Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 03, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Healing America Summit Sign up Link
I am one of the speakers for the “Healing America Summit”, that takes place online from May 26th to the 22nd. The Organizer is Michael Koenig-Breuss, a healer from Austria. The quality of my interviews often depends on how much the Interviewer knows and how openminded they are. Michael and I had a fascinating conversation not just about the science of current self assembly nanotechnology but also about the spiritual warfare aspect, about what we as healers see in and around people and what can be done to protect ourselves, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
I am certain you will enjoy this interview and the diverse opinions of the many other presenters.
Many speakers with diverse backgrounds are part of this summit, from healers, doctors, military, law enforcement and influencers. You will see interviews with General Michael Flynn, Attorney Tom Renz, Dr. Jane Ruby, Dr. Carrie Madej, James Roguski, Mel K., Cyntha Koeter ( Fall of the Cabal), Ann Vandensteel, Dr. Brian Hooker, and many others.
Here is what Michael wrote about his summit:
The time has finally come! 2024 is THE year, where TRUTH will be shown about plenty of topics around the world to all the people. It must be shown, that it is seen, that people realize what is really going on, so it can be stopped, changed, transformed, or something NEW created like Michael Jackson's Song "Heal the world".
The HealingAmericaSummit is here, to "Heal America & the world".
Summit date: May 16. – 22, 2024
Join the summit 100% free /
The HealingAmericaSummit , with true science, real insider knowledge of the medical side, real law, army knowledge, astrology, natural medicine & energy healing, offers YOU possibilities to understand, learn, change and SUCCEED in this time!
USA & the WORLD got crazy like NEVER before and is experiencing a challenging time! Vaccines, Immigrants, Transhumanism, War, WHO, NWO, surveillance... Bible Prophecies of End-Time & 5D consciousness rising...
Your Speakers are Leading Experts from around the WORLD: Medical doctors, scientists, lawyers, medical researchers, pharma insiders, historical & political experts, US-Army General, US-Sheriff, healers, coaches, fitness influencers and more.
They will show YOU the BAD & GOOD, the PROBLEM & SOLUTIONS to SUCCEED in this time!
● HOW the „BAD BOYS & GIRLS“ harm YOU day & night, mentally, emotionally & physically
● HOW Vaccines, Immigrants, Transhumanism, Recession, War, WHO, NWO… destroying our country, health, family and lives
● Manipulation, corruption and AI-high-tech influence far beyond regular understanding seems to leave no exit
● Bible Prophecies of End-Time & 5D consciousness rising…
● DETOXIFICATION possibility of COVID-vaccination / PCR-testing / shedding on a MEDICAL WAY and on an ENERGY HEALING WAY
● The plan of the DARK SIDE, and the higher plan of the „DIVINE“ & EVERYBODY SOUL
● The „NEW NORMAL“ of the pharma lobby, big tech, NWO...
● The „NEW NORMAL“, if YOU take responsibility for YOUR OWN BODY, MIND, SPIRIT and SOUL
● SOLUTIONS, if YOU like to learn and RISE
● You will learn the well-kept secrets about true self-empowerment, energetic healing and divine plan, to reach happiness and fulfillment.
We only have all those problems in the USA & worldwide, in each family, business, finance, health, body & mind, because we DON´T KNOW …
This Summit can help EVERYBODY to UNDERSTAND, wake up, realize and see with new eyes and take BETTER DECISIONS for a BETTER FUTURE!
2024 is the year of EXPOSURE! Let's use it for OUR SUCCESS!
Join the summit 100% free
That the USA and its PEOPLE get great again!
That the whole WORLD and all its PEOPLE can benefit trough the HealingAmericaSummit !
You can register now here: Sign Up Healing America Summit
See you there!
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Jane 333 - May 3
Lung physiology equals salt plu…
Fear based reactionary thinking fuelled the cv19 assault. Why is the populace vulnerable too and compliant too THEIR fear based propaganda?
Salt restriction has been taught as a tool for health. This is a malfeasant directive.
Low salt also called hyponatremia also called dehydration results with salt restriction.
This makes the adrenals take charge because this is an emergency. Hyponatremia can kill. All the adrenocortical hormones are produced in response. This puts people into a constant state of fear, as if they have a tiger on their tail.
Fight/flight/freeze are their responses to pressure.
Their adrenals become fatigued or enlarged.
Stress is intolerable, compliance / avoidance / aggressive are their primary reactions. This makes media manipulation very easy.
The WHO boosts of the return on their investment campaigning to reduce salt intake.
Excerpt: Sodium reduction has since been recognized by WHO as one of the “best buys” in global public health, yielding an estimated return on investment of USD$13-78 for every dollar invested.
Read my article: How does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking?
Click the blue icon.
Know all the symptoms of dehydration so you can take action to remedy.
Eg a headache is not a sign to pop a Panadol.
Hydration equals salt plus water.
Get salty and get back your thought control.
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Mary Lou Tringali, PhD - May 3
Mary Lou Tringali, PhD
This is a great idea. Thx for offering!
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