Hijacking the Soul: Dr. Exposes the Transhuman Agenda to Digitize and Surveil the Population - Interview with Maria Zeee On The Alex Jones Show

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Apr 26, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Hijacking the Soul: Dr. Exposes the Transhuman Agenda to Digitize and Surveil the Population

This interview with Maria Zeee was streamed on Infowars today. We go through the expose of the transhumanist agenda and discuss nanotechnology, synthetic biology, contaminated food supply, detoxification strategies.

I do recommend amongst other treatments the EDTA Cream from Soma Health, developed by a dear colleague, the late Dr. Michael Roth: Soma Health EDTA Cream

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Das Raciss - Apr 26, 2023

Keep on, keeping on! I've been sharing every show your on, like a mad woman!!!

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Michael Folks - Apr 26, 2023

Michael’s Substack

With Bidens Executive order, the U.S. Govt will know; When you get paid, how much, when you buy something, it's cost, where, and if you are allowed to have it.

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