Healing From Mind Control Through Love …

Jul 1, 2023

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"Humanity United” Movement Starts With Absolute Truth: YOUR SPIRIT IS THE ULTIMATE ANTIDOTE.


Val - Jul 1, 2023

I was introduced to the despicable dark side of MKUltra through Cathy O'Brien's story and the book 'Trance-formation of America' almost 15 years ago. Another book, 'The Whistleblower'. Both books confirmed things I had been learning through some personal experiences in groups working on brokenness of the soul. It is so amazing and an incredible testimony to the power of Our Lord and Creator how Cathy was delivered from and healed from the horrific assaults she was subjected to. I thank the Father for His testimony of Love and Healing through her life, and I thank Cathy for carrying the torch of healing and restoration for others to witness the multitudinous aspects that played into the planned harm and that there is a path of deliverance and restoration, no matter the trauma experienced.


John B. Phillips - Jul 1, 2023

APOCRA Enterprises

Thank you both, Ana and Cathy for everything you have done and are still doing to expose the extinction-level criminality of what has become a Breakaway Civilization.
Truly, the Targeted Justice $1.3 billion lawsuit against the DOJ, FBI, and DHS for putting innocent people all over the world into the Terror Screening Database in order to attack us with directed energy weapons and mind-invasive technologies (TI's-the original experimental group for the government injections) has the potential to truly expose and stop this.
Please consider helping us spread the word about this case, it has been in court for nearly 6 months and we need everyone to know about it!
Thank you for your excellent work, both of you
mail to:TJmedia2@proton.me


Rosalind McGill - Jul 2, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Thanks for getting this far. So many people! You can’t understand it until you go through it.


John B. Phillips - Jul 2, 2023

APOCRA Enterprises

This lawsuit is a good one. They broke their own rules. they put innocent people into a terrorist database. I think they will have to answer for it now. The whole truth could come out, if people are watching this case


Rosalind McGill - Jul 2, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Thanks. Mine got really bad after I reported a sex offender grooming children. Was so scary and confusing initially!


John B. Phillips - Jul 2, 2023

APOCRA Enterprises

I did a poll of Targeted people, which showed that 80% of Targeted people do not realize they are Targeted initially. Sometimes it takes years for people to figure it out


Rosalind McGill - Jul 2, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Applies here, definitely. My grandfather was very shady and worked at the cia & was not allowed around children. I think he offered all his family as test subjects. It got me stronger in my faith a few years ago . It’s a battle between good and evil, my opinion. Glad I’m on the right side.


ann watson - Jul 1, 2023 - Edited

thanks Ana - left a message under the video - wonderful to see you two together. - by the way
here is a super good documentary - excellent about child trafficking - just came out - better than
that hollywood one -https://rumble.com/v2vxvhz-cages-epic-human-trafficking-truth.html
Also I just wanted to comment on Cathy's discussion of the human spirit being safe and untouched at all times - Rudolf Steiner might say that the Guardian Angel has care over this sacred part of the human being.


RogerCanada - Jul 1, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Ana, We'd like to see Dr. Robert Duncan talk with you, on your Rumble channel, about what you found in ppl blood & mind control technology used in targeting us by sentient AI


Rosalind McGill - Jul 2, 2023

Rosalind McGill

That’s be great. His first soul catchers book helped me during a rough time.


Pamela Raditsch - Jul 4, 2023

Pamela Raditsch

I'm confused. This man's book helped you through a rough time?
From what I've heard from him in his presentations he gives me the creeps. He has emoted something along the lines of how wonderful it will be to have these new technologies, the new human (more-or-less, I'm unable to take the time to quote his exact words now), the new capabilities for easier "learning" for instance.
I somehow cannot see Dr. Ana, in her great concern for humanity, discussing what she sees with this man.


Rosalind McGill - Jul 4, 2023

Rosalind McGill

His first book helped me understand gang stalking.


Pamela Raditsch - Jul 4, 2023

Pamela Raditsch



Laurie - Jul 1, 2023

Sandy K

Dr Ana, have you seen this vid on 5 g , nano tech, chem trails, etc?https://thegoodlylawfulsociety.org/the-coming-5g-apocalypse-the-extinction-event-video/


Sandy K - Jul 1, 2023

Sandy K

Thanks for that link! This was "BREAKING":https://thegoodlylawfulsociety.org/breaking-news-the-supreme-court-in-the-us-has-ruled-that-the-covid-pathogen-is-not-a-vaccine-is-unsafe-and-must-be-avoided-at-all-costs-big-pharma-and-anthony-fauci-have-lost-a-lawsuit-fi/
Blessings to all of you!


Larry Druhall - Jul 2, 2023 - Edited

Solution Seeking

Excellent. The universe is bigger than this world or any one person. Consciousness remains an absolute mystery. Objective logical and truly spiritual (non religious) inquiry reveals that death is more of a beginning than an ending. It is possible that whatever makes up consciousness is released after death to potentially be put to better use elsewhere in ways we cannot conceptualize as humans. There is an absence of real moral and philosophical explorations into the meaning of life these days, explorations without religious bias. That is possibly a major part of the problems we face.


Unagnu - Jul 2, 2023


I told my Mom this. My Dad is an atheist and boy is he EVER in for a surprise when he gets HIS life review and moves on out and up.. He doesn't believe in life after death... when he gets moved on or into purgatory or even, down below well he'll be shocked. I believe that God exists, our soul continues its journey back to the Source, Creator, God in ways we do not in this incarnation understand. I make the comparison.. like a fetus in the womb cannot understand what a baby that is born is experiencing... different worlds, different ways of being...when we leave this world and as Tenneyson put it , cross the bar out to sea...


Larry Druhall - Jul 2, 2023

Solution Seeking

Please consider the possible merits of also showing your dad this and then having a family discussion as equals with open minds. The results of such a discussion might be incredibly insightful and surprising. If that occurs, please consider the merits of sharing the result with us here. Thank you for your reply.


Nostradamus X - Jul 2, 2023 - Edited

Nostradamus X

Without "religious bias" is the key word.
I was lucky to read De Docta Ignorancia (Nicolaus Cusanus-1440) after high school. That's how I realized that what I was being taught in school was garbage. Note that Cardinal Cusanus was a German clergyman in Italy during the 15th century who was considered a troublemaker for the Catholic Church. His problem was that he was presenting the intrinsic order of the universe from a rational perspective and it irritated the Church. His book has nothing to do with religion - he tries to model the universe using geometry. I am still surprised that 500+ years later the "educators" still ignore this guy.


Unagnu - Jul 2, 2023


Sacred geometry. ... 3, 6, 9 Tesla. Frequencies... the key to life? to after life?


Larry Druhall - Jul 2, 2023

Solution Seeking

Excellent. Thank you. May I suggest inquiry and discussion into all aspects of the concept of the malicious demon as described by Descartes? Further, please consider inquiry and discussion into all aspects of "brain in a vat", "simulism", "solipsism", "many world theory of quantum mechanics", and "quantum eraser ". Then perhaps an objective analysis and/or open minded discussion of "the meaning of life".


Unagnu - Jul 2, 2023


I will take that under advisement. I operate on gut instinct in these matters and what my inner voice has told me is this: Life Exists in some fashion after this life. All people have access to it. (it is not your belief that determines the after life, that part is a fact. It is the LIFE you lived that determines where you go from there. How in tune with the God force were you? Were you kind, loving, helpful? Were you angry and obsessed with things and money? Do you want to come Back to here? Been very naughty? Maybe into purgatory.. to help you get it straight before you start again with a clean slate. Dont want to come back? Well you stay.. where ever and how ever. Of course now with the demons unleashed killing people with nano tech and trying to link them to the matrix, and capture their 'soul' so to speak... who knows?


Larry Druhall - Jul 2, 2023

Solution Seeking

Who knows? There are many possibilities. There are many probabilities. Open minded conversations of them are insightful and meaningful. If some corrupt group with too much power abuses and destroys the biological makeup of a person and installs mind control technology that disrupts the cohesive integration of the brain's manifestation of consciousness, what happened to the consciousness that was there before? Was it destroyed? Did it change and go elsewhere? The mysteries of consciousness are profound?
I am an engineer and ran simulations of the future. Often 9 or more simulations were run to explore different designs and different possible futures. Much can be learned by doing something similar using techniques like daydreaming or creative visualization. It is possible that the most important contribution we can make in this life is the design and visualization of a different, better world, and do our best to bring it to fruition in this life? Perhaps this can contribute to the design and creation of better situations on this planet in this life, or elsewhere? Our thoughts and best efforts are real and meaningful irregardless of whether they physically manifest in actual positive change, learn from failures, adapt, and try again? It is important to think about positive change where the world exists in a harmonious cohesive tapestry where the lives of all beings are optimized in the best possible ways? We have already examined and discussed this several different ways. Here is one of them. There is no time limit on additional ideas and discussions.
An Open Invitation For Readers To Use Their Visualization And Creative Writing Skills To Solve The World's Problems


Larry Druhall - Jul 2, 2023 - Edited

Solution Seeking

Comment removed.


Larry Druhall - Jul 2, 2023 - Edited

Solution Seeking

Excellent. Thank you. May I suggest inquiry and discussion into all aspects of the concept of the malicious demon as described by Descartes? Further, please consider inquiry and discussion into all aspects of "brain in a vat", "simulism", "solipsism", "many world theory of quantum mechanics", and "quantum eraser ". Then perhaps an objective analysis and/or open minded discussion of "the meaning of life".


Nostradamus X - Jul 2, 2023 - Edited

Nostradamus X

I did study Descartes (R.C). His signature was R.C which many people interpret as Rosi Crucian since he was Rosi Crucian. But that's not the point. Descartes physics was more about matter not energy. e.g the concept of momentum in theoretical mechanics.
It's Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz that introduced the notion of force and Leibniz saw energy in everything. He then wrote the Monadology in ~1712-1714 which is another key book that anyone who wants to understand the "meaning of life" should first read.
Leibniz view of the universe is more closer to Cusanus (1440) than to Descartes.
That's why I still have the books of these OLD philosophers on my desk.
As far as quantum mechanics is concerned, late Prof David Bohm (theoretical physicis) developed his own theories of the universe that many "luminaries" didn't understand (holomovement) - they accused him of gnosticism. Bohm is the guy behind US nuclear secrets. His PhD thesis was never published because it was condidered a state "secret" and he fled the US because he didn't want to betray his colleagues and was professor of physics in the UK all his life.
The above 3 individuals are the only ones that for me have approached the universe in a way that I can understand.
Still, as Cusanus puts it, you're finite and cannot become infinity. If not there are going to be many infinities which makes no sense!
Below is a summary of Leibniz' philosophy that is very close to Bohm's quantum theory.
"The matter, space and time that we perceive does not exist in itself. There are only logical realities and metaphysical points; the monads. The sensible phenomenon is only the confused representation of a reality which hides itself in it and which is made
of monad and interactions between monads." (Note: the book was written in French and the English translation may not always be what the author had in mind!!)
These are the types of authors that a true educational system should be studying instead of fake race theories. I know philosophy and science are tough for some people but if you want to build a self-sustained civilization, shouldn't you take the most difficult path for your people's education?


Larry Druhall - Jul 2, 2023 - Edited

Solution Seeking

Thank you for this incredible reply. I admit that I do not fully understand it, yet. It would be nice to find some time to study what you have shared. Upon initial reading, it appears that what you have described here aligns with some of the possibilities that give the most meaning to the interpretations of how consciousness embraces the universe.
I was doing a PHD in Continuum Mechanics. The thesis topic was "A Universal Computer Model For Cosserat Surfaces". This required learning about the mathematics involved. I got hung up on Einstein's concept of the pseudo tensor, got skeptical, and left the PHD program to pursue a career in simulation engineering and being involved in think tanks to optimize predictive analysis to test system operation and design alternatives. It is curious that now others are now questioning Einstein's concept of the pseudo tensor like I did in the 1980's. Here is one example.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CSL702JSdY&t=5sThe point is that the mainstream can and should always be questioned. Everything and everybody should always be questioned. Constructive open minded self questioning and consideration of new concepts is refreshing and invigorating.
We often assume that our awake life is more real than our dreams when sleeping. It is insightful to question this assumption. This leads to different interpretations of the concept of infinity and the limitations of the conscious interactions with the world during the awake times.
There are many possibilities. There are many probabilities. Open minded conversations of them are insightful and meaningful. If some corrupt group with too much power abuses and destroys the biological makeup of a person and installs mind control technology that disrupts the cohesive integration of the brain's manifestation of consciousness, what happened to the consciousness that was there before? Was it destroyed? Did it change and go elsewhere? The mysteries of consciousness are profound?
Much can be learned by using techniques like daydreaming, creative visualizations, ego death dreaming, etc. It is possible that the most important contribution we can make in this life is the design and visualization of a different, better world, and do our best to bring it to fruition in this life? Perhaps this can contribute to the design and creation of better situations on this planet in this life, or elsewhere? Our thoughts and best efforts are real and meaningful irregardless of whether they physically manifest in actual positive change? We can learn from failures, adapt, and try again? It is important to think about positive change where the world exists in a harmonious cohesive tapestry where the lives of all beings are optimized in the best possible ways?
We have already examined and discussed this several different ways. Here is one of them. There is no time limit on additional ideas and discussions.
An Open Invitation For Readers To Use Their Visualization And Creative Writing Skills To Solve The World's Problems


Next. - Jul 2, 2023

"Everything and everybody should always be questioned."
It's astonishing to be how very few people I interact with face to face, question anything at all. They just go along through life with no deep thought or wondering at all.
You are 100% correct: question everything, boldly. Truth will always make itself known through questioning. It's why the tyrants want to crush any dissent or curiosity


Nostradamus X - Jul 2, 2023 - Edited

Nostradamus X

I've been questioning everything I hear since the age of 17 when I realized clearly that my professor of Physics had no real understanding of what he was teaching.
My Philosophy professor only made my life miserable by teaching Jean Paul Sartre's "On Becoming" junk. Remember that he was offered a Nobel Prize for his philosophy. As a kid I debunked it big time. The professor was asking students to sing the mantra "Your are not, you become" and I refused to comply. I used to say "You become who you are, so you are".
All experiences in my life have proved that I was right and Jean Paul Sartre was WRONG. Now imagine how many millions of hour people have been wasting in the world studying the "On Becoming" philosophy?
As far as Eistein is concerned, the establishment that calls David Bohm as gnosticist are the people who expected him to expand Eistein's theories after he left Los Alamos.
He rather made a breakthrough that the mainstream couldn't understand. His theory of non-locality of the universe is consistent with Leibniz Monadology.
I call it theory because those who are not aware of the life experience behind his cosmological model can't have a feeling of what he's saying.
I discovered his work because I had the same life experience that pushed him in that direction and I was trying to explain what was going on behind the scenes.
When you vibrate at your resonant frequency, the matter, space and time do NOT exist for you. Only your third eye guides you in your Oneness state. This is when Leibniz philosophy becomes real.
Ignorance is destroying life on this planet, and the global predators are disrupting the universe as a whole with their greed - they want to control everything from your consciousness to everything physical. They don't know how it works but they want to make it better - go figure!
I have no doubt that they are going to fail miserably.


scout - Jul 1, 2023 - Edited


Going through two of Cathy's books again now, Trance and Post-T-Stress. Phillips helped Cathy recover and that gave us valuable book concepts. NSA act, 1947, ass Truman, caused the problem. We have to get that act repealed. Cathy's MKULTRA was traumatic; nanos is more like old timer Delgado using electricity, which right now is causing you to sweat and I'm worried, too. There is book material on Delgado, but I'll link a weak Wiki below. OK, get McRoy's book linking autism to trans. He laid a couple foundations that linked me to several other aspects about tiny computers; go into that later when time is right. His title, Autism Epidemic.
The deeper we go the worse it appears. Also, thinking about Cathy's valid point that all planned years ago, look at DOD as being 50 years into our future regarding tech level. Then recall Ike's and JFK's and Trump's warning about military, corporation, secret societies, controlled news. They got it right. :)


Unagnu - Jul 2, 2023


Ross Perot, taken out as a candidate by threats to his daughter... I would bet you that his story is true true true. He didn't know about 'them' he met with them, or they noticed him... and the threat he posed. He might well have won that Presidential Race had he stayed in, or derailed Bill Clinton as the victor and thrown it to the Repugs.. he had to be 'dealt' with.. but being who he was, nothing messy nothing public...


scout - Jul 2, 2023


I recall Ross, but do not recall anything about what his child had to do with his withdrawal. Ideally, if you have book material, let me know.


Unagnu - Jul 3, 2023


he dropped out of the race in the middle portion of summer. His daughter was getting married AND he claimed she had been threatened... it was hushed up a bit, and then he got back in the race... so who knows? But def.https://www.tampabay.com/archive/1992/10/26/perot-threats-drove-me-out/and also WaPost (we know that's controlled), and LA times reported. Bush purported claimed Perot's story was 'crazy'.https://www.courant.com/2019/07/09/ross-perot-89-had-clashed-with-bush-family-over-daughters-wedding/


futurehumanity - Jul 1, 2023 - Edited


I agree love heals. Careful though, it has to be self generated love, abductees and people that have gone through near death experience have reported or decades that " unconditional love bombs" or "bliss" are used to make them docile, much like Anna's "bliss" in the recent remake of the show V


Unagnu - Jul 2, 2023


Yes love and acceptance of self FIRST is crucial.


NMM - Jul 2, 2023

AncientHeart369’s Substack

After my NDE I have unconditional love for others, but I am also much more assertive when it comes to fighting evil. Once I knew God and Jesus is real and the Holy spirit abides with us, I have incredible resolve against evil. I am less docile post NDE.


AncientHeart369 - Dec 24, 2023

AncientHeart369’s Substack

Yayyyyyyyyy! 😀


solutions - Jul 3, 2023 - Edited

solutions’s Substack

In the practice, what happenns to the body have effects to the soul, and the otherway too. In the scriptures of God, for the servants of God, the body is the temple. When the body of Adam was corrupted by the corrupted apple, his body was changed to a flesh mortal body, instead of his original immortal heavenly body with the glory of paradise. Everything, the body,soul and spirit is interconnected, so if the body is corrupted in the DNA, the soul of a creature( including animals) is changed instantly. This was the cause of the flood, and the filter of this Harvest timeof the end times ,previous to the return of Christ.


futurehumanity - Jul 5, 2023

John Vargo

If you haven't figured out patriarchal religions were the first step of globalization and colonization by the jews to try and stomp out national natural spirituality do some research if you can stand the cognitive dissonance. They are even a way for them to gain more power every time you pray to the eggregores they created jesus allah the energy goes to them. These religions were even enforced with the same tactics as covid and quarantines, fear and misinformation (hell created 300 or so years current era, inquisition, etc) and exploiting the fear of death.....Their plans started 2000+ years ago if not more, they have only become apparent now because they are following the scripts their ancestors created, the bible, and in this scene of the movie there's revelation....your choice, answer with anger and outrage, denial or ignore what I started showing you and so knee jerk brainwashed reaction, or turn off the reaction and respond, doing research, thinking using logic however painful it is


John Vargo - Jul 10, 2023

John Vargo

I heard Laura Eisenhower say the demiurge is the god of the old testament.I've been reading this site,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Black_Sun_Program


futurehumanity - Jul 10, 2023

exactly....same god of the new testament with some frillls and fables, the new testament was created by jews to enslave non gentiles and suck their energy


Endofdays - Jul 11, 2023

Have you read the New Testament ? I always ask this when I come across this sort of comment. This view can only be held in ignorance. Jesus was a direct threat to the Scribes and Pharisees and took them on like nobody else in History.


futurehumanity - Jul 11, 2023

Read it many times....how could they make something palatable if they didn't create a good narrative, putting inspiring things, beautiul strawberries to hide the mountain of sh*t below? Just like they are doing today....jab is great, you are doing it for your neighbor, your christian duty, we'll give you also haburgers, pizza, etc...... I know where the new testament comes from , Jesus never existed, sorry, historians who lived when and where he was supposed to live never mention him, he's just an eggregore created by the jews to lure and also enslave gentiles to get away rom their countries' spirituality and funnel energy to them and their yahweh. On every pagan site there was a church created, they "acupunctured" the Earth to prepare all of this, as I said globalization and this plan started 2000+ years ago, if you go down the rabbit hole enough setting aside the religion they put in you as a software since birth or teenage years then it's as glaring as the sun


AncientHeart369 - Dec 24, 2023

AncientHeart369’s Substack

Quite the robust debate here! Good points, both of you.


Dogsnose Knows - Jul 1, 2023

Godspeed, the speed of Love, to all us world-weary, walking wounded of Heart and Soul 💖
Love will carry us through 🙏


John Caleo - Jul 2, 2023

My son and I went to the cemetery today. To see if the newly deceased were giving off MAC addresses. 3 MAC addresses came up. 🤔😎👀


Peter70x7 - Jul 2, 2023 - Edited


Dr Ana, I found the origin of the "spinning people" in the Minds of Men documentary which is all about the nefarious CIA mind control programs. 3min clip


John Caleo - Jul 4, 2023

https://www.bitchute.com/video/kGcuImv91qqZ/Blue light and heart attacks? 🤔😎👀


John Caleo - Jul 2, 2023

My son and I went to the cemetery today. To see if the newly deceased were giving off MAC addresses. 3 MAC addresses came up. 🤔😎👀


Nigel Cockain - Jul 2, 2023

Black Sheep in Exile

Wow! That was beautiful. A truly uplifting and inspiring interview with both of you resonating at optimal frequency. Two radiant spirits in harmony. Love transcends all fear and negative low vibrations! It hit the spot for me, on multiple levels. Your electric conversation captured and communicated the key scientific and spiritual dimensions with both urgency and joyous abundance. Best interview of the year. Thank you.


Phil Davis - Jul 2, 2023

Vintage American Images

Hi Doc, have you seen this yet?


Robert - Jul 2, 2023

I have verified your research to an extent by looking at the blood of 11 individuals from the Salt Lake City area. All had vaxxed blood.



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