With Bidens Executive order, the U.S. Govt will know; When you get paid, how much, when you buy something, it's cost, where, and if you are allowed to have it.
The majority of the discussion fails to define the actual issues. The use of EDTA therapies will not resolve wide spread dispersal of aerosolised metals into the atmosphere. Geoengineering patents describing these metallic compounds can be found here: >https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/links-to-geoengineering-patents/
See Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) addressing the health consequences of prolonged exposures to these materials...
There have been published peer reviewed articles describing biological warfare methods for nearly 60 years. Attempting to "chelate" these materials out of our polluted environmental systems, is pure fantasy. You may have some success with an individuals health regime, but as soon as that individual ventures outside or ingests contaminated food or water, they are re-contaminated. It is fantasy.
The use of electromagnetic broadcast in civilian and military communications is a only TINY part of the electromagnetic hijacking of human souls. HAARP and SBX radar hacking of the ionosphere, has decimated ALL of Earth's natural environments. Contrary to the populist propaganda, Ozone depletion has become a major driver of species loss world wide.
Light energy use? Hello? Anyone understand the psycho-effective use of LED street lighting? LED computer screens? The use of LED illumination in automotive applications? The use of unnatural light products grows daily. Then see this: >http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photophosphorylation
yeah,at this point an adult with pureblood won't rely or trust ever in the pharamaceutical drugs, products, etc. Pure toxics disguised as cure. Now the other level we must deattach is from processed food with the sugar addicted freaks...haha
I have been watching Jonathan Otto's New Hope series in which he presents quite the line-up of doctors who've successfully treated patients with jab injuries. I'm pretty sure there will be a replay of all the videos this weekend. Today's episode is about how to holistically restore healthhttps://newhopeseries.com/episode-9-live/.
The substackvaxxfacts.infolists a number of helpful resources for people seeking to heal from the gene therapy, as well.
And NOBODY is addressing it in Congress, left or right! Our “ vaunted elected representatives”. WHO and what do they represent? Globalist Kleptocorporate multinational monopolisistic megalomaniacal psychopathic technocrats.
One side pretends to “ care” about saving the Earth from “ Climate Change” by robbing us of every creature comfort and using us as lab rats, scream about diversity , women’s healthcare and reproductive rights… and forced unsafe mRNA poison darts, and sending our children to die in foreign wars.
The other side claims to be “ pro-life”,because every fertilized egg is an unborn child, pro-freedom,religious liberty , right to privacy,small government, free speech yet confuse the Constitution with their fundamentalist interpretation of the Bible and sends those “ precious lives” to fight foreign wars.
Screaming about “ Losing Our Democracy” but rigging elections, not allowing pragmatic, independent voices and forcing us to choose between awful and lethal.We lost our democracy years ago and now we have lost our sovereign republic As the duplicitous, duopolous bastards steal our souls.Shutting down Tucker was a whole of UniParty effort.If anybody wonders why nobody is ever held accountable, it because the corrosive criminality is bipartisan.
Is that Franklin Graham? The son whose wife had a young lover for years, and he loved watching them in the act? Plus, they both presented him at family gatherings as just a young man they were helping get established in life. I wonder how their kids handled it when the documentary came out about the entire disturbing, abusive relationship?
Thanks for the tip. I used to take PubMed seriously, but see below comment.
Despite the thousands of studies, testimonials and published papers on the benefits of EDTA, online sites such as PubMed, will not support EDTA therapy or benefits.
Anything that will cut into the profits of ludicrously expensive medical treatments (like bypass surgery) will be condemned by the same media outlets they control (pretty much everything online and on the news).
---Dr. Michael Roth
Watch here about EDTA chelation:
Best detoxification available to human body is raw high water fruit to clean your lymph system where most of the heavy metals are. What you see in the blood is only part of the picture.
Ana, you must not trust any pharmaceutical product at this time knowing the evil plan to contaminate everything. Don't prescribe any phalsemaceutical drug to the people. Trust the natural products, they are many times more powerful and trustworthy.
God's Word -- The Truth. Matt. 10:28 “And fear not them which kill the body, but are NOT ABLE TO KILL THE SOUL: but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” His word is Spirit to spirit. Flesh can not understand nor abide in it. That's why so many are fearing wicked men. It will be to their own demise. The answer -- the only answer -- is to walk/abide in Truth. Yeshua/Jesus IS Truth itself.
Fear, rather not to fear, is written 365 times in the Bible. Believe the Word & the promise of John 1:1-5.
God is about to deal with evil in a big. big way, & very soon. Fear not.
After years of looking videos of the topic, I have the following equatioin describing the Bioweapon that came into the hand(through the arm by the vax) and into the forehead (through the nose by the pcr swab) as was predicted in the bible. Bioweapon = Graphene+luciferase+5G. From these, the identification component(mark) is the luciferase, the control valve is the graphene, and the power source is 5G
I thought the same but further study leads me to believe the Mark involving forehead is compliance, the frontal lobe where decision making lies, acceptance of the Beast, and the right hand takes action, including against your fellow man.
Can you think of a better way to stop this agenda than to produce a small, pocket sized device consumers can take into stores to check for the synthetic biology?
What frequency was it? What kind of device captures this frequency? an audible spectrum analyzer? I don't see how.
There are two ways to counter the environmental toxic vectors: with natural products in our daily diet or with higlhly advanced ancient wearables made with also materials from earth. I have tested sucessfully the first oneas now I am going to test the latest ones...
*Adding to my reply to suggest chelating antioxidant and amino acid supplements to keep your own optimal health (and family’s ). Dr Ana focuses on EDTA because she’s had success but for the rest of us —- I take high dose Vit C, also chelating, NAC, powerful, repairs cells exposed to heavy metals, Quercetin, Zinc, Magnesium, Selenium, Calcium, K2, and trace minerals. I use wearable grounding bracelet for when I’m out, and have similar materials placed around devices at home that I ground nightly. I’m early 60’s, great health, never vaxxed as an adult, and limit my proximity to boosted ppl. I’m getting my blood tested soon to look for signs of contamination. As far as food, I eat everything so we’ll see if protecting our innate immunity combined with supplements helped. *
I’m reviewingBlushield.comdevices for use. It’s very expensive of course. They’ve updated the site and products but the average person won’t be able to afford it. Plus how do we know it’s not controlled opposition at play? It’s a bandaid to an evil world, pray for the righteous justice of God.
Thanks for sharing. I have not worked up to 10k vitamin C, that's a tall hill for me to climb. I take the vitamins and minerals mentioned and I am doing okay.
Here's a link to a DIY nanodetox bucket.
Spanish researchers from La Quinta Columna are reporting success with some versions of this that are now available commercially. One is triangle shaped and goes into the bathtub for a whole body nano detox. The other is a bucket for soaking one foot at a time(or one foot is enough?) with instructions for using an ionizing mixture of water and vinegar.
This bucket has proven successful in removing the causative agent for Morgellon's disease which is caused by a similar type of hydrogel as what's found in the COVID injections.
I believe Dr. Ana has stated the belief that for approximately the last 6 months they've been putting the COVID hydrogel in the geoengineering sprays.
I haven't had a vaccine since the late 60's, but I do believe I have some minor activation from them that was triggered by the COVID plandemic. When the store shelves were empty and all these people were wearing masks, it raised by stress levels because I knew it was planned and I knew it was greatly eroding my civil rights. Stress is a terrible enemy to health and it has had an impact on me.
Me too, absolutely, took awhile to combat the stress level. Didn’t help that majority of family / friends lined up for injections and several now injured or repeatedly sick. Will definitely check out the bath bucket, thx, and been following LQC since ‘21, their March conference was amazing. There’s a page on FB called IonCleanse by AMD, a foot bath product I’m going to explore, and probably update my home/device protection. Good luck to you, and God help us all 🙏🏼
Great interview. For a video that will blow you away watch "NASA War Document vs. Humanity Found on NASA Site" on Rumble. Totally backs up Dr. Ana's findings.
All souls belong to Jesus and NO, no entities or anything else can take control of souls away from Him.
-- Years ago I heard a witch make the exact same claim, that they could capture people's souls, that is a lie straight from Satan.
-- Jesus said to fear He Who could DESTROY both body AND SOUL, which He could not do righteously / legally if they didn't belong to Him, the same as one cannot righteously / legally destroy anything that doesn't belong to them.
THEY WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO CAPTURE OR OTHERWISE CONTROL SOULS because they'd have to overpower Jesus which is absolutely impossible.
And it's very counter-productive to pass on this old and totally false claim of witches.
Das Raciss - Apr 26, 2023
Keep on, keeping on! I've been sharing every show your on, like a mad woman!!!
Michael Folks - Apr 26, 2023
Michael’s Substack
With Bidens Executive order, the U.S. Govt will know; When you get paid, how much, when you buy something, it's cost, where, and if you are allowed to have it.
Norcalrain - Apr 26, 2023
Paul Vonharnish - Apr 26, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
The majority of the discussion fails to define the actual issues. The use of EDTA therapies will not resolve wide spread dispersal of aerosolised metals into the atmosphere. Geoengineering patents describing these metallic compounds can be found here: >https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/links-to-geoengineering-patents/
See Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) addressing the health consequences of prolonged exposures to these materials...
There have been published peer reviewed articles describing biological warfare methods for nearly 60 years. Attempting to "chelate" these materials out of our polluted environmental systems, is pure fantasy. You may have some success with an individuals health regime, but as soon as that individual ventures outside or ingests contaminated food or water, they are re-contaminated. It is fantasy.
The use of electromagnetic broadcast in civilian and military communications is a only TINY part of the electromagnetic hijacking of human souls. HAARP and SBX radar hacking of the ionosphere, has decimated ALL of Earth's natural environments. Contrary to the populist propaganda, Ozone depletion has become a major driver of species loss world wide.
Light energy use? Hello? Anyone understand the psycho-effective use of LED street lighting? LED computer screens? The use of LED illumination in automotive applications? The use of unnatural light products grows daily. Then see this: >http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photophosphorylation
Dennis K McGee - May 2, 2023
Dennis K McGee
I think individuals' detox is the point. I don't like it either, but like everyone else, I wasn't consulted.
solutions - Apr 28, 2023
solutions’s Substack
yeah,at this point an adult with pureblood won't rely or trust ever in the pharamaceutical drugs, products, etc. Pure toxics disguised as cure. Now the other level we must deattach is from processed food with the sugar addicted freaks...haha
Remi Steele - Apr 26, 2023
Remi’s Substack
I have been watching Jonathan Otto's New Hope series in which he presents quite the line-up of doctors who've successfully treated patients with jab injuries. I'm pretty sure there will be a replay of all the videos this weekend. Today's episode is about how to holistically restore healthhttps://newhopeseries.com/episode-9-live/.
The substackvaxxfacts.infolists a number of helpful resources for people seeking to heal from the gene therapy, as well.
Gail - Apr 26, 2023
Gail’s Newsletter
And NOBODY is addressing it in Congress, left or right! Our “ vaunted elected representatives”. WHO and what do they represent? Globalist Kleptocorporate multinational monopolisistic megalomaniacal psychopathic technocrats.
One side pretends to “ care” about saving the Earth from “ Climate Change” by robbing us of every creature comfort and using us as lab rats, scream about diversity , women’s healthcare and reproductive rights… and forced unsafe mRNA poison darts, and sending our children to die in foreign wars.
The other side claims to be “ pro-life”,because every fertilized egg is an unborn child, pro-freedom,religious liberty , right to privacy,small government, free speech yet confuse the Constitution with their fundamentalist interpretation of the Bible and sends those “ precious lives” to fight foreign wars.
Screaming about “ Losing Our Democracy” but rigging elections, not allowing pragmatic, independent voices and forcing us to choose between awful and lethal.We lost our democracy years ago and now we have lost our sovereign republic As the duplicitous, duopolous bastards steal our souls.Shutting down Tucker was a whole of UniParty effort.If anybody wonders why nobody is ever held accountable, it because the corrosive criminality is bipartisan.
Paul Vonharnish - Apr 27, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Yes. Here's a short introduction to the actual situation with Pfizer and/or assigns. >http://annavonreitz.com/illegalcorporations.pdf
RE Nichols - Apr 26, 2023
RE’s Zine
Billy Graham's pro Life son urged us all to roll up our sleeves and become lab rats for an injection that killed many. Everybody loves Big pHarma.
Sharon Wood - Apr 26, 2023
Sharon Wood
Is that Franklin Graham? The son whose wife had a young lover for years, and he loved watching them in the act? Plus, they both presented him at family gatherings as just a young man they were helping get established in life. I wonder how their kids handled it when the documentary came out about the entire disturbing, abusive relationship?
LawyerLisa - Apr 26, 2023
LawyerLisa’s Substack
Thank-you for all your work Dr. Ana.
Nostradamus - Apr 26, 2023
Thanks for the tip. I used to take PubMed seriously, but see below comment.
Despite the thousands of studies, testimonials and published papers on the benefits of EDTA, online sites such as PubMed, will not support EDTA therapy or benefits.
Anything that will cut into the profits of ludicrously expensive medical treatments (like bypass surgery) will be condemned by the same media outlets they control (pretty much everything online and on the news).
---Dr. Michael Roth
Nostradamus - Apr 26, 2023
“Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.” – Winston S. Churchill
Pure - Apr 26, 2023
Watch here about EDTA chelation:
Best detoxification available to human body is raw high water fruit to clean your lymph system where most of the heavy metals are. What you see in the blood is only part of the picture.
solutions - Apr 28, 2023 - Edited
solutions’s Substack
Ana, you must not trust any pharmaceutical product at this time knowing the evil plan to contaminate everything. Don't prescribe any phalsemaceutical drug to the people. Trust the natural products, they are many times more powerful and trustworthy.
jsand - Apr 27, 2023
GQ4U’s Substack
God's Word -- The Truth. Matt. 10:28 “And fear not them which kill the body, but are NOT ABLE TO KILL THE SOUL: but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” His word is Spirit to spirit. Flesh can not understand nor abide in it. That's why so many are fearing wicked men. It will be to their own demise. The answer -- the only answer -- is to walk/abide in Truth. Yeshua/Jesus IS Truth itself.
GQ4U - Sep 18, 2023
GQ4U’s Substack
Fear, rather not to fear, is written 365 times in the Bible. Believe the Word & the promise of John 1:1-5.
God is about to deal with evil in a big. big way, & very soon. Fear not.
solutions - Apr 28, 2023 - Edited
solutions’s Substack
After years of looking videos of the topic, I have the following equatioin describing the Bioweapon that came into the hand(through the arm by the vax) and into the forehead (through the nose by the pcr swab) as was predicted in the bible. Bioweapon = Graphene+luciferase+5G. From these, the identification component(mark) is the luciferase, the control valve is the graphene, and the power source is 5G
JMarie.58 - Apr 28, 2023
JMarie.58’s Substack
I thought the same but further study leads me to believe the Mark involving forehead is compliance, the frontal lobe where decision making lies, acceptance of the Beast, and the right hand takes action, including against your fellow man.
Matt - Apr 26, 2023 - Edited
Can you think of a better way to stop this agenda than to produce a small, pocket sized device consumers can take into stores to check for the synthetic biology?
What frequency was it? What kind of device captures this frequency? an audible spectrum analyzer? I don't see how.
solutions - Apr 28, 2023
solutions’s Substack
There are two ways to counter the environmental toxic vectors: with natural products in our daily diet or with higlhly advanced ancient wearables made with also materials from earth. I have tested sucessfully the first oneas now I am going to test the latest ones...
JMarie.58 - Apr 26, 2023 - Edited
JMarie.58’s Substack
*Adding to my reply to suggest chelating antioxidant and amino acid supplements to keep your own optimal health (and family’s ). Dr Ana focuses on EDTA because she’s had success but for the rest of us —- I take high dose Vit C, also chelating, NAC, powerful, repairs cells exposed to heavy metals, Quercetin, Zinc, Magnesium, Selenium, Calcium, K2, and trace minerals. I use wearable grounding bracelet for when I’m out, and have similar materials placed around devices at home that I ground nightly. I’m early 60’s, great health, never vaxxed as an adult, and limit my proximity to boosted ppl. I’m getting my blood tested soon to look for signs of contamination. As far as food, I eat everything so we’ll see if protecting our innate immunity combined with supplements helped. *
I’m reviewingBlushield.comdevices for use. It’s very expensive of course. They’ve updated the site and products but the average person won’t be able to afford it. Plus how do we know it’s not controlled opposition at play? It’s a bandaid to an evil world, pray for the righteous justice of God.
Matt - Apr 28, 2023 - Edited
Thanks for sharing. I have not worked up to 10k vitamin C, that's a tall hill for me to climb. I take the vitamins and minerals mentioned and I am doing okay.
Here's a link to a DIY nanodetox bucket.
Spanish researchers from La Quinta Columna are reporting success with some versions of this that are now available commercially. One is triangle shaped and goes into the bathtub for a whole body nano detox. The other is a bucket for soaking one foot at a time(or one foot is enough?) with instructions for using an ionizing mixture of water and vinegar.
This bucket has proven successful in removing the causative agent for Morgellon's disease which is caused by a similar type of hydrogel as what's found in the COVID injections.
I believe Dr. Ana has stated the belief that for approximately the last 6 months they've been putting the COVID hydrogel in the geoengineering sprays.
I haven't had a vaccine since the late 60's, but I do believe I have some minor activation from them that was triggered by the COVID plandemic. When the store shelves were empty and all these people were wearing masks, it raised by stress levels because I knew it was planned and I knew it was greatly eroding my civil rights. Stress is a terrible enemy to health and it has had an impact on me.
JMarie.58 - Apr 28, 2023
JMarie.58’s Substack
Me too, absolutely, took awhile to combat the stress level. Didn’t help that majority of family / friends lined up for injections and several now injured or repeatedly sick. Will definitely check out the bath bucket, thx, and been following LQC since ‘21, their March conference was amazing. There’s a page on FB called IonCleanse by AMD, a foot bath product I’m going to explore, and probably update my home/device protection. Good luck to you, and God help us all 🙏🏼
Matt - Apr 30, 2023
Sorry about your family falling for the trap. I was luckier in that regard.
God help us all, yes! Good luck to you.
NHNEC - Apr 26, 2023
Un-silent - Apr 26, 2023
Great interview. For a video that will blow you away watch "NASA War Document vs. Humanity Found on NASA Site" on Rumble. Totally backs up Dr. Ana's findings.
Kaloyan - Sep 27, 2023
Kaloyan’s Substack
Hello. I want to buy the product EDTA, but I can't from Belgium - your system is only intended for American users. How can I get this product?
Mark The AntiSatan - May 10, 2023
All souls belong to Jesus and NO, no entities or anything else can take control of souls away from Him.
-- Years ago I heard a witch make the exact same claim, that they could capture people's souls, that is a lie straight from Satan.
-- Jesus said to fear He Who could DESTROY both body AND SOUL, which He could not do righteously / legally if they didn't belong to Him, the same as one cannot righteously / legally destroy anything that doesn't belong to them.
THEY WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO CAPTURE OR OTHERWISE CONTROL SOULS because they'd have to overpower Jesus which is absolutely impossible.
And it's very counter-productive to pass on this old and totally false claim of witches.
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anaunited anacom