Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 23, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Image from Arbor Day Foundation
Dear all,
I wish you all wonderful holidays, wherever you are in the world. Take time this holiday season and dream of a new future, filled with wonder, discovery, love, joy and health for all. Consider our beautiful planet and Nature, she is under siege by geoengineering weather warfare. Without her, we cannot survive. May we all enjoy and contemplate the exquisite gift of life, for when we do, we can evolve to a wiser use of intelligence. One that preserves and honors life and is capable of seeing the divine soulful interconnectedness of all things. For those who celebrate Christmas - I wish you a most wonderful and Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
I also wanted to send you a special Thank You. The Humanity United Now Substack has now over 50.000 Subscribers. Think about that - this subject of self assembly nanotechnology in the C19 Bioweapons, the knowledge about the transformation of humanity into Cyborgs and the fight to resist that massive worldwide Transhumanist war on mankind - while finding solutions that are carefully investigated - is getting out there. This is encouraging, for what we are open to learning about, we can find solutions for.
Thank you to so many people who have supported this work and have shared it. Together we are making a difference in the quest of saving the human species.
Thank you to all those researchers, health professionals, attorneys and truth warriors around the world who have furthered the research with their own observations and have shared their own findings. I commend you for your courage and service to humanity.
I wanted to answer a few common questions:
Can I explain more on certain subjects?
I will have my own show called “Truth, Science and Justice” starting on January 4th which will stream on Clouthub on Thursdays 3pm PST.
I have plans for organizing more symposiums - like our upcoming live stream Symposium on December 29th 12 pm EST on Clouthub on the topic of exiting the UN/WHO with many fantastic speakers like Dr Rima Laibow, Todd Callender Esq, James Rogowki, the Costa Rica Interest of Justice team, Lt Col. Dr Pete Chambers, and my colleagues from National American Reneissance Movement, David Meiswinkle Esq, Dr Joseph Sansone and myself. Mark your calendars for this fantastic event, more information soon.
But I also want to take the time to discuss and explain my research. Many people say they cannot keep up with my research, because I write too much and sometimes it is too complicated. This is because I want to help humanity and I have many subjects I contemplate and investigate. Often when I do interviews, I have limited time and have to pack in so much knowledge, so that leaves a lot of questions open. I will discuss my findings and rationale in my shows and hope this deep dive opportunity will be helpful to many.
What dental anesthetics do I recommend?
I do not have a specific recommendation. In all things, be wise and consider the best choice of action for you. If you need medical care, go get it and detoxify as best as you can afterwards with the molecules I have extensively discussed in this substack, like EDTA chelation and using Methylene Blue, Vitamin C and other modalities for detoxification.
Where do people find me and how can they make an appointment?
You can contact my clinic and find more information at AM Medical LLC. People fly in from everywhere. The staff can help explain the process further.
Why don’t I respond to emails?
I run a busy medical practice as the CEO, CFO and practicing physician, and two other businesses. All of my research and Substack writing, as well as interviews I do outside of my regular duties. I get hundreds of emails a day. I do not respond to most, because I cannot keep up. Physicians ask me to train them. I can’t - I do not have the time or energy - please read my substack and research yourself. Please know I do what I can and I bless you on your endeavors to further this work.
What supplements do I recommend?
I have given many lectures and interviews on helpful strategies and you can search for them on the substack.
You can find some of what I recommend on my website: Dr Ana Mihalcea
What about Medfive EDTA pills - they are backordered?
Yes, there is a national shortage of EDTA ( a noteworthy fact given its effectiveness!) and there has been a backlog on pill manufacturing. I am told that by January shipments will start again. Please contact Medfive f or further information.
Regarding email questions about medical advice
I cannot give specific medical advice unless people are my patients for medico legal reasons. Most questions I have answered in some substack or interview. If you hit the search button on posts, you can look up any subject I have written about.
Where do we find the Tru Blu Medical Wraps?
I am the founder of Tru Blu Medical. This is the website where people can find these wonderful wellness wraps to ease discomfort and aches. Tru Blu Medical Wellness Wraps
How do we find the Gariaev Gene Wave Laser files?
You can contact AM Medical LLC for further information.
What microscope and live blood analysis class do you recommend?
People want to support my research. Where can they donate?
Here is a link for donation towards future Liquid Gas Chromatography, Raman Spectroscopy and other costly research testing: Dr Ana Mihalcea Research fund
Thank you in advance!
Where do we contact Dr. Mihalcea for media inquiries?
Please use
Happy Holidays to all,
Dr Ana
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Larry Sullivan - Dec 23, 2023
L Sully's Editorials
Thank you so much, Dr. Ana, for all the work you are doing on behalf of humanity. You're a true blessing and a great Truth Warrior. God bless and Happy Holidays!
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kk1111 - Dec 24, 2023
Heartfelt Thanks!❤💚Dr Ana. You are truly connected to Higher Consciousness. You have the ability to see through Humanity and the Cosmos with great discernment, empathy ,caring and courage..a True Spiritual Warrior ❤🙏
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