Thanks Dr. Ana.
I'll have a thorough read tonight.
Something that leapt out at me with a quick skim was the 500 jabs per victim.
And it reminded me of the laser-like focus on jabbing the 3rd world by a certain software Psychopath.
He has spent Billions to jab unproven and dangerous poisons into nutritionally- and energy-insecure populations. All Before Covid.
No powerplants. No water treatment/distribution facilities. No agricultural support to build sustainability and self-sufficiency. Just vials and needles by the million.
And as with every other 'thing' they are doubling down on the approach with this 2030 BS.
And once again, it makes no objective sense. The cost:benefit ratio is adverse in every way. You could spend less and get so much more positive impact. It is not logical for the benefit of these populations.
The smokiest smoking gun that there is an Agenda behind the public front.
DeathVaxx in every arm.
I do not understand how these corporations feel they have a right to rule over us. If they are operating under assumption and presumption then we need to be crystal clear that WE DO NOT CONSENT there is NO CONTRACT nor any MEETING OF THE MINDS nor do they own us …so basically we need to make it abundantly clear to these entities that they must #FO
And be gone…. post haste (thank you for your work Ana❤️)
Fayanne - it is not "corporations" that feel they have a right to rule over us. Corporations don't feel. And frankly, neither do the creatures that control the corporations. Such creatures have been raised to think their minds must rule over their hearts. Their humanity has been beaten (and often tortured) out of them. They are biological robots and nothing more, and the dark forces work right through them.
Every time I see a bumper sticker that says "co-exist", I immediately respond with NO. I WILL NOT CO-EXIST WITH EVIL. IT MUST LEAVE THIS EARTH ALONG WITH EVERY CREATURE THROUGH WHICH IT OPERATES! I think, if enough of us set that intention (i.e., that all evil must leave the Earth and never be permitted to return), then it would occur. Of course, we have to do our part, as Ana is, to expose it vehemently and to find ways to heal ourselves from the mass poisoning that occurred as a result of their ability to mind-control the masses.
Having been referred to the writings, research, and findings of Sasha Latypova and, in turn, Katherine Watt, my recently acquired, stored information-content, believed correct and sound, has been largely wiped clean.
As a consequence, I'll be returning to the drawing board to come up with a new "design": a reality-based template or paradigm of our new, present, "pandemic"-driven, statutory/regulatory and government-agency framework, vis-a-vis the ambient public health/medical tyranny in which we, the (free-thinking, responsible, and decent-acting) many, now find ourselves immersed.
The sure way out of this strange and bewildering morass must be cunning, carefully undertaken and meticulously accurate. A wrong turn can quickly turn deadly, I'm sensing.
Finally, in sum, nothing we're told is facially true; so much is merely frontal, unsubstantial, and wholly deceptive. Our ship hit an iceberg, and that means, what was hidden, below the visible surface, and not above it.
Thank you again, Dr Mihalcea, for the great, caring, vitally strengthening information. You've got to be a major Earthly angel, I'm surmising, nothing less.
Dr. Mihalcea represents good science and honesty, while both are running thin all over the place.
As I am working in the same direction, let me contribute to her work a bit from different aspects.
As it has been clear for a while, the threat of "Vaccine" passports are only a layer of the globalists' plan, exacerbated by "carbon footprints," and CBDC cards.
People are treated as property of the state. It's been going on for a long time:
During the psy-op, first, people's cognitive space was shrunk to the tiny domain between fear and hope:
Next, hope became weaponized:
By now, people are programmed to be complacent or are being goaded into violent conflicts:
The globalists exercise their power by controlling the worldwide money flow; they control most governments and by now, they laid out the final move of their scheme:
Their goal has been declared in public several times over the years and it hasn't changed: genocide and global control.
The ONLY move that would prevent total control from happening is the introduction of a "people's currency" that, as opposed to the monsters' fiat money, has intrinsic value.
Does anyone know if the people of China, with their current social credit & digital currency systems, have already previously been inoculated with nanocircuitry/bioweapons to carry out this enslavement system?
“Babylon is global and God is pulling evil out of the darkness so we can see it, so we can make our choice. Those who want to go the way of Babylon, there’s no hope for them.
Let’s not lose sight at what God is doing. Right now, we’re in judgment, and this is sifting. There is a split going on for two different paths. Then there’s going to be those, a remnant, who choose to go the path that’s going to lead to the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
With these quantum systems, instead of an explosion of evil - that’s global - what we’re seeing is God is pulling evil out from behind the scenes where it’s always been. And what’s going to happen is an implosion of evil that’s all going to get sucked into these quantum systems; which is going to become an alternate reality and those that go in it are going to be locked in it until it’s eventually thrown in the lake of fire.
But what we have to understand is that Babylon is global, and we are all embedded in it; and the Bible says,
“Come out of her my people, unless you partake in her sin.”
We have to understand the pyramid schemes and the root of these problems, but we also have to understand that it is our financial system, our governmental systems, our education systems, our logistics systems… It’s all tied to Babylon.
None of it is the way of the Most High and how He intended us to be. So, His remnant (us) has to be willing to break free at this point in time. Can you leave the money system behind and walk as Jesus taught us to walk in community and love with your neighbors? Can we stand on biblical morals and principles as a community? And Commandments, we have only one law which belongs to the Most High - no centralized bodies of control. So the world we’re in now, no, there’s no hope, but if we’re willing to make the changes and break free, we’ll be placed on a path to the Kingdom of Heaven.” - love.lee.777
Tennessee has a medical freedom bill that expires June 30, 2023. It needs to be extended and applied to all mandatory shots. Write to your state or provincial representatives!
Please consider signing this related petition: The Peoples’ Proclamation of Opposition to the G20 Bali Leaders’ Declaration
We, the undersigned, proclaim our opposition to the G20 Bali Leaders’ Declaration, as a gross violation of national sovereignty, individual liberty, health freedom, personal privacy, and the right to travel. The G20 Declaration intends:
- Global digital vaccine passports and digital IDs connected to global digital health networks to travel
- Central Bank Digital Currencies to track and control purchases and behavior
- Escalating internet surveillance and censorship using the pretense of “disinformation”
- Expanding global governance through the Trojan Horse of a Bio-Security apparatus
- “Reforms” in food production and distribution which will harm small farmers and dictate what foods we may eat
We call on all elected officials to take a stand with ‘we the people’ and publicly denounce this latest attempt by global elites to advance their dystopian vision of a techno-feudal state with us as digitally branded subjects.
Thank you so much for all you and other truth-tellers do. I am ready to stand up, have been from the beginning. I can’t do it though surrounded by compliant, blind friends snd neighbors.
Dear Dr. Ana!
Thank you so much for your fearlessness and love and care for humanity!
We are with you in this fight!
You do not see all of us, but we all are fighting too.
I have printed your articles and I will print this article. I have been giving them to everybody I see.
I have been talking to pharmacists, health care departments. Providing them with mounts of evidence of harm.
We are all doing our part. I see senators (just a handful), attorney generals, surgeon General of Florida, and many others fighting on their levels.
I will go into the website you sent and share it, and sign it and connect with my representatives.
We are all fighting!
Thank you for all your hard work and time!
we love you!
I have organized a group to support HR7806 (US legislation to get the US out of the UN. ) It is an excellent bill and would remove the US from not only the UN but all of its affiliate agencies. And HR8748 (this US legislation would defund the WEF) Another great bill. Both will have to be resubmitted in 2023 and I was assured both will be resubmitted by the sponsors. I have contacted Rep. Rogers office (sponsor of HR7806) to ask that he amend his bill to defund the UN and all affiliate agencies because our stolen 2022 election caused the Senate to be in Democrat control. But we did win the House and that is where the funding takes place. I am waiting for their response. PLEASE join the fight to support and promote these 2
Here in Ohio, there is a movement that is trending, to amend our state’s constitution to specifically enumerate our medical freedom rights. Learn more here…
Hi Dr. Ana, it appears that Dr. Laibow needs more publicity. Maybe you could post a new page just for her info or invite her to join Substack. Take care.
Dr. Ana!
I do not know if you know this smart woman!
if yes, awesome!
if not, she can be definitely part of the international group
Andreas - Dec 4, 2022
Thanks Dr. Ana.
I'll have a thorough read tonight.
Something that leapt out at me with a quick skim was the 500 jabs per victim.
And it reminded me of the laser-like focus on jabbing the 3rd world by a certain software Psychopath.
He has spent Billions to jab unproven and dangerous poisons into nutritionally- and energy-insecure populations. All Before Covid.
No powerplants. No water treatment/distribution facilities. No agricultural support to build sustainability and self-sufficiency. Just vials and needles by the million.
And as with every other 'thing' they are doubling down on the approach with this 2030 BS.
And once again, it makes no objective sense. The cost:benefit ratio is adverse in every way. You could spend less and get so much more positive impact. It is not logical for the benefit of these populations.
The smokiest smoking gun that there is an Agenda behind the public front.
DeathVaxx in every arm.
Fayanne - Dec 4, 2022
Absolutely agree with that Andreas
I cannot believe that Kill Gates is still able to walk around among us
Fayanne - Dec 4, 2022 - Edited
Jeanice Barcelo's Substack
I do not understand how these corporations feel they have a right to rule over us. If they are operating under assumption and presumption then we need to be crystal clear that WE DO NOT CONSENT there is NO CONTRACT nor any MEETING OF THE MINDS nor do they own us …so basically we need to make it abundantly clear to these entities that they must #FO
And be gone…. post haste (thank you for your work Ana❤️)
jeanice barcelo - Dec 4, 2022
Jeanice Barcelo's Substack
Fayanne - it is not "corporations" that feel they have a right to rule over us. Corporations don't feel. And frankly, neither do the creatures that control the corporations. Such creatures have been raised to think their minds must rule over their hearts. Their humanity has been beaten (and often tortured) out of them. They are biological robots and nothing more, and the dark forces work right through them.
Every time I see a bumper sticker that says "co-exist", I immediately respond with NO. I WILL NOT CO-EXIST WITH EVIL. IT MUST LEAVE THIS EARTH ALONG WITH EVERY CREATURE THROUGH WHICH IT OPERATES! I think, if enough of us set that intention (i.e., that all evil must leave the Earth and never be permitted to return), then it would occur. Of course, we have to do our part, as Ana is, to expose it vehemently and to find ways to heal ourselves from the mass poisoning that occurred as a result of their ability to mind-control the masses.
Fayanne - Dec 4, 2022
Spot on!!
Owl/GatorGuy - Dec 4, 2022 - Edited
Owl/GatorGuy’s Substack
Having been referred to the writings, research, and findings of Sasha Latypova and, in turn, Katherine Watt, my recently acquired, stored information-content, believed correct and sound, has been largely wiped clean.
As a consequence, I'll be returning to the drawing board to come up with a new "design": a reality-based template or paradigm of our new, present, "pandemic"-driven, statutory/regulatory and government-agency framework, vis-a-vis the ambient public health/medical tyranny in which we, the (free-thinking, responsible, and decent-acting) many, now find ourselves immersed.
The sure way out of this strange and bewildering morass must be cunning, carefully undertaken and meticulously accurate. A wrong turn can quickly turn deadly, I'm sensing.
Finally, in sum, nothing we're told is facially true; so much is merely frontal, unsubstantial, and wholly deceptive. Our ship hit an iceberg, and that means, what was hidden, below the visible surface, and not above it.
Thank you again, Dr Mihalcea, for the great, caring, vitally strengthening information. You've got to be a major Earthly angel, I'm surmising, nothing less.
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Dec 4, 2022
Ray’s Newsletter
Dr. Mihalcea represents good science and honesty, while both are running thin all over the place.
As I am working in the same direction, let me contribute to her work a bit from different aspects.
As it has been clear for a while, the threat of "Vaccine" passports are only a layer of the globalists' plan, exacerbated by "carbon footprints," and CBDC cards.
People are treated as property of the state. It's been going on for a long time:
During the psy-op, first, people's cognitive space was shrunk to the tiny domain between fear and hope:
Next, hope became weaponized:
By now, people are programmed to be complacent or are being goaded into violent conflicts:
The globalists exercise their power by controlling the worldwide money flow; they control most governments and by now, they laid out the final move of their scheme:
Their goal has been declared in public several times over the years and it hasn't changed: genocide and global control.
The ONLY move that would prevent total control from happening is the introduction of a "people's currency" that, as opposed to the monsters' fiat money, has intrinsic value.
Monica M - Dec 4, 2022
Does anyone know if the people of China, with their current social credit & digital currency systems, have already previously been inoculated with nanocircuitry/bioweapons to carry out this enslavement system?
Lena - Dec 4, 2022
“Babylon is global and God is pulling evil out of the darkness so we can see it, so we can make our choice. Those who want to go the way of Babylon, there’s no hope for them.
Let’s not lose sight at what God is doing. Right now, we’re in judgment, and this is sifting. There is a split going on for two different paths. Then there’s going to be those, a remnant, who choose to go the path that’s going to lead to the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
With these quantum systems, instead of an explosion of evil - that’s global - what we’re seeing is God is pulling evil out from behind the scenes where it’s always been. And what’s going to happen is an implosion of evil that’s all going to get sucked into these quantum systems; which is going to become an alternate reality and those that go in it are going to be locked in it until it’s eventually thrown in the lake of fire.
But what we have to understand is that Babylon is global, and we are all embedded in it; and the Bible says,
“Come out of her my people, unless you partake in her sin.”
We have to understand the pyramid schemes and the root of these problems, but we also have to understand that it is our financial system, our governmental systems, our education systems, our logistics systems… It’s all tied to Babylon.
None of it is the way of the Most High and how He intended us to be. So, His remnant (us) has to be willing to break free at this point in time. Can you leave the money system behind and walk as Jesus taught us to walk in community and love with your neighbors? Can we stand on biblical morals and principles as a community? And Commandments, we have only one law which belongs to the Most High - no centralized bodies of control. So the world we’re in now, no, there’s no hope, but if we’re willing to make the changes and break free, we’ll be placed on a path to the Kingdom of Heaven.” - love.lee.777
Elliott Middleton - Dec 4, 2022
End Times Meditations
Tennessee has a medical freedom bill that expires June 30, 2023. It needs to be extended and applied to all mandatory shots. Write to your state or provincial representatives!
Allen - Dec 4, 2022
Please consider signing this related petition: The Peoples’ Proclamation of Opposition to the G20 Bali Leaders’ Declaration
We, the undersigned, proclaim our opposition to the G20 Bali Leaders’ Declaration, as a gross violation of national sovereignty, individual liberty, health freedom, personal privacy, and the right to travel. The G20 Declaration intends:
- Global digital vaccine passports and digital IDs connected to global digital health networks to travel
- Central Bank Digital Currencies to track and control purchases and behavior
- Escalating internet surveillance and censorship using the pretense of “disinformation”
- Expanding global governance through the Trojan Horse of a Bio-Security apparatus
- “Reforms” in food production and distribution which will harm small farmers and dictate what foods we may eat
We call on all elected officials to take a stand with ‘we the people’ and publicly denounce this latest attempt by global elites to advance their dystopian vision of a techno-feudal state with us as digitally branded subjects.
Tess - Dec 4, 2022
Thank you so much for all you and other truth-tellers do. I am ready to stand up, have been from the beginning. I can’t do it though surrounded by compliant, blind friends snd neighbors.
Masha - Dec 6, 2022
Dear Dr. Ana!
Thank you so much for your fearlessness and love and care for humanity!
We are with you in this fight!
You do not see all of us, but we all are fighting too.
I have printed your articles and I will print this article. I have been giving them to everybody I see.
I have been talking to pharmacists, health care departments. Providing them with mounts of evidence of harm.
We are all doing our part. I see senators (just a handful), attorney generals, surgeon General of Florida, and many others fighting on their levels.
I will go into the website you sent and share it, and sign it and connect with my representatives.
We are all fighting!
Thank you for all your hard work and time!
we love you!
Karen Bracken - Dec 4, 2022
Karen Bracken
I have organized a group to support HR7806 (US legislation to get the US out of the UN. ) It is an excellent bill and would remove the US from not only the UN but all of its affiliate agencies. And HR8748 (this US legislation would defund the WEF) Another great bill. Both will have to be resubmitted in 2023 and I was assured both will be resubmitted by the sponsors. I have contacted Rep. Rogers office (sponsor of HR7806) to ask that he amend his bill to defund the UN and all affiliate agencies because our stolen 2022 election caused the Senate to be in Democrat control. But we did win the House and that is where the funding takes place. I am waiting for their response. PLEASE join the fight to support and promote these 2
Tom Lusch - Dec 4, 2022
Here in Ohio, there is a movement that is trending, to amend our state’s constitution to specifically enumerate our medical freedom rights. Learn more here…
Grasshopper Kaplan - Dec 4, 2022
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
my new song is available
called Thanksgiving.
i should have called it pincushions...
i like take 5..
James Roguski - Jul 15, 2023
James Roguski
Take action...
Curious Hidden History - Apr 26, 2023
Curious Hidden History
Hi Dr. Ana, it appears that Dr. Laibow needs more publicity. Maybe you could post a new page just for her info or invite her to join Substack. Take care.
Masha - Dec 7, 2022
Dr. Ana!
I do not know if you know this smart woman!
if yes, awesome!
if not, she can be definitely part of the international group
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