swab went directly to the brain, so it doesn't matter if the volume of hydrogel is less than the vaccine for nervous system manipulation.


Cherie Zimmerman - Jun 29, 2023

Seen the movie 'Jaws'? ''You knew it was dangerous, but you let the people go swimming anyway!''. This is criminal negligence.


San - Jun 29, 2023


Lisa - I used to respect pharmacists more then sone Drs. Now, I do not trust any of them unless I verify the crap they are spewing or injecting


Anen Allidnab - Mar 14


That is true. I’m an RN and I always go with pharmacist review of patients on what is necessary and not necessary medicines for patients. And I learned that actually pharmacist has more knowledge on what medications are best for patients! They actually advice doctors which one is needed or not.
But now knowing many pharmacists are supporting the jabs! I don’t trust them either now. It’s all money and the funding they get so they are all willing to compromise the health and safety of human beings!
Anyone who support these Genevax does not genuinely care for humanity! Anyone who also does not care that our bloods and DNA being contaminated or change does not have the genuine intention for the safety of human species!


rachel - Jun 18


You must be aware that Doctors and pharma companies were granted immunity from prosecution by our Congress and Senate, in case of problems, or death, associated with getting their jabs. In other words, they can do whatever
they want without fear of being sued. They have no liability whatsoever. Sadly by law, Doctors are supposed to provide "informed consent" to patients. They did not.
The only other business that cannot be sued? THE NUCLEAR POWER INDUSTRY.
I give you credit for being astute within the medical profession. Some nurses are not.


OCA - Jun 29, 2023


Something similar was done by SS doctor Josef Klehr at Auschwitz. He administered a phenol injection directly into the heart of the selected persons so that they would not get scared. They also did not suffer as long as after the C-19 injections because they were dead after a few seconds.


rachel - Jun 18


Horrid to use humans as lab rats. They had no empathy or compassion and saw Jewish humans as vermin and animals.


Lilly - Jun 29, 2023


I heard that, but rhe son wasnt dead, it was in Australia, his heart was damaged. His mother had done it behind his fathers back. Did he die?


Lisa - Jun 29, 2023


I heard a recording of an angry man speaking to a pharmacist. It may have been in Australia. I thought his son had died. I'll see if I can find the video. The irony of it all. They didn't want to share the truth about the poisons because it would scare people.


David - Jul 5, 2023


Poor guy lives in New Zealand


Lisa - Jun 29, 2023


Lilly, you are correct. The son got myocarditis. I corrected my comment above. Thanks for your input! Here is the recording.https://rumble.com/v1f4se5-a-father-angry-with-a-pharmacist..html


David - Jul 5, 2023


Echoing Roman -- WOW


Roman S Shapoval - Jun 29, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Wow. Thanks for sharing Lisa


David - Jul 5, 2023


He says he works out of New York but lives in New Zealand


C. Hooper - Jul 20, 2023

Tell me it doesn't sound like Jordan Peterson!? It's him, I know that voice..


Linda Ray - Aug 3, 2023

I applaud that Man. I cannot imagine his Wife right now..
God Bless the Good.


koppykat - Jun 29, 2023




Rosalind McGill - Jun 29, 2023 - Edited

Rosalind McGill

Thanks for fighting for humanity
.( God bless
& protect
the truth tellers.
In Jesus Holy name,


Rosalind McGill - Jun 29, 2023 - Edited

Rosalind McGill

I wish I had known about this when morgellons was bad. I’m sure it would have helped greatly.


Rosalind McGill - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited

Rosalind McGill

Comment removed.


Rosalind McGill - Jul 5, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Right? It’s clearly a war of good vs evil. & it’s frustrating, I had to go on disability years before that after I got sick from a booster shot and Lyme ( another bio weapon) in my 30’s. So much stolen! I have to lean on my faith in Jesus.
In 2018 I found an integrative medicine doctor. He gave me a heavy metal detox and the Morgies symptoms improved greatly.
Insurance dictated doctors were useless or gaslit and humiliated me for almost 20 years.
The things that came out of my skin were disgusting and scary, not natural.


Reply (1) - Jun 29, 2023

Comment removed.


Honeybee - Jun 29, 2023

Comment removed.


Honeybee - Jun 29, 2023

Your thinking is incorrect. Given the fight the pharmaceutical companies employed against the proposed bill in MIssouri which would have mandated that mRNA meat be labeled on the package, you might well assume the industry knows far more about repercussions and effects on humans than they acknowledge. Why shouldn't meat from mRNA vaccinated animals be labeled if a substantial number people want this information? The FDA and sundry agencies currently mandate unbelievable labeling for sugar, fats, etc.
Moreover, researchers are working on incorporating vaccines into plant structures.
"'Ideally, a single plant would produce enough mRNA to vaccinate a single person,' says Juan Pablo Giraldo, an associate professor in UCR’s Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, in a university release.
'We are testing this approach with spinach and lettuce and have long-term goals of people growing it in their own gardens,' Giraldo adds. 'Farmers could also eventually grow entire fields of it.'"https://www.technocracy.news/scientists-edible-plants-being-altered-to-carry-mrna-vaccine-payload/
Since they are doing so much research, as you point out in your point (b), why would anyone need to genetically develop produce which inoculates a individual?
Lastly, the pharmaceutical industry allowed the injections to be distributed knowing that mRNA technology tested for nearly two prior decades had failed in their third trial. Essentially, nearly all or all the monkeys died. Until the EUA, the FDA had never approved mRNA as a delivery system.
Given the last fact, why should we take anyone's word for the observation that stomach acids will destroy mRNA fragments? Do they have absolute knowledge, tested and verified, that mRNA fragments pass harmlessly from the body? They haven't done their homework and don't deserve one iota of trust or faith.


Lisa - Jun 29, 2023


I'll say it again. If people say this is fear-mongering, they need to face the reality that we are indeed living out a horror movie. A sick, sci-fi horror movie.
I'm thankful you are sharing the truth.


Sandra --- - Jun 29, 2023

Sandra ---

Yes, that's how I feel, like I'm living in a sci-fi horror movie gone live. I have such a sense of dread for the future because I see their agenda moving forward, while most are still completely asleep and clueless.


Susan P ... - Jun 29, 2023

Susan P ...

I believe in the Power of Love & Prayer - good/GOD will overcome evil. Dear Lord deliver us from evil - Amen ...


Dale Valiukas - Jul 13, 2023



Lisa - Jun 29, 2023


Do not dread and do not fear, though it is fearful. We have amazing heroes like Dr Ana who are working day and night to help us through this. We have each other. They cannot take away love, gratitude, generousity, compassion. We have these. Live those out. Be of good cheer, friend. We have a loving God.


Nigel Cockain - Jun 30, 2023

Black Sheep in Exile

Their hollow agenda may be inching forward but our defiant sovereign resistance is growing - with its own universal vibrant purpose. We shall JOYFULLY walk in the opposite direction of their dystopian New World Order. "They" don't own us! Not now. Not ever.


PJ - Jun 29, 2023



Jlbcreation65 - Jun 29, 2023


I don't think this is fear mongering but it has changed my attitude on what I can do to fight back. I had 2 live blood analysis done by 2 different practitioners here in Canada. I am unjabbed but surrounded by jabbed. I was shocked by how terrible my blood looked. The practitioners told me it was poor diet and that I needed to completely overhaul my diet and take many supplements to clean up my blood. I ended up doing nothing as I believe that they are poisoning us via the air, food, water, technology, and "medicine" so whatever I could do with an extreme diet and expensive supplements would just be undone. I also am not sure I want to live in this world any more if this is how it is going to be. I am a Christian and I know that there is a better place. Dr. Ana has helped me see all of this.


Jackieone - Jun 30, 2023


Don’t give up! Don’t give them the satisfaction of leaving before your mission (whatever it may be) is completed. 😁


Bridget - Jul 3, 2023


It’s important to fight, regardless of the outcome. If you can’t do it for yourself, think of all the innocent Children being harmed daily by these malevolent people. We can’t let evil triumph.
Do not go down without a fight.


Marty - Jul 4, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

Does the blood analysis show these horrific spheres ? This is indeed hell on Earth. I hope you find a solution.


Lilly - Jun 29, 2023


Fear mongering? That's what the government did to you ppl who got shots. My mother and countless others. This is my kind if info, tangible that i can see.
I have been at deaths doir 4x. Im on my 5th life. I knew before those shots hit rhe street i would not be getting one.
Because i did reaearch but even had i not, cime on a damn shot 42 days brought to mff, i got that off Pfizers website. It was originally for SARS 1. They stated that they fiddled with it and 42 days later it was ready for mass mfg. I guarantee you will not find that. I wish i had taken a screen shot. Nirmally i have a stellar memory but not lately.


rachel - Jun 18


Agreed. Execpt it is a live scripted manipulation. And so many humans are unaware and naive.


The Do Not Comply Guy - Jun 29, 2023 - Edited

Sets You Free Newsletter

Thank you Dr. Ana! What you are doing for the truth and freedom movement (and our health) is nothing short of incredible. Thank you for all that you do. I am planning to be your patient soon. God bless.


Thru The Veil - Jun 29, 2023

Thru’s Substack

Ignore the trolls. They're part and parcel with doing God's work, which you are. Wear it like the badge of honor it is and keep moving. We appreciate you Ana.


Thru The Veil - Jun 29, 2023

Thru’s Substack

Comment removed.


Thru The Veil - Jun 29, 2023

Thru’s Substack

A shekle for ones soul? So not worth it.


David - Jul 5, 2023


They do. The upside is that their vulgarity makes them easy to identify.


mike beaman - Jun 29, 2023


It may be an obvious answer but my question is, obviously aware of the nanotechnology and the hydrogels in the Covid jab and, possibly in various foods etc. How did this person’s blood get contaminated if they hadn’t had the jab? By the virus itself? Food? I’m 53, never in my life had a single health issue. Never smoked, fairly good shape, a welder for 30 years, sweat like crazy at work etc. Initially had a religious exemption when the retarded shot mandates were adopted by especially big companies. In exchange, I uploaded a Covid test every week until they dropped all the nonsense. Tested positive twice, very far apart from each positive test. Assuming I had “ two different variants “. Asymptomatic the entire time. That company closed and moved to Mexico. So got another job, and as recent as June 22’, my livelihood was contingent on the getting the jab. I was honestly scared to death knowing what I’ve learned about specifically the mRNA jab. I found a drug store that had the J&J (only one jab). Didn’t need didn’t want it but so I could have a good paying job I took it. Five months later I had congestive heart failure. Unbeknownst to me at the same time I was told I had likely had diabetes for years. I never felt any symptoms of diabetes or anything else until the heart failure. Obviously I can’t reverse the damage to my heart but, I can accept it easier if it was diabetes related weakening heart muscle etc but, I want to know if it was jab related. Dr Peter Mccollough just joined a new practice a few hours from me and I’m getting an appointment with him. I trust him, trust in other “experts “ is gone


Honeybee - Jun 29, 2023


Dr. McCullough is a traditional allopathic physician who has substantial and wide experience treating jabbed individuals. I subscribe (free) to his substack. He keeps up with medical literature. He's at the forefront of this Covid debacle. As you see by some of the comments, people feel differently about him for various reasons. He's among the few doctors I would currently trust. I go to no doctor. Unless I find a doctor like McCullough or the FLACC, I won't ever go to a doctor again.
I suffered some negative effects after months of dental anesthetic injections for multiple dental procedures. The most notable symptom was sudden onset dizziness which caused me to walk by holding onto the walls for over a week coupled with extreme fatigue bordering on exhaustion, achy muscles, etc. I immediately took glutathione and liver detox compounds. I had substantial improvement but felt really back to normal when I started taking The Wellness Company's Spike Protein Formula. I stopped all supplementation so I could see if this supplement alone worked. It did...in spades.


David - Jul 5, 2023


Good information, thanks Honeybee


Butterfly2510 - Aug 5, 2023


I wonder if this formula would work as well as the Vic C and EDTA?


Honeybee - Aug 5, 2023

I don't know having not experienced IV EDTA + C. Since this treatment is extremely limited in the numbers of people which can be reached, I'll continue experimenting. I was simply relieved to find a formula which worked to relieve symptoms I'd been experiencing. I'd tried massive doses of oral liposomal C + have adhered to Zelenko-type protocols (NAC, quercetin, zinc, Vit. C, Vit. D) and had no relief. As I mentioned, glutathione appeared to work but only temporarily. I've reduced my dose of Spike Formula to several times a week rather than daily and haven't noticed any relapse. My body works best with minimal supplementation. Cheers!


koppykat - Jun 29, 2023


He has a very narrow view of what is at play that annoys a lot of us. Just sayin.. for your consideration only. Bit like a steam train thundering along a single track, and refuses to look sideways at what else is actually travelling alongside his tunnel vision. He only seems to offer still questionable pharmaceuticals too. Just thought you'd like to know. A naturopath may help you out with healthier options too. Good luck with it.


Pamela Raditsch - Jun 29, 2023

Pamela Raditsch

I think the Deep State got to him (threats) because he was awakening along with the rest of us, making very strong statements, and then he suddenly changed course.
But I still appreciate the man. He was tremendous moral support in the beginning of the plandemic.


mike beaman - Jun 29, 2023


Gotcha. My single reason for wanting an office visit is to get an honest opinion of my already performed EKG, that’s all. I strictly read his information relative to injuries/deaths, myocarditis, resulting from the jab.


Butterfly2510 - Aug 5, 2023


I have had some heart issues in the past. I highly recommend Dr Joel Kahn for a telehealth appointment. He’s expensive and doesn’t take insurance. Dr McCoullough was my other choice and now his practice is 10 minutes away. I respect him too. Good luck to you.


koppykat - Jun 29, 2023


Yes I shared that view of him too. I guess we all have to live by our own conscience.


David - Jul 5, 2023


That's the con; they tie your livelyhood to getting the bioweapon.


Reality - Jun 30, 2023

Detox detox detox


mike beaman - Jun 29, 2023

Comment removed.


mike beaman - Jun 29, 2023

Thank you for your comments. Totally concur with everything you mentioned. Myself and “A” coworker that’s it, only one coworker, immediately knew, this entire global fear push because of a fake virus was nefarious. I’m still disappointed to a point, so many people I’ve respected for years , only one of my three children are onboard with the truth, my oldest son (he’s 25). We are very like minded. He also saw up close and personal more than he wanted to see. At 17 he was NHS, NTHS, full academic scholarship offer to Oklahoma State University. Instead, wanted for years to serve his country. Regardless of your innate common sense and great instincts, at 17, you’re still naive, not enough life lived yet. He grew up quickly. A crew chief in the Navy for the H53 Sea dragon, three deployments to Bahrain and six years in, when they told him he had to have the jab he said............ I’m out! It coincided with his contract being up so it didn’t hurt his discharge. It broke my heart for him though. I honestly didn’t want him to go in the first place but, I totally supported his decision. I was certain he wouldn’t be the same when he got out. The long, now the short, it took a year or so for him to acclimate to civilian life. He still has a beautiful heart and I’m grateful for that.


Truth Seeker - Jun 29, 2023

So pleased to read someone so young had such depth of insight into this global genocide.


Honeybee - Jun 29, 2023

I agree with your characterization of the Covid Plandemic. However, I think the mRNA injection is different, which Pfizer's own literature (from years of researching mRNA as a delivery system) revealed prior to Operation Warpspeed showing their concern and protocol for unvaccinated household members being quarentined from the vaccinated individual. Most of the illnesses we now see are from the injection.


Mario A Leblanc - Jun 29, 2023 - Edited

Mario’s Substack

Do you know Ana if Liquid DMSO could do the same as EDTA?


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jun 29, 2023 - Edited

MK’s Substack

No, I have a substack where I discussed the patent that EDTA dissolves hydrogel. EDTA is the best for this...


MK ULTRA - Jun 29, 2023 - Edited

MK’s Substack

what about lugs iodine and boron? also silica aka the "root clean slate" some sort of silica zeolite mix..they claim it also helps with this "issue" oh and i mean higher doses of iodine like 50-100mg.
I did oral EDTA and got shortness of breath, itching all over the body and other weird issues. detox reaction? had to take antihistamines, could also be mercury related (redistrubution) but I don't know what is the lesser evil here... chelation is complicated. I remember when everyone was on the mercury train and suggested chlorella and many got worse (not saying this will happen just observation) and I still slightly feel the effects.. oh and my gut got totally "off", also weird. did you have clients with similar issues if yes what's the solution despite charcoal and zeolite?! I would never ask this on a blog but we are such a minority we have no choice.... you're possibly one of the only docs that talks about this issue. I can't understand why many don't seem to connect the dots... its crazy!!!


David - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited


That's called a healing crisis. This means, at least to me, that it's time to double down and put pressure on with topical EDTA (cream), and get the toxic load down so that you can keep the oral dosage at expected levels where you don't have reactions anymore.
Also, you need to separate your edta phase with a remineralization phase where you are putting native mineral building blocks back in (as opposed to alien building blocks like cesium, gadolinium, lead, mercury, tungsten, tin, uranium, and the rest of the list that Dr Ana has shown in charts). You can pull all the building blocks wholesale and replace with the native mineral building blocks on an off-edta cycle (remineralization with a chelated mineral supplement) and then go back to edta cycle and start over.


MK ULTRA - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited

MK’s Substack

i only took one pill and got that strong of a reaction and i still can feel the "side effects" aka redistribution. maybe i need to clear more mercury first?


David - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited


Yes but slowly; because your renal system can only clear just so much from your system at one time. This means that instead of a 1500mg edta oral supplement, or whatever dose it was, you should attempt edta cream application for 30 days or so, in order that you don't overload your liver and kidneys. Those organs have an elimination limit, so you need to be careful how fast you excrete toxins. If I was a chronic case, I would ramp down slowly with cream so as to avoid renal overload. That is why Dr Ana couples aggressive chelation therapy with renal monitoring, she knows what the safe excretion limits are for this and gets urine feedback for it. For us, let's say we need to do this but don't have access to either chelation or renal monitoring, the only way is to regulate exposure to cream until more exposure is less symptomatic. When it becomes less symptomatic, then you know the chronic load is down, and you can then use more cream. When the cream becomes non symptomatic, then it might be time to try an edta pill again.
Btw, if I was chronic, I would be hitting ascorbic acid at about 10,000mg per day in combination with cream.


MK ULTRA - Jul 6, 2023

MK’s Substack

i havent been able to get the cream in the EU so far. with high mercury the whole sulfur and chelation thing becomes a problem for many that are high in mercury. anything high sulfur causes symptoms and some things like garlic are bad, others like cilantro or chlorella make you feel like dying an cause nerve pains and spasms... not to mention the horror moodswings and all the other things, allergies. maybe there are others ways to detox this. boron, CDS, high dose iodine, colloidal gold come to mind. im sure even if i was under her care my symptoms would be extreme. i would be super scared of an IV. but i would have to travel the world to see her, lol


Roman S Shapoval - Jun 29, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

It could be due to EDTA using up a ton of calcium in your body, causing you to have hypocalcemia. They sell EDTA bound to calcium, which may be a better bet. Grounding is also an affordable, bare minimum alternative we can apply to regulate blood flow:


MK ULTRA - Jun 29, 2023

MK’s Substack

yeah but It would be a bit extreme right? what about taking calcium supps a few hours earlier? all so confusing. dr ana won't replay anyways which instantly makes me doubt her to be honest. its not the first time I ask something like this


Roman S Shapoval - Jun 29, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Do you have a naturopath you can see? It can be tricky, as many of us have tissue salt deficiencies to one thing or another, like calcium or magnesium. I've never done EDTA myself personally FYI, not that I'd be against it. Right now I'm drinking about 2 teaspoons of diatomaceous earth in structured water.https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/water-insulates-emf
Going to get some zeolite soon too.


Pwnda - Jun 29, 2023

Hi Roman, I have some concerns about investing or inhaling diatomaceous earth (DE). Doesn’t DE microscopically slice up cells? I haven’t found too much research on this, so I have avoided using it. Thanks for your reply.


MK ULTRA - Jun 29, 2023

MK’s Substack

Not yet, I have to find a good one. I take salt water (Himalayan Salt) and Zeolite... I think its best to get your own microscope right?


David - Jul 5, 2023


You need on-off cycles; on edta/no remineralization, off edta/mineralization. The cycles should be timed by half life of edta in vivo.


koppykat - Jun 29, 2023


I don't know if this is true/sound , but another commenter once advised to avoid silica - as the nanabots use this to build their gadgets/antennas inside us(?)


David - Jul 5, 2023


According to information on dmso supplied by Mario Leblanc, dmso DOES actually chelate heavy metals out of your system. This looks like an avenue you can pursue. Mario supplied the following link:


David - Jul 5, 2023


High dose iodine is used in third world countries as a treatment for malaria. It should also be noted that therapies effective against malaria were also effective against the bioweapon, i.e. ivermectin.


Honeybee - Jun 29, 2023 - Edited

MK’s Substack

I've read Ana for a while. She specifically states that EDTA should not be administered orally. She suggests a topical EDTA cream which she's linked in the past.


MK ULTRA - Jun 30, 2023 - Edited

MK’s Substack

yeah thats even worse. i spoke with a lady on telegram that has done the EDTA creme and she had the same symptoms as i had. if you get "side effects" or whatever this is, cream or IV will make it worse. another person here said his "brother had good results with oral EDTA" ... thats what i meant. its all very confusing.


Honeybee - Jun 30, 2023

You're correct. People often fail to truly understand how unique each person is. I've experienced this all my life: what works for one person doesn't work for another. Even traditional allopathic doctors realize this wisdom. Their medications can cause havoc: what pharmaceuticals deems a "normal" dose for one kills another. One of the leading causes of death in America is simply poor results from medication and surgeries. Each person needs to realize only they are responsible for their own health, and they need to look squarely of the effects of medication and supplements on their well being.


David - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited


If you are getting a reaction, that means your tissue toxin load is chronic and you are suffering a healing crisis.
This can be remediated by monitoring renal output during low level edta blood chelation.
Barring the possibility of renal output monitoring, I would back off oral edta and go to bearable doses of cream, with a gradual increase in cream exposure that is not uncomfortable.
Bear in mind that people with chronic conditions sometimes develop sensitivities to more chemicals than what they are loaded down with; the body starts throwing off chemical sensitivity alarms to other things that are totally unrelated to what the existing toxins are. I've seen this in friends with chronic conditions.


The Do Not Comply Guy - Jun 29, 2023 - Edited

Sets You Free Newsletter

She doesn't believe it works like IV chelation, but says if you're going to use it orally, use liposomal (as it may be more effective) and make sure your supplementing with essential minerals -- colloidal / fulvic & humic. That's what I got. I'm doing it orally as I don't have the choice of IV here. Until I can get to her clinic, it's better than nothing.


Honeybee - Jun 29, 2023

Thank you, SWC. I wasn't aware that she supported liposomal EDTA. I stand corrected.


Butterfly2510 - Aug 5, 2023


Where do you get liposomal EDTA and how much of colloidal/fulvic and humid do you take? Is it helping?


The Do Not Comply Guy - Aug 5, 2023

Sets You Free Newsletter

Bought off of Amazon...although I'd recommend buying elsewhere as I'm trying to do these days.
I found the following: Healthy Drops Liposomal EDTA, 1 teaspoon of edta per day (bottle good for 48 days)...+ cap full of Vital Earth Fulvic-Humic (1oz per cap so good for 32 days).


MK ULTRA - Jun 30, 2023 - Edited

MK’s Substack

EDTA is dangerous if someone has high levels of mercury. also as with all chelation therapy, there are people that dont tolerate it well. look this up:https://cutlersuccessstories.weebly.com/what-not-to-do.html#EDTAIV


The Do Not Comply Guy - Jun 30, 2023 - Edited

Sets You Free Newsletter

Hit up google to come back with that? LOL. Yeah, like many treatments, there are implications, reactions and complications for some...and you have to follow guidelines and protocols to do it safely and effectively. I've done my own research on EDTA, thanks.
I've been doing oral EDTA for weeks now and haven't felt a thing.
To your point, this is why a good EDTA IV Chelation clinic requests;
- All lab results, imaging reports and/or pathology reports within 6 months
• Any cardiac testing results ( Echocardiogram, stress tests)
• Any records from specialists you have seen
• A list of all current medications
• A list of all current supplements
• A comprehensive blood panel
Once again, you haven't stated why you supposedly had issues or problems...supposedly. Until you provide details to the questions I already asked, you're just trolling at this point.


Janet Gernand - Jun 29, 2023 - Edited

Janet Gernand

What kind of doctor do we need to look for that might offer this type of treatment, Dr. Ana?


4naturalhealth - Jun 29, 2023

Integrative Medicine, ND or MD.


The Do Not Comply Guy - Jun 29, 2023 - Edited

Sets You Free Newsletter

Comment removed.


The Do Not Comply Guy - Jun 29, 2023 - Edited

Sets You Free Newsletter

There are many clinics that do EDTA chelation nowadays...but none doing the blood analysis like Dr. Ana from what I can tell.


Honeybee - Jun 29, 2023

That's been my experience, too.


MK ULTRA - Jun 29, 2023 - Edited

MK’s Substack

well no one else documented this yet. EDTA is quite expensive, we havent seen a comparison of other substances and then the images all could be anything. its the same blind trust that you had in the vaccines. i saw what she found in my own blood too. yet i think the "EDTA only" thing is quite a claim without a proper benchmark of other substances.


Pwnda - Jun 29, 2023

Check out her previous post...she suggests other things that are beneficial other than EDTA. So, go read it already, since eDTa didn’t work for you. Best of luck in your healing and health path.


The Do Not Comply Guy - Jun 29, 2023

Sets You Free Newsletter

Let it be clear dude, I never had blind trust in any vaccine. Go "MK Ultra" someone else with that. No one, including Dr Ana has said EDTA is the only thing...it's the ONLY THING SHE'S FOUND TO DATE. Its working, so she's running with it. If other things come up as helpful, that can be proven with blood analysis, I'm sure she'll publish it and incorporate it into her practice.


David - Jul 5, 2023


It may not be, according to Mario Leblanc, who corrected my information on dmso. See:


The Do Not Comply Guy - Aug 6, 2023

Sets You Free Newsletter

Found someone who does blood analysis like Dr. Ana, here in the Bay Area, CA. Had it done. Overall my blood looks pretty good, and I'm on specific supplements to control my RBC stickiness and early fibrin levels. I am also on a detox protocol in perpetuity, due to the environmental toxins coming from so many ways now (air, water, food, shedding, etc).


Mario A Leblanc - Jun 29, 2023

Mario’s Substack

Also Methylene Blue - The Surprising Health Benefits of Methylene Blue


Bridget - Jul 3, 2023


I recently had the GP6 test that’s recommended before you try MB. I’m still awaiting the result. Should you carry that genetic defect, MB can be deadly.
I’m a Woman who almost died from the allegedly safe Pill when I was 20, so I look before I leap.
And I’m really loving living through this time, I gotta say. Aren’t we all?


The Do Not Comply Guy - Jun 29, 2023

Sets You Free Newsletter

She's never mentioned it that I know of. I've listened to a lot of her stuff. She did recommend liposomal EDTA if you're going to do an oral regimen. I just bought some.


Paula Starshifter - Jun 29, 2023

Paula Starshifter

All I can tell you is when she initially came out with transdermal EDTA, I tried it for two months, and the weird tiny hard seed like things that seem stuck in my chest all disappeared, and it got smooth. That I went off for a couple months and they came back. I just got back on. It is important to take more minerals however, as those key laid out as well. Which you probably know


The Do Not Comply Guy - Jun 29, 2023

Sets You Free Newsletter

You mean liposomal EDTA, I believe. Yes, it's important to take your minerals if you're doing EDTA, good call out. I take a cap full of my colloidal minerals every day. This is what Dr. Ana suggested in one of her interviews.


Paula Starshifter - Jun 29, 2023

Paula Starshifter

Pardon my voice text errors


Blue Republic - Jul 6, 2023

'key laid' = 'chelated', no?


Unapologetically Me - Jun 29, 2023

Just Another Canadian Dissident.

I would like to know too Mario.
I've used it.


Mario A Leblanc - Jun 29, 2023

Mario’s Substack

So do I. I have the brand New Roots. Easy to find. I take few drops once in a while. I also have Chlorine Dioxyde.


Monica M - Jun 29, 2023

Pamela Raditsch

Mario Leblanc, do you mind sharing how you measure/use chlorine dioxide? Because I would like to buy some, & I found a reputable sight, but I’m unclear how to mix it...any thoughts would be appreciated. 😊


Pamela Raditsch - Jun 29, 2023

Pamela Raditsch

I find Andreas Kalker's website most helpful in all matters chlorine dioxide.
If I remember correctly, Dr. Ana says, while it is helpful, it doesn't rid the body of the nanotech.


Susan Colosimo - Jun 29, 2023

Susan Colosimo

Thanks. I've been looking for this. Seek and be shall findπŸ‘


David - Jul 6, 2023


Excellent link


Mario A Leblanc - Jun 29, 2023

Mario’s Substack

Monica, the best thing to do is to buy from this company. They will send you two small bottles, 100ml 4fl. oz, already prepared. The only thing you will have to do is to mix one drop of each solution - Mineral Solution and Activator Solution. I bought mine more then a year ago and they are not even at half.
Don't take more then one drop at beginning. The price was very good. Around $30. us + shipping. I am not related to this company, neither receive money. I just find this practical. :) No sweat!


Mario A Leblanc - Jun 29, 2023

Mario’s Substack



Monica M - Jun 29, 2023

Thank you! πŸ™πŸ»


Monica M - Jun 29, 2023

Thank you! πŸ™πŸ»


David - Jul 5, 2023


According to Mike Adams, this takes the guesswork out of it:
Tablets in water to desired concentration and go.


MsFreedomWatch - Jun 29, 2023

I've been using CD for a couple of years. I took the basic online course so I know the basics. There are many telegram channels with thousands of people learning. Watch TheUniversalAntidote. com, COMUSAV. com, ChlorineDioxideTruth.weebly. com to start. You can literally research for months and never learn it all!


Unapologetically Me - Jun 29, 2023

Just Another Canadian Dissident.

Me too. πŸ‘Œ


Lee Muller - Jun 29, 2023

Lee Muller’s In Plainsight is 2…

Though I have used neither DMSO nor methylene blue, I have heard of both for different healing properties. I suppose for me, knowing the the world as a whole cannot have access to these types of resources, especially in an unlimited fashion and it's not described when to stop, I am just taking the route of no extra vitamins, supplements, or healing aids (zero ... none ... not even vitamin D or a multivitamin), and just see what happens from eating and drinking as I normally have, neither total junk nor total healthy. I guess I am trying to represent the vast majority of people and just see what happens. Perhaps it's not the best overall for my health, but I do wonder if overcorrection or unknown side effects could also end up being an issue. With respect to toxins through air, water, or processed food or drink, I'm not sure what to do about that right now. I guess I would just like to observe first if I'm experiencing any health issues and so far, I'm not seeing any serious ones from just living as I have my entire life.


Lee Muller - Jun 29, 2023

Lee Muller’s In Plainsight is 2…

In a nutshell, trying to be in the control group of just eat and drink because I'm hungry or thirsty or craving something as opposed to taking something to prevent anything.


David - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited


Dmso is an organic solvent, but it is not a chelating agent. The main utility of dmso is to dissolve substances desirable for absorption into your system, curcumin or qercetin would be good examples of this. A supersaturate can be made of dmso and curcumin for example, and then administered by dropper to mouth. Dmso also carries with it it's own set of theraputic advantages, but among them is not chelation.


Mario A Leblanc - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited

Mario’s Substack

According to the information that I have found, DMSO is very good for heavy metals detoxication :
¨As a source of sulfur, DMSO aids in heavy metal detoxification. Sulfur binds with toxic heavy metals (mercury, lead, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, nickel) and eliminates them via urination, defecation and sweating.¨https://vitasave.ca/blogs/news/miracle-healing-power-dmso
What is a heavy metal detox?https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/327317#about
DMSO – The Real (MMS) Miracle Mineral Solutionhttps://www.cre8-health.com/dmso-the-real-mms-miracle-mineral-solution/


David - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited


THAT is interesting, thank you Mario. This is why forums like this are valuable. I use Dmso on a regular basis and had no idea it was capable of this action!
Now I'm considering Dr Ana's heavy metal contamination chart. If this is happening, then dmso may be a deconstructor of nanostructures employing these heavy metal contaminants. Fascinating


Mario A Leblanc - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited

Mario’s Substack

Thank you David. I have found DMSO few weeks ago, although I am taking MSM that is also sulfur, every day for the last few years.


David - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited


I have been on dmso for over two years, so I find it ironic that I did not understand the full range of benefits. This info you have provided will result in me increasing dosage.
I've shared your information link on dmso with other contributors that have dmso questions.


Nanc - Jun 29, 2023

Nanc’s Substack

Hmmm that’s an interesting thought. Hopefully we know more soon.


Dennis K McGee - Jun 29, 2023

Dennis K McGee

You are a God send Dr Ana. Prayers for you.


scout - Jun 29, 2023


Was that 20,000 (20 thousand) mg of C and 2 EDTA Chelation infusions. What amount of EDTA? Stunning to clear circulation system in three days. Thanks so much for this info!


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jun 29, 2023


1500mg EDTA


Jlbcreation65 - Jun 29, 2023

But then what happens once that person leaves your treatment clinic and goes back into the world only to be assaulted again by all of the evil they are spraying on us, putting in our food and water and injecting our friends and family with? I know that God wins but the devil is currently running rampant here in this world.


Truth Seeker - Jun 29, 2023

That's all we have at this point in time. The temporary solution provided by Dr. Mihalcea is biding time whilst research continues.


Megan - Jun 29, 2023


Dr Ana, does it make a difference between disodium EDTA and Calcium EDTA? Thank you for all you’re doing!


David - Jul 5, 2023


The go-to seems to be calcium disodium according to what I am reading.


Eliot Lee - Jun 29, 2023


My brother, Dr Tom Lee (naturodoc.com) has wonderful results with oral soluble EDTA. It seems to be a practical solution for those not able to get EDTA in an IV. His store sells it.
God bless you and all that you do .


koppykat - Jun 29, 2023


thankyou for the info !


Butterfly2510 - Aug 5, 2023


@eliot thank you!! This is a great website! I plan on scheduling an appointment with him! Very reasonable fees and so much knowledge!!!


David - Jul 5, 2023


This link says 10% absorption rate on pills and 95% absorption rate on liquid:


MK ULTRA - Jun 29, 2023

MK’s Substack

Comment removed.


MK ULTRA - Jun 29, 2023

MK’s Substack

ITS THE ONLY SOLUTION OUT THERE MAN ACCEPT IT. I POSTED PICTURES. check out my tinder profile by the way even tho i look different in real life lol


barbara j woodward - Jun 29, 2023

God bless you for what you are doing. If people are scared of what they are seeing and hearing it is too bad as we need the truth good or bad and please don't stop what you are doing. Each person you help is one that is lucky as far as i can see. I pray for you and your work.


Fred - Jun 29, 2023

Ronald’s Substack

How can blood in that "sludge" condition carry enough oxygen around the body? What is the pulse oximeter showing on these people when they first come into your office. Can they have normal pulse oximeter oxygen levels and still have this "sludge like" blood?


Ronald D Norris - Jun 29, 2023

Ronald’s Substack

In a video from Team Enigma on Bitchute from 9/20/22, Shimon Yanowitz PhD (non-v) does live blood analysis showing rouleaux formation and fibers with a history of long covid a year prior and states his O2 saturation is dec. at 94. I am non-v and have rouleaux and fibers with O2 sat. of 98. I have done two IV EDTA and see clearing of rouleaux for only a few days. I also did the 30 ml whole blood clotting test and had 1.1 ml gel/plastic after 1st IV but dec. to 0.25 ml after 2nd IV. So a normal. O2 sat. maybe seen if you have rouleaux and even gel/plastic in your blood. Not the best news. Peace in Jesus.


David - Jul 5, 2023


It's designed to operate under the radar most of the time, unless instructed or programmed otherwise, imo. That's why the macroscopic is no indicator of the microscopic.


MK ULTRA - Jun 29, 2023

MK’s Substack

you probably wont get an answer.


Brenda Ping - Jun 29, 2023

Brenda Ping

Are people who were jabbed in 2021-22 still shedding? Just wondering how often your treatment would have to be repeated as we go forward.


Paula Starshifter - Jun 29, 2023

Paula Starshifter

Really great question. I keep wondering that as well.


David - Jul 5, 2023


Everybody gets reinfected even if their blood is cleansed, unless they are on a counter regimen that keeps the blood clean.


Brenda Ping - Jul 5, 2023

Brenda Ping

So scary. Thank you.


MK ULTRA - Jun 29, 2023

MK’s Substack

most likely yes. why? because these people still give me symptoms.
avoid them.


JC - Jun 30, 2023

Comment removed.


JC - Aug 22, 2023

Studies are coming out on how long they are finding the spike protein. This video was about how that is entering the brain and lasts about 15 months, If I remember correctly.
The problem with shedding is that is a continual exposure now, so it is good to find several things that will assist. In addition to supplements, you may want to look into frequency generators, some have software programs for morgellens and lyme disease
which contain frequencies that help with the biowarfare we are under.
This kind of thing is used in clinics around the world, such as Asia and Europe. In the U.S. it is considered "experimental", as the FDA has not approved it.


Gery - Jun 29, 2023


Thank you and those fearful, were always fearful. That's why they took the vaxx. Please keep up the work. Monitor the patient to look for the thing's return. If you develop a permanent solution, you'll make history.


Wayne Lusvardi - Jun 29, 2023 - Edited

Machiavellian Man

I applaud this blood work. However, how do we know the hydrogel and blood clumping is from vaccine shedding? Do we have a blood specimen from Before the vax and then After the vax? Could the contamination and clumping have come from occupational or dietary exposures?
There are apparently gelatin and collagen based hydrogels and polysaccharide hydrogels from cellulose (that is used to encapsulate vitamins), hyaluronic acid, and chitosan. Isn't Ester C a polyester based hydrogel?
I once lived near a vitamin supplement store that offered B-12 shots and microscopic blood exams one day each week for a fee. My blood showed some clumping and this was way before the C-19 mania. Vitamin K, C0Q10, Omega 3, Vitamin C, Nattokinase were all recommended.


David - Jul 5, 2023


I sincerely hope Ester C is not a polyester based hydrogel. That would be bad


Wayne Lusvardi - Jun 29, 2023 - Edited

Machiavellian Man

Comment removed.


Wayne Lusvardi - Jun 29, 2023

Machiavellian Man

Reply to Turtle
We have to learn to accept the messiness of the world. Ana does not have the time or money to do even a simple before and after exam of blood work. So, I give her the benefit of the doubt because she knows the patient and she cannot violate confidentiality and explain the patient's situation. I am just pointing out it could be other things, including natural diet, that could cause this. All the more reason to have someone like Ana check blood.
I lost my twin brother a year ago - he had congestive heart failure which caused massive clotting. But he was a vitamin guru and for good reason thought his breathing difficulty was the bugaboo COVID. He was self treating it with high doses of Vit. C infusions and an inhaler. He waited too long to go to hospital then it turned into deadly sepsis. If he had gone to someone like Ana to check blood, he might have figured out his blood was clotting. So thank God for Ana.


Butterfly2510 - Aug 5, 2023


So sad about your brother. I’m real sorry!!!!


Doug Lemal - Jun 29, 2023


Dr Ana I have taken pill form of EDTA will take vitamin C and ivermectin three days on Ten days off . Wasting my time????


David - Jul 5, 2023


Pills are 10% absorption rate. Liquid is 95% absorption rate. See the following:



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