Fear based reactionary thinking fuelled the cv19 assault. Why is the populace vulnerable too and compliant too THEIR fear based propaganda?
Salt restriction has been taught as a tool for health. This is a malfeasant directive.
Low salt also called hyponatremia also called dehydration results with salt restriction.
This makes the adrenals take charge because this is an emergency. Hyponatremia can kill. All the adrenocortical hormones are produced in response. This puts people into a constant state of fear, as if they have a tiger on their tail.
Fight/flight/freeze are their responses to pressure.
Their adrenals become fatigued or enlarged.
Stress is intolerable, compliance / avoidance / aggressive are their primary reactions. This makes media manipulation very easy.
The WHO boosts of the return on their investment campaigning to reduce salt intake.
Excerpt: Sodium reduction has since been recognized by WHO as one of the “best buys” in global public health, yielding an estimated return on investment of USD$13-78 for every dollar invested.
Read my article: How does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking?
Click the blue icon.
Know all the symptoms of dehydration so you can take action to remedy.
Eg a headache is not a sign to pop a Panadol.
Hydration equals salt plus water.
Get salty and get back your thought control.
good to see Dr. Madej still on the scene > hopefully there will be media segments/recordings we can share soon after > get the info in front of those who most need to hear it
Jane 333 - May 3
Lung physiology equals salt plu…
Fear based reactionary thinking fuelled the cv19 assault. Why is the populace vulnerable too and compliant too THEIR fear based propaganda?
Salt restriction has been taught as a tool for health. This is a malfeasant directive.
Low salt also called hyponatremia also called dehydration results with salt restriction.
This makes the adrenals take charge because this is an emergency. Hyponatremia can kill. All the adrenocortical hormones are produced in response. This puts people into a constant state of fear, as if they have a tiger on their tail.
Fight/flight/freeze are their responses to pressure.
Their adrenals become fatigued or enlarged.
Stress is intolerable, compliance / avoidance / aggressive are their primary reactions. This makes media manipulation very easy.
The WHO boosts of the return on their investment campaigning to reduce salt intake.
Excerpt: Sodium reduction has since been recognized by WHO as one of the “best buys” in global public health, yielding an estimated return on investment of USD$13-78 for every dollar invested.
Read my article: How does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking?
Click the blue icon.
Know all the symptoms of dehydration so you can take action to remedy.
Eg a headache is not a sign to pop a Panadol.
Hydration equals salt plus water.
Get salty and get back your thought control.
Reply (2) - May 4
crapshoot farmer
Comment removed.
crapshoot farmer - May 4
crapshoot farmer
spam. go away, "Lane"
Jane 333 - May 4
Lung physiology equals salt plu…
Mary Lou Tringali, PhD - May 3
Mary Lou Tringali, PhD
This is a great idea. Thx for offering!
Apologetic Yankee - May 4
Apologetic Yankee
good to see Dr. Madej still on the scene > hopefully there will be media segments/recordings we can share soon after > get the info in front of those who most need to hear it
Marley - May 3
Thank you!
Anita Söderman - May 3
Anita’s Substack
Yes, go for it..I can feel t hings are turning to the better, much better!
Mike Hoehn - May 3
Mike Hoehn
Got to get mainstream medicine involved somehow. They're so brainwashed. Thank you Dr Ana. !
Reply (1) - May 4
crapshoot farmer
Comment removed.
crapshoot farmer - May 4
crapshoot farmer
Lane, we don't need your spam, the hour's getting late.
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